Chapter 1

Return of the Milkyway
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[Melly POV]

My shift just ended at Joye’s Coffee. I took my bag and started walking back to the apartment along the boardwalk, taking a deep breath letting the warm sun burn my already tanned skin.

A lot of things happened since the encounter with the korean boyband VIXX, I thought to myself as I half ran towards the ice coffee stand placed perfectly in the shade of the palm trees. My sister kept waiting for that call to come but Ravi never even sent her a text. I just hope I never see her that disappointed again. It took quite a while for her to forget about him. She did go on dates and weren’t all too depressed, but the pain she felt every time someone called and it wasn’t him was still visible in her eyes.

“I don’t know why I keep expecting him to call,” She’d say and put the phone away. Sometimes she would sit by the tv watching dream team and when she saw his face, she’d stare at him or get mad, pressing the off-button hard to turn off the TV.

Before going to the US a friend and I had been watching an interview with VIXX. “We had a lot of fun on our world tour. We meet some really interesting people that we still keep in touch with.”
“Well that’s a bunch of crap” I scoffed angrily from the couch.
“And Sweden was a beautiful country.” Hongbin continued smiling.
“Not just the country though, right hyung.” Hyuk said teasingly to Hongbin making him blush and earning a slap on the arm from Leo.

I held the ice tea against my neck. “It’s too hot!” I complained loudly to no one in particular and forced my tired body up the stairs to the small apartment I shared with my sister. I took off my shoes and walked over to the fan.

“Hey you’re back,” Maria said from the bathroom.
“I’m burning up! It’s so hot!” I whined and laid down on the cool floor.
“It’s supposed to get chilly by tonight.” she said perfecting her makeup.
“Why the hell are you putting make up on? It’s like 500 degrees out there!” I had had enough of the heat, I opend the freezer and sat down with my back against it. We both worked at the Joye’s Coffee and a small pub called Davi’s just 10 minutes away from our apartment. Every other day I would work at the coffee shop and she’d work at the pub and then we switched the day after.

“Because I need to go to work in ten min- Yah! You’ll ruin the food!” she said shoving her mascara back into her bag, walking towards me and moving me away from the open freezer. “Unnie!” I whined holding on to her leg.

“I need to go, my shift starts in fifteen.” she said putting on her heels. “I’ll be done by eleven so come pick me up we’ll buy some barbeque materials for us and the girls,” I nodded towards her, just as she was about to walk out the green door she turned back towards me and looked at me “Stay out of the freezer!” she shouted in a scolding tone and slammed the door.



The flight attendant served us some snacks and Ken kept trying to film his Ken TV while Leo didn’t bother to answer any of his questions. Hyuk and Ravi were sleeping soundly as Hongbin and I were sitting in silence looking at everyone.
“Hyung” Hongbin said patting my arm to get my attention, and pointed towards his phone on my side of the small table. I picked the phone up, about to hand it to him but instead lit up the screen revealing a picture of him and Melly.
“Hongbin...” I stated but he scoffed irritatedly and snatched it from me.
“Just give it to me, don’t look at it.” he sneered. If you don’t want people to see the picture don’t have it as a background pabo, I mentally scolded him, stretched my arm and grabbed Ravi’s phone. The rapper didn’t notice, in his deep sleep, so I openly clicked in the screen-password and saw a weird picture of himself as a background.
“See this is what it should look like.” I commented shoving the phone in Hongbins face. He backed away, annoyed. “What if you lose your phone and someone found it, making a big fuss out of it, going to the media and-”
“Well I won’t.” he said shoving my arm away with a serious face. “Now let me sleep.” I looked at him with an angry glare. This boy really needed to let the girl go, he was holding on to our memories as if they were going to come back.


[author pov]

N glanced at s through the mirror on his suncap and saw them all sleeping aside from Leo, who was playing with his phone. He was tired and jetlagged but still couldn’t fall asleep, he needed a comfy bed to do so which meant he would have to stay away at least another three quarters. He sighed deeply and he let his head fall back into the seat-cushion. About five minutes later his manager stopped the car. Needing to get some air and stretch his legs N was out of the car in mere seconds. Leo looked up from his computer screen and looked out the window to see that they had stopped at a gas station to fill the car with some fuel and also buy some drinks and snacks. He pulled his earphones out and opened the door only to get greeted by some fresh, but suffocatingly hot air. His legs felt numb as he placed them on the ground, the ride had been quite long. N was beside him stretching, none of them said much as they were both exhausted. Leo followed his hyung as he took his wallet and started walking towards the shop.

There was a middle aged lady by the register and she greeted them happily when they walked through the doors and they bowed their heads slightly, totally forgetting the fact that most people didn’t bow in America. They walked over to the shelfs with chips and sodas and started picking out what to buy.

As they stood there debating over whether they should get coke or fanta a red beetle pulled to a stop outside. The girl in the car, that was blasting loud music, got out and filled her tank. Hongbin who’d just woken up by the nice breeze looked outside and saw the girl with big dark sunglasses and a black sun hat on her head. The girl had long wavy hair, just like Melly, but a different colour, her legs were long and slim and

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LexJinx #1
Chapter 6: Update soon Please!!! I love yours guys' story. Absolutely love it. ^.^
Chapter 4: melbin ftw!
LexJinx #3
Chapter 4: You have made my day as well!! Loved the update as usuall! Thank you feeking & leonskull. ^.^
Chapter 4: Finally ^^ This made my day! Update soon again^~^
To all the readers... You're welcome! I hade to literary force feeking with all my might to write and finally she updated! I'm starting to think that threats and violence is the only thing that works with her... FEEKISH YOU OLD HAG DON'T MAKE US WAIT EVER AGAIN! good, I love u bye.
Yoyo1014 #6
Chapter 3: I love this story!!! Please update soon!!!^.^
LexJinx #7
Chapter 3: Yay!! OMG I loved the update! Can't wait to read more! So excited!
linneaholm #8
Chapter 3: haha loved the update!! hope next update comes soon :D
miezemausi #9
Chapter 3: Thank you for the update, I really liked it!♡♡♡
Chapter 3: really good ^^