Chapter Eleven - Date-Trip Part One (NOTE: Not THOSE kinds of Date-Trips!!!)

[HIATUS] Unbelievable Dream

(*Author's Note: Imagine Woojin/L. Joe looking like this, but with brown hair and a baseball cap. Haha, just thinking about it makes me wish I was Sonnie. >.< Happy Reading!)

Woojin's POV

Then, she frowned and whispered with a huff, "You DID just wake up." All I could do was chuckle at her adorable expression.

"I'm sorry, babe. How about I make up for it by... taking you out on a date-trip?"

"'Date-trip?' What is that?"  

"It's an extended date. You know, since you have the rest of the weekend off... You do have the weekend off, right?"

"Yes, I do," she mused, a slow, sweet smile spreading across her face.

"Great!" I exclaimed, perhaps a little too loudly. I glanced around, then whispered into her ear, "Okay, meet me in the lobby in ten minutes. Grab a set of night clothes and a set of day clothes. Be sure to bring a camera and your bathroom items. I'll see you there!" I planted a kiss on her cheek and darted back into my dorm suite, my heart thumping happily at the thought of spending the next day and a half with her.

My roommate shot up from bed and thwacked his head against the ceiling when I slammed open the door of our room. A fresh line of curses spewed from his mouth as he rubbed his forehead. "Ow! Aish, Ma Woojin! Just what do you think you're doing at this time of day?"

"I'm sorry, Hyung, I'm just so happy right now!" I explained, flitting to and fro to gather my own items. I stuffed my night and day clothes into my backpack, as well as my bathroom items, wallet, and phone. I pulled a cap onto my head, put on glasses, and checked the mirror for anything out of place.

"That gives you no reason to ruin my nap!" he grumbled. "Did your parents teach you to treat your elders like this? You're damn lucky that I'm your roommate because someone else would've murdered you by now!"

"Yes, Hyung, I love you, too. Look, I'm gonna be gone for about a day. I'm going on a date-trip with my yeochin (*Derived from 'yeojachingu,' means girlfriend). You are free to eat any of the snacks I have and borrow some of my clothes. But, don't touch my computer or my headphones." I jabbered excitedly, not caring at all that I sounded like an idiot.

"Hang on, you are going on a date-trip with your yeochin? Since when did you have a yeochin?"

"Since a week ago. Look, I gotta get going. Please remember to NOT touch my stuff. Or else, I'll call your parents!" I threatened jokingly. My roommate paled. If there was one thing in the world my roommate was afraid of, it would be his parents. Which is why he was dorming at school rather than him home in Cheonan. Despite swearing and grumbling a lot, my roommate was a decent guy to live with. He was a neat freak and he slept soundly without snoring, which was all good in my book. So, I wouldn't really call his parents if he touched my things. I'd probably miss him too much if they took him away from the dorm.

"D-Don't do that! I won't touch a thing, I promise! Who is your yeochin, anyway? Someone in Global Village? Do I know her? Is she pretty?"

"I'll tell you later. See you, Hyung." I gave him a lopsided grin and left my dorm room.


Sonnie's POV

As I sat alone in the cool lobby, millions of thoughts filtered through my mind. On top of worrying about my visa, the sudden proposal to go on a date-trip with my celebrity boyfriend seemed daunting. True, my debut day was quickly approaching and the reason behind Woojin's date-trip idea could have been due to the limited time we had left together. But, I couldn't help thinking that perhaps, things wouldn't go as planned on the trip. That perhaps... someone might recognize him outside of school. I wasn't ready to face his fan girls, much less, be involved in a scandal right before debuting. Knowing that he had admirers on campus already made me uneasy, but I also knew that he only had eyes for me, and vice versa.

I stood up and blew air into my cheeks. Calm down, Sonnie. There's nothing to worry about. You love him, right? You already know that he loves you back. So, quit complaining. There's no need for that kind of stuff.

I froze as I felt warm fingers intertwine with mine. I looked up to see my handsome boyfriend smiling at me. My lips instantly twitched into a smile. This is so unbelievable... L. Joe from Teen Top is in love with me.

"You ready to go?" He whispered. I nodded happily, dispensing those thoughts of doubt from my mind. "Good. Don't worry about a thing and just follow my lead."


Woojin's POV

"Where are you planning on going?" Sonnie asked while we waited at the subway station near our school. I flashed her a mysterious smile.

"Oh, just somewhere." She eyed me suspiciously.

"You aren't taking me somewhere where you can do something to me, are you? Don't tell me that you plan on going to a motel to--"

"Yah, do you think I'm that shallow? I'm hurt," I pouted. "I thought our love was stronger than that..."

"Oh, don't pull the guilt trip on me, Ma Woojin. I have the right to know where we're going."

I sighed. She was observant, as per usual. "There you go, worrying again. Just trust me, alright? And plus, you'll know when we get there."

"Aish, arasseo (*I understand)."

After a few minutes, I asked, "How was your first week at SM?"

"Hectic. After that interview with ArirangTV, we immediately got to work on our 'Whatcha Want' single. Because there were 12 of us, we had to split up into three groups and rotate to different rooms. First, the Vocalists had the recording room, the Dancers had the practice room, and the Rappers had to take SM classes. Then, these groups rotated for another two days. Today, we had joint practices and they surprised us with a congratulatory party afterwards, announcing that our A Capella version of the song was finished."

"Wow, that's amazing! You guys finished recording an A Capella version of the song already?" I exclaimed, truly astounded at how quickly they did this without any prior training. She cocked her head in affirmation. Then, I asked, "When are you going to debut?"

"Around three weeks from now... It's so crazy, Woojin. I have no idea how well we'll do with this recording. We already know what it's like to be onstage, but... recording an entire song with instrumental accompaniment is different..." She fell silent as she stared at the ground.

"It's going to be like that for the rest of your contract, you know. On top of performing onstage, you have to deal with recordings, radio and show appearances, interviews, fan meetings, and other stuff. Dating like this will have to go on the back-burner. But, don't worry. You'll have me." I smiled reassuringly. Her face immediately lit up in response.

"Of course. You're all I need, Ma Woojin."

The train to Seoul finally arrived and I lead her to a seat where we could rest our heads comfortably. After all, we were in for a long ride. She sat nearest to the railing and I sat beside her, still holding on to her hand. A very pretty girl with long, light-brown hair sat next to me and flashed a seductive smirk at me. Feeling uneasy, I scooted closer to Sonnie. The train revved to life and began making its way out of Sinchang Station. I glanced at my beloved girlfriend. Just you wait, Sonnie. I will show you the best time of your life in the next day and a half.


Oh, baby, stop-stop breaking my heart! Stop-stop breaking my heart!

After what seemed like a few minutes (more like an hour) of resting, I popped open my eyes at the sound of someone singing Teen Top's "Going Crazy." When I realized that the person singing was the same pretty girl sitting beside me, I frowned. I was hoping it would be Sonnie and her beautiful voice. The girl caught me looking at her and smiled. She took off one of her earbuds and held it out to me.

"Hi, do you want to listen?"

"Um, no thanks."

"I noticed you looking at me earlier." She gestured toward Sonnie and our intertwined hands. "Is she your girlfriend? Or your little sister?" Although the girl said this sweetly to me, my frown deepened into a scowl. How dare she insult my girlfriend! Just because this girl is pretty, that gives her no right to do that!

"What's it to you?" I snapped. She leaned back in surprise, but instantly smoothed her face over.

"Nothing... It's just that, she doesn't seem like your type at all. You're much too handsome for her. And she's... well, you have to admit that she isn't very pretty." I stared at the girl, speechless. How she could say that without breaking a sweat baffled me. Never in my life had a met a girl with such transparent intentions.

"Look, I don't know who the heck you are, but you should watch what you're saying. Yes, this girl is my girlfriend. And it doesn't matter if she's pretty to you or not. To me, she's the most gorgeous specimen on this planet, so keep your snide comments to yourself." With that, I turned my back on her and gave my full attention to Sonnie, who slept peacefully on my shoulder.

"Whatever. I'm telling the truth and you know it. Here's my number if you ever need someone to talk to." As the train slowed to a stop, the girl's hand brushed my free hand as she got up to leave. She grinned one last time before exiting, as if we just shared something special. However, once she was gone, I scoffed and crushed the small paper in my hand.

What the heck. She must think that giving me her number even matters to me. Ha! Not one bit! What matters more is spending time with Sonnie.

I paused when Sonnie shifted her head my shoulder. I looked up and, with a start, realized that our stop was next. I poked the middle of her forehead to rouse her awake and watched her scrunch her nose in response. The corner of my lips tipped up into a soft grin. So adorable...

"Mmm..." She stretched and yawned. "Uri wasseo (*We arrived)?"

"Yup, we're here. Come on, Sonnie." I grasped her hand tightly and exited out of the train.

People of all ages and sizes pressed against the both of us, making it difficult to breathe alone. Moving like toothpaste through a tube, we filed into a single-file line for the elevator. Although it was almost 8:00 at night, Seoul Station still had hundreds and hundreds of people. Someone bumped into my shoulder with a loud huff.

"Hey--!" Just when I was about to give the ahjussi a piece of my mind, Sonnie diverted my attention towards the banners hanging from the glassy ceiling.

"Look, Woojin! Isn't Teen Top performing at that concert?"

I looked up at the sky blue banners advertising the Dream Concert. I winced. Damn, I forgot about that...

"Aren't you performing with them?" She whispered quietly.

"Yes... I completely forgot." I frowned. Shoot, Minsoo-hyung must be angry with me. I didn't come to practice for an entire week. Oh, crap, I didn't call him back, either! What if Teen Top found out that I'm in a relationship with Sonnie? Andy-hyung will be furious with me!

Sonnie studied my face. "Is there something wrong?"

I blinked at her and smiled, perhaps a little too happily. "No, nothing is wrong." It's okay, as long as no one finds out, we should be fine.


*****Hey, all! I'm so sorry for the late update! I've been caught up at church and been having a blast with elementary children in this event called, "Vacation Bible School"! Anyway, please continue to give love to this story! Please comment and subscribe! I really appreciate it. Happy Reading. :)*****

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I'm sorry, dear readers! I promise to get cracking on updates as soon as possible, Just to let you all know, I will be changing some part of this story.


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Chapter 7: Ahhh~ really, one of the best yesung fanfics I have read, I really like it~ please update soon!
nasomi2011 #2
Yesung ftw!!! :)
Personally, if I could choose, my bias would be everyone. But if I REALLY had to choose, I'd say my top favorites would have to be Yesung, Kyuhyun, Donghae, Sungmin, and Eunhyuk (not always in that order, but at the moment they're the only ones, besides Heechul, that I'm looking at on my Mr. Simple poster ^^'). I'd list more but I'd end up listing everyone x_x'<br />
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I guess if I really wanted to make more than a vague story out of it, I could try to elaborate. I only wrote it as an assignment for my English class though xD
nasomi2011 #4
Nah, your story has a nice basis. You just need to elaborate on it, now. :) LOL, who's your bias in Suju?
I enjoyed the story very much and hope to see more fics from you in the future. As soon as I finish my homework I'll be reading your DBSK fic (even though I'm a die-hard Suju fan but you write way too good for me to resist~).<br />
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I mainly write fluff here and there but I've never been able to concentrate on one story at a time and I end up having 6 or 7 stories to work on that are all awkwardly written. Maybe I'll just stick to one-shot/short stories and not aspire to write long stories. Not sure if I'm the only one that has this problem though xD
nasomi2011 #6
Thanks, I do the best I can! :) Did you enjoy the story? What stories do you write?
You write really well and the plot made sense. It's not often that I can find a fic with both qualities so thank you very much for writing this~ :D