Day 6

7 Days [Jongkey Oneshot]

"We're here!" Jonghyun opened my door for me to get out, and I stared at the building. 

"The mall?" 

"Yep! Our date is going to be here!"

"Well.. there's not really that much to do in a mall, except go shopping.."

"Exactly! We're going to go shopping! I know how much you love it Kibum~" He took my hand and we walked inside. 

I stared around the place. It was full of people, it must be a busy day today~ I watched as couples passed by us holding hands and laughing. My eyes settled on my favorite clothing store and pointed to it. 

"Can we go there first?" 

Jonghyun smiled. "Sure~" 

I walked inside to hear music playing. "I love this place. The feel of it is comforting~" I stopped searching through racks to listen to the song playing. "Oh! Jonghyun! I love this song!" 

I started to sing as Jonghyun just smiled listening to me. "I hate you~ Forget you~ Niga sirheo!" Jonghyun chuckled as I continued to search through the racks. "Oh Jonghyun! Look what I came across~ Couple shirts!"

"We should walk around the mall with these!" 

"Haha, ok~" 

Jonghyun paid for the shirts and we made our way to the bathroom to put them on. 

I stood in front of the mirror and fixed my hair. I looked over at Jonghyun, back to me, and then us together and smiled. "We really look like a couple~"

I held Jonghyun's hand and we made our way out. He led me to a bench and told me to wait for him.

"Where are you going?"

"I just need to get something. I'll be back yeobo~" I watched him walk away.

I waited on the bench watching everyone pass me by. I looked down at my shoes for a second when I heard someone sit next to me. I looked back up with a smile. "Jonghyun?" My smile soon disappeared looking closely at the boy sitting next to me. 


"Hi Key~" He hugged me as I stayed frozen. 

Woohyun was one of my past boyfriends. He was the one I fell the hardest for... The first one I fell in love with. But like all the other guys, he treated me like trash. Our break up was horrible and left me truly heartbroken. I can't believe he could just show his face after what he did. 

He just smiled at me as I kept on a stoic expression. "What are you doing here?" I refused to look in his eyes.

He took my hand, but I pulled it away instantly. "Key.... I know you hate me, but hear me out."

I stayed silent and kept my eyes on the floor. "Key, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for hurting you, for treating you like a jerk and breaking your heart... I'm sorry for everything. I truly realized that you're a beautiful person and that you deserve someone much better than me." He suddenly took a hold of my shoulders and lifted my chin with his hand. I looked into his eyes and felt all the emotions come flooding back. "That's why I want you to be happy with Jonghyun, ok? I see the way he looks at you and cares for you. He really loves you Key. I could never be like him... Maybe, it just wasn't our time, you know? I hope you find your happiness with him, alright?" 

He smiled and patted my shoulder. Tears were falling down my cheeks as I suddenly leaned forward and hugged him. "T-Thank you Woo~ I still love you, but as a friend." I let go of him and quickly wiped my tears. 

"I got to go now. Someone's waiting for me." I looked over at where he was staring and saw a handsome boy standing there. "That's Myungsoo. I hope you find love with Jonghyun like I did with Myungsoo. Be happy with him, araso?"

I nodded and he patted my head. I watched as they walked away hand in hand. 


"Guess who?" I felt a pair of hands cover my eyes and I smiled. 

"Hmm... is it Taemin?"

"Uhh... no. Guess again~"


"No! Guess again." 

"Hmm.. I honestly don't know..." I felt a slap to my back and turned around to see Jonghyun. "Haha, I was only messing with you~~" 

He rolled his eyes and sat down next to me. 

"What took you so long? I was waiting here for 20 minutes!"

"Sorry, sorry~ The walk to the store took longer than expected. But anyway..." He reached behind him for something and I grew curious. From behind, he pulled out a cute dinosaur plushie.

I smiled wide and took it from him. "What's this?"

"Just a little something you can hug everytime you go to sleep. Haha, it reminds you of me doesn't it? I'm like a dinosaur~" He made a rawr scrunching up his nose. 

"Haha, a cute dinosaur~" He put his arm around me and I kept the toy close to my chest. "So now what are we doing?"

"Well, I was hoping that you and I could go on a little shopping spree. Well.. mostly you, hehe. I'll buy you anything you want Kibum~" 

"Wah, really? Are you sure? You might go broke after today!"

"Haha, it's fine. Anything for you remember?" 


After shopping for a few hours, me and Jonghyun plopped down on one of the benches. "Wow..." He looked into his wallet. "You're weren't kidding, huh?"

I laughed. "Told you~~" 

"Well, there seems to be enough for the last place I want us to go to. That is.. if you're done shopping?"

"Yeah, I'm beat." 

He led the way as we walked into a store called 'Segi Tailor' I looked around the shop and came across the most elegant attire I've ever seen. We walked up to an employer and she looked at us from head to toe. I held onto Jonghyun's hand tighter as he talked to her.

"Hello Ms. I'm here for a Mr. Il-Seok Yoon?" 

"Oh, yes, this way please." She led us to the back of the store and into a huge room. Inside was a man of young age. "Mr. Il-Seok? This young man wanted to see you." She left and the man walked up to us smiling.

"Ahh, Jonghyun! It's been a while!" They shook hands and he looked over at me. "So, this must be who we're fitting a tuxedo for?" 

"Tuxedo?" I looked over at Jonghyun and he just merely smiled at me. 

Jonghyun let go of my hand and sat down on the couch as Mr. Il-Seok walked around me. "Hmm.." He reached into his pocket and took out a measuring tape. 

"Please stand up straight." I did as he said and he measured my height and then my waist. I looked over at Jonghyun and he gave me a thumbs up. "Ok, I'm done~" 

I walked over to Jonghyun as he stood up. "Wait, I don't understand. Why are we here?"

"I need to buy you a tuxedo for tomorrow~ Mr. Il-Seok has the most finest quality of suits and tuxedos in all of Seoul. My father has been coming here ever since to purchase all his business attire."

"Wow, really?"

"Haha, yes. We aim to please our customers~" He just smiled and wrote down my measurements on a piece of paper. "You'll be picking it up tomorrow Jonghyun?"


"It'll be 1 million won."

My eyes grew wide. "1 million?!" 

They both chuckled. "Don't worry Kibum. I've spent way more than this before. Besides, it's for our very special date tomorrow." 

I watched as he handed to money to Mr. Il-Seok. "The tux will be ready by say... 12pm?"

"That's perfect." They shook hands again and Yoon just smiled at me.


Jonghyun held my hands and looked into my eyes. "It'll be the last day tomorrow... I have a very special date planned. Get plenty of rest, ok?" He kissed my cheek and smiled. 

I lay in my bed clutching the dinosaur in my arms. I lifted it up and looked at it. "It's the last day tomorrow Jjong. I wonder what surprises you'll have in store for me..." I rolled over in bed and closed my eyes picturing Jonghyun's smile. "Am I ready to confess yet Kibum?" 

I rolled over again facing the other way. I remembered the little talk I had with Woohyun and smiled. "I... I think I'm ready to open up and trust my heart with someone else... I... I think I do love you Kim Jonghyun..."


Wah, it's almost the last chapter! I hope you all have been enjoying this fic so far~~ ^.^

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haeeyaah #1
Such a great fic love this
Chapter 10: I swear Jjong is the perfect boyfriend♥
Thank you so much for this I really liked it~~
loved this
Chapter 10: The first chapter up to last is so cute and fluffy. They are so sweet. Especially Kim Jonghyun. <3 I love how you describe their dates in each chapter, the process of their relationship bit by bit. This is daebak!!! ^^;
HanYoung #5
hi! i have read your story and it was great <3 can i have your permition to traslate it to vietnamese for other jk shippers can read it?
i love it i wish it would be me and that JongKey was real <3
Chapter 10: I just read this for the second time, still awesome! Hehehehe~
the most adorable and the most beautiful story I have ever read..
much thanks for you for your sweet story..
okay, i hate YOU now. how can you make me smile along the story! i smile like idiot when read this. bad, its just end. uwaaaah ! ToT