Day 3

7 Days [Jongkey Oneshot]

I woke up the next morning to a text from Jonghyun.

[Caller ID] Jonghyun

[Message] Hi yeobo. ^^ Rise and shine! I have everything planned for our date today~ I'll pick you up at 4, ok?
I closed the phone thinking about the previous days. Smiling, I got out of bed and headed downstairs to find Taemin watching Spongebob. He's still such a kid, haha. I glanced at the wall clock. 11 am. Hmm.. I still have 5 hours before Jonghyun gets here. What should I do? 
i sat next to Taemin as he laughed over the episode. "Hi hyung~"
"Hey. I was thinking, want to go out to the mall and eat lunch? I need to buy some swim shorts for Jonghyun's surprise date.. I have a feeling he's taking me somewhere with water."
"Oooh, maybe he's gonna take you to the beach! Or.. ooh! Maybe the water park! Those places are so fun hyung." 
"Hmm.. maybe~ Now go get ready and we'll go." 
"Can I please finish this episode first?" He pouted at me and I chuckled.
"Fine. But when I come downstairs, I expect you to be ready ok?"
He nodded with a smile and I returned it with my own.
We entered through the mall doors and I felt a buzzing in my pocket. I took out my phone to find another text from Jjong. 
[Caller ID] Jonghyun
[Message] Hey~ If you're going to eat lunch, don't eat too much. We're gonna have dinner at the place too. ^^ 
"Oh.. I just got a text from Jonghyun. He said I shouldn't eat too much for lunch... well, I wasn't that hungry anyway. I'm still recovering from my cold. Are you hungry Tae? I'll buy you something~" I closed the phone and put it back in my pocket. "Tae?" When I looked back, he wasn't there. Oh.. where did he go now? I looked all around me but he wasn't in sight. I sighed and reached for my phone again to call Taemin.
"Taemin! Where are you? You don't just leave me without telling where you're going!"
"Sorry hyung! While you were reading that text, my stomach growled and I realized how hungry I was. So I went to the food court and bought myself some rice with orange chicken."
"Haha, you always have to have rice don't you?"
"Yes! My meals aren't complete without them!"
"Ok, I'm making my way over there. Buy me a pretzel and some coffee please?"
"Haha, sure hyung." 
I closed my phone and entered the food court to find Taemin sitting at a table for two. I walked up to him and sat down. He pushed a wrapper towards me and a cup filled with coffee. "Thanks Tae." He nodded and I opened the wrapper to find a pretzel. It was still hot, just the way I liked it. I took a bite and looked around the food court.
Everyone was chattering with friends or eating. I took a sip of my coffee after swallowing the pretzel and looked at Taemin. He had finished the whole plate and stood up to throw the garbage away.
"You were really hungry weren't you?"
"I didn't eat breakfast so.."
"You could've woken me up so I could make you something."
"I didn't want to wake you hyung. You looked like you were having a nice sleep."
I smiled and put the last piece of pretzel in my mouth, crumpling the wrapper and throwing it in the trash. I took the coffee from the table and Taemin stood up with me. "While I was on the way here, I saw a store that sells swim apparel."
"Ahh really? Let's go then~"
I stood in the changing room trying on different swim shorts. Taemin knocked on my door making me jump. 
"Hyung!" he whined. "Why do you take so long? They're just swim shorts! Just pick out any design. Everything looks good on you anyways~"
I chuckled and picked a simple one. It was sky blue with different colored stripes. I exited the changing room to hear Taemin say 'finally!' and made my way to the cashier and set the shorts onto the counter. 
"Is this all sir?"
He scanned the shorts and put them in a little yellow bag and handed it to me. "Thanks." He nodded and Taemin linked his arm with mine leading me out of the store. I checked my watch. 2:00 pm. Still 2 hours to go. 
"We should probably go home now. Jonghyun is going to come soon~"
We entered the house to find Onew hyung back from work. "Oh, you guys are back? Where did you go?"
I lifted up the small bag for Onew to see. "Just bought some swim shorts for my date with Jonghyun." I glanced at the wall clock to see the time 3:30. "Omo~ I should probably get ready now." I hurried up the stairs and opened the door to my room. And guess who was there?
"Hi Key!" He waved at me and I blinked. What was he doing here?
"Jonghyun? Wha-? How?"
He stood up from my bed and walked up to me giving me a small peck on the cheek, making me blush. "Onew let me in."
"And he let you go into my room?" 
"Yep." His eyes looked at me from head to toe and they stopped at the yellow bag I was holding. "Watcha got there?" He snatched it from me and peered inside. "Oh.. haha. You didn't need to go buy some if you didn't have any. I could have just lent you a pair~"
I hit him lightly on the arm. "You could've told me that!" 
He chuckled. "You should get ready now~"
"Where are you taking me by the way?"
"You'll see." He smiled and I did too. 
I made my way to the closet but he blocked the way. "Nuh uh uh~~ I already picked out something for you." He opened the door and took out a hanger, on it a complete outfit. I had to say, he didn't have a bad fashion sense. I took it from him and went into the bathroom. I smiled at myself in the mirror and headed out. He was sitting on my bed looking at pictures on my bedside table. I readjusted my shirt and he looked up. 
"Wow.. you really can make any outfit look good can you?"
"You're not that bad either Jjong~" He smiled and he put his hand on my back to lead me out of the room. 
"So where exactly are we going? This doesn't look like the way to the beach.."
"The beach? Who said we were going there?"
He made a right into a neighborhood and we found ourselves in front of what looked like a two story house. "Is this your home?"
"Yep. For today's date, I'm treating you to dinner at my house." He smiled and got out of the driver's seat. He opened my door and took my hand. 
Entering his house, the smell of food wafted towards me. "Mmm, something smells delicious."
He closed the door behind him and smiled as if he was proud of himself. "Thanks~ I cooked it just for us."
"You can cook?"
"Surprised?" I chuckled and he lead me to the dining table. The lights were low and there was classical music playing softly in the background. The table was set for two and there were two unlit candles in the center. The plates were of fine china and a bottle of wine was set to the side. He took my hand and pulled out my chair. 
"Thank you sir."
"You are very welcome. Wine?"
I nodded and he uncorked the bottle and poured some wine into the glass. I took a sip as I watched him light the two candles. He blew out the match and disappeared through the kitchen door. I closed my eyes listening to the music. It felt calm to be here.
The door opened again to find him holding a bowl of spaghetti.
He put some on my plate and tucked a napkin into my shirt. After sitting across from me, he did the same. "Dig in."
I chuckled and picked up the fork twirling some noodles around it. He watched me as I put the contents into my mouth. 
"Wow, it's.. really good." He smiled and took a bite of his own meal. He looked back up at me and chuckled. 
"You have a little something there." He pointed to the corner of his mouth and I blushed. 
"Oh.. wow this is embarrassing.." 
"Haha, here let me get it for you~" He took a napkin and reached over to wipe off the sauce. I just stared at him as he slowly wiped it off. He looked me in the eyes and leaned towards a little bit and I looked at him my heart beating fast. I faked a cough and he snapped out of his thoughts. 
"Oh, I'm sorry!"
"It's fine.." I smiled at him. "So.. why did you bring me to your house?" 
"I don't know.. the movie yesterday gave me some ideas for future dates~"
I nodded and took another bite of the spaghetti. We spent whole dinner talking and learning more about each other. It was nice. None of the other guys would ever take the time to learn more about me. We soon finished and I got up to take the plate to the sink. 
"Oh, wait! Don't go in there just yet!" 
Upon entering, I saw empty boxes of premade spaghetti. Jonghyun hurriedly walked in after me and his face showed nervousness. He looked at me anticipating my reaction and I just laughed.
"Jonghyun! If you didn't know how to cook, you could have just said so. I knew that spaghetti was too good to be your cooking."
"Hey!" He lightly punched me in the arm. "For your information, I make really good ramen."
I laughed and he did too. "So you're not mad?"
"No! Of course not~" I smiled at him and we both left the kitchen doors. He walked over to the couch and handed me the yellow bag. 
"Put this on. We're gonna go swimming." 
I walked into the backyard to find a huge swimming pool complete with a waterfall and slide and off to the side was a jacuzzi.
I made my way to the pool and dipped my foot in. It was cold, but not too much. Jonghyun soon came out holding two towels and a bottle of sunscreen. He sat in one of the two deck chairs and patted the vacant one. I sat down and looked over at him. He was wearing a white wifebeater with red swim shorts. I just stared at his accentuated musles and the abs just begging to be shown. He chuckled and I looked up at him.
"Before we go into the pool, we have to put on sun screen. I'll put on yours for you Key. You don't mind right?"
I gulped and slowly nodded. I lifted the shirt up over my head and turned my back towards him. Feeling his hands on my shoulders immediately made me tense but soon after I calmed down. My heart beat fast as his hands roamed over my torso. The feel of cold sunscreen plus his warm hands just felt so.. I didn't know how to explain it but it was a different feeling.
... and then it was my turn.
I dared not look when he took off his shirt. I was facing his back, my hands full of sunscreen not knowing where to apply it first. 
"Key?" His voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I put my hands on his shoulders like he did with me. I rubbed sunscreen all over his arms and back and I felt his hands holding mine leading them to his front side. I could feel all the muscles and that just took me over the edge. When he turned around, my eyes stayed on the ground. 
"So are you ready to jump in?"
"Uhh..." I chuckled nervously. Everything felt so awkward now. "Sure."
He sat down next to me and I continued to stare at the ground. "Is something wrong?"
I shook my head no. "E-everything's fine Jjong. You go ahead first."
"Why don't we both jump in?" He took my hand and led me to the edge of the pool. "Key? How much do you weigh?"
"Huh? Why?" I looked up at him. My eyes going up from the ground to his face and everything in between that. I practically fainted in my head and he smirked. He suddenly picked me up and threw me into the water. "What the?!" For a second, all I saw was water and then I resurfaced. He jumped in with me, the water splashing all over my face.
"What the heck was that for?!" He just laughed and soon I was laughing with him. 
"How about a race?" He got out of the pool and I followed suit. 
We both stood at one end of the pool. "I'm pretty sure I'm going to win."
"And what makes you so sure of that? I have longer legs than you Jjong. That gives me an advantage."
"Hey! I'm not that short!"
I laughed. "Just kidding~"
He rolled his eyes. "Ok, so whoever goes to and back 5 times wins. Got it?"
I nodded and he started the countdown. "3, 2, 1, Go!"
I jumped in and swam as fast as I could. I easily did one lap before Jjong could and I smirked. Before I knew it, I was on the fifth lap and beating Jonghyun. I made it back to where we had started and got out of the pool. Jonghyun got out a few seconds after me and groaned.
"I guess that really is an advantage." 
"Haha, told you so~~" 
"You really are something Key~"
After 30 more minutes of fun with him, we both sat on the edge of the pool our feet in the water. I looked at him as he stared off into the sunset.
"Is this all working Key? Sometimes, I don't think it is."
"What do you mean?"
"These dates. Am I really proving to you that I'm different?"
"You are Jjong~ You really are." He smiled and I took his hand in mine. I rested my head on his shoulder as we watched the sunset.
He took me back home and we both stood in front of the door. "Thanks again Jonghyun." He smiled and I looked into his eyes. He leaned towards me his eyes looking at my lips and then back up into my eyes. I leaned towards too but got second thoughts and took a step back. He leaned back and looked down at the ground in embarrassment, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. "I'm not ready yet Jjong."
He nodded. "I understand." He smiled at me and gave me a hug, kissing my cheek before he let go. "Have a good rest ok? Sweet dreams yeobo~" 
I waved goodbye as I watched him drive off. His lips on my cheek were enough, but feeling them on my lips too? Oh, how perfect would that be? But.. I'm just not ready yet~
I lay down in my bed another huge smile on my face again. He really is proving to me that he's different. I can't wait to see what other surprises he has in store for me.
Yay! Finally I have updated. ^^ Sorry for the long wait you guys and thank you for actually being patient and waiting for me, haha. I hope you liked this chapter~ :3
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haeeyaah #1
Such a great fic love this
Chapter 10: I swear Jjong is the perfect boyfriend♥
Thank you so much for this I really liked it~~
loved this
Chapter 10: The first chapter up to last is so cute and fluffy. They are so sweet. Especially Kim Jonghyun. <3 I love how you describe their dates in each chapter, the process of their relationship bit by bit. This is daebak!!! ^^;
HanYoung #5
hi! i have read your story and it was great <3 can i have your permition to traslate it to vietnamese for other jk shippers can read it?
i love it i wish it would be me and that JongKey was real <3
Chapter 10: I just read this for the second time, still awesome! Hehehehe~
the most adorable and the most beautiful story I have ever read..
much thanks for you for your sweet story..
okay, i hate YOU now. how can you make me smile along the story! i smile like idiot when read this. bad, its just end. uwaaaah ! ToT