I will always be there


‘This might hurt a little…’

You could see the glint of the knife as it came closer to your face, you closed your eyes as tears escaped you imagined this was all a dream and you were just going to wake up like you used to in Hoya’s arms. You could hear muffled screams with Hoya from the other side of the room as her cold fingers slid your eyes open as the tip of the knife was reaching you, your heart beat as you remembered Hoya smiling and thinking you are never going to see that again…

You heard a noise from the other side of the room as you saw the knife in slow motion fall out of her hands you heard a struggle on the floor as the knife was centimetres from your eyes you closed your eyes.  A warm hand wiped the tears falling on your cheeks as you opened one eye to see Hoya clutching the knife in one hand with blood dripping down the knife as you saw you were cut loose he collapsed to the ground. You jumped off the table as you saw on the other side of the room was her body with blood spreading around you. You looked down to see Hoya on the ground his eyes were closed as his breathing became slowed your heart quickened. You lightly touched his chest as you did you feel a liquid substance underneath his shirt, you looked at your hand that was now covered with Hoya’s blood as you lifted his shirt in a hurry his scar was sliced open as blood flowed out he started shaking uncontrollably. You clasped his hand as you took off Hoya’s shirt that he let you wear, you placed it over his scar to hold down the blood as you could feel his heart slowing underneath your fingertips tears flowed out as they stained his blood stained chest. Out of the corner of your eye you saw movement as the girl slowly got up you looked up at her with an anger within you exploding at the sight of what she had done. Pulling the knife out of Hoya’s hands you ran behind her as you struck the knife into her she turned around to look into your eyes as you could see the light leave her green eyes you threw her across the ground returning back to Hoya’s body.

 ‘Hoya Open your eyes… You can’t leave me.’

You shook his body which now seemed lifeless in your arms as you shook him his eyes to refuse to open.

‘Hoya Please Open your eyes… You haven’t even confessed to me yet? You said you would always be there for me… Hoya’

You placed a hand across his chest as his heart beats became light you couldn’t hold back down your screams as you howled at him to open his eyes you placed your head against his chest crying into him. You heard footsteps coming towards you as you stop your sobs clasping onto the knife as your head was still buried in Hoya’s chest. Without seeing their face you threw all your rage at them slashing but before you could they grabbed your hand making you drop the knife as you kicked and pulled against them they refused to let you go as you finally looked up into Nam Woohyun eyes, his eyes looked at you with sympathy and sadness as tears escaped his eyes, he dropped to the ground still holding you as you couldn’t hold it anymore, you looked over at Hoya’s lifeless body as you cried into Woohyun’s chest hoping for a miracle that would never come…

Inside Hoya’s room you felt his presence near you as you breathed in his musky scent you were wearing his favourite t-shirt he always wore to dance in, you played his songs in your iPod as it felt like he was speaking to you. Woohyun came into the room and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder as your eyes began to well once more. He placed something in front of you it was a small purple box as you remembered Hoya’s nickname and both your & his obsession for purple.  Woohyun clasped your shoulder once more before leaving the room for you to be alone with the box. You stared at the box as you thought what would be contained inside; you opened the box to see a ring as the box opens a letter falls out landing perfectly in your lap. It was Hoya’s messy handwriting;

‘I have been waiting for the right time to confess and I guess it’s now I wrote this song for you and I hope you understand how I feel for you. It’s on my iPod under Hoya; I REMEMBER.’

You placed his ring on your finger as you placed the earphone in your ear as your hear Hoya’s voice, tears well as you hear him rap to you;

All of our memories that are stuck inside my mind

I will never forget yeah I remember

Even when I close my eyes you are still there

Our Precious times I will cherish them deeply

Even when there is pain in our lives those days I promise forever

I will remember

My everything I will always be there for you….

As tears stained the iPod, the window you were sitting beside blew open and a gust of wind went through your hair as a picture fell in front of you. It was of you & Hoya smiling as the last line of the song played…


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great job!
my infinite bias.
OMONA :O I accidentally stumbled upon this fic actually, but...
Okay I admit I kinda teared up at this TT^TT
LOVELOVELOVE this~ the song, the scenes, the drama... suits everything perfectly.
AIGOO I'm falling in love xD
>.< Hoya!! I TRULY love this FF! Really romantic and suspenseful! I LOVE the two endings! Sequel!!!
>_< hoyaa~
I'm crying now * tear tear * one of the only fan fics that make me cry good job *sniff sniff* hoya noooooo !
Tha First one (: And Make a Sequel!! (: <br />
OMG... Hoya died TT-TT
ThePowerChaserToYou #8
please write a sequel i love the story its the best
YoBuddy #10
's this fic is complete =[<br />
Really enjoyed reading this btw can't wait to read more of your fics in the future =D