Chapter 9: Friend Or Foe?

We Got Married! (HongKi and TaeYeon Ver.)




Taeyeon's Point Of View 


I find myself inside of Lee Soo-Man's main office once again. Infrontof me, Lee Soo-Man read some papers to himself. To my left, my manager looked down at me with pity while to my right, Hongki smiled at me as she held my hand tightly. Behind me, my members stared at me with hatred as they muttered unrecognizable words, and outside the window, a group of uknown faces cried as they held our group picture up. Why was I dreaming the same dream all over again?

I lower my gaze to look at my belly just to see the same scene waiting for me. The once flat belly is now round as a ball. I look at Hongki, hoping to get an explanation from him, but his smile only grows bigger as he looks at me. Just what was happening? Was it really how It seemed? Was I really dreaming about getting pregnant with Hongki's baby? 

Suddenly, in the middle of the mutterings, a loud scream is heard. I turn around to see who it belongs to, and find a familiar girl standing by the door. I furrow my eyebrows and try to think where I've seen this girl before but without getting an answer from myself.

"Please don't take my love from me!", she screams as she falls to the ground in pleading. "Please return my love to me! I beg of you!", her eyes start getting filled with tears that later roll down her cheeks and I feel the urge to console her but my manager stops me from walking over to her. Who is this girl and who is she crying for?


"Taengoo! Wake up! wake up!", I hear a voice calling for me from far away and everything turns black before I'm back to reality. I open my eyes to find Hongki infront of me, shaking my body lightly. "Sorry to wake you up but we have 10 minutes to leave for our concert.", He informs me before jumping of the bed and leaving the room quickly. I stare at the roof for a few seconds, trying to comeback fully from my sleep, before standing up and starting to get ready. 

I comb my hair infront of the mirror and meditate about my dream. Lately, I've been having the same dream way too often. I'ts starting to scare my out a little. What if it's a premonition of the future? Am I really going to get it with Hongki? And who was that girl that cried because of her love anyways? Why does she look so familiar? Why is everything so confusing?!

"Are you okay in there? We will be leaving in a minute so I'll be waiting inside our van, okay? Please lock the entrance when you come out.", He says and waits for me across the bathroom's door for me to agreed. "Okay! I'll be there in a second!", I reply back and hear as his footsteps echoe through the hall, getting further and further each time. When I'm sure he is out of the house, I come out silently from the bathroom and grab my bag before going out of the house, locking it before walking to our van.

The trip to the concert arena is silent. Thankfully, there isnt any cameras recording us right at the moment, so we have some privacy to fall asleep. I let my head rest on hongki's shoulder and he lets his head rest over mine, making us look way too comfortable to be a fake couple. I notice the weird look the driver sends us through the mirror  but ignore it and let myself fall asleep. When I open my eyes again, the sky is clearer than the one I had seen earlier, which tells me that the sun had come out already. "You're awake already? We are about to get there!", Hongki smiles at me, making me feel warm inside. 


As soon as I get to the girl's waiting room, everybody runs to my side with a smile on their expressions as if it was me the one that was keeping them waiting. One by one, they give me a welcoming hug.  Everybody seems to  be happy to see me, as if they were a family welcoming their long gone child. When we are done with the welcoming hug, everyone returns to their seats and go back to what they were doing before I arrived: having breakfast. This time, our manager had brought ramen cups for everyone before rehearsal.

"So tell us, how is your experience on WGM doing? Do you like it so far?", Seohyun asks as she hands me a cup filled with ramen and a bottle of water. "Well, it's not bad, I guess", I say without interest as I open the bottle of water and start drinking from it.

"Do you love him yet?", Sunny asks out of a sudden and I choke on the water that was flowing down my throat at the moment. I look at Sunny speechless as Seohyun grabs a  napkin and starts to dry me up. What was I supposed to answer with? Do I love him yet? Honestly, I didn't even know myself. As I was struggling for an answer, a light knock was heard.

"I'll get it!", Sunny stood up and ran towards the door. For a moment, I thanked god for having distracted Sunny until I remember that I still have half of the members staring at me with curiosity as they wait for my answer. It seems that no matter how much I tried to escape, I would have to answer that question anyways. 

"Taeyeon, they are looking for you.", Sunny comes back to my side and I nod as I stand up, heading to see my visitor. As I get there, I wonder if Hongki is the one waiting across the door, but then I remember that he doesn't even know where my waiting room is, so I start to get suspiscious. Who could possibly be waiting for me? I open the door and my question is answered. There's the girl that appeared in my dreams! The girl that cried for the return of her love, she's standing right infront of me. 

"Hello! My name is Min and I'm from Miss A! Its a pleasure to meet you!", she says as she sticks her hand out for me to shook it. I hesitate at first, but after a few seconds, I shook her hand as I introduce myself. "Hey! I'm Taeyeon from So Nyu Shi Dae, the pleasure is mine!"

"You see, I wanted to talk to you in private about something, do you think we could take a walk around the building? It wont take long, I promise.", She asks and I nod slightly. What could someone who doesn't even know me that much would want to talk about? "Okay, lets get moving then!", She smiles and starts walking as I follow her. 

"So, I've heard that you are the new WGM cast along with Hongki oppa, is that right?", she asks as we walk through the halls. Is she close to Hongki? She must be close to him, if she has the right to call him oppa.

"Oh yes I am. Do you know him? Are you a friend of his?", I ask.

"I used to be more than his friend. We used to be the perfect couple until not long ago. We loved each other so much that we even talked about marriage to each other. However, our busy schedules started driving us crazy, making us tired and worn, taking so much of our time together. So at the end, we decided that it was better to break up and get back together after our lifes as idols ended.", she says and my heart feels like being hit by a bullet. So this was it, huh? In my dreams, she was asking me to give him Hongki back.

"Oh, is that so..?", I say with a tone of sadness in my voice that I later regret. "Why do you sound so disappointed? Do you perhaps like him?", She stops  in her track and asks as she stares at my eyes with a glint of angry in her eyes. 

"Of course not! Look, if you took me out for a walk just because you were worried that there might be something between me and him, you wasted our time. You have nothing to worry about. What we are doing on wgm is only for the show. We don't see each other in a romantic way, so dont worry about it.", I speak out with confidence even though I'm not sure if what Im saying is actually true. Do we only see each other like co workers?

"Really?! Thats good! I was really worried you liked each other, but I was too scared to ask Hongki oppa! But now, thanks to you, I know I have nothing to wory about! Thank you Taeyeon unni!", She hugs me and I feel like if my heart was being squeezed.

"Can you pinky promise me you won't fall for hongki oppa?", she says as she sticks out her pinky finger. What should I do?! I didn't want to promise something I didn't know if I could keep, that would make me feel like a liar. But If I refused, she would doubt me and she would probably turn into my enemy. What should I do?! I wish somebody could take me out of here!

"Taeyeon?!", I heard someone's call my name and I turned around to see Sunny, running towards me, saving me from a promise. "Our rehearsals are about to start so we need you right now!", she says as she grabs my arm and pulls me with her before I could say goodbye to Min. Are rehearsals starting? Isnt it too early?

"Didn't you say we were rehearsing? Why are we back to our waiting room?", I ask her when we are infront of our waiting room door. "Yah! I saved you from promising something you didnt want to promise, you should be happy!", Sunny says as she smacks my arm, sounding too proud of herself.

"Wait, were you stalking us since the beginning?", I say shocked.

"She looked suspiscious when she asked for you so I thought that she was related to our brother in law. Thats why I followed you in case she was planning a fight against you. You dont have to thank me, this is what friends are for.", She says and enters our room leaving us out of privacy. She saved my again. Thank you, Sunny..


Hongki's Point Of View


When I walk into our waiting room, I find my members enjoying breakfast as they talk about one of the most common subjects around us: Girls. And today, their prey is no one else but Taeyeon. I cough awkwardly to let them know that I have arrived and they turn to look at me speechless like if I had caught them sinning or something. 

"I know what you were talking about just now, but dont worry, its not like Im going to murder you or something.", I say as I seat down on one of the chairs, grabbing a pair of chopsticks and digging in.

"Then, will you tell us about your virtual marriage?!", Minhwan asks with curiosity. "What are you curious about exactly?",  I ask them with a mouthfull. Since the day they found out that I was casted on we got married, they just wouldn't stop texting me to ask questions that I never answered. I was probably leaving everything to their imagination. But now, I think it was time to let them know atleast a tiny bit of how it was like to be virtually married.

"Do you think she's hot?! Do you want her in your bed?! Wait, have two you know what?!", Jonghun asks and everyone  breaks in laughter at the last question while I choke on my food. And this was exactly the reason why I was fearing to be with them. Before I can bring myself to answer, jaejin interrupts me.  

"I've seen her up close a few times and she looks like the dorky type.", Jaejin says and I agree with him. Even when Taeyeon tries to look y, she still has the dorkiness vibe with her. Honestly, shes not even my type to begin with. I'm more into y girls with voluptous bodies and Taeyeon's is anything but y. But even so, somehow I find myself attracted to her.

"Are you falling for her?", Seunghyun asks with an evilly smile and I look at him self consciously. What was I supposed to say? If I answered honestly with a yes, they would probably start to tease me about it and it would be harder when the time to forget about her comes. They would probably mention her and hurt me even more than I'll be by that time.

"What about Min noona? Aren't you getting back with her?", Minhwan asks, still not realizing how much it hurts me whenever she is mentioned. Min was my ex girlfriend and the girl I loved the most. When we broke up, I was heartbroken and fell into a deep depression. I even swore I wouldn't fall in love again at that time. Thankfully, even though it was hard, I got out of there alive. But it still hurts whenever shes mentioned, and somehow my members seem to love mentioning her. Aren't they conscious of how much it hurts me?

"I don't know. It's been almost a year since we last spoke to each other.", I say as I try to swallow my food without choking on it.

"Don't you think it's great?! Taeyeon and Min are quite similar. They are both really short and dorky.", Jaejin states and I find that what he is saying is quite right. Perhaps, the reason why I find Taeyeon so strangely attractive might be because she looks similar to Min. Perhaps, my heart is trying to replace the memory of Min by a new memory with Taeyeon. But that would be a huge mistake since I already know Taeyeon is an impossible too. Even If we were to love each other, we wouldn't be able to be together. 

"Guys, it's time for rehearsal! Lets head to the stage!", the manager walks into the room and orders us. Everyone nods and starts to walk out of the room, heading towards the main stage. As soon as we get there, my eyes start to wonder around, looking for Taeyeon. After some seconds, I spot her standing next to another girl, probably one of her members. I start to walk towards them silently, planning to surprise them but failing when they see me before I reach them. As soon as I join them, the girl next to Taeyeon bows her head while Taeyeon stays silent.

"Hello! I'm Sunny from Girls Generation. You must be my brother in law, Hongki, right? Its a pleasure to meet you finally!", She sticks her hand out as she smiles brightly and I shook her hand and return the smile. So this must be one of all of my sisters in law, huh? "Anyways, I will leave both of you alone, okay? See you again, brother in law!", Sunny laughs awkwardly and leaves both of us alone. I turn to look at Taeyeon and she stiffens as she tries to avoid eye contact with me. Why is she acting like this now? I wonder if I messed up again.

"So, its kind of full in here, isn't it? Are you feeling uncomfortable with so many people around?", I ask as I scratch my back and she shooks her head in denial. The atmosphere between us feels so cold that it makes me feel guilty and apologetic all of a sudden This morning she was perfect, what could possibly have happened? What wrong did I did now? After a minute of silence, I finally decide to do something in order to break the ice. Slowly and silently, I start to move my hand to to hold hers but before our hands could touch, a familiar tune captured my attention and distracted me from what I was previously doing. 

I turn to look at the stage and I find the girl that hurted me so much in the past: Min. She looks just the way as she looked when we broke up, and this makes my heart drown in memories. And even though Im drowning, I can't look away. Why did we break up when we were perfect for each other? Again, I forget about everyone else and let myself fall into my memories.

"Yah! Wake up! It's FT Island turn to use the damn stage!", Taeyeon screams so suddenly and makes me come back to reality. I nod my head and run to the stage where the rest of my members are waiting for me to start. Was my imagination playing a prank on me or was it real? Was Min really here? Yes, she was! 

I grab the microphone and start singing to the song we have been promoting lately, as I look for Min in the crowd of Idols that are watching us as they wait for their turn to use the stage. It's a bit dark and there's too many people, but I still manage to find her after a minute or two. As if nothing had ever happened, as if we were still a couple, I smile at her with glitter in my eyes and surprisingly, she returns my smile, making my heart beat faster. But then, I feel the heavy stare of somebody and turn to look who it belongs to to find Taeyeon staring at me with a sad expression that breaks my heart. What have I been doing all of this time? Why did I forget about her? I smile at her and she gives me a faint smile. I keep my eyes on her as I sing the rest of the song and when this song finally ends, I get down the stage to run to her side.

"So how was I?", I ask her with a huge smile and she just scoffs. "Yah! Did you just scoff at me?! I bet you loved it!"

"Hmm.. I guess it wasn't that bad. Now watch as I show you how a rehearsal should be done!", she winks and start to walk towards the stage with the rest of her members. I stare at her as she shines like a star on stage. She looks so bright that I swear I could go blind by looking at her. So this is how she looks when shes doing her job. So dazzling. Once they are done, she comes running to me with her golden hair flowing behind her perfectly.

"So how was I?! You watched me didnt you?!", she asks and I smile. "You should see yourself right there! You bright the most! You did awesome! I loved it!", I say proudly and she blushes. Even if she wasn't the brightest to the rest of the people, to me, she was the brightest of them all. 


Taeyeon's Point Of View



When it's already time for us to perform, we are ready to give the audience a great show. As we head towards the principal room, which is probably filled with people by now, I can't help but to think about what that girl  talked to me about. She asked me to keep myself from falling for him, however, why do I keep hoping for  him to fall for me and for us to be together after WGM ends? I know I should stop right now if I don't want to get hurt at the end, but everytime I try to block the thoughts of him from entering my mind, he lingers more in my thoughts. Why is it so hard? Why do I feel like this?

Once we are done with our performance, we return back to our waiting room to change back into our normal clothes. Since I will be leaving with Hongki to our newlywed house and not with my members, I'll have to wait for his group to do their performance, while the rest of my members will leave. Seohyun brings me a bag filled with my clothes and I thank her for bringing me more clothes for the week. She gives me a goodbye kiss on the cheek before leaving with the rest of the members, leaving me alone in the room.

The time starts to tick by and my patience starts to decrease while my boredom increases. After some more time, I decide to go out and visit Hongki's waiting room. They are probably on stage right now, maybe I can surprise them with my visit. I stand up from my seat and exit our waiting room, heading to theirs with an excited heart, but when Im about to knock on their door, I hear a voice from the inside and retreat myself.

The door its not completely closed, but it's a bit opened and gives me the ability to look inside without them noticing it. I look through the small opening and find Hongki standing in the middle of the room with his back on me. I think of calling out his name, but stop myself just in time when I realize that he is not alone, but with somebody else. I look closely at the person who is infront of him, and my heart feels a sudden pain when I recognize who that person is. What is Min doing here? Why isn't she with her group members? And why are they alone? I know that what I'm doing is transpassing their privacy, but something is keeping me from walking away. Like if my feet were glued to the ground, I stay and listen to the rest of their conversation.

"Honestly, I was really angry when I heard that Taeyeon was chosen as your wife and not me! I was hoping to get selected for your wife on we got married! Oppa, please promise me that you wont fall for her, okay? You can promise me that, right?", She says and gives him a puppy look face but he just remains silent and frozen in the same place.

"Oppa, I know that you are busy with WGM at this moment and that for that reason you will reject me right now, but lets start over as a couple when WGM ends, okay?", She asks and starts to walk closer and closer towards Hongki, and just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, she hugs him. 

"Oppa, I still love you, you know that, right? Do you still love me?", She asks him as she holds him tightly. I pray that he answers with a No, but my hopes fall to the ground when he answers with a nod. My eyes start to get watery as I feel my heart getting torn, and that's when I realize that I did wrong on listening to them. I should'nt have listened to their conversation, I should've ran away. But now it's too late, I'm already crying. 

I turn around and start running away as I cry. Why am I acting like this now?! I don't love him, but why is my heart hurting like this right now?! What is this feeling?! As I'm running through the halls, I bump into someone.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention-!", I stand up with my sight placed on the floor to hide my teary eyes from whoever was infront, until I heard a familiar voice. "Taeyeon? What's wrong? Did something happen?", I raised my eyesight and found a worried Sunny staring at me.

"Yah! What are you doing in here, sunny?! Didnt you leave with the others?", I ask as I wipe my tears and try to act as normal as I can. "Well, I was going to do that but I felt that something bad was going to happen so I decided to stay with you and make you some company. Were you crying? Tell me what happened?", She says and grabs my hand to drag me to our waiting room.

"Now, tell me what happened?", She asks as she locks the door after we enter the privacy of our waiting room. "He-Hongki is with Min. I found them together on Hongki's waiting room. I think they are going to start over.", I say and my eyes start to get teary again. 

"Wait? What?! That , should I kill her for you?! Couldn't they have waited until the end of WGM? Don't they have atleast a little respect for you?!", Sunny starts to scream as she walks in circles. 

"Why?", I suddenly ask and she stops to look at me with the 'what' look. "Why is my heart hurting like this right now?", I ask her as another tear rolls down my cheek and she rolls  her eyes. "Because you are in love with him, dummy! Even if this marriage is fake, you guys live under the same roof, it was obvious that you would end up liking him sooner or later!", Sunny explains as she starts to wipe my tears away with a napkin.

"If what you're saying its true, then what am I going to do?! What if he doesn't love me the way I love him? What if he chooses her instead of choosing me?"

"Who says he doesn't love you! I'm sure he loves you the same way you love him! He is just confused right now! You just have to be patient!", Sunny says and before I can say anything back, theres a knock on the door. It must be hongki! I dont want him to see me like this! I give a look at sunny and she nods knowing that Hongki is in her hands for now. I grab my makeup bag and run to the dressing room, leaving Hongki in Sunny's hands.


Hongki's Point Of View


When Min leaves, I remember that Taeyeon is waiting for me, so I decide to go for her. I open the door to leave our waiting room, and find a yellow thing laying on the floor outside. I lean down to grab the thing and grab a bracelet that it probably belongs to Min. I put it inside of my pocket, making a mental note to return it to her next time we meet, and start walking towards Taeyeon's waiting room. 

I still can't believe what just happened a moment ago. Min said she wants to go back to what we were, a couple! Min said she still loves me! I cant explain with words the happiness my heart is feeling right now! Today, has been a good day without a doubt. But what about Taeyeon? I really liked her too. But now that Min wants us back together, will I forget about Taeyeon? Bleh, I wa going to forget about her anyways.

After having knocked on the door twice, Sunny opens the door. I wonder why she is still here. I thought she had left with the other girls. I let my eyes wonder around the room, searching for taeyeon, but without finding her anywhere near. "Where's Taeyeon?", I ask and she points at the dressing room. "She's changing."

After a few more seconds, Sunny offers me a seat and I seat down. Somehow, theres something about Sunny that makes me feel intimitated. Like if she was glaring at me, her eyesight feels heavy whenever its placed on me. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I wonder if Taeyeon told her something about me.

After a minute or two, Taeyeon finally comes out of the dressing room. Theres something that worries me about her appearance. Like if she had been crying, her eyes look swollen and puffy. Even the makeup cant hide the fact that she has been crying. Who made her cry?

"I think its time for me to leave. Goodbye, taeyeon! And remember, don't lose hope and be patient!", Sunny says goodbye as she kisses Taeyeon's cheek and leaves the room. Once we are alone, I turn to look at Taeyeon as she stares at the floor.

"Lose hope? Be patient? What is she talking about? Did something happen?", I ask confused. "Its nothing. I just dont feel that good but I'll be fine after a while.", she fakes a smile and I stare at her concerned.

"Should we go to the hospital?", I ask her and she shooks her head. "What can I do for you then?", I ask as I grab her hand and hold it between mines. 

"Would you do anything I asked you to do?", she asks as she stares deeply at me, making my heart race within my chest. "Of course I would. Anything for you.", I answer firmly but then I wonder why I even answered with that. Would I really do anything for taeyeon?

"Even if I asked you to abandon the love of your life, would you do it for me?", she asks with a serious expression and my eyes widen. Why would she ask something like that? Perhaps, does she know about Min and I? Is that the reason why she's acting this way? What should I say? If I say yes to this, then would that be the end of my happiness? 

"Sorry just forget about what I said. Im just not feeling like myself right now. If you want to do somethinf for me right now, then just stop questioning me, okay?", she unties her hand from mine and leaves through the door,leaving a confused me behind.












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neverendingfangirl11 116 streak #1
Chapter 10: Taeyeon and Hongki? I would've never imagine these two together before reading this one. it's nice ^^
husnafany9 #2
Chapter 10: puhleeeeeeese updateeee
Chapter 9: uhee... now i wonder if you will finish this story of your'[s co'z a lot of your stories did not finish in the end, how sad i hope this one will be finish i am a fan of your hongtae fiction.
allaibeb #4
Chapter 9: urrggghh... I hate Min >_<
Dontworrybehappy #5
Awh, how sweet! Nice job, author.
babyitsallright #6
Chapter 7: so sweet update soon!!
kira77 #7
Chapter 6: woaahh... Hwaiting author-nim.. :D
Chapter 4: better than the old version though.
adinda #9
Chapter 2: Love this version, Waiting for next update... :)
taengfist #10
Chapter 2: So good. Update soon..