Meeting ~

His bride in order to pay my debts


Ahn Eunmi was running as fast as she could. Fear was written on her face.  

Still running she turned her head to look at what was behind her. It was a big error; she bumped into a car, a very expensive car.

The owner went out from his seat in furry. She gulped at his furious yet scary expression.

“WHAT THE HELL?!!” he shouted.

“I’m sorry” She whispered.

He squatted down and gently caressed his car’s door “Are you alright baby?”

She shook her head *It’s just a car. You should be more preoccupied by the person*

She stood up, dusted her jeans and turned around. But all of sudden he grabbed her wrist.

“Yep, where are you going like this?” she froze by his steady and frightening stare.

“Do you think a sorry will repair the damage you caused to my little baby?”

“What do you want then?” She sighed.


Her eyes almost popped out from her socket “Are you kidding me?! 1500$ for this scrap heap!”

“What scrap heap, it’s my precious little baby!” he argued.

“Fine, I will pay it. Give me your phone number”

He smirked and leaned in “Do you think I’m a fool?”

He slowly released his grip from her wrist and put his arms around her neck. His face was so close to hers that she couldn’t even breathe.

“I will take this as a voucher” In one instant, her necklace was taking off from her.

“Call me” he threw at her his visit card and speed off in his car.

*My necklace~* she thought while touching the empty spot on her neck.


Out of nowhere, hands were around her, of course she tried to escape them but they were so strong. He covered and eyes and two other hands grabbed her body. She was struggling out. As soon as she tried to scream she was muffled. Before someone could see it she was threw in a car and fell asleep. 



First Chapter! If you think it's going to be like the movie. You are totally wrong kekeke. 

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Love you lovelies <3

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Ah... I just finish reading this story but I want more. This is too short make a sequel please
Kyeopta! I want sequel please? ^^
That was so cute! Such an epic ending! <3
kim_sensei88 #5
is there any sequel of this story?i really love this story^^
ilovekhj #6
Eunmi has spunk, but really naive at times. LOL. I like your story. Chapter 1 reminded me of 100 Days with Mr. Arrogant a bit. <br />
Entertaining read. :D
xxIMYxx #7
nIcE eNdInG :)
ThePowerChaserToYou #8
Happy ending!!! ^^
I don't this to end TT-TT at least there's no more problems but bbomb shouldve ended up with someone!!!