Chapter Six - Journey to Soonchunhyang University

[HIATUS] Unbelievable Dream

*This is back in Sonnie's viewpoint. Korean dialect will be in blue.*

I didn't know what to think when I ran away from Yesung. It was clear to me that he wasn't the idol I thought he was. Tears slipped down my cheeks while going through immigration, to point where the immigration officer had to stop me before leaving to ask me if I was okay. I gave him a swift nod and walked toward the train that would take me to the main terminal, where I would meet the person who would take me to Soonchunhyang University. I felt that everyone around me was watching my every move, judging my every step. I just wanted to curl up into a ball and disappear.

Once reaching the main terminal, I went through security, luggage pick-up, and finally arrived in the public area. My energy was spent. I could barely make it to a bench to sit down. I sat there for ten minutes, just staring off in the distance.

While I was doing this, someone sat next to me. I waited for the person to leave, but after five minutes, he or she was still sitting there. I whipped my head up to speak to him or her, but gasped instead. It was a male, and a good-looking one at that. He had caramel-colored, slightly disheveled hair that stopped at the nape of his neck and covered his ears partially. His eyes were of a deep, dark-chocolate hue and were both piercing and warm. His lips were the most appealing: charmingly crooked and plush. I found his aura to be mysterious and hesitant, almost as though he was guarding himself.

I held my breath as he looked at me, allowing me some time to appreciate all features of his face. He parted his lips and said, "Hi."

"H-Hi..." I stammered. He raised an eyebrow, thoroughly unimpressed. I cleared my throat, then froze. Wait. He just spoke to me in English!

"Are you Sonnie Kay?" He asked in perfect English. I was mind-blown. A perfectly hot Korean guy was looking at and speaking to me. In fluent ENGLISH. My vocal chords refused to work. "Excuse me? Are you Sonnie Kay?"

"Um, yes, I am. Have we met before? How do you know my name?" I asked, not wanting to sound as though I was attracted to him. I felt guilty about it, especially since I was crying about Yesung a few seconds prior to meeting this guy.

"Hi, Sonnie. My name is Ma Woojin. I'm from Soonchunhyang University." Woojin smiled slightly and stuck out his hand. Dazed, I shook his hand. His squeezed my hand good-naturedly, causing my heart to pump more than enough blood through my circulatory system. He gestured to my luggage. "Do you need help with that?"

"Um, yeah..."

With that, Woojin grabbed my rolling suitcase and duffel bag and made his way out of the terminal. Bright sunlight enveloped me with warmth when we stepped out the automatic doors. Woojin led me toward a waiting pink bus that held other English-speaking students and placed my rolling suitcase and duffel bag in the cargo area under the bus. I entered the bus and chose an empty window seat that faced the airport. Woojin followed soon after and sat down next to me.

Woojin was a quiet guy. It was so unnerving to sit next to him. He listened to music in one ear and kept his other ear exposed to me. I chewed my bottom lip subconsiously, not noticing at all that Woojin was actually watching my bad habit.

"So, Woojin... Are you one of my exchanges?" I asked, hoping for at least a small conversation.

"I don't know yet. But, I came because I've been at Global Village for about a week, now." That was all he said. Man, I'm screwed. This guy doesn't even want to talk to me. How the heck am I supposed to talk to this guy? Hm... He reminds me of someone. Who is it...? 

My breathing slowed as I fell into a deep sleep with my head leaning against the window.

I was immediately thrown into a dream where I was at a concert. Screaming fans and horrible feedbacks from microphones discombobulated my senses. It was difficult to think clearly as I was shoved, elbowed, and kneed by obsessed fans when a boy band appeared onstage. I squinted at the boys, doing my best to recognize them. Their voices were distorted, as if the sound team couldn't find the right volume to put them on; it was either too loud or too soft. I strained my ears a little more to hear what they were singing.

I'm so clap clap crazy. Clap c-clap clap c-clap mad man!

I widened my eyes in realization and immediately screamed at the top of my lungs. TEEN TOP!!!

Just then, LJoe, my favorite member of Teen Top, took center stage and did his signature wink to the crowd. I screamed so loud, I was sure that he could hear me. As I finished my scream, he turned towards me with a smirk and winked again, and this time, blew a kiss. I nearly fainted with elation.

Woojin snapped me out of my dream by tapping me on the shoulder. "We're here."

My heart palpitated unevenly as I tried to shake the dream away. The gears in my head were turning because I knew that Woojin reminded me of someone. I quickly surveyed his lean jawline and warm, piercing brown eyes. I gasped. LJOE???

He caught me staring at him with my mouth open and shot me a quizzical glare. I widened my eyes and snapped my mouth shut. Shoot. He noticed me staring at him! I'm such an idiot! Babo, babo!!!

"Come on, we have to get out of the bus, Sonnie." His voice brought me back to reality as I gathered my things. I silently told myself to calm down and that my discovery could be wrong. But, I was sure that Woojin was LJoe. Stop it, Sonnie. There will be time for this later. Just focus on moving into Global Village. I took a deep breath and stepped out of the bus.

What I saw when I stepped out of the bus made me completely speechless. We were right in front of the Global Village and it looked exactly like an apartment complex In front of me was a sort of cylindrical building that had "Global Village" across the top in sky blue. Rooms jutted out of that cylinder at interesting angles, which made it cool to look at. Behind and surrounding the cylinder building were four buildings that looked like apartments. The letters SCH were branded on the corners of the two outermost buildings, as if to finish the thought that this was property of Soonchunhyang University. 

I entered the cylindrical building, which Woojin/L Joe called the "Global Lobby" and found students my age and older studying, relaxing, and socializing. I also saw other international students from all around the world: Australia, Great Britain, France, South America, Canada, and even neighboring countries like Japan and China! I literally had to use my hands to close my mouth because I couldn't stop my jaw from dropping! There were three lounges: Student, Phoenix, and Honors lounges. These lounges had comfortable couches and living room chairs, bamboo desks for studying, and Wifi. Some students acknowledged Woojin as we passed by and most of them looked at me with confusion.

Woojin, while lugging my suitcase and duffel bag to my suite, explained to me the rules of the Global Village.

"Absolutely no wandering about at night because of our curfew of midnight. If you aren't in your suite by then, you are locked out and you must sleep elsewhere. Our suites are not co-ed, so no going into a male suite. Since your housing is all paid for, you are free to use the living rooms in your suite, as well as bathrooms and sleeping rooms, all without paying a won. The Haeoreum Building next door is like a community center complete with a health gym, noraebang or karaoke room, pool hall, racquetball courts, and an American hot dog restaurant." By the end of his explanation, we reached my suite. He knocked on the door twice and we waited for a few moments.

In those few moments, I decided to ask him about his identity.

"Woojin-ssi," I began. He looked up at me with those warm and piercing eyes. "You look like someone I know," I blurted.

"What?" He said, bunching his eyebrows together, which only upped his cuteness. I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Um, w-what I meant to say was that you... look like a... celebrity." I replied.

"Oh, do I? Who?" He smirked mischieviously. Obviously, he's hiding something. He must really be LJoe!

"You look like--" My answer was cut short when the door of my suite swung open to reveal a very pretty Korean girl that looked a few years older than me. She had long straight hair that cascaded past her shoulders. Her big eyes and thick eyelashes made her look like a chibi manga character. She had a straight nose and small, glossy lips. She looked like an older version of IU.

"Byung-- Woojin-ah!" She exclaimed. She looked at me and smiled. "So, is this her? Wah, she's so pretty! What is her name?"

"Noona, her name is Sonnie Kay. Don't worry, you can speak in English." Woojin replied. I just stood there with a smile plastered on my face. Someday, I'm going to learn Korean! I don't understand what they are saying... >.<

"Oh, ok! Hello, my name is Cho Minhee! I think you'll like it in this suite! Everyone is nice, smart, and friendly. Come in!" She offered her hand. I looked warily at Woojin. He just smirked at me and gestured for me to take her hand. Why is this guy smirking at me? My heart thumped unevenly in my chest. Woojin patted me on the back, left my bags, and went into his own suite. Aish, nappeun nom (*Bad guy/bastard).

"Come on, I don't bite," Minhee said. She took my hand and guided me inside. "Yah! Soomin! Minsook! Hurry up! We have our final member! Grab her bags and help her to her room! Chunhye, Nayoung, Jinae, Eunhee! Call for two large sizes for tangsooyook (*a dish native to Sinchang, a town 60 miles away from Seoul, that has fried chicken, potatoes, cheese, and sweet sauce)! We should welcome her to our suite! Kyungmi! Eunjae! Taeyoo! Daesoo! Come and make Sonnie feel comfortable!" There was a lot of confusion and chaos as a bunch of Korean girls flitted to and fro. Two tall girls came and whisked my bags to my room. Four girls: One with honey hair, another with toffee hair, one in flaming red, and the last with black hair with white blonde tips, rushed about to grab money to pay for the tangsooyook and one of them called for the delectable dish. The last four girls were the only ones who seemed calm. Minhee left me with them to organize the living room. 

Taeyoo was a short bronze-haired girl with a big smile and friendly eyes. She introduced herself to me with ease.

"Annyounghaseyo! My name is Hwang Taeyoo. It's nice to meet you! You are the first American I've ever met!" Taeyoo smiled. She had a pair of dimples, one on each cheek. Wow, I bet she was a heartbreaker in high school!

Daesoo was a quiet girl with quiet beauty. She had a short a-line haircut with bronze streaks in her dark brown hair. She had soft features and extremely cute eye smiles that could beat SNSD's Tiffany. "Hi, I'm Kang Daesoo. I used to be the maknae. I guess that you are, now! I think we're the same age." She smiled softly. She seemed like a little kitten. What's with these girls and being cute and pretty?

The next girl was far from cute, but she was still pretty. Kyungmi had raven black a-line bobbed hair and dark blue eyes. She didn't smile, but she had a mysterious kind of beauty. Her face was elegant, ultimately making me feel uneasy around her.

"Hi, I'm Park Kyungmi." She said it so quickly and quietly that I barely got her name.

The last girl that came to talk to me seemed like the most normal. Eunjae had a straight asymmetrical haircut that was dark brown. She had a button nose, almond-shaped brown eyes behind black-rimmed rectangle glasses. When she opened , something unexpected came out.

"Annyoung! My name is Seo Eunjae!" She said in a raspy voice. I had to take a step back before taking in a deep breath to return their greetings.

"Hi, everyone! I'm Sonnie Kay! I hope that we become good friends!" I said with a small wave. The four girls gasped and started talking at once.

"Wow! Your voice is very loud!" said Eunjae. I prefer your raspy voice...

"You're beyond cute! That small wave might just get you a namchin (*derived from "namjachingu," which means boyfriend) here!" cried Taeyoo. Me? Cute? You must be kidding! You are cuter than I am!

"Are you ok? I hope that you don't turn into one these cute-sy girls..." said a melancholy Kyungmi. I wonder if she'll ever smile. I think she would be more pretty if she smiles.

"Haha! I think that we might just become really good friends..." laughed Daesoo. She has a very pleasant laugh.

"I hope you guys aren't bothering Sonnie!" Minhee called from the bathroom. Minhee seems to have a lot of authority around here. Is she the suite leader?

"We aren't!" replied the four girls at the same time.

After talking story with me a little bit, Minhee and the other four girls went to pick up the dish they ordered and came back. The food smelled fantastic! There was a lot of kimchi, rice, side dishes, and chicken, chicken, chicken! How in the world are these girls are so skinny?

At the end of dinner, I finally learned all their names from oldest to youngest: Cho Minhee, Hwang Taeyoo, Baek Chunhye (honey hair), Park Kyungmi, Shim Minsook (tall with brown hair), Seo Eunjae, Lee Soomin (tall with black hair), Ma Eunhee (black hair with white blond tips), Kim Nayoung (toffee hair), Han Jinae (flaming red hair), and Kang Daesoo. They wanted to be a 11-girl band, but was turned down when SM Entertainment looked at their self-made video and critiqued that their lead singer at the time, Eunhee, wasn't good enough.

"I know!" said Jinae, whom I liked despite her flaming red hair and dramatic make-up. "Sonnie should be lead singer."

"Well, we have to hear her sing first," mumbled Kyungmi. The others murmured in agreement. Why me? What if I make an embarrassment of myself?

"Yes, sing for us, Sonnie," commanded Minhee. I started to protest, but Minhee gave me a look that made me obey right away. I took a deep breath and sang the bridge of DBSK's "Picture of You."

There was silence when I finished.

Then the whole group erupted with applause! What in the world is this?!

"You have an amazing voice!" exclaimed Taeyoo while thumping me on the back.

"Yeah, you have a nice voice... Better than mine's, at least," mumbled Eunhee, almost inaudible.

"I'm sorry, Eun--" I started, but I was interrupted by raspy-voiced Eunjae, who sat across from me.

"Don't worry about it, Sonnie. Eunhee may be sad, but she isn't the type to hold a grudge. Actually, she hates the spotlight, so she's glad that you have that job now," explained Eunjae.

"You don't have to worry about it, Sonnie," interjected Eunhee. She smiled slightly. "I like your voice. It feels like it would complete the group, not stand out."

"You're in, Sonnie. That is, if you want to sing with us," said Minhee.

"Um... Sure? What's going to happen now?" I asked. I still felt unsure, since they were rejected once before.

"We should start praticing, girls!" said Minhee.

"We will get in for sure this time!" said Daesoo, while hugging me tightly.

"But, first. Let's officially welcome Sonnie into our group! 1, 2, 3!" cried Minhee.

"Welcome to Phoenix Sisterhood!"

And that was how I began my road to stardom.

*****Sorry, guys... I won't be near the computer for a while. I'll be back, though. Don't get too bored! :)*****

*****Chapter 6 revision is finished! 3.15.13*****

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I'm sorry, dear readers! I promise to get cracking on updates as soon as possible, Just to let you all know, I will be changing some part of this story.


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Chapter 7: Ahhh~ really, one of the best yesung fanfics I have read, I really like it~ please update soon!
nasomi2011 #2
Yesung ftw!!! :)
Personally, if I could choose, my bias would be everyone. But if I REALLY had to choose, I'd say my top favorites would have to be Yesung, Kyuhyun, Donghae, Sungmin, and Eunhyuk (not always in that order, but at the moment they're the only ones, besides Heechul, that I'm looking at on my Mr. Simple poster ^^'). I'd list more but I'd end up listing everyone x_x'<br />
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I guess if I really wanted to make more than a vague story out of it, I could try to elaborate. I only wrote it as an assignment for my English class though xD
nasomi2011 #4
Nah, your story has a nice basis. You just need to elaborate on it, now. :) LOL, who's your bias in Suju?
I enjoyed the story very much and hope to see more fics from you in the future. As soon as I finish my homework I'll be reading your DBSK fic (even though I'm a die-hard Suju fan but you write way too good for me to resist~).<br />
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I mainly write fluff here and there but I've never been able to concentrate on one story at a time and I end up having 6 or 7 stories to work on that are all awkwardly written. Maybe I'll just stick to one-shot/short stories and not aspire to write long stories. Not sure if I'm the only one that has this problem though xD
nasomi2011 #6
Thanks, I do the best I can! :) Did you enjoy the story? What stories do you write?
You write really well and the plot made sense. It's not often that I can find a fic with both qualities so thank you very much for writing this~ :D