Part 15

An Idol's Dream

Montana P.O.V

Standing at the front desk was Chen, talking in quick tones with one of the women that helped citizens board the plane. They were speaking in Korean because I didn't understand a word that left either of their mouths. The only thing I could recognize was that the Chen guy was very persistent, almost a little angry as he spoke. I stood there awkwardly, my hands intertwined by my stomach. I looked about and saw many people not paying attention and just reading or playing on their phones. I tried my hardest to listen in to their conversation and only caught glimpses of words Rachel had taught me.

It's all gibberish to me...

As I looked around I had found myself not paying attention to Chen and the Korean woman. I looked over and nearly jumped to Chen standing before me with a kind smile. In his outstretched hand was a ticket that said VIP across it.

"I'm laminating this and keeping it! Ha ha!" I laughed happily.

I then took a closer look and froze.

It's in Korean... ...

Even though the fact that those Korean symbol thingy's were all over the ticket, I was still going to keep it and say "Look! I went to Korea!" After about ten minutes I was about to board with Chen behind me. I memorized where I was to sit and smiled to the lady as I handed her my ticket to board. The sudden horrific sound of her ripping my ticket in half reached my ears and I looked to her in complete horror.

"Nooooo!!" I hissed quietly off to the side as I held the one half of the ticket.

"Can you scan, no rip?" Chen asked in broken English.

"Yes sir." She nodded and scanned it before handing it back in perfect order.

I pouted and waited in line to get to my seat on the flight. I felt the soft tap of someone's finger on my shoulder and I turned.

"Montana." Chen called to me softly.

"Huh?" I turned and looked at him curiously.

"Here you." He spoke with furrowed brows and handed over the ticket to me.

I looked at the ticket in slight shock.

For me? Oh you shouldn't have!

"Oh thank you!" I smiled at him happily and shook his hand, "Yay!" I took the ticket from him gently and examined it gleefully.

We neared the front and I smiled and waved at the pilot who looked like the glittering king of the plane. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Hi." I smiled.

"Thank you for flying my plane miss." He bowed and I jumped, bowing back.

I think I'm going to be doing a lot of the that...

I finally journeyed to and got comfortable in my seat, looking out the window I sat next to. I glanced around me and found all Korean business men and women sitting around us. Some other well dressed people sat in the section before the coach section. With a quick glance into coach I found few Americans.

Normal... I'm the only normal one!

Next to me was Chen, his position relaxed completely. I noticed that he was sitting like Rachel always did in high school and college. The thought occurred to me that he might have developed it from being around her too much. His legs were spread wide and his hands were intertwined and resting on his stomach. His eyes were shut and he moved his head back and forth to find a comfier position.

Oh god... he's sitting like that!

He opened his eyes and I glanced away, acting like I wasn't staring at him only moments before. I noticed him pull out his phone and begin doing something on it. His hair was swept up into something Rachel and I would call a "y hair comb". It was seductive in every sense of the word. His eyes showed how exhausted he was and how he was barely moments away from passing out. I kept staring at him in hope that he wouldn't fall asleep before me.

Don't you dare fall asleep...

His body started to suggest him leaning onto me and it sent my heart into a frenzy. I didn't know what to do, especially with this exceptionally gorgeous man next to me. He shook his head quickly and closed his phone, putting it into his pocket.

The plane took this moment to jerk back, indicating it was ready to take off. Without thinking I grabbed Chen's wrist, holding onto it with a shaky hand. I looked out the window, unable to meet his piercing gaze. Unexpectedly a shrill voice made you look over at the aisle.

"Excuse me ma'am, I don't think he wants you to touch him." The assistant gave me a strong stare.

Chen looked at her in slight shock, "No it okay, it okay, we friends." He pointed between us.

I looked up at the woman and showed no indication of letting Chen's hand go.

I'm not letting go.

Chen reached over and lightly patted my head in recognition, "We friends."

Oh god he's touching me!

"A-Alright..." The assistant looked at the two of us with suspicious eyes.

"It okay." Chen smiled at her one more time.

She left reluctantly and I saw Chen remove my hand from his wrist and I felt sadness hit me. He soon fixed that feeling by intertwining his hand with mine.

Oh yes! I thought he was going to be like "No , you can't hold my hand".

The plane started to take off and I started to squeeze his hand tightly and painfully. I saw him sliding down in his seat from pain, but I didn't let up once. I had him in my death grip.

Well you know, I don't like airplanes!

I noticed Chen looking at me and I glanced his way in question.

"Uhhh Rachel say that you uhh like uhh singing on plane." His brows knit together in question, "I only know some." He looked at me sadly, "I sorry."

"Oh that's okay!" I smiled.

"I can sing little."

"O-Okay..." I mumbled, wondering how he was going to do this.

He began singing Justin Beiber's "Baby". It wasn't a song I cared for too much, but when Chen sang it I thought angels were personally singing to me. Before I even realized it, we were in the air and Chen's song was over. I relaxed and began pulling my hand out of his, but his grip only tightened and he wouldn't let me go. The warmth in my hand was spreading to my cheeks and I bit back a smile.

Oh my god!!

I couldn't suppress my giggles and Chen turned to me in wonder, "What you laugh for?"

"Umm.. The plane's in the air now!" I tried to avoid his question.

"Yeah." He nodded as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

I glanced down at our intertwined fingers silently. As if he knew what I was getting at, he squeezed my hands even tighter and smiled.

"Your hand warm." He gave me a dazzling smile.

AHHHHH!!! I love you... I love you so much...

"A- Alright..." I mumbled out, my stomach have a gymnastics competition.

I saw Chen's eyes go to our hands and he sighed, "No, my hand cold like that." He reached his other hand and made my fingers wrap around his equally, "Like that." He smiled.

I looked off, my heart throbbing painfully, "Okay."

I felt as if I said anymore... who knows what would come out of my mouth. After about five minutes of sitting there, my nerves finally relaxing, Chen spoke again.

"I order drink, you want?" He asked cautiously.

Something snapped in my mind and I froze.

! Rachel told me to get snacks and drinks and I didn't! CRAP!!

"C-Can I have a water?" I asked softly.

"Just water?"


"They have food too." He informed me.

"How long have we been on this flight already?" I asked, seeing the words compute in his head.

"Uhh... Hour." He nodded then smiled happily, "Eleven more to go!"

I sarcastically smiled, "Whoo!" I sighed and shook my head to him, "I'm not really that hungry right now, I don't want to get uhhh airplane sickness, thank you though."

He nodded with a confused look, "I-I just get water."

He ordered me a drink and soon a water was being held to me. My one unoccupied hand took it and I searched for a place to put it. Upon seeing no other choice, I stick it between my legs, getting ready to open it. After opening it with no difficulty I took a drink and put the lid back on. Without the thought of placing it anywhere that wasn't it use, I held onto the drink awkwardly. Chen's eyes met with mine and he frowned a little.

"Do you want other hand?" He asked, indicating our conjoined palms.

"I-I'm okay..." I smiled weakly at him.

Soon I found myself discussing things with Chen that I normally only spoke to Rachel about. As three hours ticked by we divulged into the discussions of my childhood and how many times I've sprained my ankles. Chen discussed the choirs and plays his mother always forced him to join and overall we had a wonderful chat. Our hands never parted and a horrible feeling overcame me. I looked down to our hands and saw that my hand started to get sweaty.

That is the worst thing... EVER.

I get the idea to pretend to sneeze, hoping he would release my hand. I pull on my hand but it was no use at all. He notices, but doesn't let go of my hand as I fake a sneeze into my arm. A sad chuckle came out of my afterward and I looked at him.

"Bless you." He smiled then became serious as he leaned into you, "That what say in America right?" He asked hopelessly.


Oh god my hands sweaty... uhhhh!!!

Shivers ran up and down my spine because nothing could gross me out faster than sweaty hands. Then it was if the god's had answered my silent prayers. Chen turned to me with a strange smile.

"May I have my hand for moment?"

Immediately not wanting to waste this opportunity the god's gave me I nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah, keep it for as long as you want!"

"I need get something from bag."

"Okay." I smiled.

The moment his hand leaves mine, I discretely wipe my hands onto my jeans, trying my hardest to dissolve my wet palms. Before I could feel the wet leave, he brought his hand back in a lightning fast manner.

God damn it!

"Umm I also need my hand for a moment." I smiled weakly.

"Huh?" He glanced at me oddly.

"I uhh need to fix my hair." I lied.

"But you have hand." He pointed to my other hand.

"Umm putting my hair in a ponytail is a two ." I notified him.

"Oh okay." He removed his hand and watches me for a second before looking to his phone.

Suddenly one of the flight attendants is walking by and Chen turns to her, receiving her attention. In the mean time I am furiously wiping my hand along my legs in a warm manner. I was going to make SURE that sweat was GOOONNNNEEEE.

I love holding hands, I don't like the sweat!

I had basically completed the ponytail process when Chen turned to me with a smile, "I like you hair that."

I finished tying it with a proud smirk, "Yep."

I realized that we had gone through an approximate of five hours before sleep started to take over. Before I knew it, I was dreaming.


Chen P.O.V

I sat there with a smile on my face. I couldn't believe this beautiful girl was next to me and was going to be with one of my best friends. Rachel really knew how to have good friends. I felt somewhat bad that I basically demanded to hold her hand, but I mean hey, who wouldn't want to hold hands with me? I am, after all, the amazing and spectacular Chen. Speaking of hands, I was holding hers loosely as I read, when soon, her hand was gone from mine. Her delicate hand slipped from my fingers. I watch as she sleepily collapses into the side of the chair with light breathing escaping her lips. I turn to her and raise an eyebrow.

Can she get any cuter?

I nudged her softly, but she didn't budge. I knew my English was bad, but I still tried to speak to her in that broken language.

"Montana? Montana?" I called out to her in the sweetest tone I could produce.

Her eyes didn't open but she tilted her head in my general direction, "I'm sorry... I'm just really tired." she mumbled quietly.

I gave a content sigh as I saw her sweet little figure starting to drift off from reality. I had my earphones in previously and remembered the reason I turned to her in the first place. I was absently holding an ear bud out. I gave a strained sigh as I racked up my nerves to ask.

"I wonder if you want listen to music." I offered her the ear bud.

Her drooping eyes fluttered open slightly and a ghost of a smile appeared on her face, "Sure..."

I helped her stick the ear bud in let the music softly play. I saw her tapping her fingers along with some of the songs and soon I was also tapping along. Montana was leaning on her arm and listening to the music that played from my phone. I watched out of the corner of my eyes as her hand slipped, her head his my shoulder and her sleep take over. My stomach flipped and I stiffened slightly. Questions rammed through my mind as she laid against me. What if my shoulder is too bony? Am I comfy enough? What do I do if I fall asleep? When will she wake up? Will she think this is awkward?

Soon I was worrying over nothing and realized that everything would come when the time came. I relaxed and leaned my head over hers, taking in the slight vanilla fragrance that emanated from her calm body. I closed my eyes and focused on my delicate breathes, hoping they wouldn't wake the sleeping angel against me.


Montana P.O.V

I sniffled myself awake and found my throat dry from the lack of pure oxygen. I looked up at the monitor and it said we had a remainder of 52 minutes. I nodded happily before feeling something brushing my cheek every time I moved. I glanced down and saw that Chen's head was against my shoulder and my head was over his. His left hand was still holding mine and his right hand was draped over so slightly over my legs.


I kept my eyes on his arm across my legs because his arm was on the barrier of "safe" zone and way too close to my private landing strip" zone.

Woah that's close...

I felt goose bumps soar through me from the sound of his soft breaths by my ear. I glanced up, noticing the flight attendants station where they sat down. The woman from earlier that assumed that Chen wanted nothing to do with me was blankly staring into my soul. Her eyes were pinned to me as Chen slept on me.

You wanna go?! you wanna go?!?!?!

But instead of waking the sleeping beauty on me I took the childish side and stuck my tongue out at her. Her eyes widened and a clear look of disgust crossed her face as I snuggled back into Chen's sleeping figure. Before I can officially close my eyes and try and catch a little more sleep Chen's voice mumbled out.

"M...Montana..." He mumbled.


I looked down at him in surprise, "Ch-Chen... Are you awake?" I asked cautiously.

"I.... A...wake.... now..." He grumbled out sleepily.

"Oh A-Alright... You can get up now if you want..." I removed my head from on top of his.

"Maybe in bit..." He snuggled into my neck more and I tensed.

As I sat there I realized that he fell back asleep immediately.

So much for being awake...

I sat there quietly, his ear bud still in my ear from earlier and I listened to his music play delicately in my ear. Just as one song ended another came on, the beat familiar. I smiled at the English song playing in my ear. I began humming along to "Stay With Me" by Sam Smith. As I hummed I leaned my head against Chen's and the contact made that part of my head vibrate with each note I hummed out. I watched as the flight attendant stood and addressed the whole plane.

"Everyone please wake up, we will be descending into Seoul South Korea shortly." She speak loudly, awaking several nearby passengers, Chen being one of them.

Chen bolted awake, but continued to lay against me. His head turned and his eyes caught my downcast ones.

"Good morning." He yawned.

"Hi." I smiled awkwardly.

Chen's eyes then travel to the flight attendant who's eyes were as sharp as a needle.

"Can everyone please fasten your seatbelts for upcoming turbulence and return your seats to an upright position." She announced before glancing our way.

Chen, ignoring what she said, laid back onto me as I fastened my seatbelt quietly. Chen, obviously not knowing what he was doing to my insides, nuzzled his nose into my neck.

"I can't go back to sleep now." He grumbled.

The vibration of his tone made me lose my breath as it rocked my whole core. I felt more and more insecure as the seconds ticked by and he was close to my sensitive neck.

"Th-Th-That's okay..." I stuttered.

The flight attendant, obviously seeing that Chen wanted nothing to do with her or her instructions, walked over and stared at him angrily.

"Sir, I need you to sit up and put your seat belt on." Her voice hissed dangerously.

Chen's eyes cast her way in an annoyed manner, "What you know? Too tired." He growled out.

Seeing that he wasn't going to listen she sighed and tried to make a deal, "Fine, you need to put it on sir, for your own safety, but you may continue to lean on your friend." She glanced at me with fiery eyes.

"Dude, dude, dude... Just put your seat belt on..." I hissed lowly.

"Fine..." He grumbled.

I watched as Chen released my hand and gave this woman the pure stare of hatred as he snapped in his seat belt and tightened it. I tightened mine quickly before Chen forcefully took my hand and laid back on me, falling asleep soundly. I looked at the lady and saw her give me her worst glare before walking away.

. . . . !

I started to move my other arm in an aggressive manner with each swear word my mind produced.

"Montana." Chen's voice made me freeze my actions, "Is she bother you?" He asked.

"N-No." I shook my head and he gave a soft chuckle.

*          *          *

The plane finally landed and Chen awoke with a yawn as he stretched out his arms and legs. We exited the plane and Chen walked in front of me as I traveled to get my luggage. I watched quietly as Chen ran a slim hand through his hair and let it cascade gracefully back into place. I gulped and looked away a moment before his voice called out to me softly.

"Montana, let get our luggage." He smiled and pointed to a sign that said "Baggage Claim."

"Alright." I smiled and continued to follow behind him closely.

Compared to America where you had to go through several gates to find our luggage we could find it easily in Korea. My suitcase was a large metal neon green bag with my name printed in large block letters on the front. Once I had my luggage in hand Chen smiled to me and beckoned me forward to follow again. Chen's eyes kept travelling to my brightly lit bag compared to his plain black one.

"Don't judge man, don't judge." I told him sternly.

He chuckled and led me outside to the outside world. People walked and jogged back and forth and Korean signs were everywhere. I stood there, dumbfounded and amazed. Chen laughed at my reaction as I smiled.

"I'm in Narnia." I spoke breathlessly.

"Narnia?" Chen asked.

"You'd have to see the movie." I shush him as my eyes searched every signs and character hanging in the city, "It's a wonderland..."

"O-Okay.." He glanced at me curiously before he hailed a taxi for the two of us.

One the taxi arrived and stopped before us, Chen very kindly took my bags and put them in the taxi's trunk. we climb in and Chen says something in perfect Korean to the man. The nods and starts talking to Chen back in Korean. I sat there quietly, looking at my legs as they spoke fluently to each other. Then Chen spoke in broken English to the man.

"Do you speakeu... English?" Chen asked.

"Oh yeah of course, I'm from Chicago." He smiled at me.

"Oh!" I smiled.

Oh, I can deal with that.

"You explain her some signs." Chen asked.

"Oh yeah of course." And the driver began graciously explaining what some of the signs meant that confused me.

It's going in one ear and comes out the other...

Chen probably noticed my short attention span because he started laughing wildly. After Chen explains something to the man in Korean the driver looks at me sadly in the rearview mirror.

"I'm sorry I couldn't explain it to you better."

"No it's alright! I have the attention span of a butterfly." I smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

The man laughed and continued to drive us to the SM Entertainment building. Soon we were parked out front of the large building and Chen was helping me get my bags from the trunk.

Chen paid the man and he smiled and waved to us, "Have a nice day!"

"You too!" I smiled and waved back.

Chen and I stood outside the building from across the street and noticed a large crowd of fangirls crowding some people trying to get inside. The girls were screaming, holding up signs, and reaching for the idols trying to get inside. I watched in amazement as the idol's faces became visible. Victim number 1 was Kai from EXO, his soft features smiling and looking back at the others that came with him. Victim number 2, Luhan, a frowning member that was holding grocery bags above his head and arguing with victim number 3, Oh oh oh Sehun. Sehun was also arguing, but chuckling along with anything Luhan said. Victims number 4 and 5 joined them together, victim number 4's hand leading number 5 up by the small of their back. The two of them turned and I gasped upon seeing victim 4, D.O and victim number 5 being my best friend in the whole wide world, Rachel. The group of people kept waving, trying to tell the fangirls to leave as they tried to get into the building. Excitement built up inside of me and before I could call out to Rachel, Chen screamed for his fellow band mate.

"KYUNGSOO!" Chen screamed and the wide eyed man turned.

D.O turned and smiled widely to us before hitting the other members to look.

"CHEN!" Kai screamed.

It was if the fangirls surrounding the building were predators, because once Kai called for Chen their heads swung our way in a creepy unison that struck fear into my heart.

"OH GOD!" I gasped and flinched back to their thirsty stares.

Fangirls are scary...!

"..." Chen whispered under his breath and only then did I see the ladies slowly starting to head our way.

OH !!!


Hello my dear readers! Thank you for reading and keeping up with me! I have all the way up to chapter 19 waiting to be allowed to be seen. Haha I'm still editing them so please be patient. Just letting you know, a lot of that people might hate me for will happen in part 18. Just remember everything will work out in the end. 

Love you all! XOXO

- EXORearo -3- ~ <3

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Chapter 49: ㅋㅋㅋ Kyungsoo being a stud muffin XD this is so great
Chapter 49: I love the story. Thanks for writing it. Keep writing!
Chapter 48: Ahahahaha Kai's time of the month. I could see that being a real thing and Kyungsoo having to deel with his... needs ;)
mariarosavo_ #4
Chapter 48: oh wow, menstrual kai HAHAHAHAH ...
awww i want them to publicly date :c but i get where shes coming from <3
Love this story I think it deserves way more love ♥
Chapter 47: I don't get why they can't date.
She publicly dated Sehun and that was okay, why isn't she publicly dating Kyungsoo?
mariarosavo_ #7
Chapter 47: OMG I LOVE YOUU SRSLY!! Aww no montana left :c hope she comes back soon.. Yeshh omg she confessed and yay I ship them so much heheh ♥️
mariarosavo_ #8
Chapter 46: laughing the whole time with the situation!! Almost died
Priincessg1 #9
Chapter 45: Lol !!!! I wanna touch it lol i cants stop laughing!