Chapter 5

Return of the Milkyway
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I have sad news to ya'll! 
The Kculturefestival has been cancelled! 
I was looking forward to this sooo much cuz I was going to get to se ma boyz again! I was ofcourse angry and sad about this! 

When I saw that lilly6198 and Mystaeria had upvoted my fanfic. I was so happy I almost cried!



Melly let out a deep sigh and put her traveling bag on the ground beside her feet.
“Don’t put it on the floor like that.” Maria said picking up the blue bag. “All the makeup and mirror is in there.” Letting out a whiny sound Melly sat down on the pavement.
“If they wanted to come, they should have been here on time.” Melly said as she tapped ther feet loudly on the gray asphalt. “They are like… 20 minutes late.”
“They aren’t. Really, Melly people are going to think of you as a spoiled brat if you keep talking like that.” Maria was just about to sit down beside her sister when she saw a black minivan coming towards them.
As the car pulled over the back doors swung open. Ken jumped out and grabbed Maria's bag and headed for the trunk. He stopped abruptly when he noticed Melly sitting on the ground.
“Did you fall down from heaven or something?” Ken laughed as he stretched out a hand to help her up. Hongbin had just gotten out of the car to help with the bags. As he saw that Ken helped Melly up and made her smile, even just a tiny smile, the jealousy started to boil up inside him.
“You okay there Hongbin?” Hyuk asked with a satisfied smirk plastered all over his face. Sending him an glare Hongbin started to walk towards the bag lying on the ground.
“Don’t worry. I’ve got it.” Maria said as she grabbed the bag just before Hongbin could reach the handle.
“I could take it for you.” Ravi said obviously trying to steer up a conversation with Maria. Without a word she passed Ravi and threw the bag in the trunk and closed it with a loud bang.
“Who’s driving?” N asked as he started to fix the seats  so that we could all fit in the car.
“Shotgun!” Melly said and sat in the front seat. Ken started to dig after the car keys in his jeans pocket, just as he got them up Hongbin snatched them from Ken’s hand.
“I’ll drive.” As Hongbin walked over to the driver seat Leo jumped into the car sitting down in the far end seat. Ken jumped in after him but decided to sit in front of Leo and just behind Hongbin.
“Ladies first.” Hyuk said gesturing for Maria to get in.
“Thank you.” N said and jumped in beside Leo. Not wanting the most annoying person in this world take the seat Leo reserved for you, he tried to push N away by elbowing his side.
“Move.” Leo growled at N. Leo soon realized his mistake. The leader gave him a bright smile and wrapped his arms around Leo.
“You wanted a hug? You should have told me sooner.” N said while squeezing Leo’s head against his chest.  Maria laughed at the cute scene playing in front of her as she jumped in next to Ken. Ravi sat next to N, trying not to make Maria uncomfortable. Hyuk quickly sat beside Maria and started hitting the seat in front of him.
“Hyuk stop!” Melly laughed as she kept #gunga? in her seat.
“Let’s go!” He shouted excitedly as Melly put on some road trip music.

“Hyuk what song do you wanna hear now?” Melly asked as it was his turn to choose a song.
Maria looked over at Hyuk who was sleeping soundly. “Don’t bother Melly. He’s out like a light.” Maria said as she started digging in her purse for her phone. Melly looked back at Hyuk to see what her sister ment. By doing so, her face came closer to Hongbin, who immediately tensed up. His grasped the steering wheel tightly as he could smell her fruity shampoo. As Melly sat back in her seat she looked at Hongbins profile. Sneaking a peak at Melly, Hongbin noticed that she was looking at him. As he felt his cheeks heat up, he let out small chuckle.
“What?” he said with a dimple smile. Melly leaned against the window.
“How much longer?” she sighed as she opened the window a bit.
“Well it’s only been 40 minutes.” Hongbin laughed as he switch lanes.

“Have you seen this?” Maria said to Ken who was sitting beside her. He looked over at the screen to see a video playing on Maria's phone.
“Oh is that SHINee sunbaenims new song?” Ken asked as he leaned close to her. Maria handed him the right earplug. Feeling curious and a bit left out Ravi leaned forward trying to sneak a peak.
“What are you watching?” Ravi asked into Maria's ear. Ignoring Ravis attempt at a conversation, Maria pulled out her left earplug and quickly put it into her right ear. Showing Ravi that she didn’t have any plans of speaking to him. Seeing the scene play out before him Leo let out a small snicker. Turning his head towards Leo, Ravi glared at his hyung. Leo simply glared back, sending a challenging smirk at Ravi. Having had enough of the bad aura in the far back seat N turned in his seat and sighed loudly.
“Alright! Someone switch with me. All this tension back here is really bad for my skin.” N said as he stretched his cheeks back.
“No need to switch Oppa.” Melly said from the front seat. “We are here.”

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LexJinx #1
Chapter 6: Update soon Please!!! I love yours guys' story. Absolutely love it. ^.^
Chapter 4: melbin ftw!
LexJinx #3
Chapter 4: You have made my day as well!! Loved the update as usuall! Thank you feeking & leonskull. ^.^
Chapter 4: Finally ^^ This made my day! Update soon again^~^
To all the readers... You're welcome! I hade to literary force feeking with all my might to write and finally she updated! I'm starting to think that threats and violence is the only thing that works with her... FEEKISH YOU OLD HAG DON'T MAKE US WAIT EVER AGAIN! good, I love u bye.
Yoyo1014 #6
Chapter 3: I love this story!!! Please update soon!!!^.^
LexJinx #7
Chapter 3: Yay!! OMG I loved the update! Can't wait to read more! So excited!
linneaholm #8
Chapter 3: haha loved the update!! hope next update comes soon :D
miezemausi #9
Chapter 3: Thank you for the update, I really liked it!♡♡♡
Chapter 3: really good ^^