Chapter Four - Incheon Airport

[HIATUS] Unbelievable Dream

Aish. She's so cute. What should I do? Somi is laying her head on my lap, snoring a little. We're about to land soon... Should I wake her? Oh, oh, oh! Wait, wait! Somi is moving her head! I'm trying to stay still so that she doesn't freak out... Ok, she was just changing her position... Haha, so adorable. I want to her hair. It looks so soft...


I was lying on something soft. It was so comfortable, I wanted to sleep forever. Yesung-sunbae had to tap me awake. I woke up with a jolt, only to find out where I my head was on.


His lap.  OMOSESANGE (* Oh, my goodness)!!! I must be crazy to have slept in his lap!

I pushed myself away from his lap and tried to tame my wild bed hair. (*Or should I say 'lap hair?' Ah, it doesn't have the same ring, does it?) He chuckled and said, "Mianhae. I didn't want to wake you up that way, but we're here."

"Aniyo, aniyo. Mianhae, Yesung! I must've drooled all over your lap!" I tried not to look at him. However, I blushed furiously.

There was silence, and then... "Puhahahahahahahahahahaha!" Yesung's laughter made me jump in my seat.

"What? What is it?" I was frantic. Does my hair look funny? Does my breath smell? Oh, my... It must be my breath. Yikes!

"Ah-haha! Aniyo (*No), cheoneun (*I)..." Tears rolled down his face as if he had been tickled for the past five minutes straight. "I just haven't been able to laugh lately and you're just so..." He looked at my half-awake appearance and burst into laughter again.

Oh, so it was my hair. At least I didn't drool in his lap.

"You're so-- Ha, CUTE!!!" He gasped. @~@ I hope that he doesn't get an asthma attack... WAIT.

"What did you call me?" I had to look at him. I gasped because he was looking at me, too.

"You? I called you cute! That's because you are!" Yesung smiled. I just sat there with my mouth open. He called me cute. Yesung-oppa called me cute!!! ^^

"Uh-- I-- Um..." I stammered.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! We have landed at Incheon Airport. Please gather all of your belongings. Make sure not to leave anything in your seating areas. Please proceed to the luggage pickup. Thank you for flying with Korean Air," chirped the intercom in both Korean and English.

Since I was in the aisle seat, I had to grab my backpack first. Yesung waited patiently for me to put all of my things inside of my over-stuffed backpack. I then folded his blanket and gave it back to him.

"Komapseumnida (*Thank you), Yesung-ssi." I bowed and blushed as I rushed out. Before I rushed out, Yesung caught my arm. I turned to look at him with my heart pounding.

"Aniyo, the pleasure is all mine." Yesung smiled and kiss my hand lightly. I was sure that I melted right there. He let go of me, smiled softly, and left. It may not have been a direct kiss, but it was a kiss all the same. Bbo bbo (*Kiss). He kissed me.

With fireworks fizzling and popping in my mind, I walked like a zombie to the luggage pickup area. I picked up my luggage and dragged myself to a vacant seat. I sat there for what felt like hours, but was really ten minutes. I slowly raised my kissed hand to my cheek and sighed. Was that real?


After I kissed her hand, I waited in the hall right outside the plane exit to at least take a glance at her before leaving. But, she never came out. Leeteuk came up from behind me and thumped me on my back, startling me.

"Yesungie! I saw what happened! Haha! So... who was she?" Leeteuk exclaimed, putting an arm around my shoulders.

"Please be quiet, Hyung (*Older brother, from younger male to older male)! No one must know of this!" I whispered to Leeteuk.

"Haha, it's too late! Shindong and Eunhyuk saw the whole thing! They already told Ryeowook and Kyuhyun. Donghae, Heechul, Siwon, and Sungmin might have already found out," replied an unfazed Leeteuk.

"Damn it. Why can't they keep it a secret?" I growled. These guys are just too nosy. I mean, they didn't make a fuss when they found out that Shindong had a girlfriend. And they definitely kept it quiet when he got married to her.

Someone nearly bowled me over. I turned my head to find out that it was Donghae. Great.

"Yah, Hyung! You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend!" Donghae smiled. Out of all the guys, I was jealous of Donghae the most. He was always so positive and he had a smile to die for. I hope that Somi never falls for him...

"Donghae-ah. I don't have one." I tried to hide my smile as I remembered the kiss.

"Ey... Nongdam hajima (*Don't joke around), Hyung. The girl on the plane was neomu yeppeo (*very pretty). I heard that you kissed her." Donghae snickered.

"Not in the way that you're thinking," I said. Donghae snickered some more. I didn't understand how fan girls found that adorable. At the moment, I found it irritating.

"Will you stop laughing?" I demanded. No effect.

"Heechul-hyung mentioned that the girl looked a little like Park Shinhye. Do you like girls like her? I'm not saying that Park Shinhye is ugly. She's just... innocent-looking. That girl--"

"Somi. Her name is Somi," I blurted, cutting off Donghae. He looked at me as if I was crazy and continued.

"Somi? Well, Somi looked like an innocent girl. Completely naive. Eunhyuk said that he saw her face afterwards. She was dazed, Hyung. Looks like you scored one. Finally." Donghae mumbled the last part, but I heard it and it made me angry.

"What? 'Finally--?!'" Before I could go further, I was hugged by my fellow Super Junior K.R.Y. members, Ryeowook and Kyuhyun.

"HYUNG!!!" They both said at the same time. What is it this time?

"A girl, hyung? Finally!" Ryeowook exclaimed. What is it with these guys and saying 'finally?' Donghae just stood there smiling. Damn him and his aegyo (*cuteness). Several girls passing by already began to crowd around him for his autograph.

"Not you, too! Why is everyone saying, 'Finally!'? I have pride, too! Do you want to trample all over it like yesterday at the show?" I shouted.

"Who is she, hyung? She's so pretty... She looks younger than me, though. Maybe I should talk to her..." Kyuhyun grinned. Oh, no you don't! Aish! This kid and his reverse psychology bull crap!

"ANIYO." I growled. They weren't taking Somi from me! Especially when I just met her! "Geu yeoja naekkeoya (*She is mine)! Stay away from her!" I directed that comment mostly toward Donghae and Kyuhyun. Donghae was too busy signing autographs, while Kyuhyun just pouted at me.

More girls gathered around the ten of us. Screams pierced my eardrums, making it difficult for me to concentrate.

"Yesung-oppa!!!" screamed a barely teenaged girl right in front of me. "Yeogie sa-in juseyo (*Sign here, please)!" She poked her chest, right above her s. I frowned in disgust. Ugh, wae???

As I signed her chest, I noticed that someone was trying to get my attention from the corner of my eye. I looked up and saw Somi smiling widely as she waved at me. I smiled at her and was about to wave back when I felt someone sandwich my face between her hands and pulled me down. The fan I just autographed kissed me feverishly, as though she couldn't control myself. I tried to pry myself out of her grip, but she kept trying to stick her tongue down my throat. I was beginning to suffocate when Leeteuk forcefully pulled us apart.

There was a hush as the fans stared the girl who molested me, mostly with mixed glares of envy and hatred. She smirked at the crowd around her, flipped her middle finger at them, and sprinted away while the angry mob of fans chased after her. 

"Who the heck was that?" Ryeowook asked me. "Is that the girl that you kissed on the plane?"

"What the hell? NO!!! Did you think I enjoyed kissing that barely teenaged girl? She freaking molested me, Ryeowook!" I fumed. "Let's just go..."

Something caught my eye before the ten of us started to leave. Looking lonely with her luggage and disheveled hair, stood Somi. She appeared to be on the verge of tears. My heart squeezed uncomfortably, knowing that it was all my fault. I made my way toward her with my arm outstretched, but she dashed off toward immigration before I could get there.

I stood at the spot for a few more minutes, hoping that she would return so that I could apologize properly. She didn't return.


I was still dazed from Yesung's kiss. I stood up to stretch, do something, to get my mind off of him for at least a few seconds. Just as I did this, a young girl around 15 years of age shoved me to the side. She didn't even apologize. Just the rude gesture alone caused me to look at the direction of where she was headed. I momentarily forgot about her when I saw Yesung's shaggy head amidst a crowd of adoring fans.

"Yesung-oppa!!!" came the rude 15-year-old's screech. I got closer to the crowd, hoping to catch Yesung's attention before leaving. I waved for several minutes. His eyes locked with mine and we shared a smile, his eyes crinkling in the process. But, my smile faltered when I saw him signing the 15-year-old's chest. Shortly after signing, I watched them lip-lock for several seconds. What I felt... It was unbearable. My heart bruised my rib cage with frantic thumps and the place where he kissed my hand burned. I looked up at him again only to find him looking at me. The crowd of fan girls was gone and it felt as though we were the only two people in the room. I'm such an idiot! Of course he would be attracted to other girls... He's a KPop celebrity, after all. He took a step towards me, but I had to turn and run before my heart tore completely.

*****Haha, sorry! This was a rush ending. It was getting too long for my taste, lol.*****

*****Here's the revision for Chapter 4! Happy Reading!*****

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I'm sorry, dear readers! I promise to get cracking on updates as soon as possible, Just to let you all know, I will be changing some part of this story.


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Chapter 7: Ahhh~ really, one of the best yesung fanfics I have read, I really like it~ please update soon!
nasomi2011 #2
Yesung ftw!!! :)
Personally, if I could choose, my bias would be everyone. But if I REALLY had to choose, I'd say my top favorites would have to be Yesung, Kyuhyun, Donghae, Sungmin, and Eunhyuk (not always in that order, but at the moment they're the only ones, besides Heechul, that I'm looking at on my Mr. Simple poster ^^'). I'd list more but I'd end up listing everyone x_x'<br />
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I guess if I really wanted to make more than a vague story out of it, I could try to elaborate. I only wrote it as an assignment for my English class though xD
nasomi2011 #4
Nah, your story has a nice basis. You just need to elaborate on it, now. :) LOL, who's your bias in Suju?
I enjoyed the story very much and hope to see more fics from you in the future. As soon as I finish my homework I'll be reading your DBSK fic (even though I'm a die-hard Suju fan but you write way too good for me to resist~).<br />
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I mainly write fluff here and there but I've never been able to concentrate on one story at a time and I end up having 6 or 7 stories to work on that are all awkwardly written. Maybe I'll just stick to one-shot/short stories and not aspire to write long stories. Not sure if I'm the only one that has this problem though xD
nasomi2011 #6
Thanks, I do the best I can! :) Did you enjoy the story? What stories do you write?
You write really well and the plot made sense. It's not often that I can find a fic with both qualities so thank you very much for writing this~ :D