Nothing's Over

I will always be there

As his hand warmed yours you moved closer as you could feel his warm eyes stare at you, you avoided his eyes looking to the sky. Finally a car came and beeped their horn as you looked up past the hill was a bunch of boys getting out of the car you noticed it was the boys that came in to the café with Hoya. Hoya looked up and without releasing your hand he pulled you up. The other boys came down as Hoya explained about his phone he kept on holding your hand. The boys came closer as you bowed they all bowed at the same time exactly like a boy band does. They all introduced themselves the shy one was L; there was also Woohyun, Dongwoo, Sungjong, SungKyu and Sungyeol.

They told Hoya that they were waiting for him to come home but he didn’t even come home after an hour.

‘Sorry... I got distracted.’

 As he looked at you with a sly smile they all turned their eyes on you so to avoid their watching eyes you looked ta your watch. It was really late and you have a shift tomorrow.

‘Sorry... I would like to chat with you guys but I better get home. Sorry I will see you later Hoya...’

As you released your hand from his, thinking when you might see him again. When you went up to the court you heard someone calling your name, you turned around to see a smiling Woohyun.


‘Do you want us to drive you home? It’s really late and we wouldn’t be gentlemen’s if we let you walk home by yourself at this time of night?”

As you looked past Woohyun to see Hoya looking shyly at you awaiting your answer.

You pulled Woohyun aside and whispered in his ear.

‘What about Hoya?’

‘It was actually his idea. He was too shy to ask you with all of us watching.’

‘Arasso let’s go.’

As you ran past Hoya with a smile back at him, you went into their car as you waited for the boys.

They were talking about something as you heard L tell Hoya to go sit beside you as Woohyun came in ignoring their pleas. Woohyun smiled at you as he placed his arm on the headrest behind you.

Woohyun was getting pulled back the other guys but eventually everyone pilled inside the car with Hoya in the back with Dongwoo & Sungyeol, you in the middle with Woohyun & Sungjong and finally SungKyu & L in the front.

They all were very lively and talking to you like you have all known each for years. You finally arrived at your apartment that you share with your best friend. They all piled out of the car but were making a lot of noise that didn’t make Nina very happy.

Nina came out with her cute pink pyjamas on yelling at you about her having to go work tomorrow until she realised that you had company.

‘Annyeong’ L said with a shy smile but as Woohyun was the loud one he introduced himself to Nina with a bright smile.

Nina slightly elbowed you in the stomach indicating that she was embarrassed.

‘Oh right, this is my roommate and best friend Nina.’

‘Annyeong’ Nina told them as she bowed exactly 90 degrees as you rolled your eyes at her because her voice is exceptionally high.

‘Well we should be going, its late’ you told everyone to break the awkward silence. As Nina tugged at your arm you left with her looking back at Hoya as he lifted his head for a small smile before getting in the car.

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great job!
my infinite bias.
OMONA :O I accidentally stumbled upon this fic actually, but...
Okay I admit I kinda teared up at this TT^TT
LOVELOVELOVE this~ the song, the scenes, the drama... suits everything perfectly.
AIGOO I'm falling in love xD
>.< Hoya!! I TRULY love this FF! Really romantic and suspenseful! I LOVE the two endings! Sequel!!!
>_< hoyaa~
I'm crying now * tear tear * one of the only fan fics that make me cry good job *sniff sniff* hoya noooooo !
Tha First one (: And Make a Sequel!! (: <br />
OMG... Hoya died TT-TT
ThePowerChaserToYou #8
please write a sequel i love the story its the best
YoBuddy #10
's this fic is complete =[<br />
Really enjoyed reading this btw can't wait to read more of your fics in the future =D