
Country Bumpkin

After you had packed up and left Xiumin's house, you felt kind of afraid to go to confront Kai. In fact, after you received his text, you had kind of went into a tiny meltdown. Now that you thought back to it, you could literally see the death threats pouring out of Chen's mouth, only very quietly and in Xiumin's ear. You sighed and walked slowly home, taking in the scenery (even if you saw this daily).

You heard a loud honk beside you and jolted to the left, backing off furiously. "Holy-!" Sehun. You growled as he laughed, clearly amused while you were not. "Are you serious?!"

Sehun nodded, clutching his stomach and taking deep breaths. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's just it was such a good opportunity!" You narrowed your eyes, tilting your head to the side, clearly not impressed by Sehun's little joke."

"So was that the only reason you pulled over here? To scare the jelly outta me?" Sehun made a face.

"Ew no don't say that. Get in. C'mon." You breathed out and swiped at your fringe. As soon as you had sat down Sehun started driving.

"Hey, heyheyhey!" You quickly slammed the door shut and glared at Sehun, who was currently on level guffaw of laughter (kids don't do this at home oh wait you can't drive euhuehuehuehuehuehue don't hurt me.). "What was that?!"

Sehun sighed as he calmed down. "It was hilarious." You growled and swiped at his hair. "Ow!" Sehun looked at you with wide eyes at the sight of his hair.

"Oh what's this? A blond hair?" Your brother snatched it from your hold, kissed it and threw it out the window.

"It's useless to me now." You grunted as your brother braked suddenly, smashing your face against your bag.

Sehun sighed. "It feels like it was just yesterday that you smashed your face against the back of my seat."

"Pretty much, it's only been a few days."

"It feels like a long time."

"Well no that's because you're old and can't remember anything."

"Treat your oppa with more respect."

"I'm sorry ahjussi."

"Who taught you that word?"



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Gah, my story . Are you sure you want to read this? I'll write better stories in the future when I'm not listening to techno music ^ u ^"


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