Chapter 6: Grocery Shopping

We Got Married! (HongKi and TaeYeon Ver.)


Taeyeon's Point Of View


Suddenly, a loud knock echoes through the room and the place where I'm laying comfortably shakes, making me return to reality. I open my eyes slowly, and stare at the face that's infront of me, realizing how small the distance between us is. Another knock sounds, and I get off of him quickly, as I cough awkwardly.

"I'm, I'm sorry, I fell asleep without knowing it.", I say as I lower my face to hide the blush that covered my cheeks.

"No, It's okay! I was the one who told you to rest, so you don't have nothing to worry about.", He grabbed my hand and started dragging me towards the exit door, but turned off the Tv before we left the house. As soon as we were outside the house, a cameraman came to our side and started filming us. I waved to the camera, or better said, I waved to the audience, and kept walking towards the van that would be taking us to our destination. Once we were inside, the sudden awkwardness started making its way to us, but before it could fill us Hongki speaked up.

"So, how many times have you dated?", I turned to look at him, and responded to his answer, "Umm. A few times, but they weren't serious relationships, what about you?"

"That's something I rather not answer.", He said as he looked somewhere else, and I glared at him and complained, "Yah! I answered your question! You have to answer mine now!"

After a few seconds, he sighed and turned to look into my eyes, as he responded, "Honestly, there's been too many I can't remember. But none of them were the right girl."

"What if I was the right girl?", I bluntly ask, and start blushing after realizing what I had just asked. His expression suddenly changes, and he starts to scratch his neck nervously as he stutters an answer, "Umm.. I don't-I don't know.. I guess we would just live happily ever after?"

"So what do you like to do in your free time!?", He asks, planning to change the subject, and I go ahead with his plan. "To be honest, I prefer having a schedule to attend everyday. When we don't have one, I normally don't have anything to do, and having nothing to do makes me feel so empty.", I answer and feel as my heart grows heavy withing my chest. Turning into a korean idol has been the biggest decision I made, one of the best and one of the worst at the same time. Since training consumed most of my free time when I was young, I didn't actually get to hang out with my friends. At first, this fact didn't actually bother me that much, but now that I'm an idol, it kind of bugs me a little. Everytime I stay over at my parents house on a free day, I feel lonely for not being able to go out with friends, and regret not having enjoyed my younth when I had to. 

"We are already here!", The driver says, and I come back from my thoughts to find a worried looking Hongki staring at me. Ignoring him, I turn to look outside the window to find a supermarket, that also had some small stores next to it. The car parks, the door opens, and the two cameramans get off of the van. After them, we jump off of them van and start walking towards the supermarket.



Hongki's Point Of View


After having paid for everything we needed and wanted, it was already 7:35pm. Even when the program paid for most of the stuff, we spended some other money in junk food that they thought wasn't nessesary. Honestly, I was shocked when Taeyeon got two icecream boxes inside our car, but after seeing her, I also started to get other junk stuff that I felt like eating. And at the end, we ended up buying many things that were prohibited by our diet. 

We started heading out of the supermarket with a huge smile in our faces, and with the cameramans recording us from head to toes. When we were outside the supermarket, I spot a small gift store next to us, and I thought about getting a gift for taeyeon. When I suggested to visit it, she accepted right away. After leaving the shopping car with the driver, we started walking towards the little store.

As soon as we walked inside, Taeyeon eyes brightened up as she saw all the cute things in the store. I knew she was excited, and she wasn't the only one that was excited, but the cashier was too when she saw us. She stared at us in shock and excitement before running to get a sheet of paper and a pen to ask for our autographs.

"Oh my god! I can't believe what my eyes are seeing! I'm fan of both of you, can you sign this for me, please?!", she tried to hold herself but ended up screaming at us excitedly, as we started signing the white paper. "Thank you so much! Fighting oppa! Fighting unni!", she said and went back to her spot, with her eyes still glued to both of us.

We started to look around of the store, and I saw as Taeyeon surpressed herself from squealing everytime she saw something cute cross her eyes. "You can choose something, I'll get it for you!", I said and she smiled brightly and started running around the small store, looking for the perfect item. After a while, I finally heard her release a squeal.

"Kyaaaa! This is soo cute! I always wanted one of these, but I never had the time to look for one! Can you please get it for me, please, please, pleeeaseee?!",She hang herself from my arm and started acting cutely, which I couldn't help but to laugh at. "Oh my god! You are so bad at doing aegyo!", I said as I laughed out loud, and she sended me a glare.

"I'm just kidding! You are adorable! What did you said you wanted?", I asked again and she pointed at one pillow that had the figure of an animal, a black cat to be more accurate. I felt myself like teasing her for being so childish but hold it in, and smiled instead.

"Okay! Then I'm also getting one for myself so we can be matching! Which one should I get?", I asked and watched as she grabbed her pillow, and started looking at each one of them carefully. "Umm, how about this one?!", she asks as she shows me another one, but with the figure of a dog instead, and I nod and start heading to pay it.

Once we say goodbye to the cashier, we start heading back to the van. As soon as we are already seating in our seats and ready to go, I feel a pair of lips pressed against my cheek. It was a quick kiss, but it left my cheek burning. I turned to look at her surprised and she just looked at her pillow as she stuttered, "That's-that's just my way of thanking you for the pillow!"

"I'm glad you liked it!", I said and she nods slowly. After that, the atmosphere turns awkward, and we stop talking and just turn to opposite sides to look at our windows. Thankfully, the trip back only lasts 5 minutes and we arrive instantly. I grab her hand and help her off of the van, sending her to our house with our pillows as I stay to get the food bags.

After a few minutes, most of the bags are inside of the house, except for five bags that I start carrying to our house. As I walk towards our house, Taeyeon comes running outside to help me but I reject her help and keep walking forward as the van starts to drive away at my back.

"That was faster than I thought!", I say as I let go of the three bags, and stretch my arms around freely. 

"Am I the only one that thinks we did bad at filming?", I hear Taeyeon mutter lowly next to me, and turn to look at her as I respond, "Maybe, but they will also use some moments that they got from our life in here, so It's okay." 

"You really think so?", She says as she turns to look at the cameras that would be recording us for everyday, and I nod my head as I start kneeling next to the bags, pulling out the food we had bought.

"How about we start getting everything into the fridge?", I ask her and she nods and kneels next to me. After half an hour, everything is in their respective places, and we are just laying on the cold floor taking a small rest.

"Are you hungry? I'm so hungry I could eat a raw cow all by myself.", She says and I turn to look at her, who just looks deeply at the ceiling. "I'm hungry too, should we eat now?!", I suggest and she nods, loving my suggestion. I stand up and she follows me to the kitchen, where we will eat our first meal of the day, and the first meal in this house.

"So what do you want to eat?", I ask her as I open the fridge, looking at everything that was inside, before making a suggestion, "How about something fast like noodles?"

"That's a good idea! Let's just have that for today!", she says and I take out two instant ramen bags and place them inside of the microwave. After being done with eating, we stood watching Tv for some more minutes, until Taeyeon finally decided she was going to sleep, and I decided on that too.

Taeyeon entered the restroom to change after having grabbed her pajamas from the closet, and once she was done, I went inside the restroom to change into mines. When I was ready to go to bed, I headed to our room, where she was already laying comfortably on the bed, and I stood by the door.

"Remember what I told you before? I won't lay a finger on you during the night. So just think of me as your human pillow and sleep in peace, okay?", I say before turning the lights on and walking towards our bed, as the darkness filled our room. I used the walls to guide myself to the bed, since my vision was not seeing clearly because of the darkness. 

"It's Okay, I trust you.", I hear her voice close to me, and find the bed right infront of me. I start laying carefully, trying not to make any contact with her, but unluckily, my feet touches hers and I move away immediately. "Sorry! I didn't see your feet in there!", I said, feeling afraid of having caused any misunderstanding.

"It's Okay, Goodnight!", she says and turns her back at me, leaving me staring at the ceiling. Although I managed to get her trust, now the one that is having a hard time trusting me is my own self. This afternoon, when she gave me a peck on the cheek, my heart felt like if it was going to explode.  If she starts being affectionated to me, can I trust my heart and keep myself from falling?

An hour  had passed, and I still couldn't fall asleep. I just kept on turning and flipping on my half of the bed, struggling to fall asleep for god's sakes.  On the other hand, Taeyeon had kept the same position for a while now. I was almost sure she was sleeping already. I turned to give her a glance, and smirked when I saw her body breathing peacefully. Isn't it funny? She was the one who was worrying about the whole bed situation, and now the one that sleeps without a care in the world is her, while I can't fall asleep.

I turn to look at the clock and find the time marked as: 12:37am. My eyes were already feeling dry, and my head was hurting, I needed to sleep! I closed my eyes tightly and started to count backwards.  When I was in number 46, I felt a burden over my waist.  I moved my hand down slowly to touch it, and felt something soft that had toes at the ends. I sighed, It was Taeyeon's leg. I got her leg off of me but she placed it back. I tried to get it off a few more times, but she just kept on placing it back. Great! Now it will be impossible to fall asleep!

*She is probably just used to sleeping with a pillow between her legs* I thought and my words from earlier come to my mind *Just look at me as if I was your human pillow, okay?* Woah! I didn't thought she would take it literally. I sigh again and give up on the idea of getting her off of me. I close my eyes again, and just when I was about to fall asleep, I felt something that gave me goosebumps and cursed myself.

Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, It did get worse. Now, her s were pressed againts my back, and her arms were around my chest, hugging me tightly.She was so close to me that I could feel her breath on my neck. I started taking deep breaths to keep myself from getting by the sudden hotness. 

What is wrong with her? Is she doing this on purpose to or what?! I scream at myself, as I feel her s rub against my back making me shiver with every touch. I knew that I was not going to be able to control my head from dirty thoughts no matter how much I tried, so I decided to turn on my back, staring at the ceiling infront. I slowly turned to face to the roof, without waking her up. Even with half of her body ontop of me, this position was more comfortable.

Once again she was using me as a pillow..

                                                Once again I was her pillow..












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neverendingfangirl11 116 streak #1
Chapter 10: Taeyeon and Hongki? I would've never imagine these two together before reading this one. it's nice ^^
husnafany9 #2
Chapter 10: puhleeeeeeese updateeee
Chapter 9: uhee... now i wonder if you will finish this story of your'[s co'z a lot of your stories did not finish in the end, how sad i hope this one will be finish i am a fan of your hongtae fiction.
allaibeb #4
Chapter 9: urrggghh... I hate Min >_<
Dontworrybehappy #5
Awh, how sweet! Nice job, author.
babyitsallright #6
Chapter 7: so sweet update soon!!
kira77 #7
Chapter 6: woaahh... Hwaiting author-nim.. :D
Chapter 4: better than the old version though.
adinda #9
Chapter 2: Love this version, Waiting for next update... :)
taengfist #10
Chapter 2: So good. Update soon..