Day 1

7 Days [Jongkey Oneshot]

Finally, it was Spring Break. I had been waiting for this week for months. A mini vacation would surely clear my thoughts of everything and everyone. I threw my backpack onto the floor and plopped down onto my bed, my face buried in the pillow. Just then my phone rang and I got up to get it. I checked the caller ID; Jonghyun. I laid back down and opened the cell.


"Hi Key! It's finally Spring Break! Are you excited?" 

I smiled. Even through the phone, he sounded so happy. I liked that about him. "Yeah, I guess."

"I will make it the best seven days ever!" I quietly chuckled. 

"What do you have planned?"

"I don't know yet.. but you will enjoy it! With me, there's always good time involved~" He laughed and I smiled. "So, I'll pick you up tomorrow ok? Be ready at 6pm?"


"Yay! I'll see you tomorrow yeobo~" 

He hung up, but I didn't. I laid there on my bed shocked at his words. No one had ever said yeobo to me before. Hmm.. it's not even day 1 yet and he's already proving to me that he's different. I eventually closed the cell and Taemin walked into my room. Taemin was my little brother. 

"Hey hyung!" He jumped onto my bed. "I'm so glad it's Spring Break. I needed to get away from all that homework." I didn't respond as Jonghyun's voice saying 'yeobo' replayed through my head.

"Hyung?" He waved his hand before my eyes. "Earth to Key!" 

I was snapped out of my thoughts. "Huh? Oh.. yeah, I'm glad too." I smiled at him and he looked at me puzzled.

"Why do you seem to be in a daze?" He spotted the phone still in my hands and took it away from me. 

"Hey!" I watched as he opened it and looked through the contents.

"Last phone call made to.. Jonghyun?" He looked at me with wide eyes and I blushed. I always told Taemin about my crushes. He playfully nudged me.

"Are you going out on a date with him?" I nodded and he smiled.

"Yay! You won't be disappointed in him Key. I know Jonghyun hyung. He's a nice guy, unlike those other sleazy guys you dated." I chuckled. "Trust me hyung, he wouldn't even hurt a fly."

Taemin got up from my bed. "Onew will be coming home soon with dinner. I suggest you take a shower now~" I nodded and he left. 

What Taemin said.. is he really different? Hmm..


The next day~

"Key hyung! Wake up!" I opened my eyes to find Taemin jumping on my bed. 

"Tae! Stop!" He stopped jumping and sat down on my bed. 

"It's 4 already. Shouldn't you be getting ready for your date?" I glanced at the clock and got up from bed. 

"Omo, why didn't you wake me up earlier? You know how long it takes for me to get ready!"

"Relax hyung~ There's still a lot of time before he comes." 

I stood in front of my closet. Choosing a light pink shirt and a sky blue shirt, I showed Taemin. "Which one?" 

"The light pink one would suit you hyung~" I put the blue one back and chose black skinny jeans and a black vest to go with it. I laid the clothes on my bed as Taemin watched. 

"That outfit would look good on you. You always know what clothes go together~" 

"Thanks Tae~ Oh can you get my white Nike high tops from the garage and bring them up here?" 

"Sure." He left the room and I walked into my bathroom turning on the shower.

The warm water felt nice as it cascaded down my skin. I soon got done with my shower and put a towel around me. Opening the door, I found my clothes hung on the doorknob and the high tops on the floor by my bed. After fully drying myself, I put my clothes on and got to blow drying my hair. It looked fine as it was and looked at myself once more in the mirror. It's been a while since I got ready for anyone. 

I left the bathroom and put my phone in my back pocket. I glanced at the clock. 5:45. Taking one more look in the mirror, I smiled and left my room to go downstairs. And guess who was already there?

"Jonghyun? You're here early." 

He glanced at me with an open mouth and I chuckled. "You look nice Key. Well, you always do." He came up to me and hugged me. I took in his scent, smelling some cologne. 

"You look nice too Jonghyun." I looked at what he was wearing and smiled. He had a fairly good fashion sense too. He wore a white v-neck shirt under a black blazer, the sleeves folded up. His jeans were black too and he wore black and white Nike high tops. "Wow, what you're wearing is almost the same as mine."

"Haha, it kind of is.." He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand and smiled at me. "Well should we get going?"

I looked over at Taemin and he gave me a thumbs up. Before we could get out of the house, Onew blocked the way and I glared at him.

"Before you guys leave, I just wanted to tell Jonghyun." Onew walked up closer to him, their face only inches apart. "You better not hurt my little brother, got it?"

"I- I won't Onew hyung." His serious expression was soon replaced with a big smile and he patted Jonghyun's shoulder. Jonghyun stood there puzzled and I laughed. I took his hand and led him outside. 

"Be back early!" I nodded and closed the door.

Jonghyun let out a sigh of relief and I laughed. "Don't worry about Onew. He's not the type to fight." 

"I would never hurt you anyway Key." He took my hand and led me to the his car, opening the the door for me. 

I smiled and got in. "Thanks."

He sat down in the driver's seat and he started the engine. "So where are we going?"

He looked at me, his hands on the wheel. "Do you like scary movies Key?" 


We stood in front of the movie poster. It gave off a creepy aura and I shuddered, holding onto Jonghyun's hand tighter. 

"Are you sure you'll be able to watch this?" 

"Y-yeah~ I'm not afraid of movies like this." He eyed me with a raised eyebrow.

"Really? Not lying?"

"I'm not." I tried to fake a smile for him when really, I was nervous inside. Watching horror movies was a bad thing for me. I could never keep my eyes on the screen, afraid of seeing something I wouldn't be able to unsee and how I get so paranoid right after. 

Jonghyun led me to the concession stand. "Do you want popcorn and a soda.. or?"

"Yeah, that's fine with me." We both walked over to the counter. 

"One large popcorn and two medium sodas please~"

"Coming right up. That'll be $12.50" I instinctively took out my wallet, but Jonghyun paid the cashier before I could take out some money. The cashier took the bills and walked away to make our order.

"What are you doing? All of this is on me, you don't have to pay a cent." 

"I'm sorry. I'm just used to being the one that paid." 

"Here you go." The cashier handed me the soda and Jonghyun took his along with the bucket of popcorn. "Enjoy the movie." 


I took a sip of my soda as we watched the trailers. I put the cup back in the holder and tried to relax in my seat. Jonghyun noticed and kept glancing over at me. It was impossible for me to look at the screen as the theater went black and eerie music started playing.

Jonghyun leaned towards me and whispered into my ear. "Key.. I don't think you're alright. You don't have to watch if you don't want to." 

"I can handle it right now.." 

"Just use me as a shield if you don't want to look. I'll be here and if you ever get too scared, just hold my hand." He took his arm and laid it on the arm rest, palm up. I smiled and looked back at the screen.

Every time something scary would appear, more popcorn fell onto the floor. I used Jonghyun to block the screen therefore making him knock the bucket over. I practically held onto his hand during the whole movie and when we walked out of the theater, Jonghyun and I looked like a mess. There were popcorn crumbs all over our clothes and Jonghyun's blazer had to be readjusted due to my grabby hands. 

We sat on the bench and Jonghyun erupted with laughter. 

"Wha-? Why are you laughing?" I watched as his face grew red and before I knew it, I started to laugh too. People stared at us as they passed us but we didn't care. Our laughter soon died down and I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry. Your hand is probably sore from all my squeezes." 

"Haha, it's ok. We probably looked like fools laughing like hyenas over here." I noticed my hand was still in Jonghyun's, but I kept it there. I brushed the popcorn crumbs off his shirt and mine. 

"So, I guess we're never going to watch horror movies again." He laughed. "Did you even watch it?"

"No, all I could see was black since I kept my head buried in your shoulder." He smiled and checked his watch.

"It's 8:30. I don't have to bring you home yet.. Want to go to the arcade?" 

"The arcade? I only go there with Taemin. I just watch him play." 

"Huh? That's no fun! Come on, let's go play!" He stood up and pulled me to the arcade. The sounds of beeps and sounds from games came from the place. He pulled me inside and we soon found ourselves in front of the DDR machine.

"This is my favorite game. Want to play?"


I watched as he passed each round with an A. Others started to crowd around the machine cheering for Jonghyun. He finally got done with the game and cheers were heard all around me. 

"See? It's not that hard. Now, why don't you go against me?" 

"Uhh, I don't know Jonghyun.." He grabbed for my hand and pulled me onto the dance floor. 

"Why don't we start off hard?" He smirked at me and chose Heavy for two players. 

The music started. It was fast and upbeat and soon the arrows started to come. I didn't get it at first, but soon I got the hang of it and Jonghyun stopped dancing to watch me. Cheers around me grew louder as I got an AAA for the round. Round after round, I would get AAA and when the game was over, my name was on top of Jonghyun's on the high scores. 

We left the arcade, my arm linked with Jonghyun's. 

"How? You're so good at DDR!"

"Well.. I do dance." 

"Well that explains it!" 

We walked out of the building and rain drops hit us. 

"Ahh, it's raining!" We ran back inside the building, our bodies almost drenching with water. 

"Woah, it's so hard too. I didn't think that it would rain.. I don't have an umbrella." Jonghyun looked over at me as I started to shiver. When you're wet and it's cold, that's a really bad combination. "Key! Are you shivering? Omo, you might get sick. Here," he took off his blazer and put it over me, "Let's just run back to my car. It's not that far." 

We soon found ourselves inside the vehicle and Jonghyun the heater. "Ahhh~" 

"Feeling better?"

"Yeah, thanks." I smiled at him as we made our way back to my house.


It was still raining as he parked by my house. 

"I think I may have an umbrella in the trunk. Let me check." I watched as he got out of the car and made his way to the trunk.

He opened my door, an umbrella ready to be placed over my head. He was drenching, but he held the umbrella over me as we made our way to the front door. 

"You're going to get sick!" 

"Haha, it's ok. I have a strong immune system."

"Tsk." I put the umbrella over his head and kissed his cheek. "Thanks for tonight Jonghyun."

He touched his cheek and smiled. I entered the house to find Taemin and Onew waiting for me.

"Gosh, did you guys wait for me?"

"Yes! Tell us everything hyung!" I laughed and looked outside the window. I watched as he drove away into the rain, disappearing around the corner. 

"Well, let's just say I had an amazing time." 


I lay on my bed smiling at the ceiling. It was only day 1 and yet, he was already making me fall for him. My phone played it's mini ringtone when someone texted and I picked up my phone seeing Jonghyun's name on the screen. I smiled and opened the text.

[Caller ID] Jonghyun

[Message] Key yeobo, I hope you had fun today. ^^ Rest well ok? Sweet dreams <3

I closed the phone, a huge smile on my face. I slowly closed my eyes daydreaming about how tomorrow will be...

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haeeyaah #1
Such a great fic love this
Chapter 10: I swear Jjong is the perfect boyfriend♥
Thank you so much for this I really liked it~~
loved this
Chapter 10: The first chapter up to last is so cute and fluffy. They are so sweet. Especially Kim Jonghyun. <3 I love how you describe their dates in each chapter, the process of their relationship bit by bit. This is daebak!!! ^^;
HanYoung #5
hi! i have read your story and it was great <3 can i have your permition to traslate it to vietnamese for other jk shippers can read it?
i love it i wish it would be me and that JongKey was real <3
Chapter 10: I just read this for the second time, still awesome! Hehehehe~
the most adorable and the most beautiful story I have ever read..
much thanks for you for your sweet story..
okay, i hate YOU now. how can you make me smile along the story! i smile like idiot when read this. bad, its just end. uwaaaah ! ToT