Day 4

7 Days [Jongkey Oneshot]

Jjong cut off the engine and I looked out the window. 

"Where.. are we?" I opened the passenger door and took a step out. We were in some kind of a meadow. The air smelled so fresh and the sky was such a pretty blue... it was a once in a while chance that I could ever see scenery as beautiful as this. I felt Jonghyun stand beside me. He put his arm around my shoulder and I looked up at him.

"You like it?" I smiled and looked back at the grass. 

"It's beautiful. I never see this kind of stuff while in the city. Thanks for bringing me to a place like this~"

He smiled and went back to his car. He opened the trunk taking out a wooden picnic basket. "Wait until you get to the top." He closed the trunk and stood beside me once again.

"The top?" 

"Yep, see that big hill right there?" He pointed towards a hill off to the left. "At the top is the most beautiful scenery. The long trek up it is worth it once you get up there. So Kibum.. ready?" 


"Jjong! How much longer?!" 

"Geez! Isn't hasn't even been 5 minutes and you're already complaining?" I pouted at him and he chuckled. He set the picnic basket down and walked back towards me. "You know that really doesn't work on me~" He turned around, his back towards me and bent his knees.

"Uhh... what are you doing?"

He laughed. "I'm going to give you a piggyback ride! Now, get on my back~"

"A-are you sure? I'm pretty heavy!"

"Haha, it's fine Key. We'll get there faster and I won't have to listen to your complaining anymore."

"Yah!" I slapped his back and he laughed once again.

"Just... come on~ I don't want to tire you out, so I'm offering to carry you."

I smiled and put my arms around his neck. "Are you ready for all this weight? ... Omo, what if you can't handle it and we end up tumbling down the hill?"

"Yah, Key! Just get on my back and don't worry~"

"I'm trusting you Kim Jonghyun!" I jumped onto his back and I heard him grunt. "Wah, are you okay?!" I peered at his face and he smiled back at me. 

"No need to worry, I'm fine~ Now, just rest your head on my shoulder and we'll be there in no time." I did as he said and closed my eyes, taking in his scent. 


"Key~ Open your eyes, we're here." I slowly opened my eyes and got off of Jonghyun's back. 

As he set the picnic, I looked around. Wow, he wasn't kidding... There was a tree and attached to the limb was one of those swinging tires. To the left there was a field of flowers. I felt his arms snake themselves around my waist, and he rested his head on my shoulder. "Didn't I tell you?"

I nodded and he grabbed for my hand. He led me to the picnic and sat me down onto the red and white checkered rug. "Are you already hungry?"

"Starving actually, haha." 

"Well, I hope you like sandwiches~" He took out a wrapped object, and after unfolding the foil, I saw a sandwich. It looked pretty tasty~ He put it in front of my mouth. "Take a bite."

I laughed and took a bite out of the sandwich. "Like it?" I smiled and gave him a thumbs up. 

After eating the sandwiches, we threw grapes into each other's mouths. I threw the grape intending to aim it at Jonghyun's mouth, but it hit his nose.

"Omo, you have such bad aim!" 

"Haha, I'm sorry!"

He reached for a grape. "Your turn!" I opened my mouth wide and the grape landed on my tongue. I smiled at him. "Unlike you, I have perfect aim."

"Wow, way to be humble Jjong." I rolled my eyes and he laughed.

He reached into the picnic basket and took out a box of pepero sticks. "Ooh, I love those!" I reached for one and he slapped my hand. "Yah! What was that for?" 

"We're only going to eat one~" 

"Huh? One? But how? Are going to split it or-?" I looked at him and he had a smirk on his face. He put one end of the stick in his mouth and pointed the other end to me.

"Really Jjong?" He nodded and I sighed. "Fine.." 

I put the other end into my mouth. Before I could even take a bite, Jonghyun was already taking bites out the stick. He was coming closer and closer to my lips, until there was only one bite left between us. He looked into my eyes, and I felt my heart beating faster. Omo, what was I going to do? Either way, our lips would end up touching... I closed my eyes waiting for our lips to touch....

"Key?" I opened my eyes to find Jonghyun eating more pepero sticks. "Watcha doing? Aren't you going to eat the rest of that?" 

"Huh?" I felt the last piece in my mouth and looked up at Jonghyun. He was smirking again and I slapped his arm.

"What? I remembered what you said yesterday about not being ready, so.. I didn't go through with it~" He smiled at me. "I was just teasing you Kibum~ When you closed your eyes though, it seemed like you wanted me to."

"Wha-? N-no, I didn't!"

"Ok~" He sounded skeptical and I slapped his arm again.

"Yah! You knocked the box out of my hand!" I looked at the amount of pepero sticks strewn around the grass and laughed. "You just wasted a good box of pepero sticks! I hope you feel guilty for that Kibum. There are kids starving in this world that would kill for this."

I laughed at his comment and stuck my tongue out at him. I stood up and made my way to the swinging tire. Sitting on it, I stared out at the field of flowers. This really was a beautiful scene. I wish I could experience things like this more often. Living out in the city, the building lights block out the stars, it's loud, and smoke from cars pollute the air. Here, I can just relax and think. I closed my eyes and smiled.

I felt Jonghyun pushing me softly, and I kept my eyes closed. "Want me to go faster?"

"No.. this is good~" 

He pushed me for several minutes as I stared out at the horizon. 


"Look! That one is shaped like a rabbit!"

"Haha, that reminds me of Onew hyung~" 

We laid out on the grass staring at the clouds. This was a nice, peaceful date compared to the previous ones. This had to be the best one yet.

Jonghyun turned towards me, his head propped up on his hand. I turned my head towards him and saw him smiling at me. 


"Nothing~ Just admiring your beauty, that's all." I blushed and he took my hand. "Is it alright if I stare at you like this? I never really get to appreciate what I have sometimes." I blushed even more and nodded. I closed my eyes, but opened them as I felt a sudden weight on my legs. Sitting up I saw Jonghyun's head on my legs, his eyes looking up into mine. He smiled that dazzling smile once again. 

"You know, I've seen you staring out at the field of flowers many times now. You want to go down there and see them up close?" He sat up and grabbed my hand, both of us standing up. What happened next startled me.

Jonghyun tripped over the picnic basket, and since he was holding onto my hand, I went down with him. We tumbled down the side of the hill, my arms holding Jonghyun as tight as I could. My eyes were shut tight as I felt the grass hitting the sides of my face. 

I suddenly felt us stop and opened my eyes. Jonghyun was hovering over me. "Are you alright?" He brushed my bangs out of my face and looked me in the eyes. It was the first time I saw Jonghyun look so serious. "I'm so sorry Kibum!"

He hugged me and I chuckled. "It's ok Jjong~"

"Are you sure nothing hurts?" 

"Haha, I'm fine~ I've never seen this side of you Jonghyun!" 

He chuckled and laid down beside me. "Well, look at where we ended up tumbling down to."

I sat up and looked around us. We were in the field of flowers and when I mean in, I mean in the field of flowers. "Omo, we crushed all those flowers back there!" I frowned. 

"Well, at least we got here fast, haha." Jonghyun stood up, and I watched as he picked up a pink tulip. He made his way back towards me and gave me the flower. "For you~" I smiled and took it. 

"You know, besides tumbling down a hill... actually that had to be the most exhilirating part, haha, I really enjoyed today Jjong." I looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you~"


We stood in front of my front door and, I hugged him. "Thank you for everything today Jonghyun. I really appreciate everything you're doing. I'm so grateful to have met someone like you~"

I felt his arms around me and his lips by my ear. "All for you Kibum, all for you." I smiled and, we stayed like that for a few more seconds. 

I finally let go, and Jonghyun leaned towards me intending to kiss my cheek. "Nope~" I tilted my head, and he looked at me confused.


This time, I leaned towards him and placed my lips on his cheek. I pulled back and watched as his cheeks grew red.

"Aww, someone is blushing~" 

He looked down at the ground and grabbed my hand one more time, squeezing it. "See you tomorrow Key!" He jogged towards his car and drove off. 


"I saw that hyung!" 

"Wha-?" I sat up from my bed to find Taemin and Onew in my room. "Saw what?"

"This time, instead of Jonghyun kissing you on the cheek, you did!"

"You're finally warming up to him, aren't you?" I blushed at Onew's question. 


"Aww, look Onew hyung! Jonghyun may finally be the one!" 

I laughed and hit Taemin's arm playfully. "Go to sleep now!" 

"Haha, ok~ I look forward to seeing you go on your date with Jonghyun tomorrow hyung, hehehe~" I watched Taemin exit the room and looked back at Onew.

"Aren't you going to sleep hyung?"

"You know, I don't know what it is, but I like Jonghyun. I feel these good vibes around him. I mean, he truly cares for you unlike those other jerks. Don't let go of him, ok?" He patted my head and made his way out of my room. 

I blushed and laid down again reading Jonghyun's goodnight text one last time. 

I stared at the picture of him I took today as he was watching the clouds. He was really handsome... Call me crazy, but I started talking to the image. 

"You know Jonghyun... it's only been 4 days and you're already making me feel this way. Maybe by the time this week is over, I'll be able to tell you those three words you've been dying to hear."


"Yes! Omg, finally an update from that girl! What took her so long?!" they say.

hehehehe~ I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! ^^ and sorry for taking so long~ 

oh btw


It's time to say goodbye to 2011 and hello to 2012! I hope this new year will be wonderful for all of you~ Always stay healthy and always be happy, k? I love you all~~ <3

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haeeyaah #1
Such a great fic love this
Chapter 10: I swear Jjong is the perfect boyfriend♥
Thank you so much for this I really liked it~~
loved this
Chapter 10: The first chapter up to last is so cute and fluffy. They are so sweet. Especially Kim Jonghyun. <3 I love how you describe their dates in each chapter, the process of their relationship bit by bit. This is daebak!!! ^^;
HanYoung #5
hi! i have read your story and it was great <3 can i have your permition to traslate it to vietnamese for other jk shippers can read it?
i love it i wish it would be me and that JongKey was real <3
Chapter 10: I just read this for the second time, still awesome! Hehehehe~
the most adorable and the most beautiful story I have ever read..
much thanks for you for your sweet story..
okay, i hate YOU now. how can you make me smile along the story! i smile like idiot when read this. bad, its just end. uwaaaah ! ToT