
Snow Tale

Tao's point of view.

I felt pain all over my body and it was even hard for me to open my eyelids. I have such a massive headache that I can't process what's going on. I coughed and my throat burned.

I forced my eyelids to open and my eyes scanned the area, my neck too sore to move. 

I saw.. brown.

Brown? Where's the snow? Where am I? Why am I all sore? 

All kinds of questions popped up in my mind as I started to get my head clear. I felt immediate panic and confusion.

I heard a whimper and slowly turned my head to see Jieun laying right next to me, brows furrowed and lips firmly pressed together. She seems to be in pain too.

Where's everyone else? 

I pressed myself to get up and it felt horrible. My whole body was aching and it was a pain to even sit up. I put my hand on Jieun's shoulder, shaking her lightly. Instead of her waking up, she whimpered some more. 

A simple touch made her felt pain, she must be as sore as me.

''Where is that damn princess? She should be around. We need to dispose of her immediately, she's way too powerful. We need to get her while she's still weak now,'' a deep voice said.

My eyes widened and I turned to look at Jieun. Princess.

Jieun's body suddenly starts glowing blue, which means there's a risk of her getting harmed. 

I need to get Jieun out of here. I scooped her up in my arms, no matter how stressful it was to my body, I had to get her to safety. 

I looked around me and realized I was in a small, narrow place. It smelled horrible and the sky was bright, sky blue. And something was shining brightly, really brightly. 

With my slow and unsteady steps, I quietly got out of the narrow area and exited to be blinded by a really bright light. I blinked a few times to adjust my eyes and I looked to see the road empty. Still, no snow was seen.

I spotted a weird building that I have never seen before. Where are the cottages?

Nonetheless, I still needed to keep Jieun safe for a bit, even if it means to break into a citizen's home. ''I sense someone. This way, follow me,'' a different voice said. I sensed them too and there was more than three of them. I can't take them down, I'm too weak. This would be really easy if I had my wings.

I picked the closest ''cottage'' or whatever it is and tried to kick down the door.

What is up with this door? It looks so weird, nothing like the cottages I know of. The door suddenly opened and I almost fell with Jieun in my arms.

''What?! Are you the debt collector again? I swear I already-.. who are you?'' he was yelling at me but stopped when he saw Jieun in my arms.

He was half and only a cloth was wrapped around his waist. His hair was yellow and he looked nothing close to trustworthy. And he had no wings.

I was about to leave but I heard the voices come closer. I couldn't afford to run away, I have no time and my knees are about to give out.

''I'm coming in,'' I said, without waiting for a response, I entered his home, pushing him aside. 

''Who the are you? Why the hell are you entering my house? Get out!'' he yelled. He used such vulgar words so easily, so improper.

Ignoring him, I laid Jieun on this rugged couch. It may not be clean or comfy but it's better than the ground.

''I asked you a damn question. Who are you? And who is she?'' he asked again, shutting the door. ''Please, be quiet. We're just going to stay for a bit and be on our way out,'' I said, straightening my back and rubbing my sore biceps. 

Doesn't he recognize Jieun? She's the princess, everyone knows her.

''I'm not that stupid, I'm not letting you stay here. I don't know you and you could be dangerous,'' he snarled, narrowing his eyes at me.

''It'll only be for a while. We'll be on our way out once she wakes up,'' I said, trying to convince him. ''She's ing glowing. I don't trust people who glow, that's some unnatural ,'' he glanced at Jieun. 

I stepped in front of him to block his view, staring him down, ''We'll pay you after.''

Of course, we had no money. We didn't carry any with us because we didn't need it in the castle. I know lying is wrong but I'll figure out a way to repay him later.

''How much?'' he raised a brow, tempted. ''Fifty,'' I said, trying to bargain. ''Fifty what? Fifty bronze? Fifty silver?'' he said, crossing his arms.

I was going to say fifty crystalline but I guess they have a different currency here too.. Gosh, I really want to know where we are. It's so different. Maybe another town we never heard of?

''F-fifty silver,'' I stuttered, hoping it isn't that much here. ''That's too less, five hundred silver,'' he smirked, leaning his back against the beige wall.

I gulped. Was that a lot as well? Am I about to get scammed? ''Fine, five hundred,'' I obliged. I'll just deal with it later, I'm too tired. 

''Really? Didn't think you'd agree. Alright then, you can stay. For a day only and tomorrow you're out of here,'' he said, pointing at the door.

I nodded and turned around to sit on the ground next to the couch since there wasnt any other chairs. ''I have something to do upstairs so don't you touch anything. I know where everything is and if you attempt to steal and leave, I will hunt you both down and kill you,'' he said seriously, going upstairs slowly. 

I was angry that he threatened me and Jieun, I guess he really doesn't know who she is.

I glared his his retreating figure. I have to be wary about him. This was probably a stupid idea to stay here, he could be dangerous too. I looked at Jieun and my eyes softened.

''Don't worry. For sure, I'll protect you now. I'll be your warrior again since there isn't anybody else at the moment. I promise to keep you safe,'' I whispered, moving the locks of hair from her face. Her body stopped glowing and I know that we were out of trouble.. for now.

My body felt worn out and I could feel a headache coming. The thing I want most now is sleep but I can't sleep knowing that guy is still in the house. I need to watch over her.

Sighing, I looked up at the dirtied white ceiling with brown spots here and there.

Where are we really? I don't think this is just another town. It can't be. They have a different currency, no snow, and where's the crystal in the sky? It's just some bright round thing that almost blinded me..

What have we gotten into?

Jieun's point of view

I feel so at peace and well rested. Stretching my arms, I let out a yawn as I opened my eyelids. I looked at the unfamiliar ceiling and felt the hard bed pressing against my back. 

My eyes widened and I hurriedly sat up, scanning the area. Why am I in a weird shaped cottage with odd materials in it? Where am I?

''You're awake! Are you okay? Do you feel alright??'' a familiar voice asked. I looked down to my side to see Tao sitting next to the couch. 

I nodded slowly. He looked so dead. I know he has eye bags but this time they were huge and his eyes were blood-shot. Did he not get any sleep?

He carefully stood up and winced at every joint he moved. Why is he sore?

Memories flashed in my mind, the horrible pain, the alert of an invasion, and me blacking out.

''We need to get back to the castle Tao! Didn't you hear the alert for invasion? Where are we? How long was I asleep?'' I bombarded Tao with questions as I panicked. I got up from the couch and walked to the window, whipping the curtains away.

I gasped when I saw brown land stretching out for miles. Where's the snow? Why is the sky so bright? 

''W-where's the snow? Where are we?'' 

I felt Tao walk up behind me and looked out too, ''I honestly don't know. We're in someone's house right now. I think maybe we were kidnapped. I'm not sure,'' Tao sighed behind me.

''This seems like another planet. Is this Earth? And what about Crystal Scar? Is everyone okay? Can you contact anyone?'' I couldn't stop asking questions, there was just so much I'm confused about. I doubt Tao knows the answer to half of them but I still wanted to know at least something.

''I don't know what happened or is happening in Crystal Scar. I hope everything is okay. I know you're the most powerful one there but I'm sure the others can fight well without you. T-They'll be fine,'' Tao reassured me but I heard slight doubt in his voice.

''This is crazy, Tao. I need answers. Can we ask the guy who lives here?'' I turned around to face Tao. ''He's so.. improper and rude. It might be tough talking to him. He threatened me at first. Are you sure you want to, princess?''

I nodded. It doesn't seem like anyone else could give us info on this weird land and I'm desperate for answers.

I turned back to the window and examined the land again. It looked so dead and there wasn't anyone on the streets. It was empty and quiet.

''You're up,'' an unfamiliar voice said. I jumped a bit and turned to my right to see a yellow-haired guy leaning against a wall by a staircase.

No wings. Now I'm more sure we aren't on our planet or maybe he got his removed like me and Tao.

Tao looked at him warily and stood closer to me. ''Yes, I am. Thank you for letting us stay here,'' I nodded my head slightly as a bow.

''Just pay me and go,'' he said, pushing himself off the wall and walking closer. I looked to Tao with furrowed brows. Pay? We don't have money, Tao should know that.

''About that, we don-,'' ''You guys are broke asses, aren't you? How are you guys going to repay me?'' he asked, narrowing his eyes at me. Tao snarled when he called us, ''asses.''

''Mind your language, please. But yes that is true, we don't have any money with us. Is there any other way we can repay you?'' Tao asked in a low voice. I can see that he doesn't trust this guy one bit.

''Well, I do have another way where you guys can get me money. You seem tough and look quite bulky, you could do something for me,'' he smirked, walking up to Tao and patting his shoulder. 

I felt Tao stiffen next to me. I could tell he tried hard to resist pinning this guy to the wall and giving him a punch or two. I know Tao is not quite fond of touching and skinship with only the exceptions of close friends but definitely not with strangers. 

We don't even know this guy's name and he's already demanding something from us. I guess it's fair since we stayed at his home but this guy is really sketchy..

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Chapter 9: please continue this is really good but one question on the foreward it says btob but in the story you said bap so did you change your mind or just got confused
Nice story ^^
Chapter 9: oh this is nailbiting story
Chapter 9: Jieun followed him?! I hope they get out of there!
Pls update soon^^
Hiyeppi #5
Chapter 9: Update soon plz
Hiyeppi #6
Chapter 7: Update plz!
alikaweiner #7
Chapter 7: Next please ... I'm so curious right now ... This story is awesome ... :D
Chapter 7: Who is that guy??? L.Joe???
When ur gonna update this?
I cant wait to see wats happened next ^^
This is effin cool ^^
maidensin #10