Chapter 9

Unexpected Assistant


Chapter 9


Jongin grinned behind a blue folder he was holding in front of his face as his eyes were trained on his assistant sitting next to him trying oh so hard to ignore him. He was at it for almost the last five minutes during his first meeting with the board members: tickling his assistant with his left toe underneath the table. He hadn't originally been doing that in the beginning, but Jongin had suddenly gotten the idea to do that when he felt boredom creeping inside his body which successfully took over his body.

He was bored out of his mind just by listening to the board members holding their presentation and he desperatedly needed something to make him stay awake, to distract him for only just a few minutes and he was slowly succeeding in it. But of course he was being discreet so as not to draw unwanted attention from the other colleagues and especially his grandfather, the chairman. He knew his grandfather would have his head presented on a plate if he even dared to make a ruckus during his first meeting with the board members. 

To him, meetings were boring and Jongin was never one to stay quiet in one place, not even for five minutes. Why should they even have these meetings he had wondered. Even though Kyungsoo had assured him the meeting was mostly for 30 minutes something, to Jongin it seemed like forever! Surprisingly he had managed to keep quiet for twenty minutes already, but his patience was already wearing thin and he couldn't sit quiet anymore. He was already stiff damn it!


And the next thing he knew, he had taken a new liking in annoying his assistant during that particular meeting.


Jongin enjoyed watching the shorter one squirm in his seat and trying so hard not to show any expressions. Even though the other had tried to kick his foot away several times, Jongin always managed to pull away before he got kicked. His grin only grew wider when he saw Kyungsoo was starting to fidget in his seat and slowly inching away but not getting any further since he was blocked by another member sitting on the other side.


"...this will be all for today. Next meeting will be scheduled two weeks after today. All of you will be given a reminder what time the meeting will take place. If there are any problems or questions, please let my assistant know and I will make sure to give an answer to it by the next meeting. Good day everyone. Meeting dismissed,"


"What. The. Hell. Was. That?," Kyungsoo snapped the moment he and Jongin were left in the meeting room.


He was fuming and his mood didn't get any better upon seeing the mischievous grin on Jongin's face. If only he could use something to smack it hard on Jongin's perfect face and wipe that grin off the other's face. How could the latter even look that gorgeous? Kyungsoo was sure Jongin must have descended from some ancient Greek God with that perfect sculpted face and body of his. If only he could... no! He couldn't think that right now!


"I was bored~,"

"That didn't mean you have to go bother someone else! For your information, we all are trying to focus on whatever is presented during the meeting,"

"I wasn't bothering someone else. If it's you, then it's not someone else. Right?," Jongin replied cheekily.


Kyungsoo deadpanned.


Jongin grinned even more as he brought up his shoulders innocently. Kyungsoo groaned in frustration. He swore Jongin was going to be the death of him. Sometimes he really just wished Jongin could just be the Jongin from a few weeks back, because the one sitting in front of him was the one he was familiar with the day he stepped inside the Kim Corporation. But then again, this Jongin was the Jongin he wanted, the Jongin he'd gotten to know after their first meeting, the one who he had slowly fallen in love with and the one his heart so wanted to see everyday.


"Come on, ba-,"

"Don't even start on that, Jongin," Kyungsoo warned as he got up and gathered all his files before stomping away, ignoring the ticklish fluttering in his stomach.


He was even sure he could feel his temperature rising to his cheeks and he hoped the other wouldn't notice it.



Jongin followed quickly, skipping behind the shorter lad like a little kid and looped his arms around the shorter's neck lovingly. Kyungsoo stumbled at the sudden weight, but managed to keep himself steady. Under any other circumstances, he would have given the other a hard punch in the gut for even coming this close to him, but somehow Jongin's arm felt warm against him and he actually liked it and secretly wished for Jongin not to let go. Yet.


"Just a reminder, Jongin. You are going to have to learn to control yourself. The next meeting is going to be a very important one, because YOU are the one who is going to do all the talking,"

"Meh, why should I?," Jongin whined.

"Because it's an order. Your grandfather wants to see how much you have progressed and if you are going to let me down, I am sure your grandfather is going to beat the out of you,"

"You all are so abusive,"

"Abuse is an affection. Shows you how much your grandfather loves you, because he cares about you," Kyungsoo answered, turning to the left and heading to the elevator.

"How is that showing he cares about me? We live in the twenty first century, all forms of abuse are prohibited according to a lot of international slash national human rights law. No one is allowed to abuse and that means you people are not allowed too," Jongin pouted.

"Well, bad news for you. Unless you change your attitude, this abuse is going on whether you like it or not. You have no say in it,"

"In that case, YOU can help me out. You have a say in everything since grandpa likes you. So, if you are going to put a good word in there for me, I am sure grandpa would let me go. Besides, gramps doesn't need to know-,"


Jongin's words were broken off when he suddenly felt something hard knocking him down and limbs almost choking him.


"Kaiiiii oppa!!!!!!! I missed you!!,"


He flinched at the sudden screech, trying as hard as he could to untangle himself from whoever was now sitting on top of him. But the subject was too stubborn to let him go. Jongin felt his stomach churn when he recognized who the intruder was. It was no other than Kim Jinhee. What was she doing here again? He was sure the girl knew that he was not interested in any forms of her.


"What are you doing here? This is a company a-,"

"Oppa! You lied to me. How can you do that? Don't you see how much I love you?,"

"Look... I am not interested. I thought I told you that already. There is nothing between us," Jongin said, still trying to pry the other's arms away from his neck. 

"And there is something between you two?," Jinhee suddenly sneered as she scowled at a lost looking Kyungsoo.

"What do you mean?,"

"Oh, don't play dumb. You two aren't even together. Last time was a show, right? You lied just for the sake of the company. But, I can forgive you," Jinhee's dark look suddenly turned to a sickenly sweet one "if you go out with me and have some time together,"


For a moment, Jongin was taken aback by the girl's words. How did she even find out that he and Kyungsoo weren't a thing? Did she really investigate or something? His eyes searched Kyungsoo's who was standing awkwardly a few metres away, not knowing what to do. And somehow he sensed there was something going on in Kyungsoo's head. And he couldn't have that happen, he couldn't let that happen.


"Come on, Kai. Let's go on a date now. You buy me a drink and we can go to a club later an-,"

"Stop!," Jongin bellowed, halting the girl in her ramblings.


He firmly shoved the girl away and got up, making sure to create some distance between themselves. Jongin was going to end it once and for all and he was going to do it the hard way.


"You and I are NOT going on a date. We were never together to begin with. It was just a friendly chat with you and my friends, but that's it. Don't be delusional that I love you back just like you love me, because I am not. I am going to say this once and you remember these words from me, because I won't repeat them again," Jongin paused, his eyes staring down at the surprised ones of Jinhee before he continued, "I never loved you and never will love you. You mean nothing to me, not now, not ever. So, stop bothering me and have a life, because you are annoying and out of your mind with this life style of yours, you got it?,"


He ignored the guilt tugging in his heart when he saw the tear stricken face of Jinhee. Jongin hadn't meant to be this harsh or rude, but the girl needed to learn the truth and she really needed to stop bothering him. 


"So, you are telling me you choose that freak over me?! You choose to love him?!," Jinhee suddenly screeched out, pointing a well manicured finger to the wide eyed boy standing a little away from them.




"Answer me!," Jinhee demanded.



Kyungsoo's heartbeat accelerated as he himself waited for Jongin's answer. He was holding his breath and feeling all tense. Kyungsoo didn't even know why he was feeling anxious. This was a case between Jongin and the girl, Jinhee. It had nothing to do with him and truth to be told, he should actually just brush this off and be on his merry way, neverminding their business. But, when his name was mentioned by Jinhee, he couldn't help but wonder what Jongin's answer would be. It was not as if he was really hoping for Jongin to say he loved him, because they were back to being just friends and he was contented with the current situation. Kyungsoo had just gotten the old Jongin back a little over two weeks ago and he really didn't want their relationship ruined because of this strange girl.

He wasn't sure how long they had been standing there in the hall, five minutes, ten minutes, half hour? Kyungsoo didn't know. Jinhee and secretly Kyungsoo were waiting for Jongin's answer.

Nervousness took place over his calm state and Kyungsoo hoped forcefully for Jongin to stop making him wait in tension. He desperatedly needed to know what Jongin thought of him and-


"Yes, I am telling you, I am choosing him over you. He is thousand times better than you," Jongin stated calmly, his eyes locking with Kyungsoo's surprised ones, ignoring the angry growl coming from Jinhee.

"Tch. I guess, YOU are a freak too!," Jinhee sneered before leaving the hall permanently on her clicking heels.


After she left, a sudden awkward silence enveloped the two boys. Both not knowing what to say to each other as the minutes ticked by. It was Kyungsoo who had decided to break the tension and prayed that Jongin was not going to ignore him again.


"Ahem. That... was unexpected... And now that she is out of your way... you up for a lunch break with me?,"

"Uh... yeah... sure," Jongin scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, giving the shorter one a lopsided smile.


The walk to the cafetaria was quiet and still awkward, both lads still not knowing what to say or do. Kyungsoo was trying so hard to try and break the tension, but in the end just admitted defeat and kept his mouth shut. What should he say anyway? He was never a good consoler and he tended to just leave people alone when they were in a bad mood, but with Jongin he wanted to be the one to comfort the other, to be there and help him, to be the one to make the bad moments go away. Kyungsoo sighed, he was really of no use. He was so useless at times like these.

Suddenly Jongin halted in his steps making Kyungsoo stop in the process too and the shorter one frowned at the other curiously. Was something wrong with Jongin? The taller lad turned to look at him and Kyungsoo coulnd't help but look back too. 


"Say something," Jongin said, demanded.


 Kyungsoo blinked.


"What do you want me to say Jongin?," Kyungsoo asked bluntly.

"Anything. Say whatever is in your mind... just... say something! Be angry, express anything!," Jongin almost cried desperatedly.


Kyungsoo was taken aback by Jongin's outburst. What was wrong with Jongin? Why all of a sudden was the other demanding this from him? He hadn't a slightest idea of what the other wanted from him.


"Uhm... are you worried about what you just said? It's okay Jongin. I understand you were mad at her and all and just said it out of anger, I can forgive you for that. I am your friend, right? At least I can be of some help?," Kyungsoo finally said carefully, hoping Jongin would understand what he wanted to say.

"What if I meant it? What if I meant what I had just said?,"Jongin said instead, with a serious tone.

"Hmmm, you said a lot of things and just by-,"

"Don't play dumb with me Kyungsoo. You damn well know what I meant!," Jongin almost bellowed.


Jongin was starting to panic on the inside. After his outburst on Jinhee, he had realized just too late what he had blurted out. Kyungsoo wasn't supposed to hear that. The truth was out and Kyungsoo hadn't said anything to him yet. He was worried the other would think he was a freak just like Jinhee had said to him. Kyungsoo would push him away and the other would view him as stupid. But then again, it was as if Kyungsoo was pretending he hadn't heard anything and Jongin couldn't live with that uneasy feeling inside his chest.

He saw how Kyungsoo had flinched at the raise of his voice and he immediately regretted having brought up the topic. He should've just let the topic slide and pretended nothing happened earlier. He wouldn't have to see that anxious and questioning look of Kyungsoo. Jongin wanted to hit himself at the moment for being such a fool and stupid.

But since the topic was out already, he might as well force Kyungsoo into responding to him. No matter what the outcome of it would be, Jongin thought it was finally time he should face the truth and be honest to himself and Kyungsoo. The least he could do was accept whatever Kyungsoo's answer would be. It wouldn't be that hard, he hoped.


"Jongin... I am not angry. Really, I am not. We're friends... you said that last time and... and... why should I be angry anyway? If it could-,"

"Damn it!,"


Jongin's patience snapped at that moment. That was not what he wanted to hear! And at that moment, he lost all his senses as rage took over his body. It went automatically, as if a strong magnet pulled him to his object of desire. The space between him and the other narrowed rapidly, his strong hands encircled around the other, preventing the shorter one from moving as he leaned down to press his lips onto warm, plump ones. 

He ignored the gasp and the way Kyungsoo was suddenly shuddering at their first intimate contact. Jongin didn't want to let go. He wanted the other to know what he had been wanting, demanding, craving for! He wanted to show the other what had been going on in his heart and his mind, what he had been foolishly trying to hide these past few months, he needed to pour it all out just so the other understood what he meant earlier with those words.


I love you, Kyungsoo!


He wanted Kyungsoo to know that he loved the other.





Yes! I finally updated! But sadly this story is going to come to an end. Next chappie will be the end and I hope I can finish it off by the end of the month. Have been really busy with my work and doing manual labor for three days already. My whole body hurts and I can't seem to make the pain go away. Please, don't be mad at me for updating like a tortoise, because I seriously needed some break from all the stress at home and all.

I hope you guys are going to enjoy reading this chapter and look out for the last one :)

Don't forget to upvote, comment and please do subscribe.

Anyone who want to follow me on my Twitter or LJ, please do so and I will see you around :)

Love you guys a bunch! muah!muah! <333


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Chapter 1: Read one chapter and already love write so good and I enjoy so exciting to read next chapter
Kim_kyungmi7 #2
Ohayou rin_ee-chan 。^‿^。 ~
How are you doing? I hope you're doing well..
I just want to ask your for permission to translate one of your fics, It means a lot to me and It's really precious to my heart..
Sorry if I bother you, and have a nice day~~
Cute and oh so fluffy♥
Amazing ,so beautifully written, and so cute.
Loved it <3
Chapter 10: Damn......if kaisoo ever found out they were meant to be since day one...i wanna see that reaction. Great job authornim loved it ♡
T-araFans #6
Chapter 10: Good Job Author...
Hope you make another Kaisoo story...
T-araFans #7
Chapter 10: Wow!!! They so sweet...
Nice ending...
Please update soon...
SoSquishy #8
Chapter 10: Wowowowow <3 <3 So sweet <3
kaisooumma #9
Chapter 10: This story end already... A really nice story. I like it. Congratulation to finished your story, authornim. ^^
Chapter 10: /roll on the floor/ wahhhhhh end alrdy...? i want more (greedy me) maybe the part on them getting married or smexy part ^^

love how the way you end it. it's so cute~~