Chappie 6

Truth or Dare

He went out the cinema after trying his best to focus on the movie but Hana and Himchan had to be sitting right in front of him, cuddling in each other’s hands. It pained him to see his senior, Himchan, together with Hana somehow although he didn’t love her, rather he didn’t even like her in that way.

He took a deep breath and went to the park right in front of the cinema. He sat on the bench located under a big tree. He looked around noticing that he was alone in the well-lit park, giving him some free time alone.

He looked up to the night sky, tracing the stars that lit the dark night. Still facing up the sky, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath of the chilly night air.



“Hello?” she finally picked up her phone after it vibrated for the thousandth time now. “I’m in the car” she lied effortlessly. “yes, I’m on my way home already” she nodded and mumbled a yes.

She turned her back to her boyfriend who was leaning cooly against the wall next to the beverage stall. “my mom” she said as a matter of factly after seeing the confused look he gave her. He nodded and took her hand, satisfied of her answer.

“Where’d he go?” she said more to herself after noticing that Luhan was nowhere to be found. She noticed that he left the movie earlier after taking a peek back in the middle of the movie when she finally remember that they weren’t alone and that Luhan was sitting behind them.

He wasn’t even inside the cinema area after they searched around, although his car was still parked at the same spot he parked earlier which means he didn’t left her alone. This makes Hana sigh in relief since it means she don’t have to walk home since she left her wallet on her desk back at home.

They went inside the cinema again and looked around for one more time. They stood in front of the beverage stall again after not being able to find him again. Hana let out an exasperated sigh as she finally took notice of a glass wall right in front of her, showing a small park right across the cinema.

“Why do I have a feeling that that idiot is in there?” she furrowed her eyebrows and looked up to Himchan who also finally took notice of the park. “I don’t know, let’s check first” he took her hand again and dragged her along with him to the park.

She looked around the silent park still hand in hand with Himchan until she reached a big tree that looked somewhat similar to a cherry blossom. The memory of when Luhan was about to tell her his first love showed up in her mind again making her more and more curious of his answer.

Her thoughts were immediately interrupted when Himchan nudged her side gently with his elbow and nodded to a person sitting sideways on the bench under the big tree Hana was looking at. “There”

She looked to where Himchan was directing before she finally took notice of the guy on the bench. She looked at him taking a deep breath of the night air before she slowly slipped her hand out of Himchan’s and walked to the direction of the guy, trying not to catch any kind of attention.

“Luhan?” she whispered when she was standing quite near him. He opened his eyes and looked at Hana straight in the eyes. It surprised her that he looked so confused, he seemed to be such in pain for a second before he changed back to his arrogant self.

“What?” he asked arrogantly, his tone showed of his obvious boredom. Hana raised her eyebrow before answering his question. “Drive me back home” He rolled his eyes and stood up abruptly, his beanie hanging on his head loosely before he fixed it back.

Without any warning, he walked past her and stopped when he saw Himchan standing not too far back from her. He looked at him for a matter of five seconds before continuing to walk back to the direction of the cinema.

“Where are you going?” Hana yelled at him, panicking that he would leave her just like that. “To my car, or would you prefer sleeping her ‘til the morning come? I’m not gonna stop you for doing so if you want to” he said without turning his head instead he kept on walking inside the cinema.

Without any other choice, she caught up with him back to his car with Himchan following behind. Once she arrived in front of his car, Luhan was already sitting on the driver’s seat, waiting for her impatiently. “That jerk” she hissed and turned back to Himchan.

She hugged him tightly and smiled sweetly at him. “Bye, oppa call me, okay?” he replied her smile and pecked her lips twice. They both flinched when Luhan suddenly honked his car fiercely. She rolled her eyes and went inside the car, not forgetting to wave and smile at him for the last time.

As the car immediately drove off the street, both Hana and Luhan were silent the whole time. “Why were you sleeping earlier? You know that’s not your bedroom right? Oh wait, I forgot you live in the jungle with all those monkeys” she rolled her eyes and looked out the window.

“I wasn’t sleeping. I was just resting my eyes for a few minutes” he answered as a matter of factly making Hana rolled her eyes out of his idiocy.

They were silent once more, the awkward atmosphere around them so obvious. “Hey” they both said in a unison. “You first” Luhan said making Hana raised her eyebrows. “Since when are you such a gentleman?” he scoffed in return.

“How did you know Himchan?” she asked curiously. “We met in a sports event for idols. You know that he’s in a band too, right?” he asked, a slight teasing tone in his voice. “Of course I know. I’m not an idiot” she rolled her eyes. “Considering the fact that you have no interest in TVs then there’s a chance that you don’t know” he answered back monotonely.

“Luhan, he’s my boyfriend, how could I not know?” she raised her eyebrow and looked at Luhan like he’s something unusual and abnormal. “And why do I have feeling that you have grudge on him?” she raised her eyebrow.

After all those years knowing him, she knew that he always has this innnocent image to some people with the exception of Hana and his band mates, this doesn't mean that he's evil and all but somehow when he’s talking to or when he talked about Himchan, he became this arrogant and mean jerk, a complete different person than the innocent image nor the Luhan Hana knew.


“Because what?”

“Just because”  





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Chapter 12: Now, Luhan, you have to steal Hana's heart. And BOOM! Say hello to love! XD
Agustin #2
Chapter 10: Himchan?
Wow Luhan is not a gentleman..... Joke
Agustin #3
Chapter 9: Poor luhan :(
JungHyeSeo #4
Chapter 8: Please Update..... Muahh muah....
Chapter 6: Aw, poor Luhannie :D He's jealous!!!!
Chapter 5: hoo.. jelly Luhan :3
update soon author-nim
Agustin #7
Chapter 5: Upadate authornim!
luhananas #8
Chapter 1: Wow hahaha, it's going to be nice -what am I expecting thou-
^^ i'm in :D