Part 18

An Idol's Dream

As the park came into view my heart began racing uncontrollably. What was I going to do once I saw him? The night air was chilly in no way, I just couldn't stand wearing anything besides a sweatshirt. It was my favorite sweatshirt and I was just hoping that he didn't have to wait in the dark comforts of the park for too long. Even though I told Kai I was going to walk I took a taxi there. I just didn't want Kai to start asking me questions that I would cry just thinking about. I don't know if I was overreacting, but at the moment I didn't care. I needed this man's comforting muscled arms wrapped around me tightly. I kept walking, my hands shoved in my pockets, my fingers twiddling with my house keys as I neared the center of the park. I glanced about me, looking for his familiar face.

That's when I saw him standing next to a light pole, his head down and his hands in his pants pockets. His jaw line bounced shadows down his neck and his downcast eyes seemed so sad and foreboding that I felt like he needed to comforting more than I did. A black snapback sat atop his head and I couldn't stop myself from chuckling, you could always find him in one. His mouth was slightly agape and I watched taking calming deep breaths.

I took in a deep breath and I walked up to him, my head down a little. Once I was standing in front of him, I stayed still, breathing in anticipation. I stood there for a long moment, waiting for something to happen, but... he was doing nothing, nothing was happening! I took in one more deep breath before slowly bringing my eyes up. I slowly scanned his body as I looked up. Once I looked into his face I felt my whole body melt under his gaze. He was staring at me in such a way that I couldn't even describe. It was a way that made my body hot and made me weak in the knees. It also made me feel like spilling all my secrets.

Don't look at me like that...

My heart was racing and even though I knew my heart wanted Kyungsoo, it secretly wanted this man just as much. The possibility of me falling for this man and being with him was higher than with Kyungsoo, but I didn't want another Sehun incident. I didn't want to play with his heart and ruin whatever friendship we had.

"You promised that next time you would give me a proper one."He whispered.

"What?"I looked at him in confusion.

"Do I need to demonstrate?"He whispered as he grabbed my chin, running his thumb over my parted lips.

I felt a blush come across my cheeks as I stared into his eyes. I could see my reflection in the depths of his eyes and I could see how I looked at him just as lovingly as he looked at me.

Is this something I want? Do I want to kiss Jimin right now?

My mind was spinning and my lips burned in anticipation. My heart was whispering the word "just kiss him" over and over, but my body just wouldn't move. My voice was stuck in my throat and I gulped, trying to open it to speak. Jimin's eyes searched my face with question and I watched his eyes continue to return to my lips. He was looking at me with love and longing, but beneath that was some kind of sorrow.

Jimin? Why are you sad?

I tilted my head to the side slightly, silently questioning why he himself looked depressed. My whole body tingled to Jimin's close proximity and all I wanted was for him to kiss me. There was something in his eyes that said that if he didn't kiss me then he was going to lose it. Something told me that not only would I feel better after kissing him, but he would also lose whatever it was that he was weighing so heavily on his mind.

Would this be my REAL first kiss?

 Suddenly Kai's words popped back into my mind.

"Only when it's with someone you love can you consider it your first kiss."

There was no doubt about it in my mind, I loved Jimin as much as I loved Kyungsoo. Was it even possible to love two people so much? I internally nodded. I've loved Jimin since the moment I met him and just like with Kyungsoo I was lying to myself saying that it was just a friendship that I couldn't take anywhere.

Am I ready to take another step with Jimin?

I gulped and looked at his lips. They looked inviting and perfect as if they had been waiting for this moment. They were untouched by any means I knew of and it made my stomach tingle in happiness. Everything about Jimin was inviting; his voice, his lips, his eyes, his body, his personality, and his actions. Everything about him was telling me that in the end everything would be okay even if it didn't work out.

I am... I am not only ready but I WANT to be with Jimin.

I finally found my voice,"I DID promise you didn't I?"I gave a fake sigh.

Something in his eyes hurt me when I sighed,"You don't have to, I know I'm not your first choice or that I'm worthy enough to be with you."He gave a dejected chuckle.

At that, anger rose in me. How dare he say such things about himself! How dare he make it seem like the world was against him! Filled with anger and desire I put one hand on his open jacket, gripping it tightly. My other hand went to the back of his neck.

"Park Jimin, don't you ever saying anything like that again. If you do then I'll take back my desire to kiss you right now."I gave him a half playful smirk.

He froze and his eyes widened,"You want to what?"

I rolled my eyes,"I understand if you don't want to, I mean I'm not THAT pretty and you're... well just look at yourself! You're oozing appeal! Plus, you are Park Jimin, I don't deserve to even stand in your shadow..."Even though the words were supposed to comfort him they only sung the truth about myself.

A small smile played on his lips as both of his hands cupped my face. I looked at him wonder. He removed one hand and placed it on my hip, pulling me against his body. I could feel his abs through his shirt and it made my heart race and I could mentally feel my ert coming to light. I removed my hand from his jacket and placed it on his stomach, firmly making sure he knew my intention of placing it there. He chuckled.

"Are you THAT tempted?"He whispered as he leaned down.

"I told you, appeal is your middle name Park Jimin."I whispered as our noses touched.

I felt my breath hitch to the closeness of his lips. I stared at them, waiting for them to leave my eyesight, waiting for them to mold with mine.

"Look at me."He whispered, the tips of his lips brushing against mine.

I blinked and opened my eyes to make sure I had his gaze.


"You're not scared are you?"He asked, worry suddenly clouding his eyes.

"Jimin you better kiss me right now before I start crying."I whispered, tears welling into my eyes.

His eyes widened before closing and leaning in the rest of the way. It was like fireworks had exploded behind my closed eyes. Everything felt so right and in line when our lips touched. His lips were so soft that I wondered if he was the same guy that kissed me in the park not too long ago. Thinking that it was him just made me lean into the kiss more. His plump lips molded onto mine like they were made of water. Slowly we pulled back and looked at each other in surprise. Without any hesitation we pressed into another kiss as if it was the last one we would ever have. His lips bit at mine and I responded with his softly. If this really was my first kiss then it was a pretty god damn good one. With each second that passed I felt so comforted and just right in his arms. His lips were so tender, but not like a steak kind of tender.... Well actually I don't know... I've never pressed a tender steak to my lips to know. In my head I was silently questioning where Jimin had been my whole life. Where had these delicious lips that tasted like fresh strawberries been? He pulled back and gave me another quick peck before officially pulling away. My eyes fluttered open and I looked at him with huffed breaths.

"Did you eat strawberries today?"I asked him tenderly.

He cocked up an eyebrow,"Just before I came, why?"He asked with a smirk.

"You tasted like strawberries."I closed my eyes, remembering the delightful taste.

God damn it why have I never kissed someone before?! That was amazing!

"Oh come on, don't lie."He chuckled.

"I'm not lying! It was definitely strawberries I tasted on your lips!"I pouted.

"Well you want to know what you tasted like?"He leaned in and pressed his forehead to mine.

His eyes were different, they weren't as sad and they definitely held the childish and attractive Jimin that I knew. Him being so close made me want to kiss him all over again.

"Oh god... do I even want to know?"I chuckled.

"Hmmm well they were delicious.... and they tasted like... hmm I can't exactly place the flavor, it was like chocolate, vanilla and icing all together."He smiled.

I laughed,"Well I ate a mini cake earlier so maybe you tasted that."

Even though it felt weird talking about what our lips tasted like it was in a way comforting. The entire event of kissing Jimin, talking about our lips and just being with him took my mind off Kyungsoo from earlier. Jimin chuckled and walked me to an open grassy spot. We laid down and he held onto me tightly like usual, but this time it felt different, it felt perfect and just out of this world.

"Okay, so beside being the happiest man in the world because of what just happened,"Jimin chuckled into my hair,"What did you need to see me out here for?"Her asked.

"Do you regret coming out to see me so late?"I asked, part of my heart hoping he didn't answer.

"Of course not! I'm glad I came, if anything I would've killed to have done what I just did."He whispered and kissed my forehead.

I laid my head on his chest, wrapping my arms around him as tears stung at my eyes.

"I really don't want to talk about what happened, I just wanted to be with you to comfort me."I started crying.

I felt Jimin tense and pull me up so my head was next to his neck. He pulled my legs up so I was laying on top of him perfectly. I gripped his shirt and jacket in my hands as I cried into his neck. One of his hands wrapped around my waist and the other softly pet my head, trying to calm my distraught state.

"Shhh... Everything will be okay..."He cooed at me gently and held me close.

This was why I loved Jimin, he made me feel at home in his arms and just perfect. He made everything right and I could tell him anything. I was truly lucky to have him. After crying into his warm embrace for about 15 minutes I felt the process of sleep overwhelming me.

"Jimin... It's getting late..."I pointed out as our breathing became a hushed tone in the breeze.

"Come stay with me, sleep in my room."He cooed at me in a husky tone.

I shook my head, even though I wanted to, I couldn't,"I can't, my friend is staying at my apartment and I can't just leave her."I told him.

"I understand."

"Maybe next time."I gave a content sigh.

"I'm keeping you to that just like the last one."He whispered and kissed my temple.

"Please do."I nodded and kissed the edge of his jaw line.

He smiled,"Why didn't we do this sooner?"

"Because a lot of was keeping us from it."I chuckled and sat up, straddling him.

"Okay, don't sit like that, I might attack you."He smirked.

After hearing those threatening words I rolled off him and stood. I offered him my hand and he stood, pulling me against him. Again I was pressed against his comforting muscles and I just couldn't stay still. I leaned up a little and kissed him softly. I pulled away and pressed my head against his chest.

"Thank you Jimin... You really helped me."

"Well my lips will be here to help you anytime."He smirked.


I playfully hit his stomach and hugged him tightly. Normally you feel regret or guilt if you did something you thought was wrong, but I felt neither because I didn't even think what I did was wrong. It felt completely right in every way.

Jimin hailed a taxi and went in the car with me. We were cuddled up against each other as we went on the quick journey to the building.

"I'd invite you inside if I didn't have my friend, Kai and Kyungsoo sleeping there..."I sighed.

"Next time."He smiled.

I nodded and kissed him one more time before opening the door and looking back at him as I got out.

"God damn those lips of yours, don't ever change them... "I started to close the door but stopped,"I like strawberry flavoring."I winked at him and closed the door, heading into the building as the taxi drove off.

I was so happy now. It was all thanks to Jimin and yummy little lips. I just couldn't help myself when it came to him. I knew we weren't a couple by any means, but more like friends with benefits. I gave a content sigh and got in the elevator to head up. I placed my fingers on my lips delicately. I my bottom lip and smiled to the taste of strawberry that still lingered. Damn Jimin and those ing lips... Damn my heart for wanting him and Kyungsoo. And damn Kyungsoo for not taking any chance to be with me. Jimin was stealing me away and I didn't care, I was going with the flow and it was deliciously wonderful and tasted like wonderful strawberries.

*          *          *

When I walked into my room last night Montana woke and gave me a strange look in her sleepy state.

"Where the hell were you?" She asked groggily.

"On a walk and eating strawberries." I spoke mysteriously.

"The ... God idol's are weird..." She yawned and rolled back into sleep.

Now I sat awake, a smile stuck to my face and my fingers pressed to my lips. It was the next morning and I held my phone in my lap with an open text for Jimin. I sat there with a smile, trying to figure out what to send. Should I talk about last night? Should I ask to meet him again? Or should I wait for him to text me first...? Before I could think anymore I got a text from none other than strawberry lips himself.

Jiminnie: Good morning :)

I bit my lip and smiled as I responded.

Me: Good morning Mr. Strawberry :P

Jiminnie: Oh come, will you ever let that go? It's embarrassing!

Me: Nope, because I loved it too much.

Jiminnie: ... -.-

Me: What is that face for? If I loved the strawberry then I loved it.

Jiminnie: >.<

Me: Haha Jiminnie... Am I making you uncomfortable?

Jiminnie: A little...

Me: Alright, I won't tell you about your lips anymore

Jiminnie: You can still think about them, just don't speak about them...

Me: :( Alright.

Jiminnie: What is your favorite fruit?

Me: 0.o Ummm Cantaloupe or honeydew... why?

Jiminnie: I'll try eating those before next time.

Me: -///-

Before I could write anymore Montana spoke.

"Oooohhhhh whose lips are you talking about here?" She teased.

I pulled away and hid my phone screen as Jimin texted me back.

"No one's..." I crawled out of bed, hugging my phone to my chest.

"Rachel... Are you dating somebody?" She asked with smirk as she crawled out of bed after me.

I backed away to the door, opening it and starting to head downstairs.

"You're imagining things." I called back.

She was right behind me, "Well then who are you texting about strawberries and lips?" She chuckled.

"No one." I hissed back as we walked into the living room.

"Pfft!" She began laughing, "Bull! You are soooo crushing on someone!" She teased.

As I stood in the kitchen making coffee I glared at her, "Would you please stop, I am not crushing on someone." I hissed.

She got closer to me with a smirk, "No that's where you're wrong. Who is he?" She called.

I ignored her and grabbed an orange yogurt from the fridge. But of course because she was Montana she wasn't going to give up just because I ignored her. She smirked and grabbed my phone running away to Kai and Kyungsoo's room. I set my yogurt down and ran after her. As soon as I ran in their room I grabbed her by the ear and dragged her back out. I took my phone from her hand and put it in my pocket.

"Leave it be Montana." I growled at her.

She pouted and looked away, "Is it really that bad that I want to know my best friends relationships?"

The way she talked made me hurt a little, it wasn't wrong that she wanted to know and I was acting like a because I didn't want her to know. I sighed and gave her a hug.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't keep these things from you.." I sighed.

She hugged me back tightly, "I'm sorry I demanded you to tell me about something I probably don't have any business knowing."

"You're my best friend, of course you should know what is going on!" I sighed, and pulled back, looking at her sadly.

"You don't have to tell me." She gave a sad smile.

"I'll tell you later." I winked at her and patted her shoulder.

Suddenly my phone started going off and I immediately thought it was Jimin. I pulled it out and looked at the screen in wonder. It wasn't Jimin, it was Moa.

"Hello?"I answered.

"I got a big gig for you! You'll be so happy!"She giggled happily.

"Really? What is it?"I asked, really curious as to what Moa had scored for me.

"Well actually Bom found it and I called in to get it."Her smile was clear in her tone.

"Manager, what did either you or Bom score for me?"I smiled in excitement.

"You remember how you always wanted to be in a drama?"She asked calmly.

"Oh my god no you didn't!"I squealed.

"Oh yes we did! You're are going to be the main actress for a drama series called "Love After Work"."

"Oh my god... This is great! When do I start? Oh! Who are my co-stars? When do I get my script? Oh my gosh what is my character like?!"I started bombarding her with questions, hoping that I could know everything right now.

"Woah there tiger, I'm going in today to get your script and it will include the list of your co-stars. I'll find out the dates for everything when I go. I'll call you later, I'm heading inside right now."She sounded distracted.

"Alright, call me as soon as you get it!"I smiled and said goodbye as I turned to Montana with the biggest smile I could produce.

"What's going on? Who was that and why do you look like you just got proposed to?" Montana asked.

"Guess what!" I giggled like a little school girl.

"What?" She asked.

"I'm going to be in a Korean drama!" I grabbed her hands and began bouncing like a giddy child.

"OH MY GODDDD!!!!" She squealed with me and jumped around with me.

"What's all that noise for?"Chanyeol walked into my apartment, Kai and Taemin trailing close behind.

They walked in with groceries and money in their hands. I walked up to them and gave them a strange look as the smile stayed on my face.

"Why are you holding onto this money?"I asked, taking it from them and placing it on the counter.

"We thought it would be a good idea to take you and your friend out to dinner tonight to celebrate."Kai smiled.

"To celebrate?"I dropped my smile, wondering what they were talking about.

They ignored me and walked into the kitchen, saying hi to Montana.

"We take you out shop for dinner." Chanyeol smiled to Montana.

Montana smiled, "What?"

"Chanyeol-ssi, what are you talking about?"I asked.

"We are going to take the two of you out clothes shopping to be dressed nice for dinner. Kai and Taemin had that day off as well so I'm dragging them with us."Chanyeol wrapped his long arms around the two men and smiled at me.

"Hey now... I wasn't told about this..."Kai hissed.

" it up, if it's for them you'd do it in the end."Taemin hissed back.

Kai silenced after that and I sighed,"How fancy are we getting here?"

"Hmmm.... Like you're going to be walking the red carpet."Chanyeol smiled and all I could do was look at him oddly.

"So you want us to dress like stars and princess's basically?"I asked and he nodded with a bright smile.

"That's why we went to the bank to get all that money."Taemin pointed to the stack on the counter.

I shook my head,"This is stupid, we'll just wear plain dresses or skirts."

"No, you're going to wear those dresses whether you like it or not!"Chanyeol sighs.

"Kai, you can't be agreeing to this!"In turn he just shrugs like it's nothing.


Montana came up to me and pulled on me arm, "Rachel, what's going on?"

I sighed and turned to her with a small sad smile, "They are going to take us out to dinner tonight, so we have to go dress shopping and they are going to buy us REALLY expensive things."

"On the inside I'm like 'woohoo' but on the outside I'm like 'they shouldn't do that!' you know what I mean?" She spoke on a slightly excited tone.

"I know... and they won't take no for an answer." I shook my head.

"Wait... are we going out right now?" She asked with wide eyes.

I turned to the boys,"Are we going out right now?"

"Well of course, we need to get it before everyone else gets here."Kai nodded.

"Give us at least an hour to both take showers and stuff."I told them before pushing Montana upstairs.

"What's going on?! Why are you pushing me?!" She hissed back at me.

"We have an hour for the both of us to get ready." I hissed and she cursed under her breath.

"You take the shower first."

"No you take it first, your hair is longer, plus I take short showers. A habit from being an on the run idol." I gave her a smile.

"Do I need to look good going to the mall?" She asked as she opened her suitcase.

"Nah, I think if you just wear a t shirt and jeans it should be fine, I mean did you see what those idiots were wearing. Ha they were totally casual." I shook my head as I pulled out my lazy clothes.

"You call that casual?!" She gasped.

"Yeah, what about it?" I cocked up an eyebrow.

"God you idols and your expensive clothes." She shook her head and left my room.

"Yah! Stop insulting us!" I yelled after her.

I pulled out my casual sweaters and stuff and Montana was gone in the depths of the bathroom. I took my clothes downstairs and found the boys in the kitchen, opening up bags of chips and soda.

"Yah! If we're going out to dinner you better put this away!"I hissed and slapped them all upside the head.

"Come on mom, it won't hurt to eat a little! It's early in the morning."Kai whined.

"Fine, but by the time I go into the shower you will be finished, got it?"I grumbled.

"Thanks Eomma!"Kai gave me a big hug.

"Yah, I'm not your eomma, I'm younger than you, you brat."I hissed at him.

"Then what about unnie?"Taemin suggested.

"I hate you guys."

"Come on, you love us."Chanyeol pinched my cheek.

I growled at him and slapped his hand away, going to the couch and turning on the TV. I started watching weekly idol and soon began laughing along with the guests, which at the moment were my friends, GOT7.

God these dorks...

I watched about 20 minutes before the Montana called to me. I looked over after turning the TV off and she had a towel around her dripping wet hair. I nodded and grabbed my clothes, running them to the door.

"Here, take these and put them on the toilet, I have to take away their food." I smiled to her before marching into the kitchen,"Away, now."I hissed and they all whined before closing the bags and putting everything away.

After that they went to the couch and turned the TV back on. I went into the bathroom and took a five minute shower as Montana dressed. I wrapped a towel around myself and looked through my clothes, only to realize I forgot underwear.


I hissed and went to the door. Montana was completely dressed so I had no problem in opening the door. I walked out and saw the guys still on the couch. Kai looked over at me with a smirk. He gave a quick whistle.

"Trying to seduce us?"He chuckled as I went up the stairs.

"You couldn't pay me to seduce you!" Montana laughed from the bathroom. 

"."I hissed back.

I went into my room and locked the door, checking to make sure no one else had come into my room. Habit from one bad incident and I just couldn't live it down. I wrapped the towel around my head as I slipped some underwear on. I ruffled my wet hair and wrapped the towel around me once more. I opened the door and slowly walked down the stairs, trying not to slip with my wet feet.

"We can see up your towel!"Kai teased.

"I don't care!"I hollered back.

"Oh yeah? Even if you're not wearing anything under that towel?"He challenged.

At those words I froze and glared at him. Just to prove him wrong I lifted the bottom of the towel and exposed my white and blue poka dotted undies. I watched all their faces turn bright red and Chanyeol chocked on the water he was drinking.

" it ."I smirked to Kai and strutted back to the bathroom.

After about twenty minutes, Montana and I were both ready to go and it was the perfect moment to leave the house and head to the mall when Kyungsoo and Minho walked down the hall toward us. I looked away, not wanting to even imagine meeting his gaze. My heart was pounding really hard and I just couldn't handle the memory of before I went out to see Jimin.

"Oh yeah, who did you go out last night to see Rachel?"Kai asked as we were passing them.

I saw Kyungsoo turn and look at us with widened eyes and wonder and worry crossing his features.

I looked at Kai in surprise,"N-No one..."

"Rachel went out to see someone last night?"Chanyeol asked Kai, turning to me in confusion.

"Did you go on some cipade?!" Montana gasped dramatically.

"What? No." I denied.

"Yeah, right when I got up to get a glass of water she left and didn't come back for like two hours. I heard Montana ask her where she was and she said she went on a walk and ate strawberries... or maybe it was blueberries..."Kai furrowed his brows.

I wonder how blueberries would taste on Jimin...?

I shook my head and refocused on the matter at hand.

"You left to eat strawberries?"Taemin chuckled.

"It's really not what any of you are thinking."I spoke honestly, not looking at them once as we walked to the elevator.

"Well then enlighten us."Kai smirked.

"No."I gave him a cold glare.

Montana just stood there, left out.

"They're trying to ask me about the person I was texting this morning." I whispered to her.

"The lips person?" She asked.

"Lipeu?!" Chanyeol pointed to his mouth and looked at me in shock.

"Yes Chanyeol, lips."I hissed back as we walked through the lobby and headed to an awaiting taxi.

"Who's lips?"Kai asked.

I rolled my eyes and realized that while Chanyeol and Kai harassed me, Taemin started talking to Montana in broken English. She giggled and nodded along with him.

Damn it I'm alone...

"Do we know him?"Chanyeol asked.

I just stayed silent as we piled into the taxi. As soon as we got in I hid my face because I realized the driver is the same from last night.


"Oh it's you."The driver smiled and turned in his seat, making everyone stop and look at me in confusion.

"H-Hello..."I looked at my lap, awaiting for him to spill the beans about my late night rendezvous and kiss.

"You left this in my cab last night with your friend."He smiled and handed me a small book.

I looked at the book in confusion,"I'm sorry sir but I didn't leave this... This is isn't even mine..."

"Huh? Well your friend told me to give it to you if I saw you today and if not just give it to SM."He gave me a strange look.

In curiosity I opened the book and found little writing in it, things about flavors and fruits. At the top of the page was the words "Which would you like to try?". Underneath it was an assortment of fruits and delicious food that I could try. At the bottom was a note.

"If you want to try anything that isn't on here then write it in. See you soon ;)"

I began laughing and then I saw the word "strawberry" as number one. It had a poorly drawn crown by it and a bunch of little stars surrounding it. Chanyeol took it from me in confusion.

"What is this? Flavor? For what?"He questioned and I snatched the booklet from him.

"I told you, I had strawberries last night."I smiled and held the book close.

Yes Jimin, you would definitely see me soon.


Alright guys! Hate me while you can! Jimin will not last long tbh. He's adorable, but my main man must not be left out! I will fix this prblem! Soon (like chapter 20 something) there is going to be a lot of time skipping. So I am warning you to pay attention, you don't want to get lost! :)

Love you all! 



P.S Kyungsoo be looking HOTTTTT in eyeliner!!!

P.S.S My Tumblr has become so popular compared to before! OMG! If you want my ID just ask. It's besically BTS crap anyways.

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Chapter 49: ㅋㅋㅋ Kyungsoo being a stud muffin XD this is so great
Chapter 49: I love the story. Thanks for writing it. Keep writing!
Chapter 48: Ahahahaha Kai's time of the month. I could see that being a real thing and Kyungsoo having to deel with his... needs ;)
mariarosavo_ #4
Chapter 48: oh wow, menstrual kai HAHAHAHAH ...
awww i want them to publicly date :c but i get where shes coming from <3
Love this story I think it deserves way more love ♥
Chapter 47: I don't get why they can't date.
She publicly dated Sehun and that was okay, why isn't she publicly dating Kyungsoo?
mariarosavo_ #7
Chapter 47: OMG I LOVE YOUU SRSLY!! Aww no montana left :c hope she comes back soon.. Yeshh omg she confessed and yay I ship them so much heheh ♥️
mariarosavo_ #8
Chapter 46: laughing the whole time with the situation!! Almost died
Priincessg1 #9
Chapter 45: Lol !!!! I wanna touch it lol i cants stop laughing!