Chapter 10

Unexpected Assistant


Chapter 10


Time seemed to be frozen in the world only resolving around them. It felt like they were floating on cloud nine or maybe in bubbles. Everything seemed to look so pink and fluffy and all cotton and candy. Yet it seemed blank and black at the same time. The only thing processing at the moment was their lips glued to each other and savoring the taste of the other.


It felt great.


It felt perfect.


It was as if they were meant to be and they only just realized it.


And just as fast and suddenly as the kiss came, it ended abruptly and unexpected too. Both lads seemed to be jolted back in the present and stood awkwardly away from each other. If anyone had paid attention to them, they would have noticed the pinkened cheeks on both of the boys. Silence wrapped itself around them, waiting for either of them to cut it.


"I-I...I'm... s-so sor-ry,"


Jongin decided to break the silence since the other didn't seem to be ready to open his mouth yet. Getting no reaction from Kyungsoo, Jongin mentally smacked himself for being such an idiot to have made such an idiotic move and now Kyungsoo was going to hate him even more.

He wanted to utter some more apologies, but he felt as if his throat was constricted making him unable to even say anything more. Kyungsoo was still not saying anything to him and could only stand there with widened, shocked doe eyes as Jongin tried to apologize again.


"I... Kyung-,"

"What was that?," Kyungsoo finally managed to croak out.

"Uh... err... a... kiss?,"


Ugh! Jongin felt like he wanted the earth to open up and swallow him right then and there, to save himself from more stupidity and embarrassment. Well, technically he was answering the question Kyungsoo had asked him, but the way he had said it made him cringe in himself. He needn't have stated the obvious, Kyungsoo wasn't dumb. Every living creature walking on earth could see the two shared a damn kiss.


"I know. I mean...," Kyungsoo paused as he tried to search for the appropriate word to voice out his thoughts "...what was that supposed to mean?,"

"I l-like y-you, Kyungsoo. I really do," Jongin finally said. He decided it was time to confess and tell the other how he felt.




"Please, don't hate me Kyungsoo. If, if you don't like it then, then just forget whatever happened and we can just pretend nothing happened earlier and I promise never to bring up this... that moment again. I only hope we can still be friends and that whatever happened wouldn't affect any of us and-,"


"I like you too, Jongin,"


"-I swear, I didn't mean to just kiss you and you must think I am a freak and that you're disgusted with me and-,"




Kyungsoo's sudden cry halted Jongin in his blabbering and he finally shut up and waited for whatever the doe eyed boy was going to say to him. Kyungsoo would probably tell him to off and get the hell away from him and whatnot. Heaving a sigh, he mentally prepared for whatever the shorter lad was going to say to him. Only to be surprised to hear the opposite.


"I don't hate you, Jongin. I will never be able to do that,"


Jongin let out his breath he had been holding upon hearing Kyungsoo's words. At least that was a start.


"Just so you know...," Kyungsoo nervously bit his lower lip as he felt something warm creep up his cheeks before finishing his sentence "I... I like you too, Jongin,"


Jongin blinked.


And blinked.


And blinked some more.


Did he just hear it right? Did he just hear Kyungsoo saying that he liked him back? Or were his ears playing some mean trick with him? He couldn't believe it. He wouldn't believe it. It couldn't be right, right? It would never be true, right?


"You... like... me too?," Jongin could only ask dumbly, his brains still not registering what the other had just said.


"Yes, I do,"


And from that moment on, Jongin was so sure his face was going to split in half when he felt this glorious, bright smile make its way to his face. His heart exploded in a frenzy of red pinkish bubbles and cotton candies, it was beating so rapidly he was afraid he would die right then and there pure from bliss and happiness. Kyungsoo actually liked him back! The shorter one liked him just like he liked the other!

Jongin had to pinch himself so hard just to make sure he wasn't dreaming and yelped in pain when a stinging pain told him he wasn't dreaming at all. Oh how wonderful it felt to hear that his feelings were returned and the other didn't think he wast a freak! He had never thought Kyungsoo would like someone like him. 

Ofcourse, he, Kim Jongin was popular amongst the girls and the boys and could get whoever he wanted right at his feet, but this lad standing in front of him was a whole different kind of story. Others might want to be with him because he was rich, good and suave looking, but his personal assistant wasn't one like them. Kyungsoo wasn't some regular person he could compare with the rest. Kyungsoo was different, he was special and Jongin was overly happy that the other actually liked him back!


"Oh, you dope. Come here and don't just stand there like an idiot!," Kyungsoo almost snorted with a playful smile.


Jongin needn't be told twice for he lunged towards the other and encircled his strong arms around the other's waist, almost squeezing the living hell out of the other. Kyungsoo himself replied the hug with as much force as he could muster, savoring Jongin's scent as he practically inhaled the taller's neck. It felt so right, so good, so perfect to be honest! And both of the lads had no intentions of letting go just yet. 

They didn't care for the odd and or curious stares bypassers were giving them and neither did they care for the disgusted and disapproving looks some people gave them. All they cared for was each other at the moment and how they could finally be together. And Jongin was proud they even fit together! Oh how blessed he felt then.


"So... what do we do now?," Kyungsoo asked after a fifteen minutes of nonstop embracing each other.

"We go have lunch and head back befo- ow!,"


Jongin's words were cut off by his cry in pain as he clutched his abused head. What the hell?! Someone just hit him on the head! Who the hell dared to do that in a public place? Especially to him, Kim Jongin, future CEO of the Kim Corporation!


"Oh my, Jongin! Are you alright?," Kyungsoo asked in worry as he tried to ease the other's pain, rubbing soothing circles on the abused spot.

Jongin managed a scrunched up smile before turning around to face his attacker with Kyungsoo and he was ready to give a piece of his mind when he finally faced his attacker.


"Yah! Who the hell do you think yo- grandpa?!,"

"Mr. Kim!??,"


Both Jongin and Kyungsoo gasped in surprise upon seeing Jongin's grandfather standing a few feet away from him and Kyungsoo. How the hell did his grandfather end up here? Did he secretly follow them? Had the old man seen everything between him and Kyungsoo? Had the old man hear their confessions? ! His mind raced like a train as he tried to come up with a good excuse if the elder was to ask about him and Kyungsoo.


"Grandpa... hahah... what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the company?," Jongin brought out with a sheepish smile.

"I should be asking you that," his grandfather retorted instead.

"Uh... we were going to have lunch," Jongin decided to say then.

"It's already past your lunchbreak Kim Jongin. Care to explain why you are ditching work during working hours?,"

"Ditching? No! Grandpa, I wasn't ditching! We just lost track of time, I promise!," Jongin quickly explained with a lot of hand motions as if to indicate what he meant with his words. "Come on Kyungsoo! Back me up on this," he added quickly nudging the shorter with his right elbow.


Jongin turned with pleading eyes to Kyungsoo who tried very hard to suppress the amused smile forming on his face. Jongin was cute when he panicked. He was half thinking of making Jongin suffer some more, but he decided against it, because Jongin was really sincere this time and Jongin really didn't ditch his work. Kyungsoo bowed respectfully to the elder and was about to explain the whole situation when he managed an inaudible gasp.

It happened so fast, Kyungsoo was afraid he was just imagining things right then and there. Mr. Kim actually winked at him! What in the world?! When he noticed the quick glance of Mr. Kim's eyes to his pouting grandson and then back at him, Kyungsoo could vaguely see a suppressed small smile coming from the elder.

Was Mr. Kim telling him secretly that he was just yanking his grandson's chains? It seemed like that and Kyungsoo decided to play along then. Mr. Kim nodded happily, feeling proud of Kyungsoo for his quick actions.


"Well, sorry to say this Jongin, but Mr... err... grandpa... is right, lunchtime is already over and yet you are standing here," Kyungsoo said with a lopsided smile.

"What?! Kyungsoo! You can't side with grandpa. You were with me the whole time. If I've been ditching work, then so were you!," Jongin accused.


He felt so wronged and Kyungsoo wasn't even helping him! Why was everyone against him?! Did he really do something wrong or bad to them in the past? Nevermind, he already knew the answer. With his behavior, everyone would expect him dumping work and go his merry way. But this time, he really was serious and wasn't lying!


"Grandpa~," Jongin whined as he pulled out his lower lip, pouting bashfully to his grandfather.


His grandfather burst out laughing as he slammed his old and wrinkled hand on Jongin's back making the other almost lose his balance in the process, his pout all gone now. Mr. Kim could never resist his childish grandson. No matter what situation, whenever Jongin pulled that face, Mr. Kim couldn't help but love his grandson even more.

Seeing his grandfather's reaction, Jongin stopped and looked at his grandfather. Something was wrong but he had no idea what it actually was. He couldn't quite put a finger on it just yet. 


"Let's just go back to the company before this old man nags more," Jongin finally decided to say as he grabbed onto Kyungsoo's wrist pulling the other along without giving his grandfather another glance. 

"Uhm... wa-wait, Jongin... what about... you haven't eaten yet," Kyungsoo protested as he bowed apologetically to Mr. Kim.

"I'll let the driver buy us something on the way," Jongin merely answered without looking at the other lad.


But, if he had just taken a quick glance, he would've noticed the small smile adorning the older man's face while looking at them leaving.


"Finally. I've been waiting this long for this day to happen," Mr. Kim said to himself before taking out his cellphone to make an important call.




"You can't blame your grandfather for saying that," Kyungsoo commented after hearing Jongin complaints.

"He's always like that. Can't he see that I am serious? I've changed," Jongin bellowed, flinging his arms out left and right in frustrated gestures. "And now we can't even have a simple lunch! And we're stuck here in this company!"


Kyungsoo sighed. No matter what he said to calm down the other, Jongin didn't seem to want to give up on bad-talking his grandfather. In a way he understood Jongin, but on the other hand this was Mr. Kim, his employer! Whatever could he say? He wasn't going to agree on everything Jongin was saying. Who knows, someone might hear him and report to Mr. Kim himself? He shuddered involuntarily. He definitely didn't want to know what would happen to him if ever something bad came out of his mouth and Mr. Kim was told about it.


"I just can't understand. How can you even stand him, Kyungsoo? I guess maybe you can because he likes you more than me and I-,"


Before Jongin could even finish his sentence, he was surprised by a sudden wet kiss on his lips, silencing him effectively. His brains stood frozen and his heart almost skipped a beat.


Kyungsoo had just kissed him!


His assistant had just kissed him!


And it felt good... great!


"Are you done?," Kyungsoo finally asked.


He wasn't sure why he was acting so bold out of a sudden. Kyungsoo's body just moved on its own and he couldn't even prevent himself from doing the unthinkable. When his lips touched the other's plump ones, Kyungsoo then realized he just kissed the other without as much as a warning. It happened so fast, he was even surprise about the kiss himself. And surprisingly, he even managed to stay calm and not 


"Y-yeah... I... am," Jongin croaked out.



A pause.


And then...


"Kyungsoo...," Jongin started with a wicked smile, inching closer to the other who backed away as far away as he could on his swivel chair.



Jongin started to grin as he placed his head on Kyungsoo's left shoulder, blinking innocently to the other as if pleading for something he desperatedly wanted but the other wouldn't give permission to.


"Can we try it again? You know... the kiss?," Jongin asked slyly.


Kyungsoo's cheeks flamed immediately as he shoved the other away rudely, feeling all embarrassed. How could Jongin even ask that? Wasn't he ashamed of himself? 




And with that he took a yellow folder and started on his work ignoring the whines coming from Jongin. He hoped the other would get the sign that the 'embarrassing topic' was closed and not to be mentioned while he was at work.


But of course Jongin decided he wasn't finished yet with his hyung. They were boyfriends now, right? Why should Kyungsoo be embarrassed and Jongin had every right to demand something back from the shorter one whether the other liked it or not.


"Come on, Kyungsoo. Why are you embarrasssed? Are you that shy? Come on! It's going to be fun. Besides, we are official now, aren't we? No need to afraid. If you are afraid of making a mistake then I can assure you, you don't have to worry about that, because I am master in the-mpgh!,"


Jongin's words were cut off rudely when Kyungsoo decided he had had enough and slammed a folder in the other's face. Forcing the other to read and end the talk, Kyungsoo finally succeeded in getting the younger one to listen to him. Occasionally he could hear Jongin curse something under his breath along the lines of 'evil boyfriend' and 'hurt pride', but he never paid any heed to the other lad and stayed professionally until it was time for him to leave.






"-and that's how my grandson patched things up with your grandson," Mr. Kim ended his story as he looked at his best friend sitting next to him with a thoughtful look.

"So, you were spying on them," Mr. Do commented.

"No, I didn't! I just happened to pass by and saw them," Mr. Kim protested feeling wronged for being accused.

"Nevertheless, you said you were going to let them lads be and yet here you tell me you-,"

"Yah! I didn't do anything! They did it all on their own. I said I might give them a little push if Jongin was to treat Kyungsoo like he did when they had a fight, but eventually they ended up quicker together than I thought. Remember last time when it was Jongin's birthday?," 

"Mhm... you actually came up with that idea to force them to make up somehow and surprisingly it worked,"

"Yes! Now thanks to me, they are happily together, don't you agree?," Mr. Kim grinned toothily to the other, his eyes turned into slits. "Oh, right... we should schedule a tea party some time with the others. I am sure they would like to know our story as much as we would like to hear their story,"

Mr. Do nodded in agreement.

"Yes. We should do that. I have never thought my boy is all grown up and finally in the hands of his bethrothed," Mr. Do wiped a fake tear away as he nodded happily.


A pause.


"Should we tell the tale of them being bethrothed to each other since baby?," Mr. Do suddenly asked suddenly looking at his best friend.

"Hm...nah... let's not. This is our secret," Mr. Kim finally said, giving his best friend a brotherly hug which was returned with as much affection as it was given.









Hello, my dearest readers. How have you all of you been? I hope you guys are doing great. I've been quite busy with real life and not feeling well lately, so I haven't paid much attention to my fanfics for a while. But since this is the last chapter of UNEXPECTED ASSISTANT, I thought why not just finish it quickly, because it has been in draft status for a while. I have been typing every now and then just so I didn't need to type everything in one go.

Anyways, anyone who are interested in reading my other stories are very much welcome to read them. Suvscribe, upvote and leave me a comment so I know what you guys think about my stories. Thank you very much.


/throws confetties


Finally I am finished with this story. Hahaha, I am so happy. I still have another story left over of the last grandfather, but I am not sure how to write that one down. I have to do some thinking about it. -_-"


A push in the right direction - TAORIS

Racing for hearts - BAEKYEOL











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Chapter 1: Read one chapter and already love write so good and I enjoy so exciting to read next chapter
Kim_kyungmi7 #2
Ohayou rin_ee-chan 。^‿^。 ~
How are you doing? I hope you're doing well..
I just want to ask your for permission to translate one of your fics, It means a lot to me and It's really precious to my heart..
Sorry if I bother you, and have a nice day~~
Cute and oh so fluffy♥
Amazing ,so beautifully written, and so cute.
Loved it <3
Chapter 10: Damn......if kaisoo ever found out they were meant to be since day one...i wanna see that reaction. Great job authornim loved it ♡
T-araFans #6
Chapter 10: Good Job Author...
Hope you make another Kaisoo story...
T-araFans #7
Chapter 10: Wow!!! They so sweet...
Nice ending...
Please update soon...
SoSquishy #8
Chapter 10: Wowowowow <3 <3 So sweet <3
kaisooumma #9
Chapter 10: This story end already... A really nice story. I like it. Congratulation to finished your story, authornim. ^^
Chapter 10: /roll on the floor/ wahhhhhh end alrdy...? i want more (greedy me) maybe the part on them getting married or smexy part ^^

love how the way you end it. it's so cute~~