Chappie 4

Truth or Dare

The Xi’s beamed in happiness after hearing that they were reunited again in one neighborhood. “Why didn’t you tell us earlier?” Mr. Xi said excitedly. “We could’ve invite you to our house first before going here”

“You didn’t tell us that you were living in Plumrose Street either” Mrs. Park chuckled. While the parents were happily chatting and having a nostalgic moment there, Hana and Luhan sat down quietly like a good puppy.

“Same school, same class, same neighborhood, same country” Hana muttered while rolling her eyes, she supported her chin with her fist and looked at her parents who were smiling so brightly that it blinded her.

Knowing her mother would explode if she found out that Hana was playing with her phone in a formal dinner, she sneakily took her phone out of her purse without anyone noticing and started playing with it under the table.

Her phone vibrated silently when she was scrolling through her twitter.

Hey. What are you doing right now?

A number texted her although she couldn’t remember whose number was it. Sunmi’s? No, no. I saved her number. Could it be… She widened her eyes and texted back.


A few seconds later another text was sent to her.

Bingo! I changed my number kekeke… What are you doing?

She let out a small chuckle, catching the attention of the person sitting in front of her. She shrugged her shoulders and bit her lip to prevent a smile forming on her face. I can’t smile here, they will think I’m crazy, smiling on my own. Another message came in, only it was not from Himchan.

You look like an idiot.

She groaned in annoyance since she knew who it was. It was an unknown number, but she knew that Luhan was the one who texted her thanks to his smirk.

How did you get my number?

She looked up at his direction to see that he was staring intently at her until his phone beeped, indicating that he had just received her text. He smirked once again and stole a glance at Hana before replying to her text.

Your friend gave it to me. Her name was Sunmi, I guess?...

Hana hissed silently, knowing that her best friend would give Luhan anything since he was in her all-time favorite band after all. She shook her head before continue reading his text.

Who are you texting? Your boyfriend?

She smirked and just like him, she stole a glance at him, her eyes mischievous as ever making Luhan raised his eyebrows with an are-you-serious expression.

Yes, I’m texting my boyfriend, Sherlock. Why would you care anyways?

As if he has the power of reading her mind, his text came in right after she sent it.

Who is this unlucky guy?

She rolled her eyes but then smirked. She looked up at his direction and mouthed to him.

“Kim Himchan”

To her surprise, Luhan didn’t look amused at all. His expression wasn’t his usual expression anymore, more like he looked sad with a tint of anger…? His expression immediately changed back to his usual cheeky expression in a millisecond right after he looked so, although Hana saw it all with her sharp eyes.

“Poor guy” he said loud enough for her to hear. She glared at him and he stared at her back. The parents broke their staring contest though as Mr. Xi said that he had to go leave first, leaving Hana’s family and Mrs. Xi and also her son behind.

“He must be really busy now, as a CEO” Mr. Park commented with a smile on his face. “Say that to yourself, Park Haejin” Mrs. Xi said with a chuckle. Indeed Hana’s father was also the CEO of a famous drink company, actually he was already the son of the CEO until his father told him to go back to Korea and be the next CEO, not too different from Mr. Park’s story, Luhan’s father was already the son of a CEO of a hat company although he was just a mere staff helping around stuff until he also went to Korea to help the company.

Luhan’s grandfather never wanted to pressure his son to be the CEO, so he just asked his son to help him handle the company from the back. He got promoted to be the one of the bosses in the company in Korea so he can help his father more. He then got the chance to be the CEO after his father’s retirement.

The only difference was that Mr. Park has been living as one of the bosses of the company in China until he got called to go back to Korea where the heart of the company was while Mr. Xi has been living in China as a staff of his dad’s company before being the actual CEO.

Hana’s phone suddenly beeped non-stop, indicating that she received a phone call. She gestured her mom that she has to answer a call and immediately went to a silent place where no one can see her in the restaurant.

“Hana! God you scared me! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Where are you?”

“I’m fine, I’m at a restaurant in the city with my family. Why do you sound so worried?”

“You didn’t answer my text, pabo. I was worried that something might happen to you”

She chuckled and flushed heavily before answering.

“I’m sorry for making you worried, oppa. I’m fine”

“Good. Since tomorrow’s Saturday, do you wanna catch a movie later on? It’s okay if you can’t, though. I’m totally fine with it.”

“No no no! In fact, I’ll meet you in the cinema in an hour, see you! I gotta go now”

She quickly hung up and skipped happily to the table. Himchan just asked me to a date, teehee. I can’t wait.

Seeing her so happy makes him feel happy too in the inside, but somehow Luhan doesn’t like it when she’s so overjoyed over another boy. HIs heart felt like exploding. His emotions full of things he isn't used to; anger, sadness, shock, happy for her, and the most shocking, a tint of jealousy. What is this. 

The chap that I promised teehee;3 It's so late and I should be in bed rightnow. Ohwell. 

I know I said Mr. Xi and Park was promoted to Korea, but I decided to change it geheXP


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Chapter 12: Now, Luhan, you have to steal Hana's heart. And BOOM! Say hello to love! XD
Agustin #2
Chapter 10: Himchan?
Wow Luhan is not a gentleman..... Joke
Agustin #3
Chapter 9: Poor luhan :(
JungHyeSeo #4
Chapter 8: Please Update..... Muahh muah....
Chapter 6: Aw, poor Luhannie :D He's jealous!!!!
Chapter 5: hoo.. jelly Luhan :3
update soon author-nim
Agustin #7
Chapter 5: Upadate authornim!
luhananas #8
Chapter 1: Wow hahaha, it's going to be nice -what am I expecting thou-
^^ i'm in :D