This is Goodbye

Baby Sitting B.A.P's Matokis

Sorry i wasn't updating for a while i was to busy with school so i don't really know what to write about so i think i'm going to end this story soon.



                                  In the middle of the night Sunhwa's car parked in front of the hotel she was staying in.From all of the fans screaming and calling her name it woke up Hyosung,Ji Eun,and the matokis."What the hell is up with that loud noise....IT'S SO ING LOUD!! DadaMato complained to Ji Eun."I'm sure someone outside was just in a car axedent."Ji Eun explained to Dadamato."Aww Sunhwa over here over here....."(suddenly you can hear kids trying to push other kids away onto the street)."Are you sure because it's oviouse that Sunhwa's home."Jokomato sadi while looking out the window."What makes you so sure ?"Asked Tatsmato as Sunhwa came bursting in to the room with her closed all ripped up and panting really fast."What happened to you..I thought you were a model not a hobo?"Totomato asked Sunhwa as she looked at him.121009-han-sunhwa-wide.jpg"I was almost killed out there!So i dont know why those kids are so strong these days but they must be on drugs or something???"She asked quickly."Well maybe their just really happy to see you and trying to welcome you back in a frightening way."Hyosung told Sunhwa as she smiled at her.tumblr_lfolikcLh51qdyehfo1_400.jpg"Well since your back then that means we're going to have to leave you guys."Ji eun said sadly."Well you guys can both have one of your owns."Sunhwa said with a sile that grew on her face right away."Oh oh come here Totomato!"Ji eun said as she carried him up."Umm i'll take Jokomato."Hyosung said quickly."What why him what about me we both have the same smile."ShiShiMato said as he started to frown."I only chose him because it looks like he can use a friend and it can be someone really playful because all he dose is just read a book and that seems like a boring life."Hyosung explained to him.'Ohhh look ShiShiMato is mad at you now.tumblr_mauimmMm191rnkj5ho1_500.jpg"Sorry ShiShi Mato but it's not always fair..If Sunhwa needs us again we're more than welcome to come here again."Hyosung said as she took Joko."Way i only have four now so then i wont have to get as many presents anymore wayyy!"Sunhwa cheered.'Well i just this is goodbye to the four matokies left."Hyosung and Ji Eun sad sadly."But we can always video chat with you guys?"Jokomato added in."Great idea!'Ji eun yelled out.As they packed their bags and left to the car they called them right away.But before they went out the door they took a picture to remember thst moment.


Look this isn't easy to do so i'm going to make the matokies human really quick.


Hope you guys enjoyed this story!!!!!

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Chapter 8: my..
just found this.
fluffybunniesrcute #2
Chapter 5: Cute story author nim!! I laughed a bit at what they were doing. :D