Chapter 5

Unexpected Assistant


Chapter 5


"It's all set. Don't move this arm too much and take a rest for three weeks. After that, I'll check if everything is alright and then decide to take it off or not, ok? You're lucky your collarbone isn't fractured, it's only a minor injury and would get better soon if you take really good care of it," the doctor said once he finished wrapping Kyungsoo's shoulder.

"Thank you, doctor Ahn," Kyungsoo said as he tried not to move his right arm too much.

"No worries... take better care then. You can go outside and have one of the nurses write down these notes," doctor Ahn said as he handed Jongin a piece of paper.

Both lads thanked the doctor before leaving the room and headed over to one of the nurses sitting outside. She accepted the paper with a smile and after a few minutes of waiting, Kyungsoo and Jongin were finally able to leave the hospital.


"This ," Kyungsoo muttered to himself as Jongin helped him inside the car.

"It'll be over after a couple of weeks... just bear with it. So, what do you want to do now?," Jongin asked as he started the engine.




Jongin brought Kyungsoo back to the latter's home and explained to Kyungsoo's parents what actually happened. The moment they heard what happened, Kyungsoo's mother immediatelly turned to Kyungsoo and inspected the lad for anymore injuries.

"I am going to be fine, mom. Don't worry," Kyungsoo sighed out as he tried to pull away fom his mother's grasp, at which he failed miserably.

"Yes, don't worry Mrs. Do... Kyungsoo will be fine. I will make sure to take care of him,"

"What about work?," Mrs. Do asked.

"I guess, I have to tell grandpa about it," Jongin said thoughtfully.

"No! I can just go to work. I will be fine," Kyungsoo protested immediately, jumping up from the couch to make his point.

"What? In this condition, you still want to work?, Jongin asked increduously. How could Kyungsoo do that? He's ing hurt!

"No... you are not going to work until I say so. And remember the doctor prescribed you rest? Besides, grandpa would understand,"


And his grandfather understood alright. When the old man was told about Kyungsoo's condition and that the latter wouldn't be able to work for a while, his grandfather immediately rushed over to make sure Kyungsoo was alright. He almost fuzzed over Kyungsoo as if Kyungsoo was his own grandchild, which surprised Kyungsoo a bit. He'd never thought Jongin's grandfather would be that worried. And if things couldn't get any worse for Kyungsoo, his own grandfather was called over to the house too. And in just two hours, Kyungsoo found himself sitting in between worried people.


"Grandpa, I will be fine," Kyungsoo sighed for the umpteenth time, he wasn't sure how many times he'd repeated those words that morning already.

"No, you are not. Who is going to take care of you? Your mother and father are going to leave for a business meeting tomorrow and you'll be alone and your poor grandpa can't handle walking around too much either," 

"Mom and dad are leaving?," Kyungsoo asked suddenly in surprise.


With all of them fuzzing over Kyungsoo, both his parents forgot to mention that they were going to leave the next day.


"I volunteer to take care of Kyungsoo," Jongin suddenly piped up.

All eyes turned to look at Jongin, who stood there looking innocently at Kyungsoo. Before the shorter one could voice out a protest, every adult in the room started talking at the same time. And Kyungsoo could only sit and look with his signature owl eyes.


"That would be great!," - Kyungsoo's grandfather.

"Is it really going to be alright? Kyungsoo could be lonely without us," - Kyungsoo's mom.

"I am sure Kyungsoo is a big boy now and don't need us hogging him all the time," - Kyungsoo's father.

"My Jongin can take care of Kyungsoo very well and besides Kyungsoo have to help him with stuff too," - Jongin's grandfather.


"Err... let's just let Kyungsoo decide," Jongin finally said after they'd quieted down.


All heads nodded and they turned to look at Kyungsoo expectantly. Kyungsoo shrank down on the couch with the sudden attention. He didn't know how to answer and was trying hard to think of something to say, but the hopeful look Jongin was giving him, the pleading look of Mr. Kim, the somewhat worried looking eyes of his mom and his father's questioning look made Kyungsoo feel uncomfortable. He desperatedly wanted to decline the offer, but a pleading tug from Jongin made him sigh in defeat.

"Alright... I... I will accept... the offer," Kyungsoo finally said meekly.

"Yes! I promise I will take care of you, Kyungie~," Jongin grinned happily as he gave the shorter one a big toothy smile.

"Now that that is settled, I think we can both leave without worrying too much about Kyungsoo who is in good hands now," his father said calmly.

"Don't worry Kyungsoo, you can come over to grandpa anytime if you want to," Kyungsoo's grandfather patted Kyungsoo on the back.

"No need to worry, my friend. My Jongin will take care like he promised," Mr. Kim said with a bright smile, patting his friend on the back.


That night, Kyungsoo was evacuated to Jongin's house seeing his parents had to suddenly leave that same night instead of the next day and the thought of how dangerous it would be for Kyungsoo to stay in the house alone at night when both his parents weren't present. Kyungsoo had tried objecting to his parents to only fail in the end when Jongin had already opened his mouth saying he'd go pack Kyungsoo's clothes. Jongin had disappeared into his room already, leaving no room for Kyungsoo to interfere in his decision.


"If you are uncomfortable anywhere, just tell me, baby," Jongin said as he stuffed a couple of cushions next to the ones Kyungsoo was currently lying on.

"It's alright, Jongin. Thank you... I will tell you when I don't feel comfortable," Kyungsoo assured the other.

"Alright. I'll be right here," Jongin said as he slipped into his sleeping bag.

Jongin had insisted on letting Kyungsoo sleep on his bed while he took the floor, that way he could keep a better eye on the shorter one. Even though he could have had a maid clean up a guestroom, he simply found it unnecessary to do that and besides his room was big enough for a couple of people to sleep in, so why not let Kyungsoo keep him company?

When he was sure Kyungsoo was finally off to dreamland, Jongin then felt satisfied that he'd done a good deed on taking this decision. At first, he wasn't sure why he'd actually volunteered to take care of Kyungsoo, but something inside him actually made him do it and he hoped he wasn't going to regret it. After all, he didn't know what Kyungsoo thought of him yet. They may have started on the wrong foot the first time they met, but the times he'd spent after had made Jongin realize that he actually liked to be around the other. So, Jongin deemed Kyungsoo his new found friend and was doing what any good friend would do in times of need. Help out. Jongin was helping out Kyungsoo, because they were friends. Yes, they were friends.

"Jongin...," a soft whisper suddenly floated through the air, shaking Jongin out of his reverie.


"You know you don't have to do this," Kyungsoo said.

"What do you mean? I am helping you," Jongin said as he frowned in the dark.

"I know... I... nevermind... thank you... really, Jongin... I really appreciate it,"



"We're... friends, right?," Jongin couldn't help but voice that out.

"Right... we're friends,"


A pause.



"G-good night,"

"Good night, Kyung,"


And with that, both lads closed their eyes and soon enough went to the land of the fantasies. 


The next time Kyungsoo opened his eyes, it took him a minute to realize he was sleeping in a different room, on a different bed. Flashes of how he went to the hospital and seeing the worried looks of his parents, his grandfather, Jongin and Mr. Kim brought him back to realization that he was taken in by none other than Jongin. At first, Kyungsoo wondered why Jongin would actually offer to help him, but after their small talk yesterday, Kyungsoo let the uneasy feeling flow away, because both of them had confirmed that he was there because they were friends. And Kyungsoo was relieved that it was just because of that reason he was actually there. But, why did one other side of him feel like he wanted something else instead, something more than just... a friend.

Shaking the thoughts away, Kyungsoo tried to move out of bed carefully. He had to go brush his teeth and take a shower, because he hadn't taken one the previous day. He was almost halfway across the room when the door room was slammed down and a grinning Jongin entered, making his way over to the confused looking Kyungsoo.


"Good morning, baby! Had a good night's sleep?,"

"Uh... g-good morning, Jongin... uhm... I guess,"

"Good to hear that. Now, let's get you cleaned up and we'll have breakfast together," Jongin stated as he helped Kyungsoo off the bed.

"Jongin, I'm not disabled, I can do this myself," Kyungsoo protested.


Jongin deadpanned. Kyungsoo blinked. Jongin blinked back.


"You are not to move that arm of yours and you know the doctor said even a little strain could make it worse," Jongin said.

Kyungsoo bit his lower lip. Jongin was right, he couldn't use his arm and that's when he suddenly realized something: how was he going to do his daily routine without using his now 'broken' arm?

"Don't worry, baby... I am here. Besides, we're friends and both boys... so nothing to be ashamed of, right?," Jongin stated with a big grin.


Kyungsoo's eyes widened in horror as realization downed on him. He hoped Jongin wasn't going to do what he thought the other would do, because he had never in his life been taken care of by someone else other than his own parents. If Jongin was going to take care of him, then that also meant his clothes were going to be taken off by Jongin and by taking it off, it also meant that he was going to be touched by Jongin and-

He was slightly panicking when he saw Jongin closing the gap between themselves. Kyungsoo reacted purely in reflex as he took a step back. Jongin frowned as he took another step, Kyungsoo stepped back and this went on until the back of Kyungsoo's legs touched the bed, sending him falling on the mattras. Kyungsoo cried out in alarm and pain at the sudden impact and Jongin was right there to help him again.

"Be careful, Kyung. Are you alright?," Jongin asked as he pulled Kyungsoo in a sitting position, looking worried. He received a nod. "Anyways, we were going to get you cleaned up and don't bother to protest, because we're going to do this whether you like it or not,"


And with that, Jongin slipped an arm underneath Kyungsoo's legs as the other was wrapped around his waist, carrying the shorter one bridal style. Kyungsoo screamed bloody murder and as much as he tried to move, Jongin had a firm grip on him making it almost impossible for him to pull away. And before he could even do anything, as if he could, Kyungsoo found himself treated like an infant.

His teeth were brushed with much force in the beginning, then his face was attacked by a soft face cloth before he was stripped to nothing but his undies. All protests were left unheard and if he hadn't kicked Jongin away, he would've ended up stark in front of the other already.


"Ouch! Kyung baby... you need to clean yourself down there too, you know. You have to be squeeky clean. And besides it's not as if it's anything embarrassing, we're both male and have the same things which has the same functions," Jongin said as he rubbed his now bruised left side.

Kyungsoo had successfully karate kicked him there to halt whatever the other was going to do. By now, he was already blushing beet red and he felt like he wanted to die right then and there. How could he not? He was so not used to someone seeing his body, he himself wasn't even fond of his own body. It's not as if his body was bad bad, it was just... he didn't own nice abs like some people do and he was too pale, which he disliked since forever. And Jongin being persistent in cleaning slash washing him was so making him freak out that he could only think of using his legs to defend himself from being ripped off his last piece of clothing, clinging onto him, saving him from losing his last bit of dignity.


"I... I don't need... I can do myself," Kyungsoo protested once again, his eyes looking everywhere but to Jongin. It was as if the ceiling and the tiles were suddenly so interesting to look at.

"Oh, come on. If you are going to be stubborn... I... I am going to tie you down and you won't be able to do anything!," Jongin threatened glaring down at the smaller one whose eyes got bigger in horror than it already was.


What was Jongin saying? He didn't mean that, did he? Jongin wouldn't dare to do that, right? He couldn't! That would mean... mean... molest and... and...


He could feel his cheeks burning and the rest of his body followed suit. He was even afraid with his pale skin, Jongin could already see how red he'd become by those words. Why did lady luck have to make him suffer like this? What did he do to deserve this? 

When Kyungsoo didn't move, Jongin took it as cue that the other had understood his words and was going to obey him now. His hands reached out to the last piece of clothing, but before he could even do something, Kyungsoo acted in reflex and accidentally shot out his leg and the next thing he knew, he was rolling on the floor, clutching onto the painful place the shorter one had caused.


"!," Jongin cursed as he felt tears making its way in his eyes, Kyungsoo had just kicked him in his manhood  and he felt like he was going to die any minute.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry, Jongin! I didn't meant to," Kyungsoo gasped out in surprise and horror.


He really didn't mean to hurt Jongin. He just acted in reflex. Trying to help Jongin didn't work, because he himself was in pain when he tried to reach for Jongin. After what looked like forever, Jongin finally managed to calm down as he tried to sit up.

"You didn't have to be mean and make me almost lose my jewles," Jongin muttered loud enough for Kyungsoo to hear.

"I am really sorry...," Kyungsoo apologized again, feeling bad for the other already.

"Well, if you are then let me help you clean without getting both of us hurt, ok?,"


Kyungsoo wanted to say no, but he bit his lip instead and reluctantly let Jongin do his work. A good half hour passed with Kyungsoo blushing all the way, before both were finished, dressed up and sitting next to each other for breakfast. Jongin tried feeding Kyungsoo and eating at the same time and after a while, they both managed to finish their breakfast.


With Kyungsoo unable to go to work and Jongin accompanying him, because the latter had to take care of him, Mr. Kim thought it would be best to do their work at home. That way work wouldn't be left stacked up and Kyungsoo would be able to take a better rest whenever the latter felt like it. Of course, complaints and a tantrum was given by Jongin, but Mr. Kim never got swayed by Jongin's behaviour.

"It's alright, Jongin... I can do work here too," Kyungsoo assured the other calmly.

"But you need to rest! That's what the doctor said," Jongin protested. "I can't believe gramps. Wait till grandma hears this," he pouted childishly.

Kyungsoo chuckled. Jongin could really act like a spoilt child sometimes and it actually made him cute? Kyungsoo didn't know how to describe it, but he kind of liked seeing Jongin throw a tantrum once in a while. It was amusing.

But, nonetheless, Kyungsoo made Jongin do some paperwork and he himself did whatever his body allowed him to. When Jongin thought he was overworking himself, Jongin would make sure the latter took a break and they would both have something to snack on. He'd tell stories to entertain themselves and even briefed in some of his family history.

If Kyungsoo thought he'd actually die in boredom at first, he was far from right. He'd enjoyed every second with Jongin and even felt like he knew the latter since forever. He'd make sure to remember every detail the latter told him, the others favorite color, food, clothes, music, brands, actors etcetera. Kyungsoo didn't know why, but he just did.


It was almost five in the afternoon when Jongin deemed it was enough for the day and ordered take out. He made sure to tend to Kyungsoo first before he himself finished off his work. Even though Kyungsoo had protested, he didn't listen, so in the end Kyungsoo let him be.

"So, now that we're finished with work... what do you want to do?," Jongin asked looking at Kyungsoo.

"Hmm... since I can't use much of my arm here, I guess I can't do anything at all...," Kyungsoo pouted.

"You want to watch movies?," Jongin asked.

"Not really...,"

"How about playing games? You only have to use your thumbs...,"



And so Jongin and Kyungsoo indulged themselves in some kind of strategy game, all the while eating and laughing at the same time. Occasional silence fell between them, but never too long and never awkward. They found themselves even at ease when none of the two spoke, they just enjoyed each other's presence.








Annyeong, my dear readers! Thank you all for the wonderful comments and I am sorry if I hadn't replied back soon or not at all. I also apologize for taking so long to update a chapter. I'd rather put up a good chapter instead of updating fast and post a bad chapter, if you understand what I mean.

So, I hope you guys would enjoy the Kaisoo fluff (?), cuteness here. Hahaha, I've been imagining them doing those things and couldn't help but write it down.

Anyways, anyone who wants to ask questions or talk to me (I am very open), can just pm me or follow me on twitter or just message me or something.

Thank you once again for supporting this fanfic of mine. Please, do leave me a comment on what you think and new subscribers are always welcome. don't forget to upvote if you like the story. ^___^





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Chapter 1: Read one chapter and already love write so good and I enjoy so exciting to read next chapter
Kim_kyungmi7 #2
Ohayou rin_ee-chan 。^‿^。 ~
How are you doing? I hope you're doing well..
I just want to ask your for permission to translate one of your fics, It means a lot to me and It's really precious to my heart..
Sorry if I bother you, and have a nice day~~
Cute and oh so fluffy♥
Amazing ,so beautifully written, and so cute.
Loved it <3
Chapter 10: Damn......if kaisoo ever found out they were meant to be since day one...i wanna see that reaction. Great job authornim loved it ♡
T-araFans #6
Chapter 10: Good Job Author...
Hope you make another Kaisoo story...
T-araFans #7
Chapter 10: Wow!!! They so sweet...
Nice ending...
Please update soon...
SoSquishy #8
Chapter 10: Wowowowow <3 <3 So sweet <3
kaisooumma #9
Chapter 10: This story end already... A really nice story. I like it. Congratulation to finished your story, authornim. ^^
Chapter 10: /roll on the floor/ wahhhhhh end alrdy...? i want more (greedy me) maybe the part on them getting married or smexy part ^^

love how the way you end it. it's so cute~~