Chapter 7

Return of the Milkyway
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I have been so stressed over wether the last chapter was good or not... so it made me so happy to se that LexJinx had upvoted my story!

Thank you LexJinx for upvoting! SARANGHAE! <33333

Feeling a slight bit of guilt for what had happened earlier that day Ravi gently knocked on the door to Maria's room. Hearing steps on the other end of the door his heart began to beat loudly in his ears. He knew what he did back in sweden was wrong and he really did wanted to apologize. Although standing there knowing that she most likely wouldn’t forgive him, Ravi wanted nothing more than to run away, again.
Swinging the door open Maria looked up at Ravi with nothing but a green towel wrapped around her wet body.
“Can I help you?” Maria asked as she held the towel tighter.
“I just wanted to…” He started his eyes trying to look anywhere then her body. “Tell you.. tha-”
“Ravi listen.” She said as she looked up into his eyes. “I promise to hear you out and talk to you later.” Ravi nodded at her words but didn’t make an effort to move. “Like when i’m not Ravi.” Maria snickered as Ravi finally came back to his senses and started walking briskly down the hall, his head facing the floor.

Closing the door, Maira got back to drying her body. Just as she leaned down, back facing the door, it swung open.
“What is it with you guys walking in on me today?!” Maria asked in a angry tone facing her sisters surprised face.
“I didn’t me-” Melly said startled and put her hands up, as if she was on gunpoint. “Wait. Who walked in on you ?”

Laughing Melly held her sides as she fell back on her sisters bed. “That story was amazing. I love the part door fight.” Melly laughed as she dried the tears from the corner of her eye.
“I’m glad you find this so amusing.” Maria said as she pulled out a pair of shorts from the drawer.
Pulling the shorts over her tanned legs quickly, when there was a knock on the door.
“Who is it?” Melly called over the racket her sister was making, trying to pull a shirt over her head.
“It’s me. Open up.” Hyuks voice boomed outside the door. Walking up to the door, Melly swung it open. "What's up?" Melly said casually as she leaned her head against the doorframe.
"Well we were thinking if going to the lake tonight. You know have a little bonfire and stuff like that."
“Sounds like fun.” Melly said and walked out the door with Hyuk.

“Do you have everything?” Maria asked as she checked her bag for the third time.
“Yes we got everything.” Ken said putting an arm around her shoulders. “Now let’s go, before they start the party without us.” Having to practically drag Maria out the door Ken happily smiled as they reached the dirt road leading to the lake.
“What took you guys so long?” N asked as they reached the small bonfire.
“Well someone.” Ken said pointing to Maria. “Had to check that we had everything five times.”
“I only checked so that I wouldn’t have to go back later.” Maria said sitting down in the sand. Opening a beer Melly placed it against her lips and drank greedily.
“Are you old enough to drink?" Hyuk said as he lightly tried to take the bottle from her hands .
"I'm just one year younger than you Hyukkie." Melly said emphasizing his new nickname.
"You want one?" Ravi reached over to the cool box and grabbed a beer trying to hand it to Maria.
"Actually I don't drink." Maria said and sent him a slight smile.

As the sun was just about to go down behind the horizon, Ravi made his way over to Maria. Shifting uncomfortably Leo looked at approaching the girl sitting opposite him. Having a hard time hearing what was said, due to Ken's drunk singing, Leo tried to lean closer to them. Without raising suspicion that is. “Sure, let’s go over there.” Maria said and got up from the sand, walking away with Ravi. Where are they going? Leo thought as he tried to convince himself that it was all fine and he didn’t have anything to worry about. Letting curiosity get the better of him, Leo started heading the way Ravi and Maria had disappeared to.

Standing just by the water looking at the setting sun Maria let out a sigh. “What did you want to talk about?” Maria asked taking of her shoes and headed towards the water.
“About what happened in Sweden.” Ravi said making Maria freeze to the spot.
Quickly regaining her composure, she started walking into the water again.“What about it?”
“Well I kinda want to apologize for what I did.” He stuttered as he started walking towards her.
“Let’s hear it then.” Maria said as she kept walking deeper and deeper into the water.
Ravi looked at Maria as she toddled into the water, looking slightly as a child. Knowing that she very probably wouldn’t forgive him, even if he apologized. Ravi had decided that he would clean his conscience and hopefully get Maria to at least talk to him more. However his apology could backfire totally and she would never even speak to him again, let alone look at him. Nervously dragging his hand through his hair, Ravi headed out into the water standing just behind her.
“I’m not going to ask that you forgive me.” he started and Mari

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LexJinx #1
Chapter 6: Update soon Please!!! I love yours guys' story. Absolutely love it. ^.^
Chapter 4: melbin ftw!
LexJinx #3
Chapter 4: You have made my day as well!! Loved the update as usuall! Thank you feeking & leonskull. ^.^
Chapter 4: Finally ^^ This made my day! Update soon again^~^
To all the readers... You're welcome! I hade to literary force feeking with all my might to write and finally she updated! I'm starting to think that threats and violence is the only thing that works with her... FEEKISH YOU OLD HAG DON'T MAKE US WAIT EVER AGAIN! good, I love u bye.
Yoyo1014 #6
Chapter 3: I love this story!!! Please update soon!!!^.^
LexJinx #7
Chapter 3: Yay!! OMG I loved the update! Can't wait to read more! So excited!
linneaholm #8
Chapter 3: haha loved the update!! hope next update comes soon :D
miezemausi #9
Chapter 3: Thank you for the update, I really liked it!♡♡♡
Chapter 3: really good ^^