Chapter 2

Return of the Milkyway
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Maria looked at her sister with big eyes. Vixx? Here? she shoot up and reached for her bag in the blue locker. Clenching the straps of the bag in her hand she turned to Melly and shrugged her shoulders. “I suppose it would be alright,” It hurt to think about him. But she felt more angry than sad. Angry because she was stupid enough to believe such an obvious lie.
“So it’s fine?” Melly gave her a puzzled look. “Yeah. I don’t mind seeing them. We are all friends right?” Maria said and slammed her locker shut. “Now let’s go home!” they walked out of the pub’s backdoor.


Ravi walked past the sofa where N was sitting.
“We’re here to work. Not socialize with old acquaintances.” Ken looked at him angrily. “We need to focus on the comeback. not girls.” Ravi continued and hinted towards Hongbin.
“I guess so…” Hongbin sighed and walked out of the room.
“It would be fun if they really were here but… I agree with Ravi,” Hyuk said following his hyung out the door. N looked at them in disbelief. As he turned to his only hope, Leo.
“You feel this way as well?” Leo gave him a nod and played the movie again.
“Guess it will only be the two of us then Hyung.” Ken said happily.
“In this case it’s the less the merrier.” N said annoyed and went to take a shower.


“They will be here in fifteen minutes Melly! Get the grill going!” Maria called from the bathroom.
“I don’t get it. You say you’re over Ravi but you still put on an effort for him.” Melly said from the terrace.
“It’s not for him. It’s for me! If he comes here i’m going to gloat with self confidence and show him what he missed.” Maria said confidently.
“You know that won’t work.” Melly responded sighing. She heard a low growl from the bathroom and the tap water started running.

Maria put her hair up in a bun and walked out onto the terrace to help Melly with the food. “Decided it was stupid, huh.” Melly smiled and put the sodas in the freezer.



“We’re going out.” Ken and N said as they had gotten ready to leave for the barbeque.
“Where are you going?” Hyuk said as he and hongbin packed a bag to go to the beach.
“Sightseeing-” They both said quickly cutting each other off. Everyone turned to them, looking at them with a strange expression.
“Sightseeing-fishing-” they said again and the members looked at them suspiciously.
“Where are you really going?” Hongbin urged walking closer to them.
“WE’RE GOING OUT FOR A WALK!” Ken half screamed as he and N bolted out the door to the black van as their manager drove them to the girls Apartment building.
“It’s really nice!” N said looking at the three story building. The boys walked in through the door that lead to the stairwell. They looked at the doors for the name Summers and when they finally found it they both pressed the doorbell holding it for a long time.


As the two sister were carrying the food out to the wooden table on the terrace their two guests arrived outside the door. As N and Ken continually pressed the doorbell, Maria walked into the apartment. Melly was on the terrace fixing something on the table, so Maria reluctantly walked towards the door, sighing deeply from the loud ringing. Checking herself in the mirror twice, nervous to meet the boys again. As soon as she opened the door she slapped away the fingers still pressing the doorbell.
“YAH! It’s annoying” she scolded looking up at N and Kens smiling faces. She felt slightly relieved that the rest of the members weren't there, although she didn’t know why.  
“Hello,” she smiled as the two of them gave her a quick hug.
“Maria-ssi!” Ken smiled and back hugged her as she led them towards the terrace.
“Hi Ken,” she laughed and patted his hands.
“It smells good.” N said and gave Melly a quick hug.
“Where are the others?” Melly asked as she looked into the apartment.
“These were the only ones I f

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LexJinx #1
Chapter 6: Update soon Please!!! I love yours guys' story. Absolutely love it. ^.^
Chapter 4: melbin ftw!
LexJinx #3
Chapter 4: You have made my day as well!! Loved the update as usuall! Thank you feeking & leonskull. ^.^
Chapter 4: Finally ^^ This made my day! Update soon again^~^
To all the readers... You're welcome! I hade to literary force feeking with all my might to write and finally she updated! I'm starting to think that threats and violence is the only thing that works with her... FEEKISH YOU OLD HAG DON'T MAKE US WAIT EVER AGAIN! good, I love u bye.
Yoyo1014 #6
Chapter 3: I love this story!!! Please update soon!!!^.^
LexJinx #7
Chapter 3: Yay!! OMG I loved the update! Can't wait to read more! So excited!
linneaholm #8
Chapter 3: haha loved the update!! hope next update comes soon :D
miezemausi #9
Chapter 3: Thank you for the update, I really liked it!♡♡♡
Chapter 3: really good ^^