Part 4

An Idol's Dream

When we arrived to the SM building it was late at night. Baekhyun and I rode the elevator up together and I waved goodbye to him.

"Bye Rachel! I'm going home to Sehun now!"

"Bye Baekhyun! Tell Sehun I say hi!" I waved and walked down the hallway to my apartment.

I could still hear Baekhyun when he opened the door to their apartment.

"Honey I'm home!" He cooed into his apartment and walked in, closing the door.

I smiled and laughed, knowing that Sehun would be angry that Baekhyun went with me. I chuckled at the silly man and I yawned. Even though I had slept on the plane my body had reverted to US time... I was dead... The four bags on my back didn't help my sleepy state any. I unlocked the apartment and trudged in, slipping my shoes off and taking one slow step at a time. Kyungsoo was up in the kitchen, making something to eat. He turned and his eyes widened when he saw me. I glanced away nervously.

I NEED to start talking to him...

"Oh.. You're home..."

"Sorry I didn't call." I chuckled softly.

My response made him widen his eyes even more. Not once in the past five years did I text or call him.

"Th-Th-That's fine! You look really tired... Do you want to go take a nap?" He asked cautiously, obviously not too sure if this whole talking thing was going to last.

"Yeah... That's a good idea."I smiled softly.

"W-Well... I have dinner ready... whenever you want to eat you can have some." He told me, watching me start to back up to the stairs.

"Thank you..."I bowed awkwardly.

Kai was sitting at the kitchen table reading a book, he suddenly looked up and jumped a little upon seeing my presence.

"Welcome back!" He smiled.

"Hi..." I mumbled to him weakly.

He waved and looked between Kyungsoo and I, wondering what's going on. I took in a deep breath and tried to calm my racing heart.

Now's the time to ease into talking with him.

"K-Kyungsoo?"I asked and he jumped a little upon hearing his name.


"Can you wake me in about two hours? So I can eat?" I asked softly.

He nodded rapidly, showing that he was REALLY okay with doing it. I waved goodnight to them and walked upstairs, greeting Kyung and Kai as soon as I walked into the room. I dropped all my things and flopped onto my bed in comfort. Kyung and Kai mewled and ran up to me, curling up around me. The three of us feel asleep until I heard a harsh knocking on my door.

I opened my droopy eyes and looked to the door in question. The pounding was so loud that I didn't even try to respond.

"Don't knock so loud! You're going to wake her!"I heard Kyungsoo hush.

"Aren't we trying to wake her?" Kai grumbled.

"No! You don't want to wake her like that!" Kyungsoo hissed.

He's still as sweet as ever...

"Kyungsoo?"I groggily called out.

There was a pause and a silence that followed, "S-Sorry Rachel... It's been two hours now..." He mumbled.

I turned and looked at the time to see that it was ten at night.

"Alright! Thank you!"I called out and sat up, slowly getting out of bed.

As I was climbing out of bed I noticed that my cats were low on food and litter. I grumbled a little and left the room, walking downstairs to eat some dinner. Kai was in their room, reading and listening to music. As for Kyungsoo he sat with me while I ate. For once in the five years since my debuted we talked like we used to. We laughed and chatted about my hometown. I felt like we were friends for a moment and it felt good. I suddenly remembered that I needed to go shopping for some things for the cats. I turned to Kyungsoo as I was washing my plate.

"Umm... Kyungsoo-ah...?" I asked and he looked over at me in question.


"I have to go get the cats some food and litter..." I mumbled out.

"Is it alright if I come with you? I need to buy some new things for the kitchen." He asked.

"Alright." I nodded and put my dish away to be dried.

The two of us put on some type of disguise or cover-up our faces so we didn't get crowded. Kyungsoo tucked his hair back into a snapback and put on a sick mask. I also put on a sick mask and put a headband on that covered my colorful hair.

We bought everything we needed without problem and started to head back. I carried the cat stuff and Kyungsoo carried the kitchen stuff. As we were outside the building a woman came up to us. I was afraid she knew who we were and it made me take a step back. The woman looked depressed, her face and eyes drooped and her complexion going into a dark color. She was starting to get a hunched back and her eyes were red and puffy from obvious recent tears. She lifted her head and gave me a dead stare, or more like a stare that wished death upon me. I looked to Kyungsoo and he cautiously started to get closer to me, worried about what this lady was going to do.

"Nobody likes you..." She seethed at me.         

"What...?" I mumbled in shock.

"I know who you are, Rearo, D.O." She growled a little.

Kyungsoo and I looked between each other and he took a step closer, not knowing where this was leading.

"I hate you." The woman's voice had taken a deathly turn.

"J-Just calm down ma'am." Kyungsoo mumbled to her.

"I hate you! You hang out with EXO too much!!" She screeched, "They're not yours!"

Well they're not yours either, so....

"They help me train, they're my friends..." I explained in a rush.

"THAT'S NO EXCUSE!" She screamed and I shrunk back a little.

Suddenly, she pulled out a knife, and a long one at that. She smirked a little as the knife glittered in the florescent light of the night. I felt my blood run cold and my whole body freeze and tense up.

"I HATE YOU!!!" She yelled in pure agony.

"Ma'am calm down..." I said while I started taking shaky steps back, "Ma'am calm down... Please ma'am calm down..."

"YOU RUINED MY LIFE!" She hollered at me.

Kyungsoo and I looked at each other in pure fear and I looked back just in time to see her bring her arm up, knife at the ready. My body wasn't fast enough to react, all I could do was move out of the way slightly, only to get the knife stabbed deeply into my shoulder. The searing pain of it penetrating made me scream and the horrible feel of it ripping my muscles and flesh made me feel weak and limp. Blood poured from the wound and I was stuck there, frozen in time. I looked over at Kyungsoo in desperation for help, but my eyes blurred and my breath hitched, making me unable to scream.

"OH MY GOD!!!!!! NOOOO!!" Kyungsoo yelled and panicked, wanting to run to me, but the crazy lady and knife stopping him.

Eun Sang, that dear angel, heard our screams and called security to run out. Two of the familiar beefy guys ran out and grabbed the woman, pulling her away from me. A police car pulled up barely a moment later and arrested her. During her struggle with the security guards she pulled out the knife and tossed it under a nearby parked car. The moment she pulled off me, Kyungsoo rant to my side, crying and holding onto my head, making me look at him with my clouded eyes. My hand was placed over the wound, the blood seeping onto my hand. Eun Sang came running out.

"Rachel! Are you alright?!" She yelled, looking my weak figure in worry.

"I-I-I'll be f-fine..." I spoke faintly.

Kyungsoo was in shock, not knowing what to honestly do with himself. He just stayed by my side, a tight grip on my wrist.

"We'll walk you back inside ma'am." One of the security guards smiled softly at me.

We walked inside, heading to the elevators. My legs became weaker with each step, but I willed myself to keep going. I knew this wasn't something I could sleep off, but I wanted to try. I wanted to just lay down and sleep, try to forget this happened. As we neared our apartment door I slammed my hand against a nearby wall, my breaths coming out rugged and deep. It sounded like I had just run a marathon, but I had only walked a few feet. Kyungsoo opened the door and threw the groceries in, helping me walk the few feet into the apartment. I staggered and felt myself starting to lose it. Kyungsoo grabbed my shirt and pulled down the one side, exposing the wounded shoulder. His eyes widened and filled with tears.

"KAI! KAI!!!" He yelled, hoping the bronze man would come to his call for once.

Kai came walking around the corner with a bowl of Fruit loops, eating them individually. He looked to Kyungsoo in slight annoyance.

"I'm right here what do-" His eyes traveled to me and he froze, "What happened?!" He dropped his bowl, Fruit Loops flying everywhere, "Why is she bleeding?! Why is there blood everywhere?!" He yelled and ran over, examining my shoulder in concern.

"Get the first aid kit!" Kyungsoo yelled, helping me walk in a little further.

Kai ran off, but his screams were still very audible, "Do you even know how to put stitches in?!" He yelled.

"I can try!" Kyungsoo shouted back.

I slipped unconscious and rolled back into reality for only a short moment.

"Kyungsoo... I'll be fine, just call... an... ambulance..." I whispered out, my whole body aching with every word.

Kyungsoo looked ready to say something, but my ears went deaf and I fell unconscious, my whole body gone slack and unresponsive.

Hey guys! I'm sincerely sorry to everyone for the late update! My internet has been out for like a week... IT WAS TORTURE!!! BUT! I had so much time to write these chapters lol 

I will put the next one up tomorrow! I'm headed off to do some Rosetta Stone for several hours lol That's what I get for trying to get a job in Korean haha



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Chapter 49: ㅋㅋㅋ Kyungsoo being a stud muffin XD this is so great
Chapter 49: I love the story. Thanks for writing it. Keep writing!
Chapter 48: Ahahahaha Kai's time of the month. I could see that being a real thing and Kyungsoo having to deel with his... needs ;)
mariarosavo_ #4
Chapter 48: oh wow, menstrual kai HAHAHAHAH ...
awww i want them to publicly date :c but i get where shes coming from <3
Love this story I think it deserves way more love ♥
Chapter 47: I don't get why they can't date.
She publicly dated Sehun and that was okay, why isn't she publicly dating Kyungsoo?
mariarosavo_ #7
Chapter 47: OMG I LOVE YOUU SRSLY!! Aww no montana left :c hope she comes back soon.. Yeshh omg she confessed and yay I ship them so much heheh ♥️
mariarosavo_ #8
Chapter 46: laughing the whole time with the situation!! Almost died
Priincessg1 #9
Chapter 45: Lol !!!! I wanna touch it lol i cants stop laughing!