Fall For You

I will always be there

‘NO, DON’T YOU DARE CLOSE YOUR EYES!!’ He squeezed your hand as your eyes rolled to the back of your head; you could barely hear his sweet voice calling out for you. Your eyes flickered open once more to see someone behind Hoya as the figure came closer, you attempted to scream Hoya’s name to let him know but nothing came out. As tears streaked down your face as the person came closer and closer, you saw it was some girl that was wearing clothes that looked like your own as you remembered packing similar clothes like that, the girl stood behind Hoya as she smiled at you but something was wrong and sinister about this girl. She wore her hair the same colour and style as you do as you noticed around her wrist was the same turtle bracelet you gave Hoya but you looked over at Hoya’s hand as he was still wearing his. Something gleamed in her belt as you noticed it was a knife along with that she was holding your phone that you threw off the cliff. She winked at you before she strikes Hoya over the head knocking him to the ground and before you became unconsciously you saw her Hoya’s hair as she glinted the sharp knife in your eyes.

You woke up in a dark place as you tried to move around you remembered your injured leg as you try to move your hands you noticed they were currently tied behind your back squirming to attempt to loosen the hard knots it was no help as you looked around the dark room.  A small window shone through with moonlight as you looked around you could barely see anything as you heard a sinister laugh coming from the corner in front of you. In the moonlight your eyes caught a bit of Hoya’s shoes that he was wearing as you squirmed to see if he was okay, the sound of footsteps approached you.

You held your head high to see the girl standing before you, she looked like you as your eyes couldn’t believe what you were seeing as you looked at her the only thing missing was your golden brown eyes and she would look like your twin well more evil and crazy looking twin but the similarities were there.

‘What did you do with Hoya?’ As you gave her the toughest look you could as she just laughed in your face. She went over to the other side of the room as she the light your eyes flashed with fear as you looked into Hoya’s concerned eyes. The room was actually quite large as you believed that you were underground, in the room were all pictures of you & Hoya together at events, the first time you met Hoya, at the beach, when he taught you to ride a bike, the café. Your heart jumped as you looked over to see your clothes and some of your personal items like your hairbrush that you were looking for before and some of your clothes that you brought. On the walls had all your information not to mention your family, Nina and even the café workers. She was watching you with hawk-like eyes as she Hoya’s smooth brown hair; Hoya’s mouth was muffled as he called your name you looked into his concerned eyes before the crazy girl walked towards you clicking her high-heels.

‘Do you like my work?’ She told you as she picked up your favourite brush as she pulled it down against her reddish-brown hair like your own. As she did her the top of her moved a little revealing her true blonde hair underneath the wig.

‘Y-Y-YOU STALKER!! WHAT DO YOU WANT?’ You told her with a stern look as she spun around making your once very beautiful purple dress that you wore the first time you kissed Hoya spin around beneath her. She walked closer to you as she struck her hand across your face as the sound echoed throughout the whole room, your cheek felt like it was on fire as your held yourself before looking back up to her you could hear Hoya calling you from the other side as you looked into the stalkers eyes before she answered.

‘Me? I’m not a stalker not at all far from it. I clearly admire you look don’t get me wrong, I’m not in love with you in fact I’m in love with Hoya oppa. When I first saw him at his audition I had fallen for Hoya and knew he was the only one for me…I met oppa before and this is not the first time I got him tied up now is it oppa?’ She sat down beside you as she looked day-dreamingly into Hoya’s now freaking out eyes as she continued with her story.

‘A long time ago, I saw Oppa as I followed him I talked him into coming into my house where I told him that I loved him, when I did he tried to run away trying to leave me heartbroken and try to give his heart to another and I couldn’t have that. So as I began to try to take his heart…’

She got up and walked to Hoya as he tried to move further away from her, her hand slid up as she removed his shirt as it revealed his torso you saw the scar once again as you remember what she just told you; … So I began to try to take his heart…

Hoya’s body shook underneath her hand that was now placed over his scar as tears streaked down your cheeks.

‘YOU SICK !!’ As it came out of your mouth you could see her eyes narrow down as she came fast to your face as she once again struck you against the cheek this time spilling blood as blood was on your lips you spat it at her.

‘You want to say that again?’ She told you as she grabbed a pile of your hair in her hand clasping tightly she pulled your face to hers.

‘I said YOU SICK !’ Making her flung your head against the pole you were tied on you heard a loud crack as your head made contact, you heard Hoya howl from where he was. She sat down beside you once more as she composed herself she closed her eyes as a smile grew across her lips before she began once again.

‘I was close to gaining my Hoya’s heart when the police interrupted me… So I couldn’t show my face anymore so I went and got plastic surgery but I didn’t know who I wanted to look like so I followed Hoya in secret once more and that is where you come in. I saw him come into your café as you & him began to grow close I could see my Hoya fall for you. I gained my new face as I had a mission I told myself that if my Hoya wants a girl like you then that is what I will become, As I saw my Hoyas debut stage I was so happy but then I saw that Hoya was now in love with you I knew I had to keep going as I found out everything your friends, your life, your secrets I was going to be you. I was finally confident that I could easily replace you and as soon as I saw the holiday schedule I knew this was going to be the perfect chance to get rid you and be with my beautiful Hoya. I was so close as well outside but Hoya because of the HERO he is he had to come and save the damsel in distress putting a little stop on my plans but that’s okay anyways I still need one more thing to become the perfect you.’

She untied you from the back as you saw the chance to escape but she knew as she quickly placed the knife on your neck drawing some blood as your blood now stained the front of Hoyas tee as she strapped you down to a table that you see in hospitals for surgeries.  You look beside you too see lots of surgical tools as she strapped on a pair of rubber gloves along with an apron she picked up the sharp knife as she slid it slowly down your cheek as blood and tears seeped down your face you turned to see Hoya crying and shaking in his chair, she pulled your cheeks so you face her as you looked into her green eyes.

‘This might hurt a little…’

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great job!
my infinite bias.
OMONA :O I accidentally stumbled upon this fic actually, but...
Okay I admit I kinda teared up at this TT^TT
LOVELOVELOVE this~ the song, the scenes, the drama... suits everything perfectly.
AIGOO I'm falling in love xD
>.< Hoya!! I TRULY love this FF! Really romantic and suspenseful! I LOVE the two endings! Sequel!!!
>_< hoyaa~
I'm crying now * tear tear * one of the only fan fics that make me cry good job *sniff sniff* hoya noooooo !
Tha First one (: And Make a Sequel!! (: <br />
OMG... Hoya died TT-TT
ThePowerChaserToYou #8
please write a sequel i love the story its the best
YoBuddy #10
's this fic is complete =[<br />
Really enjoyed reading this btw can't wait to read more of your fics in the future =D