Chapter Nine - Michikesseo (Going Crazy)

[HIATUS] Unbelievable Dream

Yesung's POV

The instant I got home, I ran up the stairs to my room and slammed the door. I flopped onto my bed and ignored the person pounding frantically on the door, who was probably Ryeowook. I sighed as I clutched my pillow to my chest. Tears sprouted out of my eyes and I hastily wiped them away. I closed my eyes tightly and replayed the scene between me and Somi play over and over again. Her words kept echoing in my head:

I don't... I don't know. I don't feel like... I don't feel like we connect well enough.

Since it happened a few days ago, every detail was still fresh in my mind. Eyes downcasted, cheeks tinted pink, and the corners of her watermelon lips tipped downward, I could already predict her rejection before she even rejected me. Before that fateful competition day, I had dreamed about meeting Somi again, just to feel the same connection we felt on the airplane. We spent a good 10 hours on the plane together, enough for me to fall deeply in love with her. And yet, it was all for naught. What does she see in me? Nothing, that's for sure. Why should she see anything in me? All I did was hurt her when that little girl kissed me.

I groaned and punched my pillow. That was such a stupid move! Why did I do such a thing! And now, she is fading from view...  

"Hyung? Yesung-hyung! Are you okay?" Ryeowook's worried voice trickled into my eardrums, snapping me out of my daze. I stopped crying long enough to throw one of Ryeowook's stuffed dolls at the door and call out, "Leave me alone!"

"Hyung, I know how you feel... You can't hide in the room forever! And where am I going to sleep tonight?" I groaned again. Even though Ryeowook was one of my favorite maknaes, I didn't want to let him in. He may be the nicest Super Junior member out of all of us, but his kindness could be suffocating.

"Just go away! Sleep with Kyuhyun for all I care!"

"Come on, Hyung--" I hear a small "Oof!" and Leeteuk's voice took over.

"Jongwoon-ah, you can't stay in that room forever. Come out, we have to talk to you." Since he called me by my real name, I knew that I couldn't shake him off. Leeteuk was our leader and who was I to go against him?

"Argh, fine!" I propelled myself off the bed and yanked the door open. As expected, everyone was at my door, staring at me with mixed expressions on their faces. I gave Donghae a hard look, for I knew that he was the one who told Leeteuk what happened between me and Somi. He bit his lip and cowered behind Eunhyuk.


"I have nothing to say, Hyung."

"At least listen to what I have to say, dammit!" Leeteuk gave a frustrated exhale and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Jongwoon-ah, you have to allow us to understand your side of the story. The girl you kissed at the competition was the girl on the plane, correct? What was her name again?"

"Yes. Her name is Somi," I mumbled reluctantly. There was a collective gasp, as if this was news to the rest of the members.

"Do you know that she is already a part of SM now?" Leeteuk asked quietly. "Phoenix Sisterhood will debut in a month. What do you expect from her, Jongwoon?"

I gritted my teeth. "I don't expect anything from her, Hyung! I just like her, that's all!"

"But, you have to forget her, Hyung!" Donghae said. "I heard that she has a boyfriend. You have to stop being depressed--"

"I'm not being depressed, Donghae! Just stay out of this--" Leeteuk placed a hand on my shoulder, earning him a scowl from me. He sighed when I shrugged his hand off.

"Yesung, you have to understand that this is unhealthy for you. You've been like this for three days! Can't you see that we are all worried about you? Moping around won't get you anywhere. It's time to get out and DO something!"

"What can I do, Hyung? My heart hurts..." I murmured as I rubbed my chest. "It hurts so much, I don't know how I'm going to survive like this..."

"Oh, stop being such a drama king, Hyung," scoffed Kyuhyun while rolling his eyes. "She's just one girl. There are others like her."

"Cho Kyuhyun!" Leeteuk warned. Kyuhyun paid no heed to his warning.

"If you're going to get hung up on her right now, how are you going to face marriage in the future? Don't you think you're being a little too melodramatic?"

"Cho Kyuhyun!!!"

"What, Teukie-hyung? Don't you agree that he doesn't need to be depressed over her?"

"Kyuhyun, you are testing my patience, dammit. Keep your mouth shut!" Leeteuk turned to me. "Yesung, I hate to admit it, but our maknae is right. You have to let her go. We have to focus on Mr. Simple promotions and performances right now. We don't have time to worry about romance."

"She and I connected! Am I supposed to forget that? Am I supposed to ignore the feelings we felt for each other on the plane? Tell me how to forget and ignore because I have no freaking idea how!" I snapped, startling everyone with my sudden hostility.

"Yesung-hyung, do you even know how old she is?" whispered Ryeowook. I was about to answer, but then I realized that I didn't know the answer myself.

"She's only 18. Hyung, you have a nine-year age difference with her. You two are almost a full decade apart! And Donghae-hyung is right; she has a boyfriend. There is really no point in pursuing this..."

I was at a lost for words. Somi is 18 years old? And she has a boyfriend? Since when? How could she have gotten a boyfriend so quickly when she arrived in Korea almost not even two weeks ago? I can't believe this! I can't believe a word of this!

I clutched at my hair as more angry tears stained my cheeks. Leeteuk put an arm around my shoulders and pulled me into a tight hug. He tried to console me with incomprehensible words of sympathy while the other members closed into a tight circle around me, doing their best to envelop me with comfort. What I wanted at that moment was not comfort, but to scream. I wanted release in the form of screaming and yelling at something, seeing Somi with my own eyes, kissing her, or all of the above.

"Yesung, uljima (*don't cry)," instructed Heechul. "If it's meant to be, then it's meant to be, arasseo (*understand)? When you cry like that, neomu jjajeungna (*so annoying), jinjja aswiweoyo (*a real waste)." I nodded in agreement, completely exhausted from thinking alone.  

"Now, let's go eat jjajangmyun." Leeteuk led the rest of the members down the hall, leaving me alone with Donghae. He gave me a sheepish grin, knowing full well that he was in trouble.

"Hyung, I'm sorry--"

"It doesn't matter, Hae. Let's just go." I swung an arm around his shoulders, gave him a noogie, and chuckled at his protests. As we followed our fellow SuJu members, I put on a happy face. Even though I'm not completely fine after what happened between me and Somi, thank you all the same, everyone. Thank you for being there for me.


*****Hey, all! I'm so sorry for the late (VERY late) update! I'm finally free from school to update my stories! I know that this is a short update, but please anticipate more exciting updates in the future! As always, please subscribe and comment! Feel free to give constructive criticism as well! I appreciate it! :)*****

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I'm sorry, dear readers! I promise to get cracking on updates as soon as possible, Just to let you all know, I will be changing some part of this story.


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Chapter 7: Ahhh~ really, one of the best yesung fanfics I have read, I really like it~ please update soon!
nasomi2011 #2
Yesung ftw!!! :)
Personally, if I could choose, my bias would be everyone. But if I REALLY had to choose, I'd say my top favorites would have to be Yesung, Kyuhyun, Donghae, Sungmin, and Eunhyuk (not always in that order, but at the moment they're the only ones, besides Heechul, that I'm looking at on my Mr. Simple poster ^^'). I'd list more but I'd end up listing everyone x_x'<br />
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I guess if I really wanted to make more than a vague story out of it, I could try to elaborate. I only wrote it as an assignment for my English class though xD
nasomi2011 #4
Nah, your story has a nice basis. You just need to elaborate on it, now. :) LOL, who's your bias in Suju?
I enjoyed the story very much and hope to see more fics from you in the future. As soon as I finish my homework I'll be reading your DBSK fic (even though I'm a die-hard Suju fan but you write way too good for me to resist~).<br />
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I mainly write fluff here and there but I've never been able to concentrate on one story at a time and I end up having 6 or 7 stories to work on that are all awkwardly written. Maybe I'll just stick to one-shot/short stories and not aspire to write long stories. Not sure if I'm the only one that has this problem though xD
nasomi2011 #6
Thanks, I do the best I can! :) Did you enjoy the story? What stories do you write?
You write really well and the plot made sense. It's not often that I can find a fic with both qualities so thank you very much for writing this~ :D