Chapter One - Graduation!

[HIATUS] Unbelievable Dream

As my heart pumped blood through my veins in a desperate attempt to warn me that the end was near, all I could do was stare into the crowd and wait for the noise to subside. My mouth opened, but no words came out. The audience gazed dumbfoundedly at me, eyes wide and unfocused, simply waiting for the end, as I did.

"P-p-p-parents, t-teachers, faculty, and my f-fellow graduates," I stammered. I heard the audience whisper their disapproval, and I had to swallow my doubt before continuing. "Is it really that time, already? That time when we step into the real world, daring ourselves to look anywhere, but behind us? That time when we reach the point of permanent separation? I'm afraid to say that it is. Don't be discouraged when I say that our future has already gone to the dogs. Don't be discouraged when I say that we all might be working 9-5 shifts at local McDonalds restaurants, living paycheck to paycheck in a one bedroom apartment, while having four kids bouncing in our laps! Don't even be discouraged when I say that all our dreams are impossible because of our crappy economy!!!"

At this point, the crowd was murmuring and several of my classmates began to shout their dissatisfaction at me, protesting about my predictions of our future. I inhaled all the hate thrown at me and decided to conclude my valeidictorian speech with a bang.

"HEY," My voice echoed and silenced the entire auditorium. "What did I say?! Don't be discouraged! Why? Because we can change all that. Our class will be the first to step up and turn the economy around. We will be the first to get rid of political wars and any sign of poverty in our neighborhoods! We will be the first to fight for freedom, justice, and for the good of mankind! Because we are honest, goal-oriented, and determined individuals who will stop at nothing to obtain our goals!!! Because who are we?!"

"Class of Twenty-Eleven!" Tears began to form in my eyes upon hearing the whole class respond enthusiastically to our class call.

"Who are we?!"

"Class of Twenty-Eleven!"

I got down from the podium with weak knees and wobbled back to my seat. Thousands of hands thumped my back and thousands of congratulatory words pounded my eardrums. When they started giving out the diplomas, I lost all sense of my back and my ears began to ring unnaturally. When my name was called, I walked up to our principal as the crowd roared and grabbed my diploma firmly with one hand, shook his hand with the other, and grinned widely.


The next morning, lying in bed, all I could do was think about the night before. Of how everyone wished me well at Creighton University, the college my parents had planned for me to attend. Of how they all hoped that I became one of the world's top doctors. Doctor?! No! That isn't my dream!

I angrily flung myself off the bed and stubbed my big toe at the foot my dresser. With my foot throbbing in pain, I hopped to the nearest bathroom and ran warm water over it. Aigoo, if only Yesung-oppa (*-oppa means older brother; younger female to older male) was here to sing to me, I wouldn't be in so much pain. To divert my attention from my big toe, I hummed a few bars of Suju KRY's "The One I Love." Then, I sang Yesung's part in the beginning.

"Eojjeol suga eobseoyo, amugeotdo mothago. I deodin shiganeul, jikyeobwatjyo. Eodi-e ihtneunji, mu-eoseul haneunji. Ojikhan saram maneul, saenggakhago ihtgi-e..." My heart jumped when I heard a huge thump on the door.

"Sonnie!" It was my mother's shrill voice piercing through the softly lit morning. Gomaweo, Eomma (*Thank you, mom). My morning is now ruined. "Stop that singing! It's beyond irritating!" Then, I heard her footsteps recede away from the door. I stopped the water and yanked my towel from where it hung to dry my foot. It still throbbed, but a lot less than before. Hmm, thinking about Yesung singing to me while I'm hurt doesn't seem like a bad idea. Ah, Kim Jongwoon... I closed my eyes as I daydreamed about my future husband.

Kim Jongwoon, or better known as Yesung from Super Junior, caught my attention at the beginning of my junior year. At that time, I was already into KPop, with a firm foundation with Dong Bang Shin Ki. Mya Okimoto, my best friend, introduced Super Junior to me on a random day, hoping to get me into them, like her. It worked. I thought he looked absolutely charismatic while singing in "Don't Don," my first ever Super Junior song. I fell deeper and deeper in love with his voice through the summer before my senior year, while I watched Youtube video after Youtube video, trying to hear just a little bit more of it. I'll admit it. I was addicted. Once Senior year came around, I was a goner. I listened to Yesung on shuffle and repeat on my iPod every single day. Mya soon referred him as my "yeobo (*a pet name for a loved one, like Honey)" the entire senior year, and my other best friend, Darin Ching called him "nappeun nom (*bad guy)."

Thankfully, my iPod was filled with Suju songs (not only Yesung's songs), as well as DBSK, U-kiss, Teen Top, etc. So, whenever my friends made a comment about Yesung, I put my earphones on and listened to his husky voice until their two-hour lecture finished.

"Sonnie!" My eyes snapped open as I jerked out of my trip down memory lane. This time, it was my dad's voice.

"Yes?!" I snapped with irritation.

"Come downstairs! We have to talk to you about Creighton!" As he walked away from the bathroom door, I sighed. Creighton is already too much money... How am I going to sing onstage with Yesung when I'm stuck in cornfields?! ... I know!!!

I flung the door open and limped down the stairs, doing my best to grit my teeth against the throbbing pain in my toe. I entered the living room, where my parents sat comfortably on their vintage sofa. They looked up at me, stunned to find me panting from my sprint. I gulped down the air-conditioned air gratefully until it stung my lungs.

Dad spoke first, "About Creighton, what will you do when you get there? You still haven't told us about your major. We would like you to be a Neuroscience major, since you seem to prove aptitude in that field."

I gritted my teeth. My dad wasn't joking. I knew that I did well in science, perhaps even better than the students who actually LOVED studying it. I groaned, "Dad, Mom. I'm not going to Creighton. I want to attend Hawaii Pacific University." They stared blankly at me, making me feel a little more than uncomfortable. "I want to take the cheaper route so that I can study abroad. If I went to Creighton, I wouldn't be able to study abroad as easily as HPU. Please let me attend HPU. I promise to do my best." I exhaled and waited for them to argue with me. There was a long pause as my parents looked at each other, communicating in a way that only parents could.

"That is actually a good idea." I was dumbfounded to see that my mom formed those words.

"Really?" I asked incredulously. I didn't think that they would give up that easily. I eyed them suspiciously. Something was up, I was sure of it.

"Yes, that IS a good idea. Hurry and send your confirmation to HPU in and we'll take care of the rest," said Dad.

"Okay, Dad. You wouldn't give up on Creighton THAT easily. I know you and you know me, so what's the catch?"

"You pay for your own study abroad trip," Mom said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"And while you're at it, get a job. That helps with buying the ticket," Dad added with a smirk.

Damn it.

And that was my first step to singing onstage with my beloved Yesung.


*****Here is the revised version of chapter one! Happy Reading! 2.4.13*****

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I'm sorry, dear readers! I promise to get cracking on updates as soon as possible, Just to let you all know, I will be changing some part of this story.


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Chapter 7: Ahhh~ really, one of the best yesung fanfics I have read, I really like it~ please update soon!
nasomi2011 #2
Yesung ftw!!! :)
Personally, if I could choose, my bias would be everyone. But if I REALLY had to choose, I'd say my top favorites would have to be Yesung, Kyuhyun, Donghae, Sungmin, and Eunhyuk (not always in that order, but at the moment they're the only ones, besides Heechul, that I'm looking at on my Mr. Simple poster ^^'). I'd list more but I'd end up listing everyone x_x'<br />
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I guess if I really wanted to make more than a vague story out of it, I could try to elaborate. I only wrote it as an assignment for my English class though xD
nasomi2011 #4
Nah, your story has a nice basis. You just need to elaborate on it, now. :) LOL, who's your bias in Suju?
I enjoyed the story very much and hope to see more fics from you in the future. As soon as I finish my homework I'll be reading your DBSK fic (even though I'm a die-hard Suju fan but you write way too good for me to resist~).<br />
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I mainly write fluff here and there but I've never been able to concentrate on one story at a time and I end up having 6 or 7 stories to work on that are all awkwardly written. Maybe I'll just stick to one-shot/short stories and not aspire to write long stories. Not sure if I'm the only one that has this problem though xD
nasomi2011 #6
Thanks, I do the best I can! :) Did you enjoy the story? What stories do you write?
You write really well and the plot made sense. It's not often that I can find a fic with both qualities so thank you very much for writing this~ :D