Go away

You caught my heart

Hoseoks POV

*Hoseok is standing infront of his door only wearing underwear*

"How did I end up here?" He mumbles while scratching his head.

When he realise that he's only wearing underwear he quickly tryes to cover up his private area using his hands.

He can feel himself starting to sweat, as he starts knocking the door to bts' s dorm.

"Guys, come on open the door!!"

He suddenly hear footsteps, 

His Sunbae Lim Jeong Hee is now standing right behind him,

He turns around and instantly blush even more just by seeing her face,

"It's no... I... Don't think I'm a... pee.. ert" he says stumblinb over every word.

He then starts to run up the stair getting to a higher and higher floor.

He can hear her running after him and he speeds up,

But suddenly he trips, he's lying on the floor now and can't move.

Suddenly Jins voice reach his head

"Hoseok please just wake up now"

*At BTS' s dorm*

Hoseok slowly opens his eyes,

But the sunlight shining through the open window is hurting his eyes.

"Let me sleep half a hour more" he mumbles why covering himself with his blanket.

Jin is standing beside his bed telling him that he already got 15 minutes extra sleep.

"Hoseok, you're a 20 years old grown male, please don't act as if I'm your mother"

Jin slowly walks out to the kitchen where Jimin and Namjoon are sitiing.

Hoseok suddenly realises that he's drifting out of and into reality,

He doesen't wan't to continue his unpleasent dream starring the sunbae he sees as his bias,

But he's too tired to move.

He suddenly feel someone carrying him, followed by Jimin and Namjoons laugh.

When he feels the cold floor against his back he suddenly realises, it's not a dream anymore.

As he quickly open his eyes he can see the door being shut right infront of him.

He quickly gets up and starts to knock the door like in the dream.

"Guys please don't be like this!!"

After listening to thwm laughing for 5 minutes, he suddenly thinks of his friend from school living downstairs

It's not someone I'm really close to, but I think he will understand my situation right now and help me.

Without even thinking he run down the stairs to the floor under his,

He run right over to the first door he sees and is about to knock it,

But just in that second, the door opens,

And a girls face appears. 

Minahs POV

As I scream, he screams too,

"ert!" I yell as I quickly close the door and sit down leaning my back against it inside my home.

I can feel myself blushing at the sight of his body, wich still remain clear to me.

But like,

What the f**** was he doing outside my door, in underwear?

Hoseoks POV 

On my way up the stairs I run into Namjoon and Jimin, who quickly came out after hearing someone scream,

"Hoseok I swear, we would have opened the door after 2 more minutes, what accidemt did you cause since you made someone scream?" Jimin said looking worried, but at the same time hiding his desire to laugh.

"I didn't know that girl lived in that apartment" I mumbled and just hurried inside the apartment shutting the door.

Namjoon and Jimin quickly ran up the door and started knocking on it,

"Hoseok please it was just for fun"

I could hear Namjoons voice yell. 

But I wouldn't open the door for them in the next passing 10 minutes,

I'm sure she thinks I'm a total ert now. 


Minahs POV

*Walking to your first class in school*

I'm late because of the incident with that boy this morning,

I didn't know what to do, it's not everyday you see someone standing outside your door only wearing underwear,

And especially not someone like him. 

Suddenly I feel someone coming closer to me, as I lool back I see that it's him,

Of course, I think to myself as I blush and try to keep my head down, I slow down and hope that he quickly pass by me without noticing who I am.

It's like I get an electric shock the moment I feel a hand on my shoulder,

"You know... I should be the one blushing,  not you." he says while passing by me. taking his hand of my shoulder.

I start to feel even more embaressed knowing that I have to attend the same classes as him today.


*The first class* 

I'm trying not to stare at him,

But I don't know why I can't take my eyes off of him,

I'm not usually someone who takes interest in people like this.  

I should just hit him and call him a ert next time he touches me,

but it's almost as if I like when this random stranger touches me.

I feel myself blushing at my random thought, that didn't sound right, at all.

I must have made a very weird face, cause suddenly Hoseok started laughing while looking at me.

Oh, no!  When did he look at me, what if he could see what I was thinking? 

I hid my face, leaning down on the table with my arms like I was about to sleep. I hated these kind of incidents.


*The second class*

"Today I will pair you up in groups, you're going to be from 2 to 3 people in ome group"

If life really did test me on my non existent lust for soicializing or getting paired up with that boy, I propably would be paired of with him.

I sighed deeply as I was sitting at the same table as him just about 5 minutes later.

He seemed happy and cheeefull for a ert, I didn't understand how he could be like that when I was dying from the akward incident this morning.

"How could you think such dirty stuff about me?"

I didn't let him finish what he was about to say, 

"I... I.. How could you... I mean... You you... the ert isn't me" I tried to defend.

He looked at me like I was an alien or something, "That isn't in the part we're supposed to read."

I felt like running over to the window and throwing myself out from the 3rd floor. It just hit me, that what he just said was from the book. He started laughing but luckily didn't mention that it just seemed like I confessed thinking dirty things about him,

Wich I didn't!!!


*The third and (luckily) todays last class*

I didn't like these interactions I had with him today, I don't think I ever felt so embarrassed in my life, this is exactly one of the reasons I don't talk or take interest in other people. Besides, I'm sure he enjoys laughing about how stupid and awkward I am, now I just feel like getting away from this place.

I tried to concentrate on what the teacher said, but what happened this morning made it's way into my thoughts again.

I really did not understand what he was doing,  why stand in front of , my door? And in underwear? 

"Why stand in underwear infront of a total strangers door like a ert?"

Why do I even keep thinking about this, I should just let it go since nothing happened.

I got dragged out of my thoughts by hearing the whole class laugh.

They all looked at me, "what about a stranger standing infront of someones door in underwear like a ert?" The teacher suddenly asked me.

Oh no,  did I say that out loud. I could even see him laughing.

Wow, he must get a lot of fun out of this, and it wasn't even me who should be embaressed huh. 

The last remaining 20 minutes I just sat at my table trying to act as always hoping people would forget what happened.

As soon as class was over, I got up and ran out the door.

Suddenly I could hear steps behind me, as if someone was after me.

"Wait!!" It was a boys voice.

It was probably someone who wanted to make a joke, I speeded up.

When I reached the river amd thought I waa safe I suddenly heard a voice behind me.

"Can I follow you home?" I could hear on the way he waa breathing that he had just stopped running. 

I turned around and he was standing there.

I looked at him for a few seconds, normally I would've just walked away, but this time I really felt like asking. 

"Why would you?"

He smiled a relieved smile. "Because I don't like it when someone walks around thinking that I'm a ert."

By his sudden (what I felt like was a confession) I didn't really know what to do or answer.

The way I felt like he actually cared about my opinion scared me, just leave already. 

I just looked at him, "Okay."

I then turned around and walked away.

After a few minutes I felt an arm hanging over my right shoulder, I turned my head and looked at the boy,

"My name is Hoseok by the way."

I pushed him away "ert!" I yelled and quickly ran away.

But this time he didn't follow me.


*The next day*

The weekend just started so I was in a pretty good mood, I love listening to loud music while making breakfast for myself in the morning in the morning. 

~ding ding ding~ 

My doorbell suddenly rang, but when I went out to see who it was, there wasn't anyone. I slowly opened the door, on my doormat a bouquet of flowers were lying.  It wasn't any special flowers at all, but a little note was taped to the flowers.

I'm not a ert, let me prove it. Firstly erts don't buy flowers, but don't get the wrong idea, I', just trying to bribe you to believe. Meet at the front gate of our house (yes I live on the floor over you) and let me explain at 6 o clock. 

This guy was weirder than I thought. I laughed,  what wrong idea would I get? We just met.

But for once I don't feel like I'm the weird person at least.

I threw the flowers out, not because I was mad about it, or anything, I simply didn't care.

*At 6:00PM*

I decided not to come, because it was weird and embarrassing enough already. And he propably was really a ert, or just needed something to laugh about or something. 

~ding ding ding~

That must be the Pizza I ordered! 

I hurried out to open the door,

But someone else was standing there, Hoseok was.

"Why are you here?" I asked without even thinking about my quick reaktion. 

He sighed "because I knew you wouldn't come"

He grabbed my arm, and went into my apartment closing the door behind us.

He pushed me up against the door, his face really close to mine, so close I could feel his breath.

He looked me right in the eyes, like he was about to kiss me. 


Is there going to be a kiss yet? ; 333

Thanks for reading~~ I'll update soon~

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golden_pcy #1
I want to read. I really want to. this looks like a good Hoseok story and those are hard to find. but... this story has not been updated in a year. This a set up for a bad heartbreak.
Chapter 9: omg omg omg omg Minhee why are you like that? tsk!!! seducing a guy just to get him? that's not love my dear.. that's lust.. aigoo! continue the updates authornim! i'll always be here to read it haha <3
Chapter 10: yayyyy '-'
i like it! @-@
this story is nice but why less comments ._.

as long as it's hoseok, i will really love the story. even more if the plot is good ^.^b
Chapter 9: that minhee ughhhh >.<
hoseok only belong to minah!!! ><

btw this story is getting good^^
Chapter 8: I'm really enjoying this!! I hope you update soon >.< :)
Chapter 7: waaah! Minhee nooo~ aish hoseok! don't make misleading actions.. that's why minah started liking you pfft :P

and omo! i can feel bromance between jin and kidoh.. lol juts kidding :)))

*will be waiting for authornim's awesome update*
Onyx31 #7
Chapter 8: It's interesting! Looking forward to updates~! :)
Chapter 8: authornim, i've just read your fanfic tody and it's really interesting to be honest, i will be looking forward for updates so please continue this ff.. thank you~
Chapter 6: omg! who's that girl? ;A; noooo! hoseokie has a girlfriend? can't wait for the update omg <3

have a great day authornim ^^
Chapter 5: hoseok is such a sweetiepie! omg! but too much skinship.. but it's okay :"> thanks authornim~