Head over Heels

Country Bumpkin

And he was at it again. Park Misun no longer existed in Kim Jongin's world of Kim-chi (pun intended). You sighed, and propped you head on your hands, your fingers showing through the cascades of hair. It had started at dinner time, when Kai had sat down and started eating with the three of you. He sat down, acknowledged Sehun and Luhan's prescence, but had totally ignored you. Heck, this guy could literally watch TV even if you were standing in front of him.

You suddenly sat up. What do I care?! It's not like he's been very nice... I think?

You huffed and stared down at your homework, seeing only the white of the paper and ignoring the equations. Kim Jongin, Kim Jongin, why are you such a Kim-bap roll?


The next day, your leg seemed as if it was healed and so you walked to school behind Kai, trying to mimic his footsteps. At the school gates, you were greeted by a beaming Xiumin, standing next to a boy with an unamused expression. "Misun~! Aigoo~," You turned away from Xiumin's aegyo, blinded.

"No aegyo, no aegyo please."

Xiumin pursed his lips. "Fiine. Here, this is my friend, Chen! He's Korean, too, but since you call me Xiumin, you might as well call him Chen, right?"

Chen suddenly looked up, blinking and wide-eyed like a little girl. "Aigoo~! Konichiwa, senpai! Senpai, senpai~!"

You turned away again, blushing. "No, please! I can't handle aegyo! Too much aegyo in one day!"

Chen giggled. "Aww, Misun is so cute! Xiumin, I was right - you really pick all the girls you make friends with extremely carefully!"

Xiumin folded his arms. "So? Is it wrong that I like cute girls?" You held your head in your hands, but your ears told your story for you.

Chen sighed. "You're so shameless, Minseok."

Xiumin rolled his eyes. "Says the one who called the younger "senpai" and tried aegyo on her."

Chen widened his eyes. "...She's younger than me?" He grinned.

The bell suddenly rang, and the three of you looked at each other, alarmed, before speeding off to class.

The next few classes passed by quickly, or maybe because you had actually fallen asleep while the teacher was talking. You wandered out, your eyes still slightly glassy from sleeping, and grabbed your tray of food, muttering a polite thanks to the cafeteria lady and headed over to Xiumin who was beckoning you to him with enthusiastic and overdone waves of his hand.

You quietly sat down and stared down at your food. "Yah! What's happened to my baby?"

You jumped and looked up at Xiumin, awake. "What? Where in the what?" You scanned your surroundings, rubbing your eyes and stifling a yawn.

Chen snickered and poked his fork at you. "Were you sleepwalking?"

You yawned and shook your head. "I don't know. The last thing I remember is Jeong droning on."

Xiumin laughed. "Oh, I used to have her for languages. Her voice was so monotone, when we try to speak French, we sound like her!"

Chen laughed. "I remember when Xiumin had a whole double period with the Jeong-zilla, and when he came out and talked to me, his face was happy but he was talking just like the Jeong-zilla." Xiumin laughed just like the Jeong and you and Chen laughed, but you noticed Chen shudder.

"Seriously, though, Minseok, don't do that. It's really freaking creepy." Chen sighed and frowned.

Xiumin pursed his lips, a habit he had that made him look incredibly cute. "Alright then, hyung, geez."

You noticed Chen staring at Xiumin's lips and giggled, clearing your throat. "I hate to disrupt your amazing fantasies, Chen, but the bell is about to ring and I really don't want to be late."

Chen glared at you, colour rushing up his neck and into his cheeks. He quickly left the cafeteria with Xiumin and hurried to class. You noticed their untouched food and sighed, leaving the table quickly.

As you ran down the corridor, you suddenly tripped and fell on top of a tall blond-haired boy holding an assortment of neatly colour-coded books. As you both fell, the books fell out of his hands and scattered across the floor, pages flying everywhere and pens clattering down the corridor. The boy let out a grunt as he fell, his expression more of shock than pain.

You apologized quickly. "Sorry, very sorry." You reached out for him and helped him up, and quickly turned away to pick up the pens scattered all around the two of you.

The boy tapped on your shoulder as you tried to hold all of his books, struggling with the weight of the encyclopedia. You glanced over at him and grinned. "Sorry for knocking you over. I just really wanted to go to class, because I slept all through the others." You laughed at your own stupidity, and glanced over at the blonde to find him staring at you curiously. "Um..."

His eyes widened when he realized he'd been caught. "Oh, sorry, it's just I don't normally meet many girls who don't wear any make-up at all, and are like, actually legitimately tanned."

You shrugged. "I wear sunscreen, but it never does anything when I work."

He raised an eyebrow. "Work?"

You laughed. "That must've sounded pretty mature! I mean, like, back at home in Australia, I live at a farm, and we grow, like, pumpkins and stuff. I've noticed that some of the girls here look like ghosts... Or maybe it's just 'cause I'm used to being so dark." The blonde chuckled, but your eyes caught a girl walking past you who was wearing the school's short skirt and white blouse, her skin deathly white. You noticed the lip gloss applied thickly onto her lips and the overdone eyeliner. She smiled sweetly at the blond boy next to you, her smile fading slightly when she noticed you. She quickly latched onto the boy's arm, her eyes all the while watching you.

"Oppa~! Let's go shopping~! Leave this and let's gooo!" She batted her goopy eyelashes at the male next to you, but he pushed her aside.

"I don't even know you. Leave me alone." His face was stone-cold.

You watched the girl stalk off, looking at him with a questioning gaze. He turned to you. "So you're the one who everyone's been talking about. The transfer student from an English-speaking country. I heard a few girls talking about you, they said that you might be the new queenka."

You cocked your head questioningly. "Queenka?"

He smiled. "You know, it literally translates to "best all around girl"?"

You sighed. "I don't want any more attention. Xiumin and Chen already are drowning me in aegyo."

The boy's expression turned shocked. "Xiumin and Chen?"

You nodded. "Yeah, what about?"

He shook his head. "They're two of the kingkas in his school."

It was your turn to look at him with a surprised expression. "I'm assuming it's the male version of "queenka"?" He nodded. "How many kingkas are there?"

He scratched his head. "Basically there's quite a few kingkas in this school, but there usually can only be one queenka because of the competitive nature of girls, since we vote, and whoever receives more than a hundred votes turns into a queenka or kingka. Kinda weird, eh? I'm a kingka, but it's kind of annoying since for some reason all the fangirls flock to me, even when there are five other kingkas." He makes a face.

You nodded. "Hm... Oh yeah! I forgot to ask you for your name."

He smiled. "Just call me Kris."

You nodded. "Okay, um... oh crap! I forgot where I was heading and I have no idea where I am!" You looked around when you realized you were standing right in front of your classroom. Colour rushed to your cheeks as Kris laughed. You frowned. "Not funny, Kris."

He shook his head. "No, no, nothing, I wasn't laughing. Don't worry about it." You noticed a small cross hanging from his ear and furrowed your brow.

"Hey, don't only girls wear earrings?"

Kris raised an eyebrow. "Uh, no. I can wear earrings if I want to. Geez, have you lived at home all your life and something?" He grinned but it immediately was replaced by a shocked expression when he saw you nod your head.

"Yeah, so?"

Kris raised an eyebrow. "You serious?"

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?"

He shook his head, an amused expression on his handsome features. "Nothing. Let's just go inside now."

As soon as you entered the classroom, you felt like someone was boring holes in your back. You turned to find Kai staring at you, from the corner of the classroom, in a hoodie.

You felt Kris nudge you and you saw Kai's expression change into a shocked one. Why so many shocked faces today? And why is it I only meet cuties by falling literally head over heels for them?! "That's Kai. He also has a giant group of fangirls, since he's a kingka as well. You should stay away from him - he's... strange." You pursed your lips, before taking a seat.

Kai, a kingka? With fangirls? Yeah right.

You heard Kris take a seat next to you, looking ahead as if he felt he was the most coolest person in the world. You made an amused sound, but quickly turned to the window when he looked at you, obviously not impressed. You turned around, blinking innocently. "What's up, oppa?" You .

Kris made a gagging noise and pretended to vomit all over you. You clicked your tongue and looked at him reproachfully. "Lovely."

You laughed and quickly lowered your voice as the teacher entered the room. You scanned the room suddenly and found that only males were sitting at the tables. Kris noticed this and leaned over to you. "The fangirls are out hunting for me because usually I'd be skipping class." You giggled, failing to notice Kai glaring daggers at Kris from behind the two of you. "Oh, and that weird-looking hobo over there."

You turned behind you and looked back at Kris. "That wasn't very nice, Kris. I think? What does hobo mean?" Kris rolled his eyes, but shot a charming grin at you with a sparkle in his eye.

"It means handsome prince of the Alps."

You laughed and nodded enthusiastically, your laugh dripping with sarcasm. "That's totally contradictory."

Kris huffed. "How do you know that and not know what "hobo" means?"

You looked at him reproachfully. "Do you think my parents would teach me anything rude?" You pretended to mimic your parents. "Oh, Misun, this word means to "make love"!"

Kris' eyes widened slightly. "So you know what making love is, but you don't know what a hobo is?"

You shook your head. "I just heard it from some guy. He said he wants to make love with the "y new exchange student", which I'm assuming is me?"

Kris sighed and shook his head, taking a strand of hair in between his thumb and forefinger. He stared at the lock of hair, intently. Something in his expression made you want to scoop him up in your arms, and kiss him to death. But all you could manage to do was stare at him, your ears burning.. "So innocent... You are beautiful, Misun." He looked in your eyes, and it took everything in your strength not to faint.

You laughed nervously and quietly. "Hey, be quiet now..." You averted your gaze to the right, and noticed that Kai was sitting there, seething. You noticed Kris smirking and he winked at you. He leant down to you, and whispered in your ear, Let's see how much Kai likes you, eh?

You bit your lip and tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear. Kris chuckled. "You're good at this." he said softly, twirling a strand of your hair around his index finger. You laughed. "That's because I watch things called romance dramas, cheesy, but adorable."

Kris suddenly intertwined his fingers through yours, and you watched him grip your hand. You placed a hand on his chest, feigning a look of innocence and unsureness as he looked into your eyes, smiling. You yelped as you were suddenly and roughly tugged out of Kris' light embrace, and as you were literally dragged out the door, you noticed Kris shoot a sly smirk directed not at you, but at Kai.

You looked up and noticed how tightly Kai was gripping you by the wrist, and felt your cheeks grow hotter.

Kai suddenly stopped abruptly and turned around, his eyes filled with a mix of a thousand emotions. You felt drawn to him, but you instead looked down, feeling inferior, for some reason, now that Kai was next to you.


You looked up, expecting something horrible.

But nothing happened.

Kai's eyes had turned dull and uncaring again, but his grip on your wrist wasn't loosening. "We have to go home now."

"B-but, the bell hasn't rang ye-"

"I said we're going home now." You looked down and whispered an "okay", before you suddenly felt Kai pull you in towards him and envelope you in a warm embrace. You felt a drop of water fall on your nose and realized that Kai was...


You stared up at him for a while, before catching the next tear before it fell on your face. You wiped the trails of tears off his face, and reaching up and standing on the ends of your toes, you planted a soft kiss on his cheek, feeling his skin burn underneath your touch.

You smiled up at Kai. "Don't be such a crybaby, Kim-chi."

Kai looked down at you, before you saw a small smile spread through his handsome features. "Let's go home now, before I kill you."

You pretended to be afraid. "Oh no, Kim-chi, don't spray me with that burning cabbage soup!"

Kai rolled his eyes and led you out of the school, flashing the gatekeeper his pass. You watched the gates slowly slide open, but all you could really concentrate on was Kai's hand. Wrapped around yours.

Butterfly, butterfly, please don't ever flutterby.









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Gah, my story . Are you sure you want to read this? I'll write better stories in the future when I'm not listening to techno music ^ u ^"


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