Chapter 4

Unexpected Assistant


Chapter 4


It's been two hours since Kyungsoo started cleaning Jongin's room and he was still at it when Jongin flung another empty chips packet on the floor, not bothering to look up from his iphone.

"Yah! Kim Jongin! I just cleaned up the floor!," Kyungsoo shouted angrily.

"Clean it again. It's dirty," Jongin simply replied.


That's it! Kyungsoo has had enough of Jongin's behaviour and he was going to put an end to it, even if it meant he had to kill the soon-to-be-heir of the Kim Corporation, Kyungsoo didn't care anymore. Jongin had crossed the line way too much now. Stomping over to the taller lad, he reached out and clamped onto Jongin's ear with his thumb and index finger with as much force as he could muster and pulled the other from the couch. Jongin howled in pain as he tried to pull his abused ear away from the grip, but failed to do so.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Easy, baby, easy with the delicate ear," Jongin whined pathetically.

"Kim Jongin! I am your personal assistant, not personal maid! And I don't even know why I am actually tolerating your nasty behaviour. If you don't stop this instant, I am going to make you regret it!," Kyungsoo threatened.

"Ok, ok, ok... you can let go now," Jongin whined as he tried to pry the offending fingers off.

Kyungsoo gave a last tug before letting go, watching Jongin nurse his swollen ear while pouting.

"I can have you fired for attacking me," Jongin said looking at Kyungsoo who deadpanned.

"Really?," Kyungsoo didn't seem intimidated by this threat.

"Yes... I can call grandpa and tell him how you've been treating me. He'll believe me,"

When Jongin saw the other would still not believe him, he took out his phone and dialled the company, waiting for his grandpa to pick up. Seeing the tanned boy actually doing it, Kyungsoo couldn't help but feel a source of panic rise inside him. Jongin really was going to tell his grandfather and Kyungsoo would end up getting fired, his grandfather would disapprove of him, because both the old men were friends and there was no way in hell Mr. Kim was going to believe Kyungsoo's words and, and...

Kyungsoo could only think of one thing, he had to save himself. Without as much as a warning, he lunged forward and made a grab for the phone steadied on Jongin's ear, but in his hurry he somehow tripped over his own two feet and smacked face first onto the other, sending both of them tumbling backwards with Kyungsoo on top, still trying to reach for the phone.

Groans of pain could be heard followed by a beeping sound. Kyungsoo had successfully ended the call, never noticing himself still on top of the other. He had managed to save himself from getting fired and whatever consequences related to it if he actually was fired. No one should know what had happened earlier, especially not both Mr. Kim and his own grandfather.

"Cupcake, if you wanted my body so badly, all you had to do was tell me and my body would be all yours, ready to give and take whatever offered," Jongin said suddenly.

Kyungsoo blinked and looked down. His cheeks immediately flushed and he felt his whole body go all warm. He then realized in what kind of compromising position they were in; he had Jongin trapped underneath him, both of his legs were sprawled on either side and his crotch was rubbing onto the other's unconsciously with all the moving around.

"Ah! I... I... I'm s-sorry!," 

Kyungsoo quickly scrambled away, kneeing and touching the other in some certain parts, making Jongin cry out in pain and surprise. Again. After what seemed like hours but only was just one minute, both boys managed to untangle themselves from each other and were currently standing quite a distance away for safety reasons.

Feeling all awkward, Kyungsoo decided maybe it was for the better to just leave and try and forget whatever had happened earlier. He really couldn't just stand there and not talk to the other for a whole day and someone had to break the silence some time.

"Uh... I'll... be going home now... err.. see you... tomorrow?," Kyungsoo managed to bring out hesitantly.

He peered over to the taller male and waited for any kind of response. Nothing. Jongin didn't even look at him. And he suddenly felt a twist of pain. Why did it hurt when he was ignored? Heaving a sigh, Kyungsoo then turned around and left without saying anything.


A couple of days passed after the incident and neither of the two mentioned a word about it. It was as if it never happened and everything was like back to normal. Jongin would be busy flirting with whatever beautiful girl passed by, typing on his iphone and hang out with his friends. And whenever he was bored, he would simply turn to bother Kyungsoo who was trying his hardest not to wringe the other's neck for interrupting him and disturbing his peaceful moments. 

And after the Jinhee-Jongin incident, Kyungsoo often found himself getting stared at or avoided whenever he suddenly appeared and he happened to be the topic of discussion. So much for trying to make new friendships. But, nevertheless Kyingsoo shook the unwanted feelings away and did whatever he was told to do, he was working for Mr. Kim after all and he had promised to help as much as he could.

"Kyungie baby~ let's go have lunch!," Jongin exclaimed one day when lunchtime came.

Kyungsoo visibly stiffened at Jongin's words, the other lad was not used to being discrete when calling out to him, earning them disapproving looks. Even though asking Jongin not to call him any sorts of sweet names, because he simply wasn't comfortable with it, Jongin never listened and called him whatever the latter liked, so Kyungsoo eventually let it slide and simply got used to it. He heaved a sigh. It was not the first time Jongin had asked him to have lunch. Ever since the first time they were forced to work together, Jongin had always been the one to ask him first. If he declined, Jongin would simply get up and get some lunch for Kyungsoo and they'd eat silently. 

Just when he was about to decline Jongin's offer again, Jongin had already pulled him up, leaving no room for him to even voice out any form of protest. He was dragged all the way down to the company's lunchroom and forced to have lunch with Jongin this time.

"It doesn't taste bad, right?," Jongin grinned as he took a bite out of his burger. "Eat. You are not going to die,"

Kyungsoo sighed and proceeded to start on his lunch. When he thought Jongin was going to be all awkward after their incident, he thought wrong. He thought Jongin would push him away or even demand for a change of assistant, but instead he found Jongin clinging more to him than ever. Not that he actually mind, he kind of enjoyed the other's presence, Jongin made him feel less lonely in the big company and it was somehow good that Jongin was still the only one he could at least turn to whenever he wanted to ask anything, seeing the rest of the employees avoided him like he was a disease.

"Can I have a bite?,"

Kyungsoo blinked at the sudden question thrown at him. What? Before he could even say anything, Jongin had already leaned over to him and taken a bite out of his sandwich. A chomp and half of his sandwich disappeared into Jongin's mouth.

"Yah! That's mine! How could you?," Kyungsoo wailed.

"Here, you can take a bite," Jongin offered, still chewing on the sandwich.

"Uh... nevermind," 

Kyungsoo was taken aback by Jongin's straightforwardness. He'd never thought Jongin would actually treat him so close. It was weird and unexpected and yet Kyungsoo didn't dislike it.

"Kyungsoo ah... are you free after work?,"

"Not really... why?,"

"Do you want to go out with me... go somewhere and hang out and maybe have dinner later?,"

A pause.

"Alright," Kyungsoo gave a small smile.

Jongin's face brightened and he suddenly grinned out happily as he got up from his seat to only evacuate himself next to Kyungsoo. He continued grinning at Kyungsoo who looked weirded out by the latter's sudden change of mood. 


"You are pretty when you smile. Please, smile more from now on,"


Jongin's last words kept replaying in Kyungsoo's head on their way back to work. He couldn't help but feel all giddy inside after hearing those words. It was the first time someone actually complimented him and Kyungsoo felt... pleased? He wasn't sure what he felt at the moment, but it was certainly not something that he didn't like. It was something good he couldn't describe.

Halfway through work, it suddenly downed onto Kyungsoo that Jongin had actually asked him out on a date, if you could call it a date. It could also mean an outing as friends or colleagues, nothing more nothing less, but somehow Kyungsoo wished it could mean more instead. What was Jongin doing to him?


"You ready?," Jongin asked the moment they stepped out of the company.

"Ready when you are," Kyungsoo answered automatically.

"Let's go,"

And with that, Jongin grabbed onto Kyungsoo's smaller hand, tugging him to a random direction. They took the public transportation and Kyungsoo just followed where ever Jongin was leading him. He'd tried asking the other where they were actually heading to, but Jongin merely smiled, not revealing anything to the confused and lost boy.


"An amusement park?,"


Kyungsoo was surprised when they arrived at Seoul's biggest amusement park. He'd never thought Jongin would actually go to such a place, much less bring him there. Jongin didn't seem to be like the type who would spend their free time at an amusement park. Jongin was after all a player who liked clubs and hanging out with y girls in Kyungsoo's opinion.

"What do you want to play first, Kyung?," Jongin asked as he tugged the smaller one to a random direction.

"Ferris wheel?,"

"Great! Let's go!,"


They tried everything in the amusement park, from roller coasters to the haunted house and even playing childish games like throwing darts. Both lads seemed to enjoy as much as they could and eventually grew close to each other. After straight three and a half hours later, Kyungsoo announced he was hungry and opted to go have something to eat, which Jongin agreed immediately. Both lads chose a nearby restaurant and placed their orders before reminiscing about the amusement park. 

Their dinner went well and soon came to an end much to their disappointment. But, with a promise of Jongin to take Kyungsoo to have more fun some other time immediately brought a happy smile on the shorter ones face. Kyungsoo had never thought he'd actually have fun in his life.

To Kyungsoo, it was actually the first time he'd ever had fun with a friend, if he could consider Jongin a friend. In all his life, Kyungsoo had never had someone he could call a friend. Not that he was anti-social, he was just a quiet person who only spoke when spoken to, nothing more, nothing less. 


In other words, Kyungsoo never had anyone as a friend or anyone who considered him a friend.


That night, Kyungsoo penned down the happy memories and hoped to make more and remember them for the rest of his life. It was soon midnight and still Kyungsoo couldn't help but feel all bloated up with happiness and would smile like an idiot when he thought back about 'their' date at the amusement park. He felt giddy, his stomach made weird saltos and the occasional grin appearing on his face just wouldn't disappear whenever he tried to shake the alienated feelings away.


Kyungsoo was, without himself noticing, slowly falling for Kim Jongin.


It was a week after their first day out, when Jongin asked Kyungsoo to go out on a movie night with him, the darker one saying that his friends had no time for him and he should find someone else to bother, who happened to be Kyungsoo. The shorter one was more than glad to accompany Jongin.

"What are we going to watch?," Kyungsoo asked.

"Captain America 2," Jongin replied with a grin.

"Have you bought the tickets already?,"

Jongin chuckled before shaking his head. He hadn't planned on going to watch Captain America at the theatre, because why would he even go when he owned his own theatre home system?

"No need for tickets. All we need is some popcorn and we're ready to watch," Jongin replied as he led Kyungsoo to his shiny black Lamborghini.

"Then how are we going to watch the movie then?," Kyungsoo looked confused as he was ushered inside the car, his seatbelt buckled up by Jongin and the engine was started.


The answer to his question was answered the moment the car came to a stop at Jongin's mansion. He was quickly tugged inside and with an order of two bowls of popcorn by Jongin, both boys headed to Jongin's room.

Kyungsoo looked in awe when Jongin showed him his own personal home theatre system, it almost looked as if he was at an actual theatre. As he waited for Jongin to start the movie, Kyungsoo walked around a bit, looking at the decorations inside the room.

Jongin's room was almost as big as his own house and maybe even bigger itself, Kyungsoo didn't know. On the left side stood a brown bookcase, a potted plant in the corner, in the middle was a desk, which was obviously almost never used, on the right were glassed shelves, filled with medals, trophies and antique stuff.

There was a door connected to the current room and Kyungsoo could only think it was bedroom before he took a seat next to Jongin on the couch. The two bowls of popcorn were delivered and soon enough, both Jongin and Kyungsoo were watching Captain America.


Jongin's head turned to his left when he suddenly felt a weight on his left shoulder. He blinked a few times upon seeing Kyungsoo's peaceful face close up, the latter had fallen asleep in the middle of the movie and was currently using his shoulder as a new found pillow.

For a few minutes, Jongin couldn't help but study Kyungsoo's face up close. The latter had beautiful plump lips, a pretty normal face, and excessively big eyes which were closed at the moment. He visibly gulped down his saliva as he continued watching the sleeping Kyungsoo. Something peaceful descended upon him and he wished to stay that way for a while. 

But, unfortunately every good thing would eventually come to an end. It was then Jongin opted to savor the moment as best as he could. Jongin wasn't sure how everything between him and Kyungsoo ended up like this, he only knew that he'd actually became fond of the shorter one, he'd somehow felt an invisible string pull him closer to the other and he didn't dislike it. On the contrary, he hoped to become even more closer if it was possible.

Shifting away carefully, Jongin made Kyungsoo sleep in a better position before getting up and turning off the tv. He proceeded to cover the other up with a blanket before going off to bed himself. 

Only, Jongin couldn't fall asleep, still thinking about the sleeping male on his couch outside his bedroom. Tossing and turning, Jongin huffed in annoyance. Counting sheeps didn't help, doing some late night exercises didn't help either and even playing his PSP wasn't of any help.

Jongin flopped back down on his bed and covered himself under his thick blanket again. He closed his eyes and tried as hard as he could to fall asleep, but unfortunately sleep just wouldn't come to him. His mind kept going to Kyungsoo.

"Why the heck am I thinking about Kyungsoo?," Jongin whispered out loud.


Kyungsoo woke up the next morning to an unfamiliar room and for a slight moment, he panicked until he remembered the movie he was supposed to watch with Jongin. He then realized he hadn't actually watched the movie since he couldn't remember anything about the movie at all and why didn't Jongin wake him up? Kyungsoo felt bad suddenly.

"You're finally up," a tired voice startled him.

Kyungsoo turned to look at an unusual quiet Jongin walking over to him. It was as if Jongin hadn't had a good night's sleep. Why? Did something happen?

"Are you alright?," Kyungsoo asked worriedly.

"Hmm. You fell asleep... hope you've slept well...," Jongin said with a small smile.

"Uh... yes... sorry," Kyungsoo smiled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck, feeling the heat rise up in his cheeks. This was so embarrassing.

"No need to be sorry... you must be really tired with what grandpa told you to do and all,"

"Hmm... yea- AAAH!! Oh my god! We're late, Jongin!," Kyungsoo cried out frantically when he realized they were still in the middle of the week and had work to do.

He glanced at his watch and his eyes couldn't have gotten any bigger when he saw it was almost close to nine in the morning.

"It's alright... I called gramps already...,"

"Well... we still need to hurry!," Kyungsoo cried out frantically as he hurried off the couch, to only get his feet tangled in the thick comforter sending him flying face first on the floor.

"Oh my, Kyungsoo!,"

"Ow...," Kyungsoo bit his lip as he felt a stinging pain.

"Here, let me help you...," Jongin said as he untangled the other from the comforter to only have Kyungsoo gasp out in pain.

"Ah! It hurts!," Kyungsoo cried out as he clutched his right shoulder.

Jongin's eyes widened in panic as he carefully pulled Kyungsoo's hand away before tearing open the fabric, a blossoming red could be seen on Kyungsoo's collarbone.

"We need to get you to the hospital asap,"





I am sure taking long to update a new chapter >_>, because of my lack of motivation and because I was too hyped with OT12 Overdose comeback! Anyone watched it? It was awesome and cool and I was so hypnotized just by listening to the song over and over again. And the LOGO. OMG... I go all @_@ because of it.

Anyways, here's another Kaisoo chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this. Thank you very much for taking your time to read and please do leave me some feedback, so I know what you think about my story. Thank you very much!


Don't forget to subscribe, upvote and comment. Much love <333



ps. anyone who wants to befriend me or follow me or anything, can find me here








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Chapter 1: Read one chapter and already love write so good and I enjoy so exciting to read next chapter
Kim_kyungmi7 #2
Ohayou rin_ee-chan 。^‿^。 ~
How are you doing? I hope you're doing well..
I just want to ask your for permission to translate one of your fics, It means a lot to me and It's really precious to my heart..
Sorry if I bother you, and have a nice day~~
Cute and oh so fluffy♥
Amazing ,so beautifully written, and so cute.
Loved it <3
Chapter 10: Damn......if kaisoo ever found out they were meant to be since day one...i wanna see that reaction. Great job authornim loved it ♡
T-araFans #6
Chapter 10: Good Job Author...
Hope you make another Kaisoo story...
T-araFans #7
Chapter 10: Wow!!! They so sweet...
Nice ending...
Please update soon...
SoSquishy #8
Chapter 10: Wowowowow <3 <3 So sweet <3
kaisooumma #9
Chapter 10: This story end already... A really nice story. I like it. Congratulation to finished your story, authornim. ^^
Chapter 10: /roll on the floor/ wahhhhhh end alrdy...? i want more (greedy me) maybe the part on them getting married or smexy part ^^

love how the way you end it. it's so cute~~