A day with you

Angles VS Devils

Latrer on when they were all still at the school they thought it might be fun to get to know each other better. So then they went to a coffie shop and started talking. "So..... How's everyone doing?" Ji Eun said as Himchan added in. " Can we leave i'm getting really board and there's nothing fun here!" As they all decided to go back to the school. When they rearrived back at the school Himchan asked evreyone " Am I cute?"himchan__s_aegyo_to_yongguk_1__by_xshion 

Nobody said a word when he asked that question. "Why are you asking that question?" Ji Eun said as they all agreed beside Himchan.tumblr_mvepwh34UN1rjhjgno1_400.gif "Well i'm not so sure why i asked that it just slipped out of my mouth like spit coming out of my mouth." Himchan said as they all thought Himchan was just lying for an excuse. "Well i've got to get back to the other other school." Hyosung said as they all went back to thier originial school. "Hey i wonder what they're doing right now?" Zelo asked himself ask he just focused on being a werid kid.

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Chapter 9: Lub it !!! Update soon
Chapter 9: Lovin this !!!
Chapter 8: Love love love your poster !!! By the way this was a great chapter . Junhong's mother is very funny !
Chapter 4: Please update !!!
Chapter 2: Oops I spelled gou instead of you .
Chapter 2: Haha it's funny so far . Just a little confusing at times when gou have spelling mistakes . Like how you spell ideot , it's spelled like this: idiot . Update soon though !