
A Silent Love, A Blind Love

This chapter will be told in third person. 

Hope you enjoy! ^^




Stealing a broom from a near by market, the old woman advanced towards the stranger.


When he didn't see her, the old maid snuck up from behind him clutching the broom close to her as she struck him hard on the back of the head as he came trumbling to the ground.


With the man bent over on the cement, the old woman began realizing the identity of the stranger as she gasped in horror, dropping the item in her hand.


"Y-young Master? I-is--is that you?"


Reaching out to touch his face, the old maid's hand shook uncontrollably as her finger tips met his skin. Pulling him in for a tight embrace, she began to sob.


"You're alive! Where have you been all these years? We thought you died!" she wailed as she began hitting him repeatly, endless tears falling from her eyes as she cried harder.


"Do you know how Hyori and I felt when you've been sent to America for surgery? Do you know how long Hyori has suffered? You've kept quiet all years without telling anyone anything! You selfish child!"


Standing there in silence, Jongin didn't know what to say as she continued to cry.


"I know... I'm sorry..." 




"You do plan on telling her don't you? Hyori deserves to know." They were sitting down now, conversating in a near by park. 


"I can't," Jongin answered, "I'm no longer apart of her life. Hyori doesn't need to know, it's best if she doesn't. I have no right to interfere."




"How could you even think of saying that?! Hyori gave up everything for you even her own happiness yet you still dare to even think of saying such a thing?! You're only thinking of yourself!"


Stunned by her action, she retracted her hand, leaving a red handprint on his cheek as she bowed, hanging her head low in shame."I'm so sorry! Please forgive me, Master Ki-" 


"Don't call me that!" his tone of voice frightened her as she flinched.


"It's a name I've already thrown away...her eyes widened, his voice getting softer, "There's no one left that I love... everything as already been taken from me..." 


There was a long pause before Jongin continued, "I've decided to let her go. Is she doing well?" Shocked, the maid let a out a cry of desperation. 


"No, No! That cannot be! Please don't say you're giving up on her! Hyori needs you!" the maid shook him, " Please!" she begged him, her voice slowly faltering, "Don't give up on her... she needs you... Hyori doesn't have much time left..." 


His eyes widened.



Meanwhile, Hyori was still waiting by the street corner in which her maid had left her. Wondering how long it would take for her maid to get back, Hyori wandered the streets calling her name, "Umma! Umma! Umma where are you?"  

No response. Where did she go? Has she forgotten? Continuing to search for her, Hyori had almost come in walking distance with the two conversating at park.


"Please tell me it isn't true. Tell me it's a lie!" Jongin shook her," Tell me!" The maid shook her head, "I'm sorry..." No... Jongin fell to his knees, sobbing. I can't lose her again... not after I've found her...


It was than that Jongin decided to use all the time Hyori had left on earth to confess.  But would it be enough? I can't lose you, Hyori-ah. Not again... 

Staring at the two rings in his hands, he wished he would've told her sooner.


"Jongin, dear. What is that in your hand?" The maid had noticed Jongin had been staring at an object in his hands for quite some time now. Worried, she looked over his shoulder.

Shocked, she gasped, "Oh my goodness... were you-" "Yes..." he spoke softly, "It was foolish of me to think I would have a chance..."

Jongin clutched the rings, once, then twice. "... it's hopeless now..."

"What are you-" Before she could stop him, Jongin had already thrown the rings across the park as they became lost in the sea of grass.

"What have you done?!" she cried as she ran to retreive them. Returning with both rings in her hand, she reached out to place it in Jongin's hand, "Here."

He turned away, "It doesn't matter anymore..." The old woman had just about enough of this nonsense, "IF YOU'RE NOT WILLING TO MAN UP AND TELL HER HOW YOU FEEL, SOMEONE ELSE IS GOING TO TAKE HER FROM YOU!" she shouted, knocking Jongin back to his senses, "What?"

Fed up with his behavior, she turned to leave, ignoring him.

"Hyori has already found someone else," she informed him, "he can take her away from you, and you're going to regret it! If you're going to give up on Hyori, never speak of her again!"

"Wait!" Jongin called after her, "Who he is?" She turned around, "You don't deserve to know," she coldly replied, "you will only disappoint her." 

Jongin hesitated for a moment before asking, "Is it me?" The old woman didn't response. "Wait! Tell me what I should do!" Jongin shouted after her, "please, I love her!"

She stopped,"You've already lost your chance... there's nothing more I can do. Death is just around the corner. When spring comes, she will die." 

As soon as those words left , Jongin felt the whole world crashing down on him as he fell to his knees. "Wait!" she stopped, "At least—at least let me see her one last time..." Jongin begged.

"I cannot do that. As long as you're alive, you will only keep bringing pain and anguish for Hyori." There was pain in her voice as she said these words, "I'm sorry, but I cannot allow you to see Hyori. It's best if she doesn't know you exist." 

Fists formed by his sides as Jongin rose from his knees. "I don't care," Jongin said at last, "I'm not giving up on her. Even if the whole world is against it, I'll find a way for us to be together.The old woman smiled, "That's what I wanted to hear," she said, surprising Jongin.

"But before I let you see her, there's something you must know..." Jongin leaned in closer, listening attentively to the old woman's next words as his eyes widened in horror. She already knows?

But before his question could be asked



What did the maid tell Kai? Will he still give up on Hyori? 

What does she already know? His is identity still a secret? 

Stay tuned and find out in the next chapter of: A Silent Blind Love

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Chapter 23: pls updateeeeee!!! is beautiful story!!!! The kai can speak?
YuikoCassiopeia #2
Chapter 22: She's not blind anymore? How she read the letter?
Chapter 21: Luv this story. I'm a tad confused as to what role Tao plays but I can wait. XD
Lotuspassion #4
Chapter 20: I love this it's like Romeo and juilet well a little like it
ayemwhyyyy #5
Chapter 20: Omggggg, I hope Hyori notices!
Chapter 20: update soon
chunjoe1004 #8
I love this story !
ayemwhyyyy #9
Chapter 18: Kai, come on! Be a man and say/do something already!