7th of December

1000 Paper Cranes

After the akward incident in front of eyeliner librarian's house i went home driving over the big pack of snow. 

-Teet teet teet-

its 7:00 in the morning and i got up as soon as my alram went, opened the windows and let the frosty air come inside my room.


The smell of burnt freshly cut wood were coming out from the chimney tops by smoke, white enough to make you think that you have the clouds close to your rooftops. Working people busily walking on street just passing by all the good stuff they could experience on this day. Vendors were working their bones out so they would have money to spend at the end of the day.


After seeing the scene that goes on every single day i went to the bathroom and got ready for whatever this day have for me.


After an hour of walking i stopped at the park and rested. Excercising in the morning isnt too bad for a twenty-two year old man like me. After 5minutes of resting when i finally got some of my energy back i stood up and made my way to the telephone machine, went in my pocket to see if there's a coin i could use. Finally suceeded on looking for a coin. I tossed it in the machine and dialed my friend's number. Until now i still havent had a chance to get my phone from that librarian. I mean we met for a few times by now but the situation just dont always match with getting my phone from him.


Five times. I dialed him for five times already. After countless times of trying to reach jongin i gave up and decided to go to the library where i first met him. *Aissh why am i thinking of the event between me and him* It took me a minute after getting back to reality i decided to stay at the park where i  decided to go in the first place and not in that library.


I went straight home after staying at the park for the whole 2 hours. It is now half past ten. I went straight to the living room and the radio.


~Have someone in your mind that you cant get rid of? Or someone that you always meet in your every life? Seeing things and thinking of that person  out of the blue? Then you must be inlove! Dont hold it in and Confess now ~~~ 


After hearing each question i was casually agreeing on what the girl on the radio was saying but the last one? No no no no ~ I dont think so. Inlove ? With him ? The libarian? No way.


I kept rolling and rolling on my bed until i find a good position to sleep with but there isnt supposed to be one. I got up and played one of my dangy misic that usually make me fall into sleep but no it doesnt seem to be working.


Ahhh! I let out my inner thoughts with a scream instead of a sigh, a sigh wont be enough for these thoughts these thoughts that i dont really seem to understand.


Thinking deeply on my bed a sound of pages caught my attention, a pile of old and not so old books that was placed next to the opened window was softly rustling with eachother just like they were waving at eachother.


Those books. Those books that i got from the library they need to be returned there or else i'll have to pay 50cents for each day that pass after the return date.


Its now evening. 6:30pm. To be exact. I got up from bed from which ive been lying down on for five hours. I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. Ahhh! My face is all swollen. It must be from all the lying down i did. After washing my face i went straight to the kitchen and looked through the fridge to see what i can eat. Apple,beer,lettuce and etc. Screw this! I dont want to eat. After cursing in front of the fridge i went straight to my room and continued what i was doing 30minutes ago. Lying down.


Turning over to face the ceiling i would count stars if i could i would even count sheeps so i could get some sleep already. That guy he sure looks so innocent to be able to do this to a manly guy like me.


2:30am and his soft "ohs" is still lingering in my mind. I just cant get enough of his sweet voice. I havent had even an hour of sleep for god's sake.


-teeet teeet teeeet-


07:00 o'clock in the morning and i still have my eyes wide open. I guess sleeping isnt my thing. Getting up from my bed i felt a little dizzy from all that staying awake that i did last night. I went straight to the kitchen and made coffee i didnt even bother to wash my face neither brush my teeth to look good for today. So i guess this is how it is. I'll be locked up here in this house alone.




11:30am i'm here in my new part time job at the coffee shop. Everything here is so peaceful the smell of roasted coffee beans and the steam of freshly steamed buns, the sound of people happily chatting around is just relaxing but suddenly a sound of dangling bells interrupted my lovely thoughts as a guy with broad shoulders wearing leather jacket with a red scarf and black pants hurriedly walk to the counter to where i was.


He nervously walked back and forth in front of the counter as if he wanted to ask something. 


"Ahh. Sir you can order if you want."


He stopped to face me. His eyes were wide opened and had black shading around it. His face was pale and was abit swollen. 


He slammed both of his hands on the counter and looked into me directly. I was so shocked that i could just stand and look at him. 


"Tomorrow 1o'clock at the park near the library. I'll be waiting."


What just happend ? I was dumb founded in the middle of my work by a man that i met a couple of times who happens to be the guy at the library who left his phone and the guy at the hospital who helped me. Did he just, did he just asked me out on a date? No it cant be maybe he's going to get his phone but why tomorrow why not now?




5pm exact i went out the coffee shop and went straight home but why do i feel like im being stalk by someone. It must be because im tired, so tire that i'm imagining things now.


Half past five and i arrived at my house. Took of my shoes hanged my coat and lied down at the sofa. Finally i can have atleast an hour of rest. 


Different things were going through my mind. 



"Tomorrow 1o'clock at the park near the library. I'll be waiting."

"Tomorrow 1o'clock at the park near the library. I'll be waiting."

"Tomorrow 1o'clock at the park near the library. I'll be waiting."

"Tomorrow 1o'clock at the park near the library. I'll be waiting."


I couldn't rest properly. I mean who woud be able to able with a deep voice repeating in their mind.


I got up the lights and tried to rest im sure it'll be a long day tomorrow.


Author's Note/ Everyone please be patient. Sorry for the slow update. I'm a little busy but i'm sure that i will have an update every other day or everyweek. Please keep ready :D and subcribe to keep updated :D  and sorry ignore the typos. Kamsa!~~

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Chapter 5: So cute..lol roasted jongin? XD
doraemonlovescooking #2
wow so excited about this one....
you can have a visit on my new post "You're my worst memory" couple..kris luhan...
Update soon
yeolxluhan #4