Day 5

7 Days [Jongkey Oneshot]


"Key..." I heard coughing on the other end and sat up in bed.

"Jonghyun? Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"Ahh~ It's nothing. I just got really sick, I think we better cancel our plans today." His voice sounded different, not like the usual hyper Jonghyun I knew.

"No! I was really looking forward to today~"

He coughed some more. "I'm sorry yeobo. Forgive me~"

"Hm.. I have an idea~ I'll see you tonight!"

"No! You'll get sick t-" I hung up and set my phone onto the bedside table. I remembered the day Jonghyun cared for me when I was sick and smiled. I guess it's my turn to make him feel better.


1st step: Make hot soup.

"Key hyung... is it supposed to be bubbling like that?" 

"No.. omo, Taemin-ah, what did you do?" I peered into the pot and the next thing I knew, the whole kitchen was covered with soup.

"Yeah.. let's just buy some on the way."

2nd step: Buy some movies.

I picked up the Titanic from the shelf. "Ooh, maybe Jonghyun will like this. What do you think Tae?" I turned around to find that he wasn't there.

"Hyung? What kind of movies are these? Can we buy some of these to watch later with Onew hyung?" I followed the sound of his voice and found him in the XXX aisle.

"O_O' Uhh, those are those bad violence movies Taemin~"

"Wah, really? But.. the pictures...." He peered closer at one of the covers, but I covered his eyes.

"Yah! Hyung, what are you doing?"

"Come on Taemin, I'll just buy this~ Let's get out of here, quickly." I proceeded to push him out of the aisle.

We got back into the car and I started the engine. 

"Hyung, I was looking at one of the covers... What does mean?"


Step 3: Remember to keep Taemin in sight at all times.

"Hmm... he got me flowers when I was sick~ What should I get him? ... Omo, not again! Where could he be now?"

"Whee, haha this so fun! Come on hyung!" I turned my head towards the voice and found him in the indoor mall play area. Parents were staring at him with weird faces as the kids laughed.


I walked into the play area, trying to hide my face, and grabbed Taemin by the shirt. "Come on Tae, we still have to find something for Jonghyun~"

"But hyung!! I want to play~ Please?" He pouted at me and I sighed.

"Fine.. just five more minutes."

Five minutes ended up turning into an hour.

Step 4: Buy something nice for Jonghyun.

"What does Jjong like?" I linked my arm with Taemin's to prevent him from running away again. 

"Ooh! How about we look in there?" 

"The toy shop?" 

"Yeah! How about we get him... oh, I know! A stuffed dog!" 

"You know what... that's perfect!" Taemin smiled big at me.

"Ok hyung, since I helped you, can I please go back to the play area for a little more?" 

"............ fine."

Step 5: Buy soup.

"Thank you so much~" I took the container full of hot soup and made my way to the door.

"Key hyung, I'm here to help you carry it! We wouldn't want that soup to fall and-" 


"Oh, no.. hyung, I'm sorry! So sorry! I didn't see you! I didn't mean for this-"


I walked back to the cashier. "Umm, sir? Why are you wet?"

"Don't ask. Please." I closed my eyes shut to release my anger. When I opened my eyes again, I was practically glaring at the guy. "Can I just please order more soup again?" 

"Y-yes, sir. I'll get right on that sir." He hurriedly walked back into the kitchen, and a different guy came out to bring the soup for me.

Step 6: Drive back home... with Taemin.


"Taemin... before I explode can you please put the sound down? Just... please?"

"S-sorry hyung."

Step 7: Take a shower and change into dry clothes.

"Omo, these smell like soup now! Gah, Taemin why?!"

He shouted from downstairs, "I'm sorry hyung!!"


Step 8: Be glad that Onew hyung is home.

"Hyung, I'm so glad you're here! I've had such a rough time with Taemin today." I frowned.

"What, like spilling soup all over you and the restaurant?"

"H-how did you figure that out?"

"Haha, the cashier there is my friend. Guess I won't be inviting him here anytime soon. You scared him too much Kibum."

"Keke, sorry hyung~"

Step 9: Finally get to Jonghyun's house.

I rang the doorbell waiting for someone to answer.

After waiting for a while, a tall boy with short black hair answered the door. "And you are?"

"Wow, that's a very nice greeting." I rolled my eyes and entered the house.

"Yah! Did I say you could come in here? Who are you anyway?" 

I turned around facing him. "I'm Key. I came here for Jonghyun."

"Oh my gosh..." 

"What?" The boy suddenly started laughing in front of me. Soon his laughter turned into hysterical cries. "What the? Why are you laughing?"

"Umm.. Jonghyun lives 2 houses from mine."

My face grew red and I pulled out the piece of paper he wrote the address on. I gave it to the boy.

"Oh.. Jonghyun. He always messes with people." 


Step 10: Finally get to Jonghyun's actual house.

Instead of ringing the doorbell, I frantically knocked on the door. "Kim Jonghyun, when you get out of there, I am going to kill you!"

An old woman opened the door this time. "Yes, dear? What brings you here?"

Jonghyun never mentioned a grandma... "Ummm, doesn't Kim Jonghyun live here?"

"Uhh, no his residence is two houses over that way." 

But.. that was the house I just came back from... OMFG.

Step 11: Get to Jonghyun's ACTUAL house.

"I totally forgot Jonghyun told me about you..."

"Ooh, what did he say? Oh, I'll guess! He said that I'm tall and handsome~ Am I right?"

"Wow, now I know where Jonghyun gets his big ego from."

"Yah! Tell me what he said!"

"He said being tall isn't everything." I snickered seeing his reaction.

"Why that short little-" 


I walked into Jonghyun's room to find him sleeping peacefully in his bed. "Awww, he looks so cute~"

Suddenly Minho barged in and the lights to full brightness. "Yah! Kim Jonghyun, get up! Someone is here to see you!" I watched as Minho made his way to Jonghyun's bed and pushed him off.

"What in the-?! Minho! You better come back here!"

"Haha, hyung~ Your shortness will get you nowhere!"


Minho left the room as I helped Jjong get back on his bed. "Thanks Key~ Minho can be a real jerk at times."

"Haha, I noticed. Having a younger sibling is just awesome isn't it?" I laughed sarcastically and he chuckled.

"You shouldn't have come here. You'll get sick too." He held my hand.

"But you cared for me that one time, and I want to do the same for you~" I smiled at him and got the hot soup. "Do you have any bowls?"

"Yeah, downstairs." 

I got a bowl and poured the soup into it and made my way back up to Jjong's room. 

"Open wide..." I put the spoon in his mouth and I watched as he his lips. 

We then watched a movie, but Jjong wouldn't let me lay down on the bed next to him in fear of catching his cold... or maybe it was the fact that he didn't want me to see him sobbing into the stuffed dog I got for him? Hmm...

Jonghyun came downstairs with me wrapped in his blanket. His hair was all messy, how cute~ We made our way to the front door and he opened it for me. He kissed my forehead as Minho let out a disgusted "ewww" from behind us. 

"I promise I'll be well tomorrow~ I'll make it up to you yeobo." I could hear Minho mocking Jonghyun behind us, and I laughed. Jonghyun turned around.

"Minho! Get out of here! You're ruining the moment!" Minho got up from the couch and made his way to the stairs.

"Sorry hyung, I can't help it. Your lines are just so cheesy."


"Haha, ok~ ok~"

He turned back towards me and I smiled. "You know, I actually like having Minho around."

Jonghyun frowned. "But I'm better to be around with right?" He showed me his puppy dog eyes and I pinched his cheeks. 

I looked up as I heard a voice from upstairs. "OMG. That look never works on me~"

"Shut up Minho!" 

I laughed again. "See you tomorrow ok?"

I nodded and he hugged me. 


"Key hyung..."

I opened my eyes to find Taemin by my bedside.

"Huh? Taemin?" I looked at the clock and got wide eyes. "2:30 am?! Why aren't you sleeping?"

"I couldn't sleep. I can't sleep when you're mad at me." I felt sorry about screaming at him earlier and I scooted over, patting the empty space on my bed. I patted his head and he turned to face me. "I'm not mad at you minnie~ I'm sorry for making you think that." He smiled and made himself comfortable next to me.

I closed my eyes to go to sleep when I heard Taemin's voice again. "Key hyung?"

I stared into the dark. "Yeah?"

"Do you think Jonghyun is going to be the one?

I fell silent for a while before answering. "I- I'm not sure yet."

"Well, I know it'll come to you soon Key. I have a feeling you already love him, but you just haven't noticed it yet."

"What.. what makes you think that?"

"The way you're around him~ You have this genuine smile on your face, something me and Onew hyung have never seen before. I bet you also think about him all the time, that your mind is always on him... am I right? You're falling for him, aren't you hyung?"

"..... I... I don't know. Maybe I am..." 

"That's good. I want you to love him hyung."

I smiled. "Let's go to sleep now Taemin." I rolled around facing the other side and closed my eyes.

"Oh, hyung one more thing."

I yawned. "Yes Tae?"

"What's ?"

".............................. go to sleep now Taemin."


lol I hope you liked this chapter~ x) it didn't really go on details with Jonghyun and Key's date, and I will make up for that in the next chapter! ^^

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haeeyaah #1
Such a great fic love this
Chapter 10: I swear Jjong is the perfect boyfriend♥
Thank you so much for this I really liked it~~
loved this
Chapter 10: The first chapter up to last is so cute and fluffy. They are so sweet. Especially Kim Jonghyun. <3 I love how you describe their dates in each chapter, the process of their relationship bit by bit. This is daebak!!! ^^;
HanYoung #5
hi! i have read your story and it was great <3 can i have your permition to traslate it to vietnamese for other jk shippers can read it?
i love it i wish it would be me and that JongKey was real <3
Chapter 10: I just read this for the second time, still awesome! Hehehehe~
the most adorable and the most beautiful story I have ever read..
much thanks for you for your sweet story..
okay, i hate YOU now. how can you make me smile along the story! i smile like idiot when read this. bad, its just end. uwaaaah ! ToT