Chappie 5

Truth or Dare

“Mom,” Hana called out to her mother once she settled back in her seat. “Sunmi just called me, she said that she has something to give to me from Mr. Jung and I have to take it right now”

Luhan raised his eyebrow and scoffed at Hana’s lame lie, gaining a glare from her. “Really? It must be something important” Mrs. Park said, Luhan widened his eyes and his jaw dropped. He was so surprised how Mrs. Park could believe her so easily. Hana kept a pokerface and nodded in response although inside, she was jumping around like crazy.

“since it’s late already,” her mother looked at her wrist watch and looked at Luhan. Hana’s eyes widened in the shape of ping-pong balls when she knew what her mom was planning. “Luhan, would you mind driving Hana to her friend’s house? She said that she has to give her something important from her teacher”

Hana inwardly facepalmed herself when she heard what her mom said. She looked up to his direction, only to see him smirking widely at her. “No, of course I wouldn’t mind to drive my little Hana to her friend’s house” he answered, gaze not wavering from her eyes.


“You know I’m not going to Sunmi’s right?” Hana questioned the unnecessary. “No, we’re not going to her house?” he asked, gaze not wavering from the traffic in front of him. “Stop pretending, I know you knew” she said, irritated by his childish behavior.

He chuckled in response and asked her, “where?” she raised her eyebrows in surprise and looked at his side-figure. “What?” she asked back. “Stop pretending, I know you knew” he mocked her.

“The cinema” she rolled her eyes and looked back the window. The ride to the cinema was silent, unusually silent. Usually they would bicker non-stop but this time it was unusually silent.

“Hana” Luhan called out. She hummed in return and looked at his direction in the driver’s seat. “Truth or dare?” he smirked. She was silent for a while before she broke into a sincere laugh.

“Why are you laughing?” he asked, surprised by her sudden outburst. “Nothing, it’s just that you really like that game since we were kids, and not to mention, you mentioned that you like playing it during your greeting”

“So, you were listening to my greetings?” he smirked, making Hana speechless. She may didn’t show any interest in any of those boys including Luhan during the greetings, but she was secretly listening to each and every one of it. Looking at her so speechless, he can’t help but chuckle.

“So, truth or dare?” he asked. “We’re really gonna play it?” it wasn’t a question, rather a sarcastic comment of hers, but he answered seriously nevertheless. “Yes, now truth or dare” he said sharply.

“Fine, truth” she looked out the window again, showing no interest at all in the game. “How long have you been dating that Himchan guy?” he asked, making her cheeks flush bright red. “Four months” she answered sheepishly.

“What school is he attending?” he asked again. “TS High” she asked without hesitating. Luhan opened his mouth again to ask a question before he got interrupted by her. “Isn’t it supposed to be one question each?” she asked, while he shrugged his shoulders.

“Alright fine then, your turn” she looked at him and thought of a dare suitable for him. “Don’t tell anyone that we’re friends and don’t tell my parents that what I said to my mom just now was a lie” she said, eyes back to the window beside her. “Hey, that’s cheating” he said. “I don’t care, just do it”

He rolled his eyes and muttered a small “fine”. They kept on playing the game ‘til they finally arrived at the cinema where Himchan was waiting for her. They stepped out of the car and saw a guy with black pants, a leather jacket and white shirt standing outside of the glass door. Before following Hana, Luhan managed to open his blazer & tie and wear a navy blue beanie to cover his flashy orange-pinkish hair.

“Himchan!” Hana called out to the guy and they hugged in an instant when they crashed into each other. “Sorry I’m late, there was traffic” she pouted a bit making him pinch her cheek cutely. “You look good in that dress” he kissed her forehead and she grinned in delight.

Slightly annoyed, Luhan cleared his throat. “Yes, I’m still here” Himchan widened his eyes when he saw Luhan. “Luhan?” he said, Luhan flashed him a smile and offered his hand. “Long time no see, Kim Himchan” Himchan gladly shook hands with him and returned his smile.

“Why are you still here?” Hana asked sharply. “If you may not notice since an hour ago, I drove you here and your mom simply made you my responsibility so I have to bring you home too, Hana” he flashed her a smile which made her cringe out of disgust and kind of scarred from the tone of his voice.

“Alright fine! Just don’t interfere with us” she said, abruptly dragging Himchan inside the cinema. “Like I would” he muttered to himself with a bitter smile. He followed the couple inside the cinema and bought tickets to the same movie as them. He sat a couple of chairs above them but he still could see what they were doing clearly.

It was a midnight cinema and only couples were around him, he was probably the only one without a girl but he couldn’t care less. He got bored of the movie right in the middle of it and looked around to see that no one was actually paying attention to it either.

Most of them were making out in the dark cinema. He scoffed out of disgust and looked ahead to where Hana and Himchan were sitting. They were probably the only ones watching the movie until Himchan decided to look at her instead. She probably felt like someone was watching her from the corner of her eyes, so she looked to the side and made eye-contact with Himchan. They stared at each other for the longest time before they started making out too.

The other couples were probably just kissing each other softly, but no, not Hana and Himchan. Their kiss was so rough, so desperate, as if they would lose each other if they didn’t part. Luhan looked away to the side full of digust.

His face was red, no not because of embarrassment; but because of anger. He was angry that it was Himchan who got to kiss her, who got to be her boyfriend, who got to be her everything. Although most of all, he was angry to himself.  

Sorry if I made any grammar or spelling or just any mistakes.. I didn't get a chance to prove read cause I should be sleeping right now kekeke...


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Chapter 12: Now, Luhan, you have to steal Hana's heart. And BOOM! Say hello to love! XD
Agustin #2
Chapter 10: Himchan?
Wow Luhan is not a gentleman..... Joke
Agustin #3
Chapter 9: Poor luhan :(
JungHyeSeo #4
Chapter 8: Please Update..... Muahh muah....
Chapter 6: Aw, poor Luhannie :D He's jealous!!!!
Chapter 5: hoo.. jelly Luhan :3
update soon author-nim
Agustin #7
Chapter 5: Upadate authornim!
luhananas #8
Chapter 1: Wow hahaha, it's going to be nice -what am I expecting thou-
^^ i'm in :D