Chapter 4

Return of the Milkyway
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It was two days ago that VIXX had almost caught the girls. Maria was sure that incident had shorted her life with ten years. She was standing behind the bar cleaning glasses as her co worker Jamie walked up behind her.
“So Maria” He said grabbing a towel and started to dry the glasses Maria put on the counter. “There is this party tomorrow…” Jamie glanced down at her as she hummed in response.
“Seems nice…” Maria glanced up at him with a smile.
“Yeah. So I was wondering if…” Jamie swallowed hard. Come on Jamie this is the one chance you have! Jamie thought as he put the towel on the counter. “Would you like to go with me?”
Maria looked up at him confused. “I would love to, but i’ve already made plans for tomorrow. Im sorry.” she untied her apron and hung it on a hook hanging by the cabinet filled with bottles. “I’ll see you friday Jamie.” Maria waved and walked out the front door towards her car.

The girls were waiting for N and Ken by the carnival entrance. Melly looked at her phone again.
“Why is it taking so long?” Melly asked impatiently, tapping her foot against the pavement.
“It’s only been ten minutes.” Maria laughed as she looked around for the two guys. Some of Mellys friends were walking through the entrance trying to wave Melly over but she just shook her head and leaned against the fence.

“Sorry it took so long.” Ken said as they finally found the girls. “We were by the other side of this thing.” he said knocking his hand against the fence.
“Let’s go.” Maria said happily and started to walk towards the entrance.

After two hours of carousel riding they all sat down on a bench close to the haunted house.
“Do you wanna ride it?” Ken said nodding his head towards the haunted house.
“Never.” Maria said shivering and Melly laughed at her reaction.
“Unnie is easily scared. She tends to act though before a ride but when she is there. It’s not as funny anymore,  is it.” Melly said nuding her sisters shoulder.
“Come on. I’m not that bad.” Maria tried to defend herself, but she knew it wouldn’t last.
“Remember the funhouse?” Melly said snickering.
“What happened in the funhouse?” N and Ken asked and leaned forward. This will be good blackmail material. Ken thought as he smiled innocently at Maria.
“Well there was this clown in a mirror room. He followed the kids and made them laugh. But when he came towards us in the room unnie panicked and started to run away.” Melly laughed at the memory of her scared face. “Only thing is she didn’t know where she was going and ran into a mirror.” They all burst out laughing and Maria hid her face in her long hair. That was probably the most embarrassing moment in her life so far. Seeing how embarrassed Maria was Ken patted her shoulder.
“It’s not that bad. Come on, I’ll win you a stuffed animal.” Ken laughed and they all got up and walked towards the entrance.

~at the entrance~

“Hey are you sure you saw them walk in here?” Ravi asked Hyuk as he walked through the carnival entrance.
“Yes I am sure. Now let’s go! I want to play here as well.” Hyuk said dragging Leo by the arm to make him move faster. “Hyung hurry up!” he whined as Leo barely moved.
Ravi who was looking behind towards Leo and Hyuk walked right into a startled Hongbin.
“Yah what are you doing just standing there?” Ravi said as he looked angrily at Hongbins frozen face.
“Hyung what’s wrong?” Hyuk asked as he finally had managed to drag Leo towards them.
“I don’t know this guy won’t move.” Ravi sighed as he waved his hand before Hongbins face.
Finding all of this way to annoying Leo started walking forward when something caught his eye. or someone.

N was trying to win a big fluffy elephant toy for Maria when he heard a familiar voice. He slightly turned around to see Hongbin looking at Melly, who was standing next to her sister laughing at my failed attempts, with big eyes. Panicked N grabbed the girls wrists and ran through the crowd of people and Ken called out to him from a flank of stairs. N ran up the stairs and through the door that Ken was holding open.

“Leo you go through the house and lure them towards the exit and we will grab them.” Hyuk said laughing as he walked with Hongbin and Ravi towards the exit. Leo walked up to the entrance, gave a girl money to let him in and she smiled up at him. “Enjoy your haunted house experience.”
Leo only sneered at her and walked inside. I’ll find you Cha Hakyeon.

“It had to be a mental hospital!” Melly whined as she hid behind Ken. “We could outrun them, if we hurry to the exit. Let’s just walk really fast.” Melly said and started running ahead with Ken. Just as Maria was about to run after them with N he sat down on the floor.
“I don’t want to go on anymore.” he whined. Maria who was scared out of her wits started pulling his arm. When the scary sound of distant screaming echoed towards them she jumped and shook her head.
“Oppa come on! I don’t want to be in here!” Maria whined as she shook his arm. She heard a raspy breath behind her just before something touched her hair. She turned around to see a man with a bandage covering all of his face. Letting out a ear-piercing scream she ran into something hard. Not daring to look up she continued to hide her face on the hard surfus, thinking if I can’t see it, it can’t see me. Until she felt a hand petting the top of her head. which made her freak out even more.
“FÖR FAN!!!!” she screamed and in an instant the hand was gone. N whined from the floor as she stomped her foots whining.
“Did you just curse in swedish?!” N whined from the floor and grabbed her hand.
“Oppa let’s get out of here please!” She whined trying to get him to stand up.
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LexJinx #1
Chapter 6: Update soon Please!!! I love yours guys' story. Absolutely love it. ^.^
Chapter 4: melbin ftw!
LexJinx #3
Chapter 4: You have made my day as well!! Loved the update as usuall! Thank you feeking & leonskull. ^.^
Chapter 4: Finally ^^ This made my day! Update soon again^~^
To all the readers... You're welcome! I hade to literary force feeking with all my might to write and finally she updated! I'm starting to think that threats and violence is the only thing that works with her... FEEKISH YOU OLD HAG DON'T MAKE US WAIT EVER AGAIN! good, I love u bye.
Yoyo1014 #6
Chapter 3: I love this story!!! Please update soon!!!^.^
LexJinx #7
Chapter 3: Yay!! OMG I loved the update! Can't wait to read more! So excited!
linneaholm #8
Chapter 3: haha loved the update!! hope next update comes soon :D
miezemausi #9
Chapter 3: Thank you for the update, I really liked it!♡♡♡
Chapter 3: really good ^^