Chapter 1

Unexpected Assistant


Chapter 1


On a sunny monday morning, Do Kyungsoo woke up when his alarm went off and proceeded to do his daily rountine. Quickly brushing his teeth, taking a quick shower, putting on his uniform and grabbing his backpack, Kyungsoo made it right on time for breakfast his mother had set down for him. After giving his parents a morning greeting, he took a seat on the left side of the table as his father occupied the head of the table like usual.

"Thank you, omma," Kyungsoo sent his mom a genuine smile as he took a bite off his pancake.

"You're welcome, honey. It's specially made for you since you are going to start your first day at work and you need to eat well to do a good job!,"

"You're the best!," Kyungsoo praised his mother as he gave two thumbsup.

"Well, kiddo... Are you nervous?," his father asked with a small smile.

"I am a little nervous, but nothing I can't handle. Don't worry dad... I can do this,"

"Alright! That's my baby. Now, hurry up... You don't want to be late,"

"Yes, mom!,"


Ten minutes later, Kyungsoo found himself walking down the street and hoping he could catch the next bus coming. Luckily, he didn't have to wait too long for a bus arrived after two minutes. The ride to his destination took almost half an hour, before Kyungsoo could get off. When he was finally standing in front of the building, Kyungsoo couldn't help but gape at the immensely huge building where he was accepted as part of the staff a few weeks earlier.

At first when his grandfather came to visit them, Kyungsoo was surprised the latter actually found some spare time to come over, because his grandfather was a busy man. His surprise only increased when his grandfather asked him what he'd think of working at the Kim Corporation. Kyungsoo thought his grandfather was just joking with him, but when his grandfather explained why he was approached, he'd never thought he was that capable of working at the said corporation. Everyone knew the Kim Corporation wasn't easy when it came to accepting employees. For as far as Kyungsoo knew, the people who has been accepted had went through years and years of training to be a perfect employee and if the chairman actually deemed someone not good enough, there was never a second chance. A second chance didn't exist in the chairman's dictionary.

So, when his grandfather actually told him the chairman offered him a job at the corporation, Kyungsoo had almost fainted. Countless questions ran through his mind that moment, but nevertheless he had promised his grandfather he'd give an answer once he'd thought it over. Thus Kyungsoo found himself standing there in front of the Kim Corporation.


A sudden uneasy feeling jolted in his intestines and he was worried he was going to throw up any minute or worse, have diarrhea right there. Swallowing his uneasy feelings away, Kyungsoo took a deep breath and gave himself a quick prep talk before entering the building. What was there to lose? He had nothing to lose in the first place. If he was not good enough, then he could always go back to his previous work at his grandpa's company. Besides, if the chairman actually requested for him and his qualities, then he was sure that he was capable enough to do the work.

The moment Kyungsoo entered the building, he couldn't help but look around in awe. It was huge! And very classy too! He suddenly felt so small and wished he could back out from everything, but he knew he couldn't do that, because his grandfather had oh so pleaded him to give himself a chance and man up, develop himself more and expand his experience.


A second passed before he walked up to a lady behind a desk and stated his purpose for his appearance. Once he was told where he should go to meet the chairman, he quickly thanked the lady and hurried to one of the elevators who was ready to set off.


"Wait up! Hold the door!," someone cried out of nowhere.


Kyungsoo who stood the closest to the doors, reacted on autopilot. His hands prevented the doors to close, giving the stranger enough time to enter the same elevator as the rest of the people. A young lad, clad in loose blue black jeans and jacket with a black cap donned on his head skidded to a stop when he reached the elevator and stood next to Kyungsoo. He flashed his trademark smile.

"Thanks, babe,"


Kyungsoo deadpanned.


It had yet to occur to Kyungsoo what the other had just called him. It was nothing bad or something, but the fact that a total stranger actually called him 'babe' was a little bit going too far for his liking. And immediately, Kyungsoo developed a dislike to the other. Whoever this person was, he didn't look like he belonged in the Kim Corporation.

While the elevator went up, every now and then, some people exited and entered to proceed to their respected level. It was when the elevator continued to rise higher that Kyungsoo realized it was just that stranger in black and blue and himself occupying the elevator. He suddenly couldn't help but wonder which department the stranger was assigned to; he hoped not the one where he was going to. Unwillingly, Kyungsoo's eyes started to wander to the stranger standing not too far away from him. The young lad was tall, handsome and the latter had no uniform. He didn't even look like an employee at all. Where-


"Like what you see?,"


Kyungsoo blinked a few times, startled at the sudden words. He felt his cheeks flush in embarrassment as he quickly averted his eyes. He really didn't mean to look at someone like that. It happened unconsciously!


"Uh... uhm... I'm sorry...," Kyungsoo muttered as he tucked his hands deeper into his pockets. It was so embarrassing!

Why did he actually look at the beautiful stranger?

"Don't be shy. I can always show you more if you want to," the stranger said with a smirk while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Ah?! What are you talking about?! Why would anyone be interested in you?," Kyungsoo managed to squeak out. The other was freaking him out.

"Why wouldn't anyone?,"

"Che, don't think too high of yourself," Kyungsoo huffed in annoyance, ignoring the heat rising up from the back of his neck to his cheeks.


It was the first time some stranger managed to irk him and stir up the feeling of anger. He quickly hoped that he would reach his destination, so he could actually go on his merry way and never see the weird stranger again. When the elevator dinged and the door opened, Kyungsoo quickly ran off without as much as giving the other a worthy look.


However, he never noticed the amused smirk displayed on the stranger's perfectly sculpted face as the latter followed in amusement.


The moment Kyungsoo stood in front of the big mahogany door, every thoughts about earlier disappeared as he felt nervousness settle in the pit of his stomach. He counted a few times before bringing up his fist to knock on the door. A muffled 'come in' followed soon and Kyungsoo entered cautiously.

His eyes were greeted by a beautiful and neatly decorated room. An office. There wasn't much, only two pots of plants on either side of the room, a black desk, a bookcase and a three seat sofa. Behind the desk sat a handsome looking old man, busy reading some files with thin glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose.


"G-good morning, sir...," Kyungsoo greeted once he entered the room.

"Ah! Kyungsoo! I've been expecting you, my boy!," the old man exclaimed out happily as he abandoned his files he'd been reading and went over to pull Kyungsoo into a bone crushing hug. Kyungsoo only hoped all of his bones would still be in place when the man released him.

"Thank you, sir," Kyungsoo said as he was pushed to sit on the sofa.

"Oh, no, no, no... you can just call me grandpa when we're here, ok? Your grandpa and I are best friends since forever. I don't want to hear from him I treat his grandson like a total stranger. I'm going to tell you, his grandson... is my grandson too," Mr. Kim said jovially.

"B-but...," Kyungsoo tried to utter some protest but was prevented from doing so.

"No buts. I will never forgive myself if you don't call me that. You are as much of a grandson to me as my other grandson. Where is that brat anyways?," Mr. Kim all but said in one breath.


When Kyungsoo first worried about how to behave in front of a strict chairman (according to everyone), he thought he'd die out of nervousness, but after meeting the latter personally, all his worries evaporated in thin air and he felt more at ease, almost as if he was talking to his own grandfather. The chairman had talked to him without even taking a break and let him answer some questions. It only made Kyungsoo wonder how old the chairman actually was. The other seemed to possess some kind of energy for an old man his age.

"I believe your grandfather had told you about the work," Mr. Kim said, a smile still adorned his wrinkled face.

"Y-yes... Mr K-," a glare was sent immediately and Kyungsoo gulped back the word and muttered a quiet 'grandpa', making the chairman smile happily.

Kyungsoo could feel his face flush bright red for the second time of the day since he entered the Kim Corporation. What was with him anyway? It was awkward, Kyungsoo felt awkward. Never in his life had he called someone else 'grandpa' besides his own grandfather. No one would just call a random person 'grandpa', right?


"If you are confused, you can always come to me and ask for advice or ask around. I am sure there are people who are willing to help you and explain what you don't understand,"

"Y-yes, gra-grandpa, thank you very much. I won't let you down," Kyungsoo promised with a smile.

Mr. Kim nodded happily and then frowned to himself. Where was his grandson? He had specifically called the other to appear on time and he had seen no strand of hair of his grandson yet.

"Is everything alright, grandpa?," Kyungsooo asked upon realizing the troubled look on the old man's face.

"Oh, I just asked my grandson to come and he isn't here yet," Mr. Kim stated.

"Should I leave?,"

"No, no, no... on the contrary, I would really much like both of you to meet. You are going to be helping him anyway and will be seeing each other frequently...,"

"Oh... okay...,"


When Mr. Kim decided it was long enough his grandson hadn't arrived, he was ready to send out his troop to go look for the boy. But when the door to his office suddenly opened and his grandson merely entered marvelously, Mr. Kim was spared the burden.

"Morning~!," the newcomer greeted in a singsong voicce.

"You little brat! Come here and let me give you a good beating. How can you be late, huh? How can you let our guest wait?!," Mr. Kim bursted out the moment his eyes settled on the figure.


Kyungsoo watched the scene unfold in front of him and his eyes widened in shock and surprise. His big round eyes couldn't have gotten any bigger when he realized who the grandson was. It couldn't be! It was not true! It couldn't be true! How could fate hate his guts? How could fate not show any mercy? What did he do to deserve such punishment of the century?


"Yo, grandpa!," the young lad smirked as he flicked his hand in a nonchalant wave and then turned to look at Kyungsoo.

"Oh, hey there cutie. Happy to meet you again," the lad flashed a eye blinding smile.


A whack was delivered on his head unexpectantly and he howled in pain while clutching his abused head.

"Ow! That hurt! Grandpa!,"

"Good for you. That way your head can actually work for once," Mr. Kim reprimanded.


"Don't you grandpa me, young boy. Look at you... you don't wear these to this company. You do know there are rules you should fol-," Mr. Kim ranted waving a reprimanding finger at his grandson.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah... I know, grandpa... I know. So, tell me... why am I here?,"

Mr. Kim huffed in annoyance. He was close to giving his grandson a good spanking for being insolent and disrespectful, but he would have to do that later. There were far more important things to be settled at the moment.

"Jongin, remember I told you you are going to have to take over me one day? Well, here's your chance to prove what you are capable of. And I am generous enough to give you a helping hand," Mr. Kim said as he pushed his grandson closer to the sofa.

"Meet your new personal assistant, Do Kyungsoo... Kyungsoo, meet my grandson, Kim Jongin," Mr. Kim introduced with a smile.






"Oh, this is your name... Do. Kyungsoo," Jongin let the name roll on his tongue as if trying to familiarize it. 

"Jongin ssi," Kyungsoo greeted with a stiff smile.

"Oh, please... I prefer you call me, Kai... cutie," Jongin said flashing another smile to Kyungsoo.


And once again, Jongin was delivered a smack on the back of his head by his grandfather. 


"I asked you to come and learn about this company, not come here and flirt with the first person you meet!," Mr. Kim raised his voice.

Jongin heaved a sigh as he rubbed the painful spot on his head. Why was his grandfather so abusive? If only his grandmother was there, then he was sure his grandfather would not even dare to touch one strand of hair.


"Well, now that both of you have met each other, I can go back to my work more at ease. Kyungsoo, from now on... you are to look after Jongin and report to me whatever progress both of you have made. And don't hesitate to give him a good beating when he doesn't listen," Mr. Kim said with a smile this time.

"Grandpa! How can you even say that?! I am your grandson!," Jongin protested.

"Yes, grandpa... I will keep that in mind," Kyungsoo replied politely and made a mental note to thank the old man for actually giving him permission to do that, because his hands were already itching to do that in the first place.

"Jongin, I better hear good things coming from your personal assistant. If I even hear one and I mean one stupid move you try to pull out, then I will let you suffer the consequences," Mr. Kim said sternly.

"Uwah-... wha...? What? Grandpa!,"

"Now, off you both go. Kyungsoo, you can contact Mrs. Oh, the manager of the PR department and she'll show you what you are supposed to do," Mr. Kim said.



Five minutes later, both Kyungsoo and Jongin found themselves outside the chairman's office and heading down to the PR department with Jongin cursing and whining all the way down about what his life had become and it almost came to the point Kyungsoo was ready to throw the other out the window if he was that strong enough to do it. But sadly enough, that wasn't going to happen ever, because Kim Jongin was going to be the next heir to the Kim Corporation and Kyungsoo definitely didn't want to end up sued by the Kim's for accidentally killing their heir.

"Why don't you just try it," Kyungsoo suggested.

"I don't want to," Jongin protested.

"You have no choice,"

Before Jongin could say anything, the sudden ringing of his cellphone brought their conversation to a halt. Jongin's sad face immediately lightened up after seeing the caller id. 

"Yo, Sehun! What's up man?," a pause. "Sure, see you there in a few,"


"Are you going somewhere?," Kyungsoo asked curiously. It wasn't that he wanted to meddle, Jongin just happened to talk that loud for him to hear the one-sided conversation.

"Yes, my dear. I got to go. If grandpa asks for me, tell him I got some important business to attend to. Have fun, munchkins~!," Jongin said hurriedly and made a mad dash for the exit.


"Jongin, wait!,"


But, the lad had already dsappeared out of sight and Kyungsoo was left alone in the hall. Now that the latter had just decided to dump him, Kyungsoo had no choice but to continue his way to the PR department on his own. He was after all hired to do some working in the Kim Corporation and he couldn't slack off just because the next heir decided to ditch him. What a day to start.








Aah, finally managed to put up the first chapter. Nothing interesting though, but I hope to make it more interesting later. Even though the Kaisoo isn't one of my first ships, I still see them as cute as ever! I am starting to like them too... Hahaha...'

This fic is kind of a little related to my other fics A push in the right direction and Racing for hearts, but you can read them apart from each other :)

Please do leave some comment and let me read what you guys think about this story. Don't forget to subscribe and upvote :)

Thank you very much <3




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Chapter 1: Read one chapter and already love write so good and I enjoy so exciting to read next chapter
Kim_kyungmi7 #2
Ohayou rin_ee-chan 。^‿^。 ~
How are you doing? I hope you're doing well..
I just want to ask your for permission to translate one of your fics, It means a lot to me and It's really precious to my heart..
Sorry if I bother you, and have a nice day~~
Cute and oh so fluffy♥
Amazing ,so beautifully written, and so cute.
Loved it <3
Chapter 10: Damn......if kaisoo ever found out they were meant to be since day one...i wanna see that reaction. Great job authornim loved it ♡
T-araFans #6
Chapter 10: Good Job Author...
Hope you make another Kaisoo story...
T-araFans #7
Chapter 10: Wow!!! They so sweet...
Nice ending...
Please update soon...
SoSquishy #8
Chapter 10: Wowowowow <3 <3 So sweet <3
kaisooumma #9
Chapter 10: This story end already... A really nice story. I like it. Congratulation to finished your story, authornim. ^^
Chapter 10: /roll on the floor/ wahhhhhh end alrdy...? i want more (greedy me) maybe the part on them getting married or smexy part ^^

love how the way you end it. it's so cute~~