Chapter > 4

INS [In Numi Soul] - English Ver.


The door are large and membidang, made ​​of steel and very hard, cold to the touch by the palm of the hand.

"So ..... Now what? Here we can not get into. Door was closed and we could not enter it.", Kyungsoo start grumbling again. He also was tired of being occupied Jongin strange world.

"You're back a little.", Jongin Kyungsoo suddenly instructed to immediately step back. The man in question was complied.

After Kyungsoo retreated some distance from the door of the great palace Numi, Jongin began muttering, like a shaman.

Kyungsoo strange looking towards Jongin today, really weird guy. Kyungsoo said to myself.

[Sound of screeching door]

Shortly Jongin began ing his hands toward the wall the door, and the door slowly opened. Produce white light shining from it, such as light gates in a fairy tale.

"You're a shaman or psychic huh? Really weird!", Kyungsoo blinked several times as he asked, confused at Jongin.

"Let's go in!", Jongin not answer. He even pulled the arm Kyungsoo to enter the white light from the castle doors are already wide open Numi.

It was unbelievable. There is a luxury residential palace in the Numi. There is a red carpeted stairs and floors clean glass, clean and solid walls. What a magnificent palace in Kyungsoo. Round-eyed man was still watching the luxuries in the palace, as if he wanted to turn away.

"It is beautiful .... You're here live with?, And ......", Kyungsoo talk interrupted when she heard screams and cries of the senses of hearing quickly.

Screams and screeches like ... "Do not ...! Please stay away ..." , "Aaaaaa! Let go of me, leave me alone!" and so on.

Quickly Kyungsoo immediately asked, "What's that noise? Why such a fearful person?"

Jongin rather gasped and paused for several minutes, and then he replied "That's the voice of people who are nightmares in a dream. Everything can be heard inside the palace Numi, so I beg of you to help me."

"Help what? I can not anything. And how we can change a person's dreams, it's all God's will and imagination of the person who produced .." Kyungsoo melirih slow start this time with a slightly hoarse voice.

"Will you shut up and just say 'Yes' to help me?", Jongin apparently getting annoyed with the speech Kyungsoo stubborn.

"Then? Now we have to how to go about making the dream of all people to be more beautiful?", Kyungsoo kept hearing moans started getting louder in the palace.

"Come with me, Come on!"

Jongin quickly ran towards the door of a red heart, somehow what doors it is clear now Kyungsoo Jongin trailed just to get to the mysterious The door now.

Then later, they both had reached the front door red. Kyungsoo not know what else to do. But he saw that was wiped Jongin wall door with the palm of his hand several times. But there was no reaction whatsoever ....... [_] 

continued ~

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