Chappie 9

Truth or Dare

“What?” Hana said irritatedly to the person leaning against a black car which she assumes is his other car. “Your mom told me to take you home” Luhan answered cooly. “I’m not surprised” she rolled her eyes and turned back to Sunmi who was standing awkwardly behind her.

“I don’t think I can go with you today, apparently I have to go home with that annoying jerk” She pouted with her hand gesturing to Luhan who was glaring daggers at her from her choice of words. “It’s okay, have fun” Sunmi whispered her last words near Hana’s ear and then chuckled in amusement. Hana rolled her eyes and went to the car’s passenger seat.

“So now I’m an annoying jerk?” Luhan said, sitting on the driver’s seat and finally starting the car. “Shut up and just drive” She said with her arms crossed against her chest.


“Why would you even do that?” Hana laughed while hitting his arm softly. “It was a bet, Hana! $50 was a lot of money for a 15 year old, I can’t help it.”

Luhan said, laughing along with her. “And as far as I know, your dad’s a CEO,” Hana laughed her heart out after he told his story. “Sure, Luhan, sure” she wiped the tears in the corner of her eyes as she kept on laughing.

“Did you drink sprite again, after drinking the whole 1liter bottle?” she asked, taking a sip of her cola. “No. I haven’t drank sprite again ever since” he said, scooping his mango-flavored frozen yogurt.

The atmosphere was so awkward and all in the car earlier, that they decided to stop by a frozen yogurt shop for awhile before heading back home and here they were, playing Truth or Dare like there’s no tomorrow.

“Your turn,” he said, looking down at his yogurt. “Truth” she stuck her tounge out. There was no way she would choose dare with this jerk in a public place like that. He gave her a look but continued with his question anyways.

“Have you lost your ity? When, where, and with who?”

Hana choked on her cola when he asked her such a personal question. She looked up as his dark brown eyes staring at her intently. “Are you seriously going to make me answer that?” she asked with her eyebrows furrowed when he nodded seriously in return.

“Alright fine,” she shrugged in her seat and bit the top of the cola bottle. “Yes, with Himchan” she mumbled, not making eye contact with Luhan. “Could you repeat that? I didn’t quite catch it” Luhan said, his eyes becoming dark in a second but then immediately went back to normal after.

She put down her bottle of cola down and stated clearly while looking straight into his eyes. “Yes I have, a few months ago, with Himchan, and in his room” she searched intently in his eyes, searching for something, but no. There was nothing, his empty eyes just stared at her like that.

“I didn’t think you would lose your ity so early” he mumbled loud enough for Hana to hear. “Then you thought wrongly” she shrugged and scooped her lychee flavored yogurt instead. “Your turn” She looked up at him. “Truth”

“Same question,” Hana said, her yogurt off the small spoon. “have you or have you not? When, where, and with who” she looked up at him, her eyes not leaving his.

“I have, a year ago, hotel, my ex” he stated firmly, not intending to break their eye contact. They stared at each other for a minutes, both parts not planning to break it. Luhan suddenly felt this fuzzy warm feeling creeping up his stomach that was so uncommon for him.


She looked up to the source of voice and a big smile crept up on her face. “Himchannie~” he approached their table and hugged her tightly. “What are you doing here?” he asked, pulling away from the hug. “Same goes for you, idiot” she chuckled.

“I just stopped by with my friends, you know” he gestured to a group of boys in line to buy their yogurts. She nodded in acknowledgment and told him what was she doing there. It was until then that Himchan finally took notice that they weren’t alone.

“Oh, hey Luhan” he nodded his head at the lad. Luhan simply ignored him and looked back at Hana. “We should get going now, it’s getting late” he tapped his wrist watch and finished the rest of his yogurt quickly. “Do we really have to go now?” she stared at him with a pout and big doe eyes.

“Yes” he said. She said her last bye byes and let Luhan dragged her out of the store. Once they were inside the car, Luhan let out a breath and started the car immediately, leaving the place that instant.

“Hana” He started. “What?” she snapped, obviously annoyed. There was a pause for awhile before he started again. “Don’t ever do that anymore,” he said, eyes not leaving the road ahead of them. “it doesn’t suit you”

“Do what?” she asked with her big doe eyes again. “That” he pointed out. “It’s not like I always do it anyway,” she scoffed. “and that must not be the actual reason you tell me to stop doing it.” She said, oblivious.  

No, that’s not it.

“Yes, it is”

“Tell me”


“Luhan, tell me”

“How about no?”

“Just tell me!”

“Hana, how many times to I have to tell you. That is the only reason, okay?

“I don’t believe you”

“Then don’t”

“What makes you say that?”

Because you wouldn’t believe me if I said, your eyes makes my heart fall weak for you.




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Chapter 12: Now, Luhan, you have to steal Hana's heart. And BOOM! Say hello to love! XD
Agustin #2
Chapter 10: Himchan?
Wow Luhan is not a gentleman..... Joke
Agustin #3
Chapter 9: Poor luhan :(
JungHyeSeo #4
Chapter 8: Please Update..... Muahh muah....
Chapter 6: Aw, poor Luhannie :D He's jealous!!!!
Chapter 5: hoo.. jelly Luhan :3
update soon author-nim
Agustin #7
Chapter 5: Upadate authornim!
luhananas #8
Chapter 1: Wow hahaha, it's going to be nice -what am I expecting thou-
^^ i'm in :D