Day 7

7 Days [Jongkey Oneshot]

-doorbell rings-

"Key, could you get that?!" 

"Hyung! You're closer, you get it!" 

Onew walked out of the kitchen and glared at me. I heard him open the door and greet whoever it was. I then heard a familiar voice. A few seconds later Minho walked into our living room carrying what looked like... my tuxedo!

I stood up from the couch and gave Minho a hug. 

"I guess I'll leave you two to talk. Nice meeting you Minho~" Onew walked back into the kitchen and Minho handed me my tux.

"Is Jonghyun with you?" I looked behind his shoulder, but Minho shook his head no.

"He didn't want to see you until your date later on, so he told me to bring this to you."

I examined the tux through the plastic and then carefully set it on the couch.

"Normally I wouldn't agree to Jonghyun's orders, but I found another reason as to why I should come here."

"The reason being..?"

"I wanted to talk to you is all." He sat on the couch and I sat next to him, facing him.

"Yeah? What did you want to talk about?"

"I've never been nice to any of Jonghyun's previous boyfriends, but with you... I like you Key. I think you're cool. You're meant for Jonghyun, in my opinion." He looked into my eyes and he gave me a genuine smile. "I hope you like my brother as much as he likes you. Haha, he hasn't been able to stop talking about you ever since you agreed to go on dates with him. Like seriously, he talks about you non-stop. It gets annoying at times, haha. But.. I've never seen him this happy before. His smiles have gotten brighter, as well as his laughs. He's started to sing more often, haha. And he sure likes annoying me now more often now that he's got something to talk about constantly." He laughed again and put a hand on top of mine. "My brother... he's not like me. Well of course, since I'm tall and good-looking and... just look at him." I laughed this time. "But on a serious note, hyung is a really cool guy. When he says he won't break your heart, he's not lying. I... I hope you guys stay together forever and are happy all the time... haha that was way too cheesy. Anyway, I want you guys to be happy for a long time, possibly even into marriage." He gave me a wink and chuckled. We both then stood up. and he looked hesitant to give me a hug.

I gave him a tight hug and he seemed surprised at first, but then patted my back. "Thanks Minho. I really hope that Jonghyun will be the one..."

"Oh, trust me, my brother has his ways, haha. He takes after his little brother." He gave a smug smile and I slapped his arm. "By the way, Jonghyun told me you have a little brother...?"

"Umm, yeah, I do. I'll call him for you... TAEMIN!"

I heard him run down the stairs and before I knew it, he was by my side. "Yeah?"

"I wanted you to meet Minho, Jonghyun's brother."

I watched as they shook hands. They both seemed to be frozen as they held hands. I chuckled.

"Awww~ Minho and Taemin sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

They both snapped back to reality and let go, blushing. I laughed and made my way upstairs with the tux. "I'll leave you two lovebirds down here."

They both shouted up to me as I made my way upstairs, "SHUT UP HYUNG!"


I stood in front of the mirror and adjusted my bow tie. I stood up straight and stared at myself. All of a sudden, I heard someone come into the room. I turned around to find Onew hyung standing behind me with a smile. He had a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

"These were on our doorstep." He handed me the flowers and I smiled. There was a note placed in between two white roses and I read it aloud.

"I hope you're ready for our special date today~ I promise it will be the best one yet. - Jonghyun." I looked up at Onew and he patted my shoulder. He turned me around to face the mirror with his shoulder on my hand. 

"You know, if mom and dad were here, they'd be very happy. I mean, look at yourself! You're even more handsome than your hyung!" I lightly slapped his arm. "Haha, I'm just kidding~" We continued to look at our reflections. "I know I've already told you this, but I really think Jonghyun is the one for you Kibum. Don't let this one go, okay?" He squeezed my shoulder, and I turned around to give him a hug. 

"Thanks hyung." I let go and he ruffled my hair. "Yah! You messed up my hair!"

"Always the same Kibum~" He chuckled and then left the room.

I sighed and sat on the bed looking at the pictures of me and Jonghyun and all of the things he had gotten for me. I then started to think about each date, a big smile starting to form on my face.

1st date: I laughed remembering the cinema and blushed remembering how I had kissed his cheek.

2nd date: Hmm, does this count as a date? I smiled remembering the way he had cared for me when I was sick, something no one else had ever bothered to do. I really admired Jonghyun for that~

3rd date:  Jonghyun really impressed with his cooking skills on that date.... not. Haha. I suddenly got butterflies remembering our scene at the pool, having to put sunscreen onto each other. The most romantic part was watching that sunset with him~

4th date:  This one was the best out of all of them so far. That day was so relaxing and made me really appreciate the beauty of nature. I also realized how handsome Jonghyun really was and how he had a sensitive side to him. His seriousness made me laugh that day, haha.

5th date: Don't really know if I can consider this a date either. This was the day Jonghyun was sick....... and when Taemin annoyed me to no end. This was also when I met Minho for the first time~ 

6th date: 2nd most favorite date! Haha, jk~ This was our shopping date! It's when I came across my old boyfriend, Woohyun... but fortunately, everything was resolved between us, and I guess his words made me fall for Jonghyun even more? 

I stared at myself in the reflection of the mirror.... and I smiled. Seeing that big smile on my face after thinking about the previous days made me realize how much Jonghyun had changed me. He truly made me a happier person, and maybe I am glad that I said yes to him. 

"Key hyung! Someone is here for you~~" I gasped and quickly stood up. I tidied myself up in the mirror and took a deep breath.

"You can do this Kibum. Today will be the last day..." I smiled and quickly left the room.

As I made my way down the stairs, my heart seemed like it wanted to leap out of my chest. When I saw Jonghyun......... I think it did. Jonghyun looked breathtaking. His hair was styled so perfectly and he looked very handsome in his tux. He smiled immediately upon seeing me and he walked towards me, enveloping me in a hug. 

"Kibum, you look very handsome tonight." We pulled away and I blushed.

"You too~" He took my hand and we made our way to the door. I looked back at Taemin and Onew hyung as they smiled at me.

I got into Jonghyun's car, and he was soon sitting next to me in the driver's seat. I felt really nervous and my hands were sweating. He started the engine and I looked over at him. He looked back at me and put his hand on mine. 

"Are you ok? You look a little pale..." He put the back of his hand on my forehead. 

"I'm fine Jonghyun, just nervous." He gave me a small smile and kept his hand on mine as he started to drive.

"Don't worry Kibum~"

I stared out of the window the whole ride and tried to calm myself down watching different places pass me by. Jonghyun suddenly parked by the sidewalk. 

"Why did we stop here?"

"I forgot, you have to wear this." He held up a blindfold. "It's supposed to be a surprise where we're going~" He then proceeded to put the blindfold over my eyes. "Can you see anything?" I shook my head no and I felt the car's engine start again. I wonder where he was taking me?


"We're here."

I felt the car stop and Jonghyun got out of the car. The cool breeze greeted me when Jonghyun opened my door. He took my hand as I slowly got out. I couldn't see a thing... "Do I get to take it off now?" 

"Not yet~" 

I felt him stand behind me and he put his hands on my shoulders, leading me somewhere.

After a few minutes, we stopped walking. "You ready?" 

I nodded my head and he took the blindfold off. What I saw next made me smile.

We were at the beach.

Jonghyun had decorated it really nicely, too. There was a lone table in the sand with a candle light. A velvet red tablecloth was placed over it and, leading to the table were rose petals. Jonghyun took my hand once again and we walked over to the table. He sat me in a chair and pushed me in. In front of me was a plate of spaghetti. 

"Haha, don't tell me these are the instant cook ones again?" 

He chuckled. "I actually got this recipe from my mom. I wanted everything to be perfect today, so I really cooked this time."

I took a bite of the pasta. 

"I'm sorry if I did it wrong and it tastes horrible... I'm only used to making instant ramen, haha."

"It's delicious Jjong~" 

"Really?" He looked at me, shocked. "You're serious? Not kidding?"

I laughed. "Honestly, you should stay to cooking instant ramen."

We both laughed.

After we finished eating, Jonghyun took out a black box from under the table. 

"What's that?"

"You know yesterday at the mall? When I took so long coming back from buying you the dinosaur toy?" I nodded. "Well, I took so long because I bought you this." He smiled and handed me the box. I opened it revealing a silver key necklace. He got up from his seat and took the box from me. I then felt his arms around my neck, putting the necklace on. As he was connecting it at the back, his fingers lightly touched my neck and I felt like shocks had gone through my body. I blushed and he put his head on my shoulder. "Do you like it?"

I held the small key in my hand. "I love it." He kissed me on the cheek and stood up, taking my hand. He led me to the edge of the sand, the waves barely touching our shoes. 

"Key... thanks. Thanks for saying yes to me. Thanks for making me smile these last 6 days. Just, thank you." He smiled at me as he now took both of my hands to hold. 

"Actually Jonghyun, thank you. I honestly thought I wouldn't have been able to find a boy like you. These last 6 dates have been the best. You took care of me, made me laugh, made me smile, made my heart race, made me feel butterflies and you just did all these things that I thought no one would have been able to do. You bring out the best in me Kim Jonghyun, and I'm glad you came into my life." I gave him a hug and let my head rest on his shoulder. After that there was silence, the good type. We just stood there in each other's arms. I closed my eyes listening to his heartbeat. 

He then took me by the shoulders and pulled me away from him. He looked into my eyes and that was my melting point. I felt as if everything was disappearing around me, and as Jonghyun's face came closer to mine, I didn't take a step back this time. 

His lips finally felt mine. 

The kiss was tender and longing. I didn't know whether or not to close my eyes, so I kept them open. But after taking in his scent, I slowly gave in and closed my eyes. His soft lips on mine and how they seemed to fit together perfectly was amazing. 

We pulled away from the kiss and smiled at each other. The words that came out of my mouth surprised not only him, but also me.

"I love you Kim Jonghyun." He looked at me shocked and I covered my mouth. I looked into his eyes seeing if what I said was wrong. Soon, his shocked expression left him and he placed another sweet kiss on my lips. 

"I love you too Kim Kibum." He placed his forehead on mine and smiled. "I love you."


I couldn't get to sleep that night. I kept replaying all that had happened in my head. 

I can't believe this one boy did all of this to me. I guess true love can really change a person...

and he was right. Date 7 was the best date.

Now I can finally say to everyone that Jonghyun is mine. That he's the one. 

Although he's so cocky and has such a big ego... I love him. Yeah, I love Jonghyun.... wow, it only took me 7 days to finally say that when all along, I felt that way from the very beginning.


and another story comes to an end. :c 

I really enjoyed making this fanfic and I'm glad that all of you have stuck with me even though I take forever to update xD Thanks so much to all of my subs and I really hope that all of you have enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it. Thanks again! I love you all~ <3 :3

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haeeyaah #1
Such a great fic love this
Chapter 10: I swear Jjong is the perfect boyfriend♥
Thank you so much for this I really liked it~~
loved this
Chapter 10: The first chapter up to last is so cute and fluffy. They are so sweet. Especially Kim Jonghyun. <3 I love how you describe their dates in each chapter, the process of their relationship bit by bit. This is daebak!!! ^^;
HanYoung #5
hi! i have read your story and it was great <3 can i have your permition to traslate it to vietnamese for other jk shippers can read it?
i love it i wish it would be me and that JongKey was real <3
Chapter 10: I just read this for the second time, still awesome! Hehehehe~
the most adorable and the most beautiful story I have ever read..
much thanks for you for your sweet story..
okay, i hate YOU now. how can you make me smile along the story! i smile like idiot when read this. bad, its just end. uwaaaah ! ToT