Chapter 15

An Idol's Dream

I had worked with BTS all week and had finally gotten everything down. Enjoying the fact that we had everything down and wouldn't have to practice so intensely, we all lazed about in the dance studio after our last hard working dance session.

I sat on the floor, my back leaned against the wall. We had just stopped and decided to take a break, it was like sanctuary to my aching muscles. The wall was cold against my back and I could feel how tired I was through my rugged deep breaths. I leaned my head back, my hair forming to the wall as I closed my eyes sleepily. I yawned and sat there quietly as I listened to the boys talk. They were talking about what they would be eating for dinner and other normal trivial things. I sat there for several moments and suddenly heard a thump, like someone had jumped off a stool. I opened my eyes and looked towards the boys in wonder. Jimin had jumped off the stool he was just sitting on and had spit up the water he had been drinking, getting it all over his shirt and shorts. He held an open water bottle in one hand and his phone in the other,  holding both arms high so they wouldn't get wet. He was looking down at himself, staring and staying still. Even though my muscles ached I stood quickly and rushed over to get paper towel, knowing he wouldn't react quick enough. I came back with a handful of paper towel and I pulled his shirt forward, rubbing and dabbing at the wet spots. I continued dabbing and rubbing as I cleaned his shirt and continued onto his shorts. As I cleaned I felt a large bump in the fabric, but I paid it no mind, even as it grew quite large. I continued until I heard Jimin groan and gasp and he grabbed my wrist, halting my process. I looked up at him to see him blushing fiercely with a scrunched face. I widened my eyes and looked back to see where I had just been cleaning. It was his crotch and I just melted in embarrassment and dropped the paper towel, feeling a blush come to my face.

"I'm so s-sorry! I got so dis-distracted by cleaning I didn't p-pay attention... I'm s-sorry!" I stuttered as I felt my body get warmer.

He nodded and didn't look at me, he just released my wrist and backed up a bit. He had one hand covering his crotch as he backed up.

"Jeez if I knew you would've cleaned like that I would have spilled something on my crotch long ago!" Suga laughed.

I turned to him in shock to see everyone staring at me. Some of them smirked,  while the others were either blushing or just staring in shock.

"I really didn't mean to!" I tried to explain.

"She didn't mean it..." Jimin stepped next to me.

He helped me stand from my kneeling position and kept a comforting hand on the small of my back. The presence of the hand put me on a bit more of an edge though, his company just making me feel embarrassed.

"But you secretly liked it Jimin." V laughed.

"D-Did not!" He gasped exasperated.

I looked to Jimin in worry and saw the blush take over his entire face. I sighed and left his side going back to my seat.

"erts." I mumbled as I resumed my half asleep position.

"What made you spit up your water anyway?" Jin asked.

"I was looking at this..." Jimin stepped next to the members and showed them something on his phone that made them laugh and curiously try saying something quietly.

God, that was so embarrassing!

I kept replaying the scene in my mind several times to the point of where my whole body felt on fire. I sighed and repositioned my head so it was more comfortable. I repositioned my legs and bottom as I kept getting butterflies in my stomach. After sitting like that I felt someone tap my shoulder. I opened my eyes and looked for the source, seeing them all sitting around me in a circle.

"What is this...?" I thought on it a moment, then a horrible thought popped up, "I said it was an accident!"

"We're not that vulgar Rachel." Jin sighed sadly.

"Then... what are you all doing?" I asked.

"We found some pick up lines some fans wrote that we would say, since you are the only girl in here you have to tell us what you think." Rap Monster explained freely.

"Alright..." I spoke cautiously.

"I'll go first," Rap Monster cleared his throat, "Please help the homeless. Take me home with you..." He smiled to me sweetly.

My heart raced slightly to his soft words and I gave him a thumbs up. He smiled and high fived with Suga, who was next.

"I've forgotten my phone number... Can I have yours?" He winked.

"Oh my god it's so cheesy!" I laughed at him.

He laughed and scratched the back of his head, "That's what I thought when I read it."

I looked to the smirking Jimin next to him, waiting for his pick up line.

He turned his head and cracked his neck before looking at me seductively, "If it's true that we are what we eat, I could be you by morning!" He finished with a wink and it made my stomach flip. 

I gave him a thumbs up and placed a hand over my mouth that began smiling awkwardly. Jimin laughed and arm pumped happily, making the other members laugh. V squirmed as he waited to speak. I looked to him and nodded, telling him to continue.

He cleared his throat and looked at me intently, "If your right leg was Thanksgiving, and your left leg was Christmas, could I meet you between the holidays?"

I laughed at how goofy he was and how silly the pickup line was. He smiled brightly like a small child would and nodded to me. Jin was next and I looked to him as I wiped away my tears from laughing so hard. He looked at me nervously and awkwardly, wondering if he was even allowed to speak. He blushed a little and looked down at his twiddling thumbs as he spoke.

"Have any Korean in you?" He looked up at me and gave me a serious and ual look that made my heart throb, "Want some?"

After those words left his lips I felt like I wanted Jin to be in my arms and to hold me sweetly. He kept staring at me and I felt like my heart was going to explode. I opened my arms and beckoned him over next to me.

"Yes, come here." I patted the spot next me with one hand and beckoned him with the other.

He looked around at the other members,  who were smirking, and then slowly stood and walked over to me, sitting next to me. I smiled and patted his shoulder.

"I hope I get the same reaction," J-Hope smiled and took in a deep breath as he readied himself to speak, "Girl are you a beaver? Cause DAMN!" He yelled almost.

I began laughing hysterically and rocked back and forth as the boys joined my mirth. He was not going to receive the same and welcoming reaction for his derpy pickup line. After the laughing had died down I looked to the maknae, wondering what he had in store for me. Would it make me laugh? Would it make me happy? Or would it just plain gross me out? I intently watched him as he took in a deep breath and spoke his next words with a soft and hear throbbing tone.

"I lost my teddy bear, can I sleep with you instead?" The look in his eyes made my heart feel as though he was being completely honest.

I gasped and my breath got caught in my throat. The boys watched me place a hand to my chest dramatically.

"An arrow through the heart!" I exclaimed and rolled onto Jin, "I think I just died and went to heaven." I gave a peaceful sigh.

The guys began applauding Jungkook and the maknae laughed and clapped along happily. I sat up and smiled to him giving him two thumbs up. In the middle of the enjoyable time with all of them, my phone started going off. I pulled it out and laughed as I tried to hush all of them.

"Hello?" I giggled into the phone as everyone finally died down.

"Hey." Kai's sweet voice responded.

"Kai-ssi!"  I smiled to his voice.

EXO had been gone for the past four weeks and I rarely heard from them, except Luhan, who texted me everyday even if they were in town. To hear his gorgeous voice after so long I almost burst into tears.

"What are you up to?" He asked.

"I'm just chilling with BTS after a long practice, how about you?" I asked.

"Oh you know, just chilling outside Big Hit Entertainment, waiting for you, the usual." I heard him chuckle.

I gasped and tightened the grip on my phone, "Really?!"

"Really." He laughed.

"I'll be down in just a bit!" I excitedly yelled and hung up.

BTS looked at me curiously, each of them watching me scurry around the room, picking up everything.

"What's going on?" V asked.

"Kai came to get me, so I'm going to go to the locker room and take a shower, I'm sorry, but is that okay that I leave early today?" I pleaded with them.

"Go ahead, we weren't doing anything anyways." Rap Monster smiled to me.

"Thank you soooo much!" I ran forward and hugged him tightly.

"What? Only he gets a hug?" Jimin mumbled.

"Hey you ert, you already got your moment earlier." J-Hope chuckled and stood opening his arms for me.

I hugged him and continued to hug all the members hugging the grumbling Jimin last. I hurried into the locker room and took a fast shower, pulling on my dry clothes in a hurry. I had my head wrapped in a towel that you would normally see women wearing in spa commercials. I searched through my bag, looking for my shirt, not being able to find it. I searched for another two minutes before growling loudly. I stood in the middle of the bathroom in my pants and bra, my wet hair in a towel and my make-up still perfect from before I had taken the steamy shower. I pulled out my phone and called Jungkook. He picked up instantly.


"Hey, Jungkook, I'm having a little problem..." I mumbled, biting my nail nervously.

"What is it? Did you leave something here?" He questioned.

"No... I forgot a shirt to change into..." I sighed as my embarrassing day with them continued.

"Oh... Well I may have a spare in my locker, check there." He told me.

"Alright..." I turned and looked about the room filled with lockers, "Which one is yours?"

The lockers were all grey with blue circled designs on them and there had to be about 50 of them. I didn't have the time to go through each of them.

"Can I just come get it?" He asked.

"Sure, I'll wrap the towel around me, hold up." I mumbled, taking the towel out of my hair and holding it over my chest.

"Okay, I'm standing outside whenever you're ready." He mumbled.

"Come on in." I mumbled, watching the locker room door slowly open.

His head popped in and I waved to him curtly. He gave a nervous smile and nodded, letting the door close behind him. He hurried over to a locker and opened it quickly. He pulled out a red Addidas sweater that would obviously be too big for either of us to wear.

"It's all I have, is it okay?" He asked hopefully.

"It's perfect, thank you." I smiled and nodded my head.

Okay, now can you leave so I can put it on?

He bowed quickly and rushed out of the locker room as if I had some type of disease. I sighed and dropped the towel, slipping his sweater over my head. The sleeves over hung on my hands and it covered my without me pulling it down. I brought the sleeves up to my nose and inhaled to see what it smelled like. Obviously it smelled like Jungkook, his smell overpowering on the sleeves of the bright sweater. I giggled a little and pulled out a hair dryer, drying my hair quickly. I slipped my shoes on and grabbed all my things, rushing out of the company with only one person in mind.


I stood out in the somewhat cold weather, looking around for his familiar face. Many people walked down the sidewalk and glanced at me as I frantically looked around. A young man came up to me in a rush and it took me a moment to even notice his presence.

"Hello." I bowed a little and looked to him skeptically.

"Hello! I'm a big fan!" He smiled broadly.

"A fan? Of me? But I haven't even debuted yet." I chuckled nervously.

"A lot of people know about you though! We all are cheering for your debut! Fighting!" He pumped his fist to me in an encouraging manner.

I giggled a little and placed a hand delicately over my smiling lips, "Thank you." I bowed.

A blush came to his face and he nodded in a rush. He waved to me and hurried on his way down the sidewalk.

I guess people already know about me... Does that mean I have to be careful where I go now?

I thought on it a moment, looking into the sky as if I would find the answer up there. Then the thought of Kai popped back into my mind and I looked around for him again. Suddenly my phone went off. I picked it up without looking to the caller.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Why are you just staring at the sky in a daze?" I heard Kai's chuckle.

"Huh?" I turned and looked down the other way to the sidewalk and saw him standing not too far away with his phone to his ear.

He was wearing a pair of jeans that led into Vans and his white t-shirt was hidden partly under his thick black jacket. His hair was puffed up in a ual way and my heart raced to the smirk on his lips. I hung up the phone and put it in Jungkook's sweater pocket. I didn't take my eyes off him and just the sight of him made me want to cry happily. I wanted to run to him, but the fear that this was some kind of dream kept me glued to my spot. He chuckled and opened his arms a little, insisting a hug.

"Well are you just going to stand there?" He asked from the long distance.

I shook my head and bit my quivering lip. I took off like a deer and ran right into his open arms. He swung me around, cold air blowing against my legs. I laughed and kept a tight hold around him. He chuckled and set me down holding me tightly. I cried happily into his shoulder and felt my shoulders shaking. He tightened around me even more and I had never felt more safe than I did in that exact moment of being in his arms. I felt his fingers dig in and slightly pull at the sweater I wore.

"Why does my Princess cry?" He asked, his low rumbling voice sending shivers throughout my body.

"I missed you too much..." I let out a calming sigh.

"I bet I missed you more than you missed me." He whispered and kissed the tip of my ear, making me giggle to my ticklish spot.

I began laughing as he kept kissing me there and making me laugh like crazy. He had caught onto the fact that that was my ticklish spot and he tightly held me still as he tickled me. I laughed and squirmed in his grasp. I finally twisted so my back was pressed against his torso. I put my head as far down as it could go so he wouldn't reach it. He chuckled and gave up, spinning me back around, making me face him. He held my shoulders squarely and smiled as he searched my face.

"Oh how I missed you." He mumbled.

"Why do you keep looking at me? It's not like I changed." I mumbled, feeling uncomfortable under his intense stare.

"Oh but you are wrong, you have changed in more ways than one, and it makes me sad I wasn't here during it." He sighed.

"Well you'll be here for a bit now, so you can see if I change at all." I smiled.

"You're right!" He smiled and directed my attention to the sidewalk.

I nodded to him and we began our slow walk home. We both shoved our cold hands into our pockets and happily and enthusiastically conversed about their new album work.

"So is everyone else here?" I asked, feeling butterflies at the thought of seeing them all.

"Yeah, they should be waiting at the house for us." He thought on it and smiled brightly to me.

I picked up my walking pace and Kai chuckled to my eagerness to see everyone. In ten minutes of walking, we were walking into SM and I hurried to the elevator happily. Kai followed, barely being able keep up with my bouncing and quick movements. The elevator doors opened and I hurried out of them and rushed to our apartment door. I paused outside the door and listened to the loud murmurs and bickering of the boys on the other side of the door. Kai stood behind me and ruffled my hair.

"Go on, they are waiting for you." Kai spoke kindly to me.

I nodded and put my key into the hole, unlocking the door and jumping a little to the soft click. I opened the door and cautiously stuck my head in, seeing them all gathered in the living room. I slipped in without any of them noticing me. They all had their backs to the front door and I took this to my advantage. I slipped my shoes off and signaled Kai to be quiet. He smirked and nodded as I tiptoed behind the couch. I was standing behind Baekhyun and I took this to my advantage. I wrapped my arms around him and he screamed a little, frightened by my sudden presence.

"Dear god you scared me!" He yelled.

I held him tightly, grabbing his shirt tightly in my hands. I snuggled into his neck, my lips against his soft skin. Tears left my eyes as I held him securely. He reached his hands up and over his head, grabbing my shoulders awkwardly. He pulled and I lost my balance, sliding over the couch and landing on his, Chanyeol, and Luhan's lap. I looked at them with blurry eyes and they smiled sadly.

"Don't cry, you're too pretty for that." Chanyeol reached forward and wiped away my tears.

It felt awkward for me to hear him say that, now that I know how he feels. I smiled to him and grabbed his hand, intertwining my fingers with his. I didn't care about how they felt right now, I was just so happy to be around them. They all smiled to me and the other members scooted in hugging my awkward laying position. I hugged them back and smiled happily, even though tears still streamed from my eyes. Baekhyun rubbed a comforting hand through my hair, silently calming me down. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed his soft touch. I had missed them more than they would ever know.

"Do you want to go up to bed?" Baekhyun asked.

"Let me just lay with you guys a little longer." I mumbled, my exhaustion from dance practice finally setting in.

I felt Baekhyun chuckle as I snuggled into his warm stomach. I placed my face against his strong muscles, my breathes inhaling his sweet scent. He kept rubbing my head and I continued to hold hands with Chanyeol, hoping neither he or Luhan would leave me either.

I awoke still in the gentle embrace of Baekhyun, but Chanyeol and Luhan were no longer at my side. Baekhyun was sleeping and I could hear the boys whispering and murmuring from Kai and Kyungsoo's room. I fidgeted and started to get up when Baekhyun tightened his grip on me.

"Finally awake?" He whispered.

"Yeah... Sorry for falling asleep." I whispered back.

"I don't want to go talk with them." He sighed.

"Why? Did something happen between you guys?" I asked.

"No, I'm just too tired to show them my upbeat and normal happy face, I can be myself around you, it's easy." He sighed happily.

"But you're naturally happy Baekhyun-ssi." I mumbled.

"I guess you're right." He chuckled, "I just want to act like I'm not happy for once, see how it feels, but I wouldn't dare do that in front of them." He gave me a pleading look.

"Do you want to head up to my room then, I have some work to do, you can read some of my manga if you want..." I suggested, then thought on my offer more, "But my manga is in English..."

"Let's do it." He smiled.

I sat up and we assisted each other getting up and went up the stairs happily. I showed Baekhyun my large manga collection and he spent the next five minutes figuring out which one he wanted to read. He picked up a romance series and it made me smile because that particular series was my favorite. He went over to my new bed that had been delivered while they were away and spent no time in laying across it like a child.  I sat at my desk and pulled out the songs I had been writing about each member. I had done everyone, except Baekhyun.

Saving the best for last I guess.

Each song was like a tribute, if that's even the right way to say it, to the boys and the papers made me smile every time I saw their names scrawled kindly at the top. I put everyone's away and pulled out a new sheet just to start Baekhyun's. I delayed in putting his name at the top to the fact that he was in the room with me. I started out by humming and writing an upbeat and happy tune. I spent the next two hours writing out the tune and when I was about to start the words a knock came to my door. Baekhyun and I both directed our attention to the closed entrance.

"Come in!" I yelled.

The door creaked open and Suho stuck his head in, glancing around the room before settling on Baekhyun and I.

"I thought I would catch you two in here." He smiled.

"What's up?" I asked, putting my music away.

"Kyungsoo made some dinner, come on down and eat." He nodded happily like a proud mother.

"Definitely!" I smiled and stood, hurrying to the door.

I stood next to Suho and we both looked at Baekhyun.

"Come on Baekhyun." Suho spoke to him.

"Hold on, let me finish this book." He mumbled, his whole mind engrossed into the romantic story.

"You can take it down as long as you don't get any food on it." I told him.

"Cool!" He smiled and ran over to us, book in hand.

The three of us went down the stairs in a rush and ate the delectable meal happily. We all praised Kyungsoo and he got a small blush, but he wouldn't admit that he was secretly happy. When the meal was done everyone slowly left and said goodbye saying they would see me tomorrow. I nodded and said goodbye. Baekhyun told Sehun he was going to stay a little longer to finish reading and the maknae just waved it off as nothing. Baekhyun and I went back up to my room and I decided to play a video game on my laptop while Baekhyun read. I played a mysterious adventure that sent shivers down my body to the intense scenes and fantastic graphics. I had a song stuck in my head and began quietly humming it, knowing it was an EXO song. I finished half of the game in two hours and yawned, stretching my arms. I exited the game and smiled when my background popped up. It was a collage of all my pictures with the boys and some random pictures of Montana and I together. I closed my laptop and continued humming some songs as I turned, looking over to Baekhyun. He was sleeping now, the last book of the series in his hand, halfway read. I went over to the mess of the manga he made and picked them up, putting them back on the shelf. Once I put them away I grabbed my pajama pants and kept my eyes glued to his sleeping figure as I took off my pants and slipped on my sleepwear. I turned and looked for a shirt to wear and found none of my sleeping shirts in my closet. I looked over to my hamper and saw them all awkwardly stuffed into the full bin.

Maybe I can go ask Kai...

I knew it was awkward to ask him for a shirt, but we were close enough for him to not ask any questions. I went to my bedroom door and heard Baekhyun moan loudly. I turned and saw him rubbing his eyes slightly.

"Where are you going?" He yawned.

"I'm going to ask Kai if I can borrow a shirt for the night." I mumbled.

"Come here." He sleepily beckoned me to his side.

I cautiously walked over to him, looking at him oddly. Once I was close enough he hugged me around the waist. I gasped a little to the sudden grab and I awkwardly held my hands above my head. I slowly lowered my hands to his shoulders and pushed him off softly.

"Lay down, I'll go get a shirt and then I'll be back." I smiled to him.

He nodded groggily and turned away from me, climbing up my bed and flopping onto one of the pillows.

Am I going to have to sleep with Baekhyun?

I placed a hand questioningly on my chin and left my room, heading down the stairs with the thought still playing on my mind. D.O and Kai were both in their room and the door was open, their conversation floating out like loud music. I stood in their doorway and knocked loudly.

"Excuse me?" I whispered.

D.O was laying in bed, reading a book, and Kai was standing by an open closet without a shirt on. He had just taken it off and looked to me in shock.

"Rachel..." D.O sat up, looking at me in surprise.

"I'm sorry!" I bowed, "But I need to ask you a question Kai..."  I mumbled, looking to him hopefully.

He looked over to Kyungsoo quickly before nodding and beckoning me over. The shirt he had been previously wearing was in his hand, attempting to cover his bare chest.

"What is it?" He mumbled.

"Do you have a shirt I can sleep in for tonight?" I asked.

He coughed a little, as if my words made him chock, "I guess..."

He reached into his closet and pulled out a t-shirt that I knew was too big.

"Thank you!" I smiled and snatched the shirt from him, "Night guys!" I waved to Kyungsoo.

"Night..." He mumbled.

I hurried back upstairs and entered my room. Baekhyun was still laying on my bed, his deep breathes audible from his squished face in my pillow. I changed shirts and turned out the light, climbing into the bed next to him.

"You're back?" He whispered.

"Yeah." I nodded and pat his hand that laid by mine.

"That's good." He yawned.

"You know, you really shouldn't sleep in here like this, people might think we're together." I mumbled to him.

"So what?" He groggily moaned out.

"Couldn't it ruin your career if you were suddenly in a relationship?" I asked, turning to face him.

He softly opened one eye and looked at me, "If you care for someone enough, then your career shouldn't matter anymore then that significant other." He sleepily mumbled.

"Omo... is this a confession?" I joked.

"It's possible." He grumbled before falling back asleep.


I stared at his limp figure in awe. Had he just unknowingly confessed and fallen asleep or done it on purpose.

You can't just leave it like that!

"Yah! Baekhyun! Byun Baekhyun!!" I hissed, hitting his shoulder.

He yelped several times like a dog and that gave me the signal that he was really asleep. I sighed and rolled so my back was to him, my heart so heavy in my chest.

"You can't just leave it at that..." I mumbled, burying my warm face in the pillows.

The truth of the matter was I had a somewhat crush on Baekhyun, Kai, Kyungsoo, Luhan, Sehun, Jungkook, V, Jimin, N, Ken, and Hyuk. My feelings were crazy and to hear one of them beside Luhan confess in such a way made my heart explode. How could he confess and leave me at that? I sighed and snuggled into the pillows more, hoping to get over the event and fall asleep finally. But that dream was crushed when I suddenly felt long arms wrap over me and pull me into a tight hold. I twisted in the hug and looked at Baekhyun, to see him nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck.

Why does it feel like I'm being the man of this?

I giggled a little and  placed a tender hand on his arm. I swear I saw a little smile appear on his face. 

Okay... So an author note... School is starting soon. Boo....

I need to fix my sleeping schedule, I'm up until 2am drawing and writing. *sigh*

I would like to thank everyone for subscribing and actually reading this crap! Whenever I see a comment my heart becomes so happy! :D So keep commenting! LOVE YOU GUYS! Just to prove my love, here is a picture of Chanyeol I drew several nights ago. 

P.S I never said I was good at drawing...

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Chapter 49: ㅋㅋㅋ Kyungsoo being a stud muffin XD this is so great
Chapter 49: I love the story. Thanks for writing it. Keep writing!
Chapter 48: Ahahahaha Kai's time of the month. I could see that being a real thing and Kyungsoo having to deel with his... needs ;)
mariarosavo_ #4
Chapter 48: oh wow, menstrual kai HAHAHAHAH ...
awww i want them to publicly date :c but i get where shes coming from <3
Love this story I think it deserves way more love ♥
Chapter 47: I don't get why they can't date.
She publicly dated Sehun and that was okay, why isn't she publicly dating Kyungsoo?
mariarosavo_ #7
Chapter 47: OMG I LOVE YOUU SRSLY!! Aww no montana left :c hope she comes back soon.. Yeshh omg she confessed and yay I ship them so much heheh ♥️
mariarosavo_ #8
Chapter 46: laughing the whole time with the situation!! Almost died
Priincessg1 #9
Chapter 45: Lol !!!! I wanna touch it lol i cants stop laughing!