#4 Falling for You

Love at Victoria Falls

“I seriously don’t think I can do this!” Tiffany spoke, horrified. It was a rare moment since Tiffany Hwang rarely proclaimed her incompetence in anything but right now as they stood on the bank of the Devil’s pool, she felt nauseated and weak-kneed.

Taeyeon too, had instinctively clung onto Tiffany’s arms so tightly it was as if her life depended on it. Her face was drained of colour and even though she had not proclaimed her fear out loud like how Tiffany had, she was in fact the more fearful of the two.

The Devil’s pool was an extensive area of water body right atop the great Victoria Falls with a hundred meter drop below. That meant that the girls would be swept over the edge if they were not careful. The tour group had arrived at the Living Stone’s island by a relatively safe boat ride but knew that what they were about to face was anything but safe.

The two girls, Sunny and Hyomin had stripped down to their bikini in a matter of seconds, revealing their beautifully toned body; sculpted abs, thighs and arms full of lean muscles. Tiffany and Taeyeon mentally made it their goal to achieve that body of theirs. It was later revealed that both were professional competitive athletes and had been doing extreme sports for a good long time. This has made both Tiffany and Taeyeon’s worries go up by several notches. Both Tiffany and Taeyeon had done nothing remotely competitive in sports in the past few years of their lives. The two of them busied themselves with work in air-conditioned work places and it was only owed to this trip that the girls were enjoying such sports.

“Don’t worry, it’s going to be fun. The last fatality here was several years ago, it’s quite safe,” Hyomin said playfully and sniggered, pleased with herself when she saw that look of horror on both their faces.

“Don’t you scare them, you playful .” Sunny, the more serious of the two pulled at the brunette’s swimwear which elicited more giggles from Hyomin. Sunny then gave Tiffany and Taeyeon a wan smile as she further explained. “You just have to be careful. The locals know what they are doing and you just have to follow what they say and all will be fine.”

The other tourists lined themselves by the rocks, some biting their fingernails as they watched the four of them nervously, plainly relieved that they were not the firsts to do this.

“Okay girls, I know that look from you guys, we are so used to it.” An instructor in a covered swimming gear spoke in English and he was eyeing Tiffany. Tiffany, at that point of time had no idea whether she should be glad because of her American citizenship by birth or to feel jinxed by it as she looked at Taeyeon’s confused face. Time to play the translator. Tiffany decided that she should help translate to the other two girls as well but surprisingly, the girl by the name of Sunny seemed to understand and was helping to translate to the Hyomin girl. Right, she has an English name.

“My only rule to allow you to join me in this exhilarating activity is for you guys to follow my instructions.” The instructor’s eyes scanned through their faces, frowned at the athletic couple who seemed like a playful pair and was bemused by those looks of uncertainty on Tiffany and Taeyeon’s faces.

“Each of you will take a dive into the water concurrently and the first thing we are going to do once we are in the water is to form a human wall, with two of the other instructors.” The instructor was partially using simple body languages to help the girls understand.

Tiffany and Sunny both nodded first and the two other girls followed when the instructions were fully translated.

“Who will go first?” The instructor ask, a sly grin spread across his face revealing those pearly white teeth of his against his brown skin.

Taeyeon and Tiffany quickly eyed over to the athletic pair, hoping that they would receive the hint. The tall brunette caught their gazes, smiled and shrugged. Hyomin volunteered herself but was quickly interceded by Sunny. They had a mild discussion in Korean and over those quick exchanges, all Tiffany and Taeyeon could hear was what Sunny had said to Hyomin. “Being the first is always the most dangerous, I am better in the water than you are. Go after me.” There was a note of finality in Sunny’s voice. Reluctant as she was, Hyomin could only comply with her lips pouted. That pout reminded Tiffany of Taeyeon’s ones and she side-glanced over to Taeyeon. True to Tiffany’s imagination, Taeyeon was pouting as well.

Taeyeon felt her heart warmed by the athletic couple. She was almost jealous of Sunny’s protective gesture towards her partner and her mind began to wander. Taeyeon wondered if Tiffany would do the same for her and it was then when her eyes widened at her own thoughts. Why would I think that way? Taeyeon peered furtively in Tiffany’s directions, as if she was afraid that Tiffany could hear her thoughts. It was then when their eyes had met again but this time, neither of them broke away. Taeyeon could feel her heart palpitating wildly in her chest in that moment and knew that she was beginning to feel more for Tiffany.

Taeyeon then gulped and she badly had wanted to say something but all that came out were two words. “You scared?” Because I am really scared right now.

Tiffany gave an uneasy laugh as she had not expected that question from the girl. “Yes, of course. Are you?” Do not deny, because you look like you are about to faint.

Taeyeon nodded, her heart still beating fast. “Never been this afraid before.” Afraid of liking you too. Those unspoken meaning behind her words echoed in Taeyeon’s mind. The girl calmed herself by trying to find a logical reason for her feelings. It must be the adrenaline rush. She told herself.

“Nah, don’t be afraid, I’m here anyway.” Tiffany nudged the girl as playfully as she could when she thought that Taeyeon had been frightened into silence. Even though she had been feeling really afraid before, seeing Taeyeon being even more scared than her seemed to have toughened her up. Tiffany decided that she should be the braver of the two.

“Yea, glad you’re in this with me.” Taeyeon then smiled weakly back knowing that her fears was not only from this perilous activity but also for the odd feelings she had for Tiffany.  

Taeyeon finally snapped out from her disturbing thoughts when she heard a splash and found out that Sunny had already dove from the rocks into the water. She then looked over to where Hyomin stood and saw Hyomin looking on anxiously with her fists clenched tightly in front of her chest. Hyomin only relaxed a little after Sunny had surfaced from the water a few seconds later and swam expertly towards where the instructor was, a few feet away from the edge of the waterfall. Taeyeon was beginning to perspire despite being chest-deep in the cool waters. She fidgeted restlessly but froze in place when she felt Tiffany gripping both her arms.

“You seem about to faint. You sure you’re up to do this?” Tiffany asked and even though her words may not reflect her concern, her face did.

“S-Sure. You may not know it but I have never gotten less than a gold in swimming competitions.” Taeyeon then mustered up her best lopsided grin. Tiffany burst out laughing when she realised Taeyeon had used almost the same words and in her own haughty tone when she had first bragged about her kayaking achievements.

“Really. I look forward to see you dive,” Tiffany then returned a most sensual smirk and flirtatious contact which almost made Taeyeon gasp aloud as she felt something else stir within her.

“You guys are flirting, aren’t you?” Hyomin had suddenly joined in their conversation and with a knowing smile on her face, did not wait for their responses but rather readied herself with some stretching exercises for her dive.

Tiffany seemed to have warmed up to Hyomin’s jape whilst Taeyeon was still shy about it. The two then watched as Hyomin blew out a long steady breath of air and readied herself. Like Sunny, she dove elegantly in the waters and surfaced shortly after. The girl proved herself to be a powerful swimmer as well.

Before long, it was Tiffany’s turn and despite her earlier calmed demeanour, she was feel all jittery. Her calmness was only a feint to help soothe Taeyeon’s spirits. Calm down, Tiff. It’s nothing, it’s nothing. She looked at Sunny and Hyomin who had gone before her and looked into the expectant eyes of the rest of the spectators. Finally, she glanced over to Taeyeon. She had not realised that Taeyeon have had such worried eyes before, trained on her especially. Her brows were furrowed and she was biting down on her bottom lip, the shorty later nodded to her, beckoning her to go. Tiffany then found a renewed sense of courage and nodded back resolutely.

Okay here we go… Tiffany in a deep breath and dove, not nearly as perfect as the two others but it was a good attempt. The girl fought to open her eyes underwater and before she knew it, she was taking gulps of fresh air from the surface, it felt so good. She could see the instructors and the two other girls just a few feet away from her. She swam eagerly towards them, and her mind was already thinking about how Taeyeon would fare. The instructor held out his hand and pulled the girl from the water.

Finally it was Taeyeon. She was feeling so scared and Tiffany could tell that that girl was not able to focus. Taeyeon dove hastily but did not surface as quickly as they had expected and that worried Tiffany. Tiffany took a step forward but was restraint by one of the instructors before she could take more. The anxious girl felt her heart drumming savagely on her chest. Where the hell is she?!

Tiffany yelped suddenly when she felt someone grab her thighs from beneath. She felt all the tension in her chest release for a moment. It was Taeyeon and Tiffany was about to laugh out loud when she felt Taeyeon groping blinding for her thighs underwater. Tiffany bent over fishing in the water for the girl, occasionally getting her arms entangled in Taeyeon’s hair. Finally, she caught the girl by her slippery arm and heaved her upwards. Taeyeon stood up unsteadily, gasping for breath like a koi out of water. 

"I swear this is so darn tough..." The girl spoke in between her breaths.

"Who told you to swim underwater?" Tiffany chuckled, partially amused by the girl and also relieved that that shorty is fine after all. 

"The bottom was too slippery, I kept slipping while trying to stand up! And the underwater current kept sweeping me away." The girl complained childishly.

"Well glad you weren't swept over the edge." Tiffany grinned naughtily.

"Must you be so mean?! I could have died," Taeyeon slapped the girl's arms repeatedly as she complained once more.

“Yea, you could have been the first casualty in many years, if not for me,” The creative director emphasised on the last part.

“Right! If not for you, we wouldn’t even have to be volunteered for this! You talk too loudly!” Taeyeon did not want Tiffany to be overly smug about her rescue attempts even though she was also beginning to realise that Tiffany seemed to indeed be her life saviour in this foreign land.

“Ha! Ha!” Tiffany then sent a spray of water into the shorter girl’s face, giggling at her own work. Her giggles were later drowned in sprays of water fired back by the other girl. The two then continued playing in the water as if there were no danger and ignored the presence of the others.

How long has it been since she last laughed so heartily? When was the last time she ever enjoyed interacting with another? Tiffany began to question herself.

"Erhem." One of the instructors cleared his throat audibly in an attempt to grasp their attention. 

The girls' faces flushed red both from playing and from the embarrassment but kept up with teasing each other more discreetly. The two had become engrossed with one another as the group of tourists took their turn at the Devil’s pool.  

The group of tourist later proceeded to the foot of the waterfall after spending half the day at the devil's pool trying to convince people to try out the activity as well as waiting for most of them to overcome their fears. 

Taeyeon clutched onto Tiffany's arm, her cold skin plastered onto Tiffany's own. The usually calm and unfeeling Tiffany who believed herself to be unmoved by the hottest models or most charming celebrities felt her heart beating quickly again. What is this feeling?! Tiffany questioned herself in her mind.

"I'm cold." Taeyeon's bottom lip trembled.

"U-Uh..." Tiffany stuttered, unsure of what to say or do. 

Timely it was, Tiffany and Taeyeon both caught sight of the athletic couple before them displaying their affections.

"You are going to fall sick, again." The shorter girl spoke softly as she wrapped Hyomin with a towel and hugged her from behind.

"You're going to catch a cold too..." Hyomin tried to shrug off the towel but was restrained by the stronger, shorter Sunny.

“Fret not, I’ve got a better body constituent than you. Besides, knowing that you will be warm keeps me warm too,” Sunny replied, her tone teasing yet loving at the same time.

Both Tiffany and Taeyeon looked away shyly from the couple's public display of affection but they had to admit that it was rather sweet. Tiffany suddenly felt her short friend shuddering, she looked at her friend with a raised brow while Taeyeon returned it with an apologetic smile. “Sorry… cold…” Even her voice was trembling.

Tiffany sighed and then pulled the short girl closer to her body, to share her warmth. Taeyeon gasped at her sudden action but did not protest in any way. 

"Shh... you’re too loud," Tiffany whispered teasingly into Taeyeon’s ears.  

Taeyeon's heart beat wildly in its place, threatening to bruise her chest and her breathing was too audible, temperature surged from within her body as she felt Tiffany’s warm breath brush against her cold skin. Oh no... Kim Taeyeon what is happening to you? The girl could as well feel Tiffany's erratic heart beat with their body moulded so closely onto one another. Taeyeon dared herself to look at Tiffany and found her blinking uncontrollably, gulping several times even. 

"I... Think I feel better now," thinking that Tiffany might be uncomfortable with the contact, Taeyeon tried to break away from Tiffany’s hold. 

Oddly however, Tiffany did not release her hold on the girl but instead slung another arm across Taeyeon's neck. "Stay." Tiffany whispered into her ears again, her hot breath brushed against her skin lightly and Taeyeon found it the most gratifying feeling ever. The short girl then shuddered at her own thoughts. I-I am not falling for her am I?

Yet, Taeyeon nodded obediently and hugged Tiffany's arm instinctively. Definitely too intimate. The girl later wondered if this was actually Tiffany’s warm side to her usually cold and harsh nature. It definitely was, and if so why had Tiffany warmed up to her now? The cogwheels in her mind spun the more she thought about it.




orz. I have already mentioned in my other TaeNy fiction that I almost updated the fictions with the wrong chapters but thought it would be fun to share it here as well... xD this is what you get for editing and writing two stories at the same time xD

HEHE okay back to this story. I totally enjoyed writing the fluffy moments between TaeNy in this fic and of course thanks to the Sunbyung couple, Tiffany and Taeyeon are beginning to wonder about the possibilities between their relationship keehee. Sadly, this will also be the last appearance of the Sunbyung couple. xD oh wellz...

This chapter is evidently shorter than the previous chapters because it was an "overspill" chapter from the unedited version but still a good 2.6k words ToT.

Currently editing the next chapter now and just a heads up, there will also be a turning point in TaeNy's relationship in the next chapter orz. good or bad, i won't say.

:D last but not least thank you for the subscribes, upvotes and comments <3 it's the weekends now so I wish you guys the best of it :D and enjoy hunting those pokemons xD


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Hi guys, I did not post a chapter but rather, a review. So unless you guys are interested in reading the review, you do not need to read the update!


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owheyjae_ #1
Chapter 13: Done reading this. More Author! ??‍♀️
Chapter 12: This is so good... Nice...^^
Chapter 14: wow.. I was scrolling through my labels to find stories to read when I saw this one. I think I've had this bookmarked for few years now, sorry T____T but yay I managed to finish this one today since I have some free time now. cheers to me :P

didn't know you wrote a TaeNy fic though.. XD
Chapter 12: Awww it's really over. My feelings are bittersweet. I love how it ended but I also wish it wouldn't. Sigh, I'll just have to imagine them bickering till the end of time. So cute XD
Chapter 5: just seeing the chapter title i was like "YES THIS IS IT YESYESYES!" LOLOLOLOL
Chapter 2: I actually like Tiffany the Jerk. Okay maybe I just love Tiffany in general... but tbh I'm used to reading about emo!Tae and brightsmiley!Fany so I like the switch. :D
Chapter 1: wooooow YES!!!!!!!!! LOVE/HATE IS MY JAM!!!! I've never read a touristy AU before, so this is cool and new :D
apel54 #9
Sequel!!!! :D
gollysweety #10
Chapter 14: Great speech there!!!! Awww I love it :)