Chapter 8

Unexpected Assistant


Chapter 8






Kyungsoo sighed heavily as he slumped down on the kitchen floor. He'd been up and about busy in the kitchen since 7 on a Sunday morning, trying to make a delicious meal and up till now everything had failed. Whatever recipe he was capable of dishing up was not good enough according to him and he opted to try and make something new, only to find out nothing suited his taste now. 

He felt miserable, tired, drained and all he wanted at the moment was to crawl back into his warm and comfy bed and sleep the day off. He even found himself wondering why he bothered trying to make something for Jongin's birthday, just because the two grandfathers asked him to. He could have just flat out decline or just cook something simple like ramen and be done with it, because Jongin wouldn't care anyway. Jongin wouldn't care how much effort he'd put in the meal for him, because he wanted Jongin to like his cooking so desperatedly.

After Jongin's cold treatment towards him, he was sure whatever he tried to dish out would probably be a flop to the latter and it kind of hurt him just by thinking negative about Jongin.


Jongin. Jongin. Jongin.


Everything had to be about Jongin, everything had to be related to Jongin, everything had to point to Jongin...


He was seriously going crazy! Did Jongin even think about him? As a friend? No. Jongin didn't. Then why should he even bother racking his brains on trying to impress Jongin with his cooking? Kyungsoo couldn't find an answer to that yet. Getting up from his slouched position on the floor, Kyungsoo decided he needed a break and headed off to the bathroom, hoping a nice cold shower would freshen him up.


Two hours later, Kyungsoo found himself smiling and feeling proud of himself. He'd finally managed to make the perfect dish. With all the previous fails and re-tries, he finally got the result he wanted. The only thing he needed now was to have someone have a taste first before he could present it to the one the food was dedicated to.

And as if on cue, his mother entered the kitchen and Kyungsoo quickly gestured for his mother to have a seat and have a taste of his new found recipe. He waited anxiously as he followed his mother's moves with his trademark wide eyes and prayed that he'd at least get an 'okay' sign from her. 

His mother's eyes widened as she chewed thoughtfully on the food making her son feel even more anxious by her silence. Why wasn't she saying anything? Say something his mind screamed, anything! He wanted to know what she thought of his food, then at least he knew how his food tasted.




Kyungsoo's eyes widened more as he waited impatiently for the rest of the words to come.


" the most delicious and marvelous food I've ever eaten, Kyungsoo! How did you even make it? You got to tell me your secret!," his mom exclaimed out as she dug in her plate to have more of the delicious food.

"You are not saying it because you're biased right?," Kyungsoo questioned carefully as he wrung his hands nervously.

"Have I ever been biased?." his mom snorted, giving him a disgruntled look.

"Mom! You know what I mean!," Kyungsoo exclaimed out.

"When it comes to food, your mom is never biased...," his mom assured him with a bright smile as she patted her son on the back.


A bright shiny smile appeared on his face as he breathed out in relief. He hadn't even realized he'd been holding his breath all the while waiting for his mother's reaction. This was a good start. His mom was right. If he could trust someone on giving him an honest opinion of his cooking, then it was his mom. She would tell you exactly what her thoughts were on the food she got presented to.


"Is this going to be your recipe for Jongin's birthday?," Kyungsoo's mother asked after while and he nodded excitedly, his broad smile never wavering.

"You got to make more so your father and your grandpa can have a taste too," 



His cooking skills were praised over and over again after the rest of his family members had their first taste of his new recipe. They even joked saying that he would even manage to make people fall in love with him, because they could literally taste the love oozing out of the food. At times like this, Kyungsoo could only grin sheepishly in response and ignored the tiny twinge of pain in his chest knowing that the one he so wanted to love him back might probably not share the same thoughts.

But he secretly hoped that maybe and maybe he could manage to win Jongin's heart over with his food. Hopefully the other would finally- No, he shook his thoughts away. He couldn't have that. He wasn't going to get his hopes up high when this was just Jongin's birthday recipe and nothing else. It was all because of Jongin's grandfather who requested this difficult task upon him, nothing more, nothing less.



Jongin's birthday was nearing, but the lad had no intention of celebrating it. He was already too old to have these silly things as birthday parties, presents and birthday cake. What he wanted was just have a day off and away from everyone bothering him. But, sadly his grandfather had burst into his bedroom early in the morning and announced he was to attend his birthday party his grandfather had specially prepared just for him and he had no rights in refusing it, or else he would have a spanking from his grandmother.


"And you best behave, because we are having the Do's coming over. I don't want them to get the impression of how bad of a grandson you are," his grandfather chided before waltzing out of his room.


"Kyungsoo," Jongin muttered to himself.


At the mention of the familiar name, Jongin suddenly felt a pang of longing and something he couldn't quite put his finger on. He had denied everything up till now, but just recently he admitted to himself that he actually missed the other. He missed having the other around. He missed that sincere smile, he missed the talks, he missed the way Kyungsoo put up with his whining and childishness. He just missed everything about and concerning the other. How he wished he could just bring up the courage and look for the other, but his pride made him restrain his foolish feelings and he even reprimanded himself for being a fool as to think the other would accept him the way he was starting to accept the other.



He heaved a sigh as he decided to get up and have himself cleaned up before going downstairs to have breakfast with his grandparents. He knew they would be there to wait for him, the birthday boy, and have breakfast with him. They never missed out on any of his birthday and secretly he was actually grateful to them for that, but that feeling seemed to have disappeared that apparent morning. 


That morning, Jongin particularly thought the time was passing by very fast and before he knew it, it was already afternoon and he was to go downstairs and greet his guests. Without giving as much as a protest, Jongin did as told and was surprised to find Kyungsoo standing there in the living-room with his parents and his grandfather. He almost smacked himself mentally for forgetting that the Do's were coming over.


And for a moment, all Jongin could see was the beautiful creature standing there, glowing like a bright star up in the dark sky. The other looked so alluring and perfect. How could he not have noticed that? He almost lost his ability to think straight. Did Kyungsoo even know that he was doing something improper just by standing there and looking so innocent, inviting, delicious and- Stop it! He mentally scolded himself as he felt his heart thudded oh so painfully in his chest. His heart was yearning for the shorter lad and he had been such an idiot to even push the other away when he was clearly there for him all the time.





Hearing his grandfather's call, Jongin was brought back to reality and he quickly shook himself out of his reverie as he descended down the stairs to take his place next to his grandfather, bowing ninety degrees in respect to their guests. 

Greetings and wishes were given to Jongin before they decided to go in the backyard and have a nice chat outside instead of inside. Needless to say, the elders were huddled together talking business, while the youngsters were abandoned by themselves.


"Jongin... do you... want to go somewhere?," Kyungsoo decided to ask after almost ten minutes awkward silence between them.


Jongin merely nodded and both excused themselves before heading to a random direction, never noticing the secretive looks the elders were giving each other. Silence still took place in between them and Kyungsoo very much wished he could say or do something so he could get some reaction from the other. He hated the awkward silence between them.


"So, did you get... lots of birthday wishes?," Kyungsoo asked randomly.

"Not really. My grandparents, you and your family are the only ones," Jongin mumbled.




Kyungsoo was racking his brains to say something, but his mind was blank. He couldn't think of something to say to the other. And Jongin wasn't making it easy for him either. He had never seen Jongin this quiet before and it kind of irked him the other wasn't even making any efforts to talk to him. He guessed maybe the other really wasn't that interested in him. 


"Jongin, do you hate me?," Kyungsoo suddenly blurted out, making the other halt in his steps.


Jongin frowned in confusion. Where did that come from? Why would Kyungsoo think that he hated the latter? He had no reasons to hate Kyungsoo. On the contrary, he liked Kyungsoo very much. 


But he wasn't going to tell Kyungsoo that. That was his own secret he wasn't so keen on sharing just yet. 


"No, I don't,"

"Then why is that you are ignoring me? Why don't you want to be friends with me anymore? Why are you avoiding me? Did I say something that might have hurt you? Your friend even said that I am the cause of your misery...," 


Then it downed onto him what the other was referring to. He'd been so caught up in himself, his own thoughts to actually take Kyungsoo's feelings into consideration. He must've hurt the other's feelings that much the other would even say something like this to him. And how did his friend even find Kyungsoo?


"You know you can tell me what is wrong. I promise I will understand and... and... I just want to make sure that you are alright. I have... I miss you, Jongin,"


Kyungsoo's last words came out in a whisper and Jongin actually had to strain his ears to catch whatever the other had just said. He felt his heart thumping fast in his chest and felt his lungs constricting, he couldn't breathe! He felt nausea hitting him and had to force himself to keep his composure. His heart was really hoping that Kyungsoo's words were true to the bone. Maybe the other might have some bits of interest in him? A tiny sparkle of hope made its way into his heart and Jongin could feel his doubts slowly ebb away.


"I don't hate you Kyungsoo. I could never hate you," Jongin spoke out seriously, his eyes searching for the other's.



Hope danced in those widened orbs and Jongin suddenly felt himself turn into a puddle of goo and he could feel himself falling deeper and deeper into those alluring brown orbs. They were so captivating. And before he knew it, he had already leaned down and pressed a soft kiss on the other's forehead.

It was as if time suddenly stopped for the two lads, as all they could do was stare into each other's eyes and didn't likely want to blink, afraid the other might disappear at just that simple action. They seemed to be indulged in a world their own and neither caring what was happening around them. All they needed was just each other at that moment.

But eventually their staring came to an end when a noisy ringing brought them back to earth. Kyungsoo's phone was ringing, signalling for the owner to pick up the call. He almost huffed in annoyance at being disturbed of his moment with Jongin, but could only clear his throat and answer the call. His mother. The elders were worried about them and it was time for them to eat and celebrate Jongin's birthday. 


"I guess, we should head back. They are waiting for us," Kyungsoo announced after he stuffed his phone in hs pocket.

"Sure, let's go," Jongin muttered, trying hard to not let Kyungsoo see his obvious pinkened cheeks. 


That particular day, Jongin deemed was the best day of his whole life, the best birthday he'd ever had thanks to Kyungsoo. After they all gathered in the living-room, Jongin was presented a cake as everyone sang the all famous birthday song to him, clapping happily with bright smiles adorning their faces. And in Jongin's eyes, he thought Kyungsoo's was the brightest and he very much liked it.

After blowing out the candles and cutting the cake, everyone took their time to have a piece of the cake before Jongin's grandfather announced it was time to have a taste of Kyungsoo's special recipe. 


"Did you really make this, Kyungsoo?," Jongin asked after swallowing the first taste of the spaghetti.

"How is it?," Kyungsoo replied instead, worry all evident on his pale face.


For a moment, Jongin didn't reply as he took another bite. He had to find the perfect words to describe Kyungsoo's food.


"It's... amazing! The best I've ever tasted! Thank you very much," Jongin grinned happily.


A sigh of relief escaped Kyungsoo's lips before a bright smile made its way on his face. He had been doubting his cooking abilities since the day Jongin's grandfather's request and had been worried for two weeks whether or not Jongin was going to like his food. But, after hearing the lovely words out of Jongin's mouth, Kyungsoo suddenly felt somewhat confident as all the worry left his system. He guessed he maybe shouldn't have worried too much to begin with.



It was the beginning of another week and Kyungsoo was surprised to find an early Jongin up and about busy in the office, he started to wonder whatever wind hit the other. He had thought Jongin would at least stay away from the company for a while, but he guessed he was wrong. However much he wanted to know what made the other change, Kyungsoo was afraid to ask and kept quiet instead.


"Kyungie~, look what I've done. Aren't you proud?," Jongin said happily as he showed Kyungsoo a thick file with papers.


Kyungsoo looked down as he flipped through the pages, his eyes widening with every page flipped away. Jongin had actually done something good for a change and he was surprised and proud at the same time. He knew Mr. KIm was going to be happy once he heard of Jongin's improvement.


"I guess, you aren't that dumb as you look like Kim Jongin," Kyungsoo stated with a playful smile.

"Yah! What is that supposed to mean? Are you insulting me?," Jongin pouted, glaring at the other.

"No I am not insulting you. Good job, Jongin... your grandfather will be very happy to see this," 

"Psh... he only wants me to work to my death,"

"No, he is not. Come on, let's go grab some coffee?,"

"Okay, munchkin!,"


And Kyungsoo could've sworn he would've died of a heart attack that moment when Jongin gave him that oh so ing gorgeous smile, if it was even possible to begin with.







Annyeong~ everyone. Thank you for being patient with me and subscribing to this story of mine. Thank you very much for the lovely comments too. I promise I read all of them, but haven't gotten around to reply though. I am very sorry for that, but I promise I am very thankful and grateful to them comments <33 Love you guys.

Even though there have been ups and downs around EXO, but that doesn't stop me from writing and updating my fics. I will write until I can't anymore. I am not saying that I am ignorant to whatever is happening to EXO, I just choose not to make things too hard for myself or any other one. I hope you guys can understand what I am trying to say here. 

Anyways, do subscribe and press the upvote button if you like this story and give it lots of love. Thank you very much <33




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Chapter 1: Read one chapter and already love write so good and I enjoy so exciting to read next chapter
Kim_kyungmi7 #2
Ohayou rin_ee-chan 。^‿^。 ~
How are you doing? I hope you're doing well..
I just want to ask your for permission to translate one of your fics, It means a lot to me and It's really precious to my heart..
Sorry if I bother you, and have a nice day~~
Cute and oh so fluffy♥
Amazing ,so beautifully written, and so cute.
Loved it <3
Chapter 10: Damn......if kaisoo ever found out they were meant to be since day one...i wanna see that reaction. Great job authornim loved it ♡
T-araFans #6
Chapter 10: Good Job Author...
Hope you make another Kaisoo story...
T-araFans #7
Chapter 10: Wow!!! They so sweet...
Nice ending...
Please update soon...
SoSquishy #8
Chapter 10: Wowowowow <3 <3 So sweet <3
kaisooumma #9
Chapter 10: This story end already... A really nice story. I like it. Congratulation to finished your story, authornim. ^^
Chapter 10: /roll on the floor/ wahhhhhh end alrdy...? i want more (greedy me) maybe the part on them getting married or smexy part ^^

love how the way you end it. it's so cute~~