Kekemato and Jokomato

Baby Sitting B.A.P's Matokis

"Come on Kekemato Mr.Dark night is going to leave any way."Joko mato complained to her."No i'm staying here with Mr. Dark night!"Kekemato argued back as jokomato left."Where's Kekemato at?"Questioned Ji Eun."Oh she wont come back in until a bat gives her his autograph."Jokomato explained to her."Ohh okay here why dont you just tell her to bring the bat inside the house."Hyosung said as they all looked at her like she was nuts."Are you going crazy that things going to drane our blood out of our body."Shi Shi Mato yelled out to her as she didn't reaplie to him.As it started to rain they started getting worried about her so they sent JoKoMato out to get her.tumblr_mgw7rnbQap1rd7vs0o1_500.jpg"Hey what happened to Mr. Dark night?"Jokomato asked kekemato."He flew away when it started to rain.Kekemato said as they walked back to the house."So did you ever get his autograph?"He questioned."Nope what a meany."She said as they got back to the house and came back to all of them gone."Where'd everyone go?"Kekemato questioned JokoMato."I have no idea.'He replied back to her.As they walked into the room they came to a toy vending mation it was a present from Sunhwa their owner.As they got in Jokomato was doing math kekemato was just watching,Dadamato and totomato were trying to empty out the whole vending mation,and suddenly Tatsmato and Shi Shi Mato were small.tumblr_meek0s4hqC1rm853to1_r5_1280.jpg"Come on we can get the trophy again."Dadamato said as he almost got it.(hurry hurry hurry) he mumerder after almost getting it."After that they went out for a walk and talked for a whlie.jokjomato-kekemato.jpg.While they were walking they saw Hyosung and Ji Eun so they ran and ran until they got home."Get to bed get to bed!"Jokomato yelled as they hread the door open."Alright everything seems normal to me so everythings under control."Ji Eun said as she closed the door and lefted the room.

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Chapter 8: my..
just found this.
fluffybunniesrcute #2
Chapter 5: Cute story author nim!! I laughed a bit at what they were doing. :D