Chapter 7

Unexpected Assistant


Chapter 7


Kyungsoo wasn't sure what he was doing, but he had decided to give it a shot. It's been nearly three months since the last time he saw Jongin and it should stop. Endless nights of worrying about the latter and missing the other had finally taken a toll on him and he should do something about it. 


And that was what he was doing at the moment. 


He woke up early in the morning and headed straight to the Kim's residence. It was too early for the inhabitants to be awake, but to hell with whoever cursed him for being there that early. He pressed the doorbell and waited for someone to answer the door. It didn't take long for a maid to open the door and Kyungsoo was led in. 


"Young master Kim isn't present-,"

"Oh, don't worry about me. I just need to do something quick, I forgot it when I left, you see," Kyungsoo lied through his white teeth.

No questions were asked.


Five minutes later, Kyungsoo found himself walking into the familiar bedroom he'd spent a few months back and he had to smile at the precious memories. In the short amount of time he'd spent with Jongin, he'd learned quite a lot from the other. Kyungsoo had learned Jongin's good and bad habits, he'd learned Jongin's likes and dislikes and he could even predict the other's words in some situations. He had never thought he'd actually memorize all those things, but somehow he ended up doing so and it even surprised him he didn't even put any effort in it. It came natural...

He wasn't sure how long he had been standing there in the empty room, but upon hearing footsteps nearing the room, his eyes widened in horror. Someone was coming and he had to hide! He was not supposed to be there in the first place! If someone found out he's been there without permission, they would think he was a thief or something.

Kyungsoo hurried left and right, his legs not knowing which way to take, as he was tried to find a good hiding place, then finally opted to go hide in Jongin's closet thinking no one would go near it since it was Jongin's personal thing. He managed to close the door quietly just in time before someone stepped inside the room. Feeling his heart thump loudly in his chest, he was afraid the newcomer would be able to hear it, even if he was hiding under the amount of layer of Jongin's clothes. His ragged breathing eventually subsided as he calmly focused on not getting caught.


It was quiet, too quiet outside and Kyungsoo wondered if Jongin's room was empty now, but he didn't dare go out fearing he'd get caught. Kyungsoo decided to stay in the closet for a while then, hoping furiously for whoever was outside to leave as soon as possible. He really had no intentions of spending the rest of the day in Jongin's closet. Then suddenly, something decided to irritate his nose and he could feel the annoying itch make its way to-




Kyungsoo's eyes widened in horror, his hand immediately clamped onto his nose and mouth. Damn! Why of all time did that sneeze have to come? He panicked even more when he heard footsteps making its way closer to his hiding place and all Kyungsoo could do was wish for the darkness to swallow him in so he wouldn't have to face whoever was going to see him there.

He tried to make himself smaller and hoped he wouldn't be seen, but-


"Kyungsoo?," a pause, then "What are you doing in my closet?,"


Kyungsoo could only smile sheepishly. He dared to look into the other's eyes and visibly swallowed hard. Jongin didn't look angry or anything. Jongin looked... tired? Surprised? For a moment Kyungsoo did not know how to answer that question, but when Jongin arched an inquisitive eyebrow, he finally said that he was there because he wanted to see Jongin. He hadn't seen Jongin for a while and the latter didn't even want to pick up hs calls.


''And you had to hide in my closet of all places?," Jongin deadpanned.

"Well, I wasn't sure who was going to enter your room, so your closet seemed to be the next best choice at that precise moment," Kyungsoo defended himself.

"What would you have done if I hadn't left my room and you still had no idea who was outside?," Jongin asked.

"Uh... I will probably be spending the night here...?,"


What the hell was he saying? He couldn't believe they were actually having a talk about him hiding in the closet and whatever he was going to do if he was trapped in there.


Kyungsoo could feel his cheeks flush bright red. This was so embarrassing! Of all times, why did it have to be this time Jongin find him in his closet? Now the latter would just think that he is a creeper or a stalker or a weirdo?


"Are you... becoming a... ert now, Kyungsoo?," Jongin suddenly asked out of nowhere.


It took a few seconds for Kyungsoo's brains to register what Jongin had just said and when he finally understood what the words meant, he felt offended. And he did the next best thing. Hit Jongin numerous times.


"Yah! Kim Jongin! Take that back!," Kyungsoo bellowed angrily and smacked Jongin hard on the head.


When Jongin didn't comply, more punches rained down on him as he pathetically tried to scramble away from the furious shorter male. He knew Kyungsoo was a strong lad, but he never knew the other had it in him to actually use all force on him! It was when Kyungsoo finally decided to have some mercy did the punches stop and Jongin was almost a crying mess.

"I'm sorry, Kyung. You didn't have to hit me that hard," Jongin pouted as he rubbed on a certain sore spot on his arm where Kyungsoo had imprinted his fist.

"You shouldn't have said that then,"

"What are you doing here anyway?,"

"You have been gone for a while and everyone has been worried about you. I-,"

Kyungsoo stopped mid sentence not knowing what to say anymore. Whatever he had just spewed out were true, but there was one important thing he decided not to give away yet. He wasn't sure how Jongin would react to his confession and after seeking the other for a long time, he certainly didn't want to let this chance slip away and lose the other again.


I have been worried about you.


"Where have you been Jongin?," Kyungsoo asked quietly, looking expectantly at the taller one.

"I've been around with friends. Don't worry about me," Jongin merely shrugged and turned his back to the other, heading over to his bed.


The past couple of weeks, he had taken refuge at Sehun's house since he wasn't too keen on meeting Kyungsoo accidentally or purposefully at the company. He knew his absence was going to be noticed, but he didn't care too much about it. It wasn't as if he was needed 24/7 anyways. Everyone knew his routine, everyone knew he would never show up by himself. It was because of his grandfather he had decided to at least pretend to be going to work like any employee working at the company. But after a while he just decided he couldn't go to work anymore. He hadn't been himself when around Kyungsoo.

He needed time and needed to be away from Kyungsoo. His feelings needed to be sorted out, he needed to be his old self, he needed time to convince himself that he hadn't changed and he was pretty sure he hadn't. It was just all Kyungsoo's fault he'd been acting weird lately and he had decided to make a stop to that, distance himself from the other so he could go his merry way. To hell with his grandfather's company. He was not going to be the next heir.


"Jongin, is everything alright with you? You are acting all weird," Kyungsoo said bewildered at the other's behavior.

"I am fine. I need some sleep that's all. I won't be seeing you out then. You know the way,"


A hostile answer, one Kyungsoo wasn't used to and he couldn't help but feel a little twinge of pain in his chest. Jongin sounded distant, almost cold towards him. Did he do something wrong?


"Alright... I... I... won't disturb you anymore. You need some rest...," Kyungsoo said quietly as he headed to the door, his eyes never leaving the lying figure on the bed.


Never once did Jongin look back at him nor did the other make any attempts to look at him. He heaved a deep sigh as he exited the room with a heavy heart. Didn't Jongin want to be friends with him anymore? He would understand if Jongin wouldn't want to be more than friends, he was willing to be just friends with the latter and yet it was as if they wouldn't come as close as to being friends anymore.


After their last encounter, not a trace of Jongin could be seen again. Kyungsoo had long given up on looking for Jongin anymore and decided that it would be best if he drowned himself into whatever work Mr. Kim had given him. He didn't mind, as long as it kept his mind off the younger lad.

He knew that his parents and his grandfather were worried about him, but he just couldn't find it in himself to tell them what was going on his mind. Whenever he came back from work, he'd lock himself up in his room, to only come out when dinner was ready and he'd be back in his room once again and occasionally when he needed the lavatory. His usual happy face turned grim and almost unattractive, but he didn't really care.

How could he? When he was all a worry mess about Jongin and to top it all off his wondering and unanswered questions as to why the other suddenly treated him like a stranger. It hurt him deeply.


"Kyungsoo honey, can you come out your room? Mr. Kim is here,"


In an instant, Kyungsoo shot out of bed and had to hold his head for a minute when he found his room spinning in front of his eyes. He'd been all stressed and his sudden movement had sent a surge of blood to his head. When he felt he was stable enough to take his first steps, he hurried to his closet and picked out something decent to wear. Donning a black shirt and black sweatpants, he checked himself in the mirror. The sight in front of him shocked him dearly and he couldn't help but stiffle a loud cry. Whoever was looking straight at him was a zombie! His eyes were all sunken down and he could see visible dark circles underneath his eyes and his once visible cheek fat was replaced by nothing but his cheekbones sticking out. Oh, he looked horrible!

But there was no time to fret over his appearance, Mr. Kim was in his house, waiting for him downstairs. Kyungsoo combed his hair quickly with his fingers and hurried out of his room. Upon arriving in the living-room, he gave a polite bow and waited for his senior to speak up.

"Kyungsoo, my boy... you've... become... skinny. Are you alright?," Mr. Kim asked looking worried at the boy.

"Y-yes... I... I am...," Kyungsoo stammered out, his eyes lowered respectfully.

He never saw the worried and sad looking gaze Mr. Kim sent him as he stood in front of Mr. Kim awkwardly. Luckily, he was saved by his mother who entered the scene and offered their guest something to drink.

"Uhm... is... is there... something... needed to be discussed?," Kyungsoo asked slowly, hoping not to sound too rude.

"No, my son... there is nothing to be discussed. I just came over to visit. Your grandfather had been talking my head off these past few days. And speaking of your grandfather, where is he?,"

"Uh... grandpa...,"


Kyungsoo couldn't answer. He had no idea where his grandfather was. Frankly, he wasn't even aware whoever was in the house or not. All he knew was he'd been busy wallowing in his own misery he hadn't cared about others.

"He'll be right down, Mr. Kim," his mother answered instead.


"I'll be right back with some snacks,"


Kyungsoo was once again left alone with Mr. Kim and he suddenly felt self-conscious. What was he to say to the elderly? He had no idea how to start a conversation, but it seemed as if Mr. Kim had a conversation prepared himself already.

"Have you seen Jongin?," Mr. Kim promptly asked.

"I'm sorry.... Mr. Kim... I haven't seen him for a while," Kyungsooo answered , his voice almost an inaudible whisper as he felt his heart give an uncomfortable twist just by hearing the latter's name.

"Did you two have a fight? You know you can come to me and tell me what he had done wrong to offend you. I will repr-,"


Kyungsoo was shocked to even hear his own outburst, but he continued anyway. "No... uhm, we haven't fought or anything. I... have no slightest idea as to why he decided to... stay away from the company. I've tried calling him, but he wouldn't answer my calls,"

"Is that so?," Mr. Kim looked at the other thougthfully.


Before Kyungsoo or Mr. Kim could even say anything, Kyungsoo's grandfather decided to join them in the living-room. Greetings were exchanged and a small talk between the two elderly. Kyungsoo suddenly feeling out of place decided to make his escape to the kitchen under the pretence of giving a helping hand to his mother.


"You know you don't have to help me, honey," his mother said once he entered the kitchen.

"I know... but I don't know what to say when grandpa is there in the living-room with Jongin's grandfather,"

"Well... I am sure they wouldn't make you feel all left out. You know your grandpa is very fond of Mr. Kim. I swear, sometimes they act like a couple,"

At his mother's remark, Kyungsoo's interest suddenly perked up. He knew his grandpa was best friend with Mr. Kim, but he hadn't known they were that fond of each other.

"What do you mean, mom?,"

"What do I mean what, Kyungsoo?," his mother asked absentmindedly.

"About grandpa and Mr. Kim,"

"Oh... that... hahaha, well... Your grandpa once told me that if he hadn't met your grandmother, he would had devoted his life to Mr. Kim. They were the best of friends. They shared everything, as if they were blood related, brothers, twins maybe? Something like that. No one could come in between them. They were the duo in everything, wherever one was, the other one followed and whoever decided to pick on your grandpa, Mr. Kim would be there to stand up for your grandpa, even if it meant getting expelled from school,"

"Mr. Kim told me he met grandpa at school...,"

"Yes... they did and that's where their story started. I guess Mr. Kim was his only friend, because he had never been one to befriend a stranger, but Mr. Kim was the lucky one out of millions to be considered as a really close, dear friend of your gramps,"

His mother gave him a bright smile as she finished putting some cookies on a plate. If Kyungsoo was looking a little dazed at her story, she ignored that and gave him a warm hug before ushering him back into the living-room with the plate filled with cookies in her other hand.

"Oh! My darling, my favourite cookies! Thank you so much," Mr. Kim bellowed happily as he peered over at Mrs. Do who couldn't help but laugh at his actions for an old man. Mr. Kim never seemed to fail on amusing her.

"Kyungsoo, my boy... your mother is a very talented woman. I love her cooking! Do you by any chance know how to cook?," Mr. Kim asked with a little twinkle in his left eye.

"Uhm... I do know... but I have never tried making for anyone than grandpa and my parents,"

"And I must say, as his grandfather, I am very proud he took after his mother's skills in cooking. He will not disappoint you if you ask him to make something," Kyungsoo heard his grandfather say and a pinkish hue appeared on his cheeks, his body was getting all warm under Mr. Kim's stare.

"Grandpa! I... I... am not that great of a cook," Kyungsoo protested weakly, his eyes looking for his mom, crying for help and save him out of the embarrassment.

"Well... let's just have him make something then," Mr. Kim announced.

Kyungsoo's head snapped back to look at Mr. Kim in horror. What was the elderly talking about? Mr. Kim didn't mean that he had to cook something right? He prayed, he hoped not.


"Very well. You said your grandson's birthday is coming up in two weeks, right?," 

"Yes... and I very much like to request for Kyungsoo to cook something special for Jongin. Will you?," Mr. Kim turned to look at Kyungsoo.


the heavens! They were actually making him do it!


"Uh..., err... I...," 


He could feel all three pairs of eyes watching him intently. Oh, how he wished the floor could swallow him up and he'd be free of such a burden and yet, he was still standing there, breathing air and had yet to give an answer. Why couldn't he decline? He had every right, right? And yet, he couldn't. It would be rude, to both his grandfather and mother and Mr. Kim himself.


"I... al-alright,"


He sighed in defeat, hanging his head. His grandfather and Mr. Kim laughed so loud he was sure the death could even hear them and all he wanted to do was crawl somewhere in the dark and dig his grave.


He was doomed.


That night, sleep wouldn't over come him and all he could do was think about what to cook for Jongin. His heart made a few happy jumps, hoping he'd be able to see the other again. He'd be able to talk to Jongin again, because Jongin wouldn't ignore him in front of the family, right? 

"I hope he would like my cooking," Kyungsoo said to no one in particular as he looked up at his ceiling.

After a few seconds, he couldn't help but groan out in frustration on his pillow. All thoughts of Jongin flooded his head again. Everything about Jongin played like a film in front of his eyes again. Why? Of all times did Mr. Kim have to come and make him remember Jongin again? He had been trying so hard to forget about the latter and here he was tugged back again, as if an invisible thread was tying him down to Jongin making sure he would not be able to escape anywhere.

And they weren't even a couple! Yet...

Kyungsoo sighed. He was really sick in love with Jongin. He had fallen too hard already.


But Jongin wasn't.







Hello, my dearest readers... thank you for being patient with me and waiting for my updates. I promise to update as soon as possible, but after the whole Kris-SM thing, I kind of felt all my energy drained and couldn't bring it upon myelf to write something for a while. But I promise to end the story and no matter what the finaly answer is going to be, I'll still try to finish all my stories for you readers.

Don't forget to leave me a comment and press that UPVOTE button for me. New subbies are always welcome here :) <33




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Chapter 1: Read one chapter and already love write so good and I enjoy so exciting to read next chapter
Kim_kyungmi7 #2
Ohayou rin_ee-chan 。^‿^。 ~
How are you doing? I hope you're doing well..
I just want to ask your for permission to translate one of your fics, It means a lot to me and It's really precious to my heart..
Sorry if I bother you, and have a nice day~~
Cute and oh so fluffy♥
Amazing ,so beautifully written, and so cute.
Loved it <3
Chapter 10: Damn......if kaisoo ever found out they were meant to be since day one...i wanna see that reaction. Great job authornim loved it ♡
T-araFans #6
Chapter 10: Good Job Author...
Hope you make another Kaisoo story...
T-araFans #7
Chapter 10: Wow!!! They so sweet...
Nice ending...
Please update soon...
SoSquishy #8
Chapter 10: Wowowowow <3 <3 So sweet <3
kaisooumma #9
Chapter 10: This story end already... A really nice story. I like it. Congratulation to finished your story, authornim. ^^
Chapter 10: /roll on the floor/ wahhhhhh end alrdy...? i want more (greedy me) maybe the part on them getting married or smexy part ^^

love how the way you end it. it's so cute~~