A Dark Commitment

      Darkness. That’s where it all began. I opened my eyes, surprised to see the dark around me. I remember nothing, I know nothing. The first thing I know now and remember is this room I woke up in. It’s not a room, it’s more of a cell. How did I get here? Was I born here? In this horrid cell? Questions entered my mind, but it all faded away when steps was heard upon my door.

      “Sir, it’s awake.” It? I asked myself. Was there anything inside this cell with me? I don’t think so. So does he mean me? But I’m a human boy.. right? I’m certain that I’m human, but my breathing was rougher than humans’ I even doubt myself. “So?” the senior, I suppose, said. “Well how are we going to bring it to Mr. Lee? Drag it to the lab?” Lab? What are they going to do to me?

      “That’s a way. Be careful though, it might bite.” Bite? What exactly am I? I was about to ask when I notice I didn’t make a normal voice. It was a growl. What am I? I winced when creaking sounds of rusted steel was made by the two men. They stopped when I glared at them, “hold.” The senior said, “I think we need chains.” The younger nodded and took out the chain on his belt. “S-sir, what if it runs away?” “Nonsense!” the older said, “he’s too dumb to know where we are.” Too dumb? Excuse me sir, but I know I’m in a cell and you’re going to bring me to some lab.

      He dragged me out of my cell and when I set my foot on the ground, I knew then I wasn’t human. How? I was standing on 2 pairs feet. What am I exactly? “But sir, he’s been injected with Human Serum.” The younger said. “That’s just his brain. Now come on, Mr. Lee needs him.” Human serum? So I’m not human after all. I’m only human by my mind.

      I see light. I turned to my right and watched and saw humans wearing white coats and goggles. One of them lifted a tube with blue liquid, he dropped one drop of clear liquid and the blue liquid became goldish-yellow liquid. The sign read; ‘HUMAN MIND SERUM’. So I was injected with that. We stopped in front of one clear glass room where one man was lying flat on the ground. Is he dead? The senior guard squatted down beside the body, “Mr. Lee!” He shouted. Soon enough, the man stood up and looked at me, “ah, 112 is here.” 112? Is that me? “112, please sit on the bed.” Immediately, I moved. I don’t know how, but I’m sure I’m 112.

      “Good. Well, shall we get started?” He chuckled, “before that, I’m Mr. Lee.” Then he took out a syringe with a blue liquid in it. My four feet were cuffed, I panicked. I start to rattle around the chains, but it won’t come off. When the so called Mr. Lee injected me with that serum, I felt a burning sensation running down my body. From my left arm, to my brain and then to my heart. I screamed.

      But the burning sensation which turned to pain subsided as my pants were heard. There was something.. weird about me. Something off, something I can’t explain, something.. normal. I lifted my head up, and I realized that now I’m lying on the bed, not sitting on it. And then I saw someone’s legs. Are those mine? I moved them, and they did move. My palm was a human’s palm, and now, my breathing wasn’t so rough anymore. “Ah, he’s awake.” He? I’m a person now?

      “Yes boy, you’re a person, you’re a man.” The man chuckled, “do you remember me?”

      I opened my mouth to speak, “..A.. Mr. Lee.” My voice came out nice and smooth, which made my heart skipped a beat. Did I just say that?

      He smiled, “correct. It will take some time for you to get used to your human self, but you’ll get used to it soon.”

      The guards took off the chains on my wrists and ankles, and Mr. Lee threw me a set of cloth, “wear that for now, you don’t want to be considered as a crazy man running around with body.” I caught it and wore the shirt. Surprisingly, I know how to wear them.“It fits nicely. Guards, guard him to his room please, he’ll need some time to get used to.. himself.”

      “Yes, sir.” Both of the guards saluted. Before I exited the door, Mr. Lee called me, “112.” I turned around, “your name is now Chen, not 112. Get used to it, boy.” Chen? That’s a pretty good name, I guess. The guards didn’t take me to the cell, they took me to a whole new level. The walls started to turn white, it’s so spotless I can never dare to touch them, as if one touch will make it all rotten and mold. They held me back in front of a blue door with a silver door handle. They moved out of my way, and I placed my hand on it. I pushed it down and opened the door, meeting my.. room. It was comfortable, how exciting it seemed, how colorful it looked, it was.. not me. But it was still much better than the ratty old cell. I can survive here for at least.. 3 years, with lots of patience.

      The first thing I opened was a blue wooden box called the closet. Sets of clothes were there, nothing out of the line, just simple styles, my style. Then on the study table, the infamous endless pencil and eraser with a study lamp. I will study here? Bloody hell! This is just like school, although I’ve never been there before. Speaking of school, how do I know that it’s a study lamp? How do I know school when I’ve never even been to one? It definitely has something to do with the Serum, perhaps it makes me think like a human, that’s why I thought I was human back in the cell. This is just unbelievable, I wasn’t even human to start with!

      I sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, then something came up to my mind. My room has a window, of course, and I peeked outside, seeing the calm cherry blossom trees and people reading books, playing soccer, activities. Can I come down, too? I opened the blue door and saw the guards looking at me with question marks in their eyes. I gulped. How do I talk again? “Um, is it...okay for me..to go to the..park?” They both nodded, “we will show you the way, please follow us.” They said and lead me to a glass door. It opened automatically and I was greeted by the cool air. I stepped outside and everyone seemed to stare at me. Everyone stopped doing what they were doing, looking at this probie.

      “Hi!” one of them appeared in front of me, “I’m Luhan, you are?”

      I  blinked, “1..Chen, I’m Chen.” The man before me smiled, “nice to meet you, Chen. Let’s go meet the others.” ..others?

      “Luhan hyung, what took you so long.. oh, hi!” a taller man smiled, “I’m Sehun, you can call me Sehunnie for short!”

      Isn’t Sehun shorter than Sehunnie? “I’m Chen, nice to meet you.” now where did that sentence came from?

      “Sehunnie, where are the others? This little fella needs some love and friends!” Luhan said.

      “They’re over here, come on!” Sehun jumped happily to a crowd of boys playing soccer. I walked slowly behind both of them and looked at the cherry blossom trees. It was simply admirable, how free and calm they looked. “Chen!” Luhan yelled, he caught me staring at the trees. I blinked at him, who was now with 10 other boys. He motioned me to come, and I did. Friends, huh? I stood outside of their area. One step forward, we would make a circle. “Hello, I’m Chen.” I bowed politely.

      “Xiumin! Pleasure to meet you, Chen.” He said.

      One stepped out of his place and lifted my hand to shake it, “I’m Suho, nice to meet you.” “You too.” I said then he returned to his place.All of them introduced themselves and returned to their own places.

      I stood there awkward until they eventually pulled me into their circle themselves. “Chen, you’re a part of us now, a part of Exo.” Kris said. Exo? “Yes, we know, it’s weird, but trust us, you’ll get used to us in time.” Chanyeol grinned. Can I? I mean, I was just injected with ‘HUMAN BODY SERUM’ and now I don’t even know where I am.

      Suho spoke, “Guys, don’t you think it’s a little too soon? I think he’s still confused on where we are.” Jinx.

      “Oh, right.” Said Baekhyun, “we’re in Kiriana Laboratory Observation Service.” He continued, “which means we’re like guinea pigs, used as observation. But this time, they use us for good terms, or so they say. We are called Kirianarchis. I was a siberian husky, known for my pretty hands and sharp eye sight. You?”

      I blinked, me? What was I again? “Um..” I was on four feet, furry, my breath was rough, “I was a wolf.” “A WOLF??!” they yelled. I nodded. I don’t find anything amusing, do they? I was a wolf, big deal. “Woaah~” they sang. Is there anything special about being a wolf? Because I don’t think so. It makes people scared of you and underestimate you. I squinted my eyes.

      “Chen, you need to go back to your room.” One of the guards said. “Duty calls.” I turned before I leave, “see you.. later?”

      “Later.” They smiled. I turned around and the guards lead me back to my room.


      Weeks later, I was called by Mr. Lee. We stopped in front of a wooden door and I twisted the gold door handle. The guards stayed between the door frames and I pushed the door open, seeing an office with a man in a coat sitting down at a black leather office chair with his glasses on. “Chen, you’re here. Please, sit, I have something to discuss with you.” Mr. Lee said. I sat on one of the guest chairs and he cleared his throat, “Chen, do you know that I have a daughter?” I raised a brow, “no, sir.”

      He chuckled, “I have one daughter, her name is Lee Sangeun.” He said, “she lives alone, and she’s in danger.”

      “Why are you telling me this?” I asked.

      “People are after her. Not just normal people. You see, this KLOS (Kiriana Laboratory Observation Service) is a place where animals or supernatural beings who was changed into the form of humans to protect people from the prison. Not just the prison, it’s the prison, the Tala Czar prison, where demons and beasts are kept in, we call them Archanians. Those demons are our projects that failed and unfortunately, the serums were too attached to them to be separated, it has become one with their cell bodies.” He explained, “and they are after me for revenge, because I made a mistake. And once they kill me, they will go after my daughter, because she has something to make them a lot more powerful than they already are. Please, Chen, guard her with everything you can, protect her with your life. Promise me that.”

      I blinked, “I promise.” I stood up, “but wait, if I have to protect her, that means.. those demons.. escaped from Tala Czar?”

      “..I’m afraid so.” I gulped and sat back down, “sir, I was a wolf, was I?” He nodded.

      “Sir, I was a wolf,” I sat back down, “what is my special ability now? What was I known for?”

      He took off his glasses, “we took you, because you were-“ before he could finish his sentences, someone appeared behind him and stabbed him with a knife.

      “Mr. Lee!” I shouted and squatted beside him. “C-Chen, take this.. when you’re ready.. inject it inside you. It’s your memories. You have..promised me, keep your promise and make her happy.” He whispered. I was about to ask, but then he closed his eyes and his head fell to the other side. I took a deep breath and stood up.

      “Peek-a-boo.” Someone said behind me. I ducked and elbowed his guts, took his sword and stabbed it in him. I killed an Archanian. I stepped back, but I remembered my promise, Chen, guard her with everything you can, protect her with your life. Once they kill me, they are going to go after my daughter, Lee Sangeun. My brows twitched and I finally gritted my teeth. ing Archanians made me promise stupid things. I grabbed the sword stuck on the Archanian I killed and stormed out by kicking the door open. Guards were shooting them with laser beam guns, Kirianarchis ran and tried using their powers.

      I stabbed one more Archanian beside me and took his sword. ing Archanians, now I need to find this Lee Sangeun girl. I ran to the park earlier and saw Exo punching and killing them, “guys, we have to get out of here.” I said while killing 2 Archanians at once. “Who are these people??!” Kris asked frustated. “Archanians, here to kill Mr. Lee and his daughter. We need to go!”

      “Go where?!!” I pulled the sword out of his guts, “out of here!!!” I went back inside and Exo followed behind while killing some other Archanians. We went inside a weapon room where swords, arrows, bows, laser guns are. I took one sword, one laser gun and went outside.

      “Chen, can you explain all this?!” Luhan yelled.

      I slayed a demon, “not now, Luhan. We need to find Mr. Lee’s daughter first before they do. We need to go. NOW.” After we got out of KLOS, we jumped to the woods and ran branch by branch, “can you explain now??” I kept my eyes forward, “they’re called Archanians, failed projects that Mr. Lee made. The serum were too attached to their cell bodies it can not be separated and they became demons and beasts in human form. They were sent to Tala Czar prison but they escaped, and they were there to kill Mr. Lee.”

      “And where is Mr. Lee?” Baekhyun asked.

      I looked down “..dead.”

      It was silent for a while, “then why are we running??” Chanyeol asked.

      “Those Archanians want something to make them stronger, and that thing is with Mr. Lee’s daughter, Lee Sangeun.”


      Sangeun was walking from school back to her house, where she lived alone. It all started when Mr. Lee had this huge job offer and he took it, which makes him busy all day-all night long. He never came back home, and when he does, Sangeun would already be sleeping by then. Her mother left her with her father for a better living and since Mr. Lee got the job, it was as if he was possessed by money, wealthiness. He was paid with a large amount of money, and then he bought a big house for her and him to live. But now, it’s just her.

      People questioned their sudden wealthiness, who knows if Mr. Lee robbed the bank? But when the government checked his status and records, the answers to the questions will never be revealed to the public. It was a national secret. Because once the public knows, all hell will go loose. They will panic, what ifs start to appear. No one can ever know, that the Tala Czar prison didn’t exist anymore.

      Sangeun sighed and dropped her bag on the ground. She was used on being alone in the house. No maids, no servants, just her. It was bothersome to have maids running around cleaning the house although she barely saw half of the house. All she did after school was drop the bag, take off her shoes, socks, blazer and tie, tie her hair to a messy ponytail, turn on the TV until it was 6 PM, take a bath, dinner, then homework. Daily work.

      But today was different. There was a knock on the door. She furrowed her brows and got up from the couch. No one knocks on her door just like that, it was something rare, because no one have any business to do with her. Unless they have business with her father.

      “Is this the Lee residence of Lee Minwoo?” a man with sunglasses asked.

      “Yes, this is. May I help you?”

      “We’re from the FBCI, Federal Bureau Criminal Investigations, here to investigate the murder of Lee Minwoo.” He showed his badge.

      She scoffed, “uh, excuse me, sir, but my father is at work right now-“

      “Your father was murdered, his work place is trashed, he had a sword stuck to his guts. Does this man look familiar, to you?” he showed a picture of a murder scene, where his father was lying on his right side with a sword stuck to his guts.

      She gasped, “..that couldn’t be my father.”

      “Youngjae, rule number 8. Never show anyone the crime scene.” Someone slapped the back of his head, “excuse me, Lee Sangeun-ssi, I’m special agent Bang Yongguk. Can we see his room, please?”

      “R-right this way.” She let them in and pointed a wooden door by the stairs, “that’s my father’s room.”

      “Thank you.” a blonde haired man said.

      Her father, dead. She could not believe her eyes and ears, she just saw a picture of her father lying flat on the ground, she just heard that her father is dead. Although she was used to be alone, no matter how much she hates him for taking that job, she can’t really hate her father, could she? He is her father, after all. Sangeun kept walking back and forth, she couldn’t stop the uneasiness in her heart.

      “Excuse me, are you Lee Sangeun, daughter of Lee Minwoo?” a man asked.

      “Yes, I am. If you’re looking for his room, it’s inside the open door.” She said, not looking at the person’s eyes.

      “No ma’am, I’m looking for you.” he said.

      Sangeun stopped walking and looked up, she met a pair of dark brown orbs, black hair, cresent moon shaped lips, perfect features. “M-me?” she uttered out.

      “Yes, I’m looking for you. We need to get you to safety.” He said.

      “Safety? Am I in some kind of danger?”

      He nodded, “you are.”

      “Hey, you. Who are you?” Yongguk asked the man.

      The man glanced at Yongguk then to Sangeun“I’m no one.” With that, the man with black hair held Sangeun’s hand and ran outside where his friends nodded and jumped to a safer place like he did. Sparks, Sangeun thought. She bit her lip when she was carried by that man, “um, who are you?”

      He looked at her gorgeous sharp eyes, “I’m Chen.”






and that is chapter one:)

Pretty fast, eh? Well actually I've been writing this since long ago, but never continued it.

So I thought why not publish it here?



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Chapter 11: Omgg~~~ i fangirled so hard~~~~!!!!!
Chapter 7: 2NE1??!!
My all time favourite girl baannndd~~~~
Bam ratatata tata tatata~~!
Come back hooomee~~
Chapter 6: Too sweettt!!! >□<
Arrrgghhhh!!! Sometimes I just want to roll on the floor and whine endlessly!
My first language is not english, sometimes I lacked in my vocab.. and don't know what to write!! I want to express the FEELS of reading this fanfiction!
Nya~.. ㅠHㅠ
Chapter 4: Soooo cuuteee~~
I love it too when people ruffled my hair!
It's fun, and make me feel safe! >.<
I like hugs too!

Ahaahh.. sorry! I'm just being chatty right now!
NinaIsSupaAwesome #5
Chapter 6: I like this story <3 Author-nim plz write more Chen stories, I love Chen :)
Chapter 11: Great job author-nim~~ chen's not my bias but still i like the story♥♥..
Chapter 11: Omygod i cant say anything else other than i loved this! This one is my favorite supernatural starring chen! Thanks authornim for writing such a beautiful story like this! ♥ i wish for a sequel ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 11: yeày! like it. it hard to find chen fanfic. im glad that i found the great one. can i ask for the sequel? hehe. :)
luluhunnie #9
Chapter 11: Omg yay a happy ending! :D I've loved this story and I'm so happy Chen got some love. :3 I was very surprised by Jaejoong's actions but I loved it! Great story!!
Chapter 10: what about the next? OhMy. this chap is great!! updte soon plis! ;))