Day 2

7 Days [Jongkey Oneshot]

"Ah..ah..achoo!!" I grabbed another tissue from the box and blew my nose into it. I woke up this morning, my nose stuffed and my body weak. I guess getting drenched with rain last night was bad for me. 

Taemin sat on the edge of my bed, a thermometer in his hand. "Open your mouth hyung~" I opened my mouth and he stuck the thermometer in. He waited for a while and took it out. After seeing the result, he gasped. "Hyung.. you have a fever."

"How high?"

"102. You're going to have to stay in bed for a while so it can go down." He stood up and made his way to the bathroom. "I'll come back with a warm cloth to put over your head. Stay in that bed ok?" 

"Achoo!" I grabbed for another tissue and blew my nose once again. As I lay there waiting for Taemin, I picked up the television remote and decided to surf through the channels. 

"Commercial.. commercial.. commercial.." I turned off the tv and threw the remote towards the end of my bed. Taemin soon came out with a cloth and put it over my head. It felt good to feel the heat and I closed my eyes. 

"I'll come back later to see if your fever went down. For now, just rest." I nodded and heard the sound of my door close.


My eyes immediately opened when I felt someone sit on my bed. It took a second for me to register who it was...

"Hi Key!" He waved at me and I blinked. 

"Jonghyun?" I sat up and he flashed his smile at me. 

"I called your cellphone to tell you to get ready but Taemin picked up the phone instead. I had plans for us today, but he told me you were sick so I decided I'll just spend the day with you here." He bent over and picked up a brown bag, setting it on my bed. "I brought some DVDs that we could watch and I also stopped by a nursery to get you these." He took out a bouquet of flowers and handed them to me. I smiled seeing the mixture of red and white roses.

"Oh! And I also brought some soup. It's heating downstairs.. Come to think of it, it's probably already hot. I'll go get some for you ok?" I watched as he stood up from my bed and left the room.

I looked down at the roses and sniffed them. To my disappointment, I remembered that I could barely smell anything.. I set the bouquet on my bedside table and picked up the stack of DVDs he placed beside me. There was an assortment of different genres ranging from action to romance. I laid them down and smiled again. No one ever spent their day with me when I was sick. All those other guys I dated didn't really care..

The door opened again and Jonghyun walked into the room with a tray. On top of the tray was a bowl with steam emitting from it. He carefully sat next to me and laid the tray on my lap. 

"This is my mom's special soup. She always cooks it for me when I'm sick and it does wonders." He picked up the spoon and scooped up some soup, blowing it. Before I could say anything, he had the spoon before my mouth telling me to open. I slowly opened my mouth and he put the spoon in my mouth, the contents spilling in my mouth. The feeling of the hot liquid coursing through my body felt good and I my lips.

"It's delicious huh?" I nodded and he scooped up some more soup. 

"Jonghyun. I can feed myself." He chuckled and handed the spoon over to me.

"Now what movie do you want to watch?" He showed me each DVD and I immediately pointed to the last one. He flipped it over to see what it was and nodded. It was a romance movie that I had heard of before. 

He stood up and made his way to the television, a DVD player underneath it. As he put in the CD, I watched. 

I finally finished the soup and Jonghyun set the tray on my bedside table. "Do you mind if I sit down next to you?"

"No, not all." I moved over to the side and patted the vacant space next to me. He jumped in and the movie started to play. 

During the whole thing, all I could feel were Jonghyun's eyes on me. I glanced every now and then to see that he was staring at me. Halfway during the movie, he put his arm around me and I snuggled into his chest. We stayed in that position until the end. It felt nice in his arms. 

I felt empty when he had to get the CD back. I fell back into my bed and stared at the ceiling. 

"What are you thinking about?" I felt him lie down next to me. 

"Nothing really. I'm just happy." I turned towards him and smiled. 

"Hmm.. do you still feel weak?" 

"Not that much anymore.. I guess that soup really did make me feel better." He immediately sat up and looked over at me.

"Let's play hide-and-seek!" He put on a bright smile and I laughed. 


"Yeah! Oh come on! A day at home is never complete without fun and games~" He started to bounce on the bed and he grabbed my hand pulling me up. "Pleeeeease?" He showed his puppy dog eyes and at that point, I couldn't really say no. I nodded and he jumped up. 

"Yay! Let's get Taemin and we'll all play together!"

For a 21 year old, he sure didn't act like his age.


We all gathered into the living room, Taemin sitting on the couch all excited to play.

"So who seeks first?" We all looked at each other and their eyes darted to me. They smirked and I groaned. I found the nearest wall and faced it, covering my eyes with my hands.

"10! 9! 8!" I heard Jonghyun laugh and pairs of feet moving around until they disappeared.

" 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! Ready or not, here I come!" I turned around and immediately ran upstairs. Knowing Taemin, he would surely hide upstairs. I peeked into the rooms, my ears alert for any sound. Going into my room, I heard a giggle and I smirked. Taemin was in here. I walked over to my closet to hear the giggles getting louder and I knew he was in there. Wow, he wasn't a very good hider. To fool him, I decided to act dumb.

"Hmm.. I wonder where Taemin is? I surely can't find him." The giggles grew louder and I slid open the door. He got wide eyes and burst out laughing.

"Gosh Taemin.. can't you find a better hiding place?" He stepped out of the closet still smiling. Now it was time for us to find Jonghyun. 

I found myself downstairs as Taemin continued to search the rooms upstairs. Where could he be? I walked into the kitchen and looked around. He couldn't be here.. it would be impossible for him to fit his body in the cabinets. 

I the lights in the garage and shook my head. He couldn't hide in the cars and those took up most of the space. The bathrooms and extra pantrys were empty. 

Taemin and I found ourselves on the living room couch wondering where he was. 

"You did search all the rooms upstairs right?" 

"Yeah. Even under the beds and everything.." 

I glanced outside the window and remembered about the shed. Taemin's eyes followed mine and we both looked at each other. "There were no restrictions about hiding outside right?" We both stood up and left the house finding ourselves outside in our pajamas. We made our way to the shed to find the door ajar. I opened the door more to find Jonghyun inside.

"Finally!" He chuckled and stepped out of the garden shed. "I thought you guys would never find me!"

I crossed my arms. "You could've told us that the hiding could even be outside of the house."

He shrugged his shoulders a smile on his face. "Oops. Must've forgotten to tell you." 


"Ok. New rules. We can only hide inside of the house." I looked over at Jonghyun and he nodded. "And you're the new seeker." 

He smirked at me. "Hmm.. this'll be easy." 

"Oh don't be so sure of yourself Jonghyun hyung. Key hyung is a really good hider. I could never find him whenever we played. I honestly don't know how he does it." 

"It's true Jjong." His smirk grew bigger and I rolled my eyes. "Just start the counting."

He nodded and faced a random wall. The countdown started and I ran. 

I found myself hiding in Onew hyung's tub, my knees drawn up to my chest. Taemin was soon found since I heard laughter through the walls. Oh Taemin.. 

I giggled, but kept silent immediately when I heard footsteps coming closer. My heartbeat grew faster as a silhouette was seen through the curtains. An arm was extended, but they pulled it back. The silhouette faded and I let out a sigh of relief. 

"That was close."

My strategy with playing hide-and-seek, the reason why Taemin never found me, was I would change location. I quietly but swiftly got out of the tub and looked around me before exiting the bathroom. No one seemed to be here. I opened the door of Onew hyung's room and took a step out ready to dash somewhere else. I made my way downstairs when someone caught me by the waist. They pulled me closer to them and I stayed frozen. Before I could react, I felt a pair of lips next to my ear. "Got you." 

I gasped and turned around. Jonghyun smiled back at me, his arms still around my waist. "But how?" 

"That strategy you have of changing location? I know that trick. It was what I used when you were seeking." He chuckled and pulled me closer to him. "I found you anyways. That silhouette you may have seen while you were in the tub.. that was me." I looked into his eyes and smiled. 

"You really are something Kim Jonghyun." I tried to push him away from me, but he didn't let go. "Jjong, you can let go of me now."

"Huh? Oh.. yeah, sorry!" He took his arms off and I chuckled. 

Taemin came out of the kitchen with a bowl and ate some of the contents. "Oh, hey hyungs!" 

"What's that?" I pointed at the bowl.

"Oh this? It's ice cream that Jonghyun hyung brought over."

"Do you want some?" Before I could answer, he disappeared through the kitchen door. 


I was back in my bed upstairs, Jonghyun sitting next to me. I picked up the bouquet of roses and smelled it, to my satisfaction I was able to.

"Thanks." I looked up at him and smiled. "Another amazing day.. because of you." He smiled and took my hand. 

"I promised to you that I would prove I was different right?" I nodded and took another whiff of the roses. He checked his watch and looked back at me.

"I've got to go now. I hope you're ready for tomorrow. That movie we watched earlier gave me an idea of where to take you." He winked and stood up from the bed. He was about to leave when he turned around and walked back to me. Like that day during lunch, he planted a kiss on my cheek. I blushed and he smiled.


[Caller ID] Jonghyun

[Message] Sleep tight yeobo~ and make sure to get better for tomorrow! Btw, you do have a swimsuit right? ^_~

I closed the cell, a smile on my face, thinking of the possible places he could be taking me. But where ever it is... I'm just glad that it'll be with him.

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haeeyaah #1
Such a great fic love this
Chapter 10: I swear Jjong is the perfect boyfriend♥
Thank you so much for this I really liked it~~
loved this
Chapter 10: The first chapter up to last is so cute and fluffy. They are so sweet. Especially Kim Jonghyun. <3 I love how you describe their dates in each chapter, the process of their relationship bit by bit. This is daebak!!! ^^;
HanYoung #5
hi! i have read your story and it was great <3 can i have your permition to traslate it to vietnamese for other jk shippers can read it?
i love it i wish it would be me and that JongKey was real <3
Chapter 10: I just read this for the second time, still awesome! Hehehehe~
the most adorable and the most beautiful story I have ever read..
much thanks for you for your sweet story..
okay, i hate YOU now. how can you make me smile along the story! i smile like idiot when read this. bad, its just end. uwaaaah ! ToT